
243 lines
9.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import json
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpld3
import sys
from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right
from collections import defaultdict
from openpilot.tools.lib.logreader import LogReader
DEMO_ROUTE = "9f583b1d93915c31|2022-05-18--10-49-51--0"
SERVICES = ['camerad', 'modeld', 'plannerd', 'controlsd', 'pandad']
MONOTIME_KEYS = ['modelMonoTime', 'lateralPlanMonoTime']
'roadCameraState': 'camerad',
'wideRoadCameraState': 'camerad',
'modelV2': 'modeld',
'longitudinalPlan': 'plannerd',
'sendcan': 'controlsd',
'controlsState': 'controlsd'
'camerad': ['processingTime'],
'modeld': ['modelExecutionTime', 'gpuExecutionTime'],
'plannerd': ['solverExecutionTime'],
def read_logs(lr):
data = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)))
mono_to_frame = {}
frame_mismatches = []
frame_id_fails = 0
latest_sendcan_monotime = 0
for msg in lr:
if msg.which() == 'sendcan':
latest_sendcan_monotime = msg.logMonoTime
if msg.which() in MSGQ_TO_SERVICE:
service = MSGQ_TO_SERVICE[msg.which()]
msg_obj = getattr(msg, msg.which())
frame_id = -1
if hasattr(msg_obj, "frameId"):
frame_id = msg_obj.frameId
continue_outer = False
for key in MONOTIME_KEYS:
if hasattr(msg_obj, key):
if getattr(msg_obj, key) == 0:
# Filter out controlsd messages which arrive before the camera loop
continue_outer = True
elif getattr(msg_obj, key) in mono_to_frame:
frame_id = mono_to_frame[getattr(msg_obj, key)]
if continue_outer:
if frame_id == -1:
frame_id_fails += 1
mono_to_frame[msg.logMonoTime] = frame_id
data['timestamp'][frame_id][service].append((msg.which()+" published", msg.logMonoTime))
next_service = SERVICES[SERVICES.index(service)+1]
if not data['start'][frame_id][next_service]:
data['start'][frame_id][next_service] = msg.logMonoTime
data['end'][frame_id][service] = msg.logMonoTime
for duration in SERVICE_TO_DURATIONS[service]:
data['duration'][frame_id][service].append((msg.which()+"."+duration, getattr(msg_obj, duration)))
if service == SERVICES[0]:
data['timestamp'][frame_id][service].append((msg.which()+" start of frame", msg_obj.timestampSof))
if not data['start'][frame_id][service]:
data['start'][frame_id][service] = msg_obj.timestampSof
elif msg.which() == 'controlsState':
# Sendcan is published before controlsState, but the frameId is retrieved in CS
data['timestamp'][frame_id][service].append(("sendcan published", latest_sendcan_monotime))
elif msg.which() == 'modelV2':
if msg_obj.frameIdExtra != frame_id:
if frame_id_fails > 20:
print("Warning, many frameId fetch fails", frame_id_fails)
if len(frame_mismatches) > 20:
print("Warning, many frame mismatches", len(frame_mismatches))
return (data, frame_mismatches)
# This is not needed in 3.10 as a "key" parameter is added to bisect
class KeyifyList:
def __init__(self, inner, key):
self.inner = inner
self.key = key
def __len__(self):
return len(self.inner)
def __getitem__(self, k):
return self.key(self.inner[k])
def find_frame_id(time, service, start_times, end_times):
left = bisect_left(KeyifyList(list(start_times.items()),
lambda x: x[1][service] if x[1][service] else -1), time) - 1
right = bisect_right(KeyifyList(list(end_times.items()),
lambda x: x[1][service] if x[1][service] else float("inf")), time)
return left, right
def find_t0(start_times, frame_id=-1):
frame_id = frame_id if frame_id > -1 else min(start_times.keys())
m = max(start_times.keys())
while frame_id <= m:
for service in SERVICES:
if start_times[frame_id][service]:
return start_times[frame_id][service]
frame_id += 1
raise Exception('No start time has been set')
def insert_cloudlogs(lr, timestamps, start_times, end_times):
# at least one cloudlog must be made in controlsd
t0 = find_t0(start_times)
failed_inserts = 0
latest_controls_frameid = 0
for msg in lr:
if msg.which() == "logMessage":
jmsg = json.loads(msg.logMessage)
if "timestamp" in jmsg['msg']:
time = int(jmsg['msg']['timestamp']['time'])
service = jmsg['ctx']['daemon']
event = jmsg['msg']['timestamp']['event']
if time < t0:
# Filter out controlsd messages which arrive before the camera loop
if "frame_id" in jmsg['msg']['timestamp']:
timestamps[int(jmsg['msg']['timestamp']['frame_id'])][service].append((event, time))
if service == "pandad":
timestamps[latest_controls_frameid][service].append((event, time))
end_times[latest_controls_frameid][service] = time
frame_id = find_frame_id(time, service, start_times, end_times)
if frame_id:
if frame_id[0] != frame_id[1]:
event += " (warning: ambiguity)"
frame_id = frame_id[0]
if service == 'controlsd':
latest_controls_frameid = frame_id
timestamps[frame_id][service].append((event, time))
failed_inserts += 1
if latest_controls_frameid == 0:
print("Warning: failed to bind pandad logs to a frame ID. Add a timestamp cloudlog in controlsd.")
elif failed_inserts > len(timestamps):
print(f"Warning: failed to bind {failed_inserts} cloudlog timestamps to a frame ID")
def print_timestamps(timestamps, durations, start_times, relative):
t0 = find_t0(start_times)
for frame_id in timestamps.keys():
print("Frame ID:", frame_id)
if relative:
t0 = find_t0(start_times, frame_id)
for service in SERVICES:
print(" "+service)
events = timestamps[frame_id][service]
for event, time in sorted(events, key = lambda x: x[1]):
print(" "+'%-53s%-53s' %(event, str((time-t0)/1e6)))
for event, time in durations[frame_id][service]:
print(" "+'%-53s%-53s' %(event, str(time*1000)))
def graph_timestamps(timestamps, start_times, end_times, relative, offset_services=False, title=""):
# mpld3 doesn't convert properly to D3 font sizes
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})
t0 = find_t0(start_times)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlim(0, 130 if relative else 750)
ax.set_ylim(0, 17)
ax.set_xlabel('Time (milliseconds)')
colors = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'yellow', 'purple']
offsets = [[0, -5*j] for j in range(len(SERVICES))] if offset_services else None
height = 0.3 if offset_services else 0.9
assert len(colors) == len(SERVICES), 'Each service needs a color'
points = {"x": [], "y": [], "labels": []}
for i, (frame_id, services) in enumerate(timestamps.items()):
if relative:
t0 = find_t0(start_times, frame_id)
service_bars = []
for service, events in services.items():
if start_times[frame_id][service] and end_times[frame_id][service]:
start = start_times[frame_id][service]
end = end_times[frame_id][service]
for event in events:
ax.broken_barh(service_bars, (i-height/2, height), facecolors=(colors), alpha=0.5, offsets=offsets)
scatter = ax.scatter(points['x'], points['y'], marker='d', edgecolor='black')
tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointLabelTooltip(scatter, labels=points['labels'])
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip)
# Set size relative window size is not trivial: https://github.com/mpld3/mpld3/issues/65
fig.set_size_inches(18, 9)
plt.legend(handles=[mpatches.Patch(color=colors[i], label=SERVICES[i]) for i in range(len(SERVICES))])
return fig
def get_timestamps(lr):
lr = list(lr)
data, frame_mismatches = read_logs(lr)
insert_cloudlogs(lr, data['timestamp'], data['start'], data['end'])
return data, frame_mismatches
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A tool for analyzing openpilot's end-to-end latency",
formatter_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument("--relative", action="store_true", help="Make timestamps relative to the start of each frame")
parser.add_argument("--demo", action="store_true", help="Use the demo route instead of providing one")
parser.add_argument("--plot", action="store_true", help="If a plot should be generated")
parser.add_argument("--offset", action="store_true", help="Vertically offset service to better visualize overlap")
parser.add_argument("route_or_segment_name", nargs='?', help="The route to print")
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
args = parser.parse_args()
r = DEMO_ROUTE if args.demo else args.route_or_segment_name.strip()
lr = LogReader(r, sort_by_time=True)
data, _ = get_timestamps(lr)
print_timestamps(data['timestamp'], data['duration'], data['start'], args.relative)
if args.plot:
mpld3.show(graph_timestamps(data['timestamp'], data['start'], data['end'], args.relative, offset_services=args.offset, title=r))