Adeeb Shihadeh 31036771ee rerun: link to upstream issues 2024-07-24 12:11:20 -07:00


Rerun is a tool to quickly visualize time series data. It supports all openpilot logs , both the logMessages and video logs.

Instructions for navigation within the Rerun Viewer.


usage: [-h] [--demo] [--qcam] [--fcam] [--ecam] [--dcam] [--print_services] [--services [SERVICES ...]] [route_or_segment_name]

A helper to run rerun on openpilot routes

  -h, --help                  show this help message and exit
  --demo                      Use the demo route instead of providing one (default: False)
  --qcam                      Log decimated driving camera (default: False)
  --fcam                      Log driving camera (default: False)
  --ecam                      Log wide camera (default: False)
  --dcam                      Log driver monitoring camera (default: False)
  --print_services            List out openpilot services (default: False)
  --services [SERVICES ...]   Specify openpilot services that will be logged. No service will be logged if not specified.
                              To log all services include 'all' as one of your services (default: [])
  --route [ROUTE]             The route or segment name to plot (default: None)

Examples using route name to observe accelerometer and qcamera:

./ --services accelerometer --qcam --route "a2a0ccea32023010/2023-07-27--13-01-19"

Examples using segment range (more on SegmentRange):

./ --qcam --route "a2a0ccea32023010/2023-07-27--13-01-19/2:4"


  • You can specify --services all to visualize all logMessage, but it will draw a lot of memory usage and take a long time to log all messages. Rerun isn't ready for logging big number of data.

  • Logging hevc videos (--fcam, --ecam, and --dcam) are expensive, and it's recommended to use --qcam for optimized performance. If possible, limiting your route to a few segments using SegmentRange will speed up logging and reduce memory usage

This example draws 13GB of memory:

./ --services accelerometer --qcam --route "a2a0ccea32023010/2023-07-27--13-01-19"

Openpilot services

To list all openpilot services:

./ --print_services

Examples including openpilot services:

./ --services accelerometer cameraodometry --route "a2a0ccea32023010/2023-07-27--13-01-19/0/q"

Examples including all services:

./ --services all --route "a2a0ccea32023010/2023-07-27--13-01-19/0/q"


./ --services accelerometer carcontrol caroutput --qcam --demo