
276 lines
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def phone(String ip, String step_label, String cmd) {
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'id_rsa', variable: 'key_file')]) {
def ssh_cmd = """
ssh -tt -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ${key_file} 'comma@${ip}' /usr/bin/bash <<'END'
set -e
export CI=1
export LOGPRINT=debug
export TEST_DIR=${env.TEST_DIR}
export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i /data/gitkey"
source ~/.bash_profile
if [ -f /TICI ]; then
source /etc/profile
if ! systemctl is-active --quiet systemd-resolved; then
echo "restarting resolved"
sudo systemctl start systemd-resolved
sleep 3
# restart aux USB
if [ -e /sys/bus/usb/drivers/hub/3-0:1.0 ]; then
echo "restarting aux usb"
echo "3-0:1.0" | sudo tee /sys/bus/usb/drivers/hub/unbind
sleep 0.5
echo "3-0:1.0" | sudo tee /sys/bus/usb/drivers/hub/bind
if [ -f /data/openpilot/launch_env.sh ]; then
source /data/openpilot/launch_env.sh
ln -snf ${env.TEST_DIR} /data/pythonpath
cd ${env.TEST_DIR} || true
exit 0
sh script: ssh_cmd, label: step_label
def phone_steps(String device_type, steps) {
lock(resource: "", label: device_type, inversePrecedence: true, variable: 'device_ip', quantity: 1) {
timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') {
phone(device_ip, "git checkout", readFile("selfdrive/test/setup_device_ci.sh"),)
steps.each { item ->
phone(device_ip, item[0], item[1])
pipeline {
agent none
environment {
CI = "1"
TEST_DIR = "/data/openpilot"
SOURCE_DIR = "/data/openpilot_source/"
AZURE_TOKEN = credentials('azure_token')
MAPBOX_TOKEN = credentials('mapbox_token')
options {
timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS')
disableConcurrentBuilds(abortPrevious: env.BRANCH_NAME != 'master')
stages {
stage('build release3-staging') {
agent { docker { image 'ghcr.io/commaai/alpine-ssh'; args '--user=root' } }
when {
branch 'devel-staging'
steps {
phone_steps("tici-needs-can", [
["build release3-staging & dashcam3-staging", "RELEASE_BRANCH=release3-staging DASHCAM_BRANCH=dashcam3-staging $SOURCE_DIR/release/build_release.sh"],
stage('build nightly') {
agent { docker { image 'ghcr.io/commaai/alpine-ssh'; args '--user=root' } }
when {
branch 'master-ci'
steps {
phone_steps("tici-needs-can", [
["build nightly", "RELEASE_BRANCH=nightly $SOURCE_DIR/release/build_release.sh"],
stage('openpilot tests') {
when {
not {
anyOf {
branch 'master-ci'; branch 'devel'; branch 'devel-staging';
branch 'release3'; branch 'release3-staging'; branch 'dashcam3'; branch 'dashcam3-staging';
branch 'testing-closet*'; branch 'hotfix-*'
parallel {
stage('simulator') {
agent {
dockerfile {
filename 'Dockerfile.sim_nvidia'
dir 'tools/sim'
args '--user=root'
steps {
sh "git config --global --add safe.directory '*'"
sh "git submodule update --init --recursive"
sh "git lfs pull"
lock(resource: "", label: "simulator", inversePrecedence: true, quantity: 1) {
sh "${WORKSPACE}/tools/sim/build_container.sh"
sh "DETACH=1 ${WORKSPACE}/tools/sim/start_carla.sh"
sh "${WORKSPACE}/tools/sim/start_openpilot_docker.sh"
post {
always {
sh "docker kill carla_sim || true"
sh "rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/* || true"
sh "rm -rf .* || true"
test_models: run on route list (#26226) * move to openpilot * draft * support internal urls * not used * update seg list * regen segment list * regen seg list * regen * regen * regen * no dirty segments * regen seg list with no fuzzy or fixed fp * regen segments with hda2 exception * regen with added filters * regen without bad dongle * regen * regenerate! * regenerate, only OP enabled * regen * regenerate! * regenerate! * stash * use SegmentName * new route list * add temp comment * remove comment * let's see if this works * comment out other tests to speed up * fix agent * ? * hmm * oh whoops... * add matrix * fix * how many levels do we need? * fix values * matrix can't be in parallel * how about this * try this * Revert matrix Revert "try this" This reverts commit 8d0d91fd70c467c1fbb4e4e9aed511d15b2a30ef. Revert "how about this" This reverts commit a8e4fc53234824e77cbfb1e471277bc033e9dea1. Revert "matrix can't be in parallel" This reverts commit daaa6fcc3c75c74cbb90e97c565099a94123994c. Revert "fix values" This reverts commit df554b6a3371d124a574eb8d26bc51ef5b5b8fde. Revert "how many levels do we need?" This reverts commit 1a17320fa1c5e7220ef60e29981bbb3bb7da16c6. Revert "fix" This reverts commit e7eb6e404358fbd2eac3fea1901a8d30ea92d729. Revert "add matrix" This reverts commit a1b57e5725417d3c2f639f8edfc0c889b84b6753. * use pytest instead! (5 jobs is ~150 mins) * split lines, uncomment * This Sienna seg has a fault SDSU that stopped forwarding/sending msgs * picked a route with no PSCMStatus and no panda errors, recent routes are working * this cadillac was dashcammed (no radar) * opened an issue for this, it's 'expected' right now * small clean up * small clean up * i don't think that worked * is this needed? * add to new PC tests * cache * draft * Revert "draft" This reverts commit 3b7f740dd4883118747300bc3687074c2d3c2116. * probably should be function * draft * clean up * add todo * 600 random segments * debug * does this fix pythonpath issues? fix * try this * mount? * pytest again! * no need for PYTHONPATH now * Update Jenkinsfile * ? * convention * clean up * would be even more complex (have to unset ci which is class level) * track * is lfs pulled at all? * ah no it's not old-commit-hash: 70b1e9dd756cd2f6929cdf33dd1061a33f3b52b1
2023-08-10 15:45:23 +08:00
stage('PC tests') {
agent {
dockerfile {
filename 'Dockerfile.openpilot_base'
test_models: run on route list (#26226) * move to openpilot * draft * support internal urls * not used * update seg list * regen segment list * regen seg list * regen * regen * regen * no dirty segments * regen seg list with no fuzzy or fixed fp * regen segments with hda2 exception * regen with added filters * regen without bad dongle * regen * regenerate! * regenerate, only OP enabled * regen * regenerate! * regenerate! * stash * use SegmentName * new route list * add temp comment * remove comment * let's see if this works * comment out other tests to speed up * fix agent * ? * hmm * oh whoops... * add matrix * fix * how many levels do we need? * fix values * matrix can't be in parallel * how about this * try this * Revert matrix Revert "try this" This reverts commit 8d0d91fd70c467c1fbb4e4e9aed511d15b2a30ef. Revert "how about this" This reverts commit a8e4fc53234824e77cbfb1e471277bc033e9dea1. Revert "matrix can't be in parallel" This reverts commit daaa6fcc3c75c74cbb90e97c565099a94123994c. Revert "fix values" This reverts commit df554b6a3371d124a574eb8d26bc51ef5b5b8fde. Revert "how many levels do we need?" This reverts commit 1a17320fa1c5e7220ef60e29981bbb3bb7da16c6. Revert "fix" This reverts commit e7eb6e404358fbd2eac3fea1901a8d30ea92d729. Revert "add matrix" This reverts commit a1b57e5725417d3c2f639f8edfc0c889b84b6753. * use pytest instead! (5 jobs is ~150 mins) * split lines, uncomment * This Sienna seg has a fault SDSU that stopped forwarding/sending msgs * picked a route with no PSCMStatus and no panda errors, recent routes are working * this cadillac was dashcammed (no radar) * opened an issue for this, it's 'expected' right now * small clean up * small clean up * i don't think that worked * is this needed? * add to new PC tests * cache * draft * Revert "draft" This reverts commit 3b7f740dd4883118747300bc3687074c2d3c2116. * probably should be function * draft * clean up * add todo * 600 random segments * debug * does this fix pythonpath issues? fix * try this * mount? * pytest again! * no need for PYTHONPATH now * Update Jenkinsfile * ? * convention * clean up * would be even more complex (have to unset ci which is class level) * track * is lfs pulled at all? * ah no it's not old-commit-hash: 70b1e9dd756cd2f6929cdf33dd1061a33f3b52b1
2023-08-10 15:45:23 +08:00
args '--user=root -v /tmp/comma_download_cache:/tmp/comma_download_cache'
steps {
sh "git config --global --add safe.directory '*'"
sh "git submodule update --init --depth=1 --recursive"
test_models: run on route list (#26226) * move to openpilot * draft * support internal urls * not used * update seg list * regen segment list * regen seg list * regen * regen * regen * no dirty segments * regen seg list with no fuzzy or fixed fp * regen segments with hda2 exception * regen with added filters * regen without bad dongle * regen * regenerate! * regenerate, only OP enabled * regen * regenerate! * regenerate! * stash * use SegmentName * new route list * add temp comment * remove comment * let's see if this works * comment out other tests to speed up * fix agent * ? * hmm * oh whoops... * add matrix * fix * how many levels do we need? * fix values * matrix can't be in parallel * how about this * try this * Revert matrix Revert "try this" This reverts commit 8d0d91fd70c467c1fbb4e4e9aed511d15b2a30ef. Revert "how about this" This reverts commit a8e4fc53234824e77cbfb1e471277bc033e9dea1. Revert "matrix can't be in parallel" This reverts commit daaa6fcc3c75c74cbb90e97c565099a94123994c. Revert "fix values" This reverts commit df554b6a3371d124a574eb8d26bc51ef5b5b8fde. Revert "how many levels do we need?" This reverts commit 1a17320fa1c5e7220ef60e29981bbb3bb7da16c6. Revert "fix" This reverts commit e7eb6e404358fbd2eac3fea1901a8d30ea92d729. Revert "add matrix" This reverts commit a1b57e5725417d3c2f639f8edfc0c889b84b6753. * use pytest instead! (5 jobs is ~150 mins) * split lines, uncomment * This Sienna seg has a fault SDSU that stopped forwarding/sending msgs * picked a route with no PSCMStatus and no panda errors, recent routes are working * this cadillac was dashcammed (no radar) * opened an issue for this, it's 'expected' right now * small clean up * small clean up * i don't think that worked * is this needed? * add to new PC tests * cache * draft * Revert "draft" This reverts commit 3b7f740dd4883118747300bc3687074c2d3c2116. * probably should be function * draft * clean up * add todo * 600 random segments * debug * does this fix pythonpath issues? fix * try this * mount? * pytest again! * no need for PYTHONPATH now * Update Jenkinsfile * ? * convention * clean up * would be even more complex (have to unset ci which is class level) * track * is lfs pulled at all? * ah no it's not old-commit-hash: 70b1e9dd756cd2f6929cdf33dd1061a33f3b52b1
2023-08-10 15:45:23 +08:00
sh "git lfs pull"
sh "scons --clean && scons --no-cache -j42"
sh "scons --clean && scons --no-cache --random -j42"
test_models: run on route list (#26226) * move to openpilot * draft * support internal urls * not used * update seg list * regen segment list * regen seg list * regen * regen * regen * no dirty segments * regen seg list with no fuzzy or fixed fp * regen segments with hda2 exception * regen with added filters * regen without bad dongle * regen * regenerate! * regenerate, only OP enabled * regen * regenerate! * regenerate! * stash * use SegmentName * new route list * add temp comment * remove comment * let's see if this works * comment out other tests to speed up * fix agent * ? * hmm * oh whoops... * add matrix * fix * how many levels do we need? * fix values * matrix can't be in parallel * how about this * try this * Revert matrix Revert "try this" This reverts commit 8d0d91fd70c467c1fbb4e4e9aed511d15b2a30ef. Revert "how about this" This reverts commit a8e4fc53234824e77cbfb1e471277bc033e9dea1. Revert "matrix can't be in parallel" This reverts commit daaa6fcc3c75c74cbb90e97c565099a94123994c. Revert "fix values" This reverts commit df554b6a3371d124a574eb8d26bc51ef5b5b8fde. Revert "how many levels do we need?" This reverts commit 1a17320fa1c5e7220ef60e29981bbb3bb7da16c6. Revert "fix" This reverts commit e7eb6e404358fbd2eac3fea1901a8d30ea92d729. Revert "add matrix" This reverts commit a1b57e5725417d3c2f639f8edfc0c889b84b6753. * use pytest instead! (5 jobs is ~150 mins) * split lines, uncomment * This Sienna seg has a fault SDSU that stopped forwarding/sending msgs * picked a route with no PSCMStatus and no panda errors, recent routes are working * this cadillac was dashcammed (no radar) * opened an issue for this, it's 'expected' right now * small clean up * small clean up * i don't think that worked * is this needed? * add to new PC tests * cache * draft * Revert "draft" This reverts commit 3b7f740dd4883118747300bc3687074c2d3c2116. * probably should be function * draft * clean up * add todo * 600 random segments * debug * does this fix pythonpath issues? fix * try this * mount? * pytest again! * no need for PYTHONPATH now * Update Jenkinsfile * ? * convention * clean up * would be even more complex (have to unset ci which is class level) * track * is lfs pulled at all? * ah no it's not old-commit-hash: 70b1e9dd756cd2f6929cdf33dd1061a33f3b52b1
2023-08-10 15:45:23 +08:00
sh "INTERNAL_SEG_LIST=selfdrive/car/tests/test_models_segs.txt FILEREADER_CACHE=1 pytest -n42 --dist=loadscope selfdrive/car/tests/test_models.py"
post {
always {
sh "rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/* || true"
sh "rm -rf .* || true"
stage('tizi-tests') {
agent { docker { image 'ghcr.io/commaai/alpine-ssh'; args '--user=root' } }
steps {
phone_steps("tizi", [
["build openpilot", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./build.py"],
["test boardd loopback", "SINGLE_PANDA=1 pytest selfdrive/boardd/tests/test_boardd_loopback.py"],
["test pandad", "pytest selfdrive/boardd/tests/test_pandad.py"],
["test sensord", "cd system/sensord/tests && pytest test_sensord.py"],
["test camerad", "pytest system/camerad/test/test_camerad.py"],
["test exposure", "pytest system/camerad/test/test_exposure.py"],
["test amp", "pytest system/hardware/tici/tests/test_amplifier.py"],
["test hw", "pytest system/hardware/tici/tests/test_hardware.py"],
["test rawgpsd", "pytest system/sensord/rawgps/test_rawgps.py"],
stage('build') {
agent { docker { image 'ghcr.io/commaai/alpine-ssh'; args '--user=root' } }
environment {
R3_PUSH = "${env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ? '1' : ' '}"
steps {
phone_steps("tici-needs-can", [
["build master-ci", "cd $SOURCE_DIR/release && TARGET_DIR=$TEST_DIR ./build_devel.sh"],
["build openpilot", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./build.py"],
["check dirty", "release/check-dirty.sh"],
["onroad tests", "cd selfdrive/test/ && ./test_onroad.py"],
["time to onroad", "cd selfdrive/test/ && pytest test_time_to_onroad.py"],
stage('loopback-tests') {
agent { docker { image 'ghcr.io/commaai/alpine-ssh'; args '--user=root' } }
steps {
phone_steps("tici-loopback", [
["build openpilot", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./build.py"],
["test boardd loopback", "pytest selfdrive/boardd/tests/test_boardd_loopback.py"],
stage('HW + Unit Tests') {
agent { docker { image 'ghcr.io/commaai/alpine-ssh'; args '--user=root' } }
steps {
phone_steps("tici-common", [
["build", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./build.py"],
["test pandad", "pytest selfdrive/boardd/tests/test_pandad.py"],
["test power draw", "pytest system/hardware/tici/tests/test_power_draw.py"],
["test loggerd", "pytest system/loggerd/tests/test_loggerd.py"],
["test encoder", "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib pytest system/loggerd/tests/test_encoder.py"],
["test pigeond", "pytest system/sensord/tests/test_pigeond.py"],
["test manager", "pytest selfdrive/manager/test/test_manager.py"],
["test nav", "pytest selfdrive/navd/tests/"],
stage('camerad') {
agent { docker { image 'ghcr.io/commaai/alpine-ssh'; args '--user=root' } }
steps {
phone_steps("tici-ar0231", [
["build", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./build.py"],
["test camerad", "pytest system/camerad/test/test_camerad.py"],
["test exposure", "pytest system/camerad/test/test_exposure.py"],
phone_steps("tici-ox03c10", [
["build", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./build.py"],
["test camerad", "pytest system/camerad/test/test_camerad.py"],
["test exposure", "pytest system/camerad/test/test_exposure.py"],
stage('sensord') {
agent { docker { image 'ghcr.io/commaai/alpine-ssh'; args '--user=root' } }
steps {
phone_steps("tici-lsmc", [
["build", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./build.py"],
["test sensord", "cd system/sensord/tests && pytest test_sensord.py"],
phone_steps("tici-bmx-lsm", [
["build", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./build.py"],
["test sensord", "cd system/sensord/tests && pytest test_sensord.py"],
stage('replay') {
agent { docker { image 'ghcr.io/commaai/alpine-ssh'; args '--user=root' } }
steps {
phone_steps("tici-replay", [
["build", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./build.py"],
["model replay", "cd selfdrive/test/process_replay && ./model_replay.py"],