mirror of https://github.com/commaai/panda.git
446 lines
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446 lines
13 KiB
import binascii
import ctypes
import os
import fcntl
import math
import time
import struct
import threading
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import reduce
from collections.abc import Callable
from .base import BaseHandle, BaseSTBootloaderHandle, TIMEOUT
from .constants import McuType, MCU_TYPE_BY_IDCODE, USBPACKET_MAX_SIZE
from .utils import logger
import spidev
except ImportError:
spidev = None
# Constants
SYNC = 0x5A
HACK = 0x79
DACK = 0x85
NACK = 0x1F
XFER_SIZE = 0x40*31
DEV_PATH = "/dev/spidev0.0"
def crc8(data):
crc = 0xFF # standard init value
poly = 0xD5 # standard crc8: x8+x7+x6+x4+x2+1
size = len(data)
for i in range(size - 1, -1, -1):
crc ^= data[i]
for _ in range(8):
if ((crc & 0x80) != 0):
crc = ((crc << 1) ^ poly) & 0xFF
crc <<= 1
return crc
class PandaSpiException(Exception):
class PandaProtocolMismatch(PandaSpiException):
class PandaSpiUnavailable(PandaSpiException):
class PandaSpiNackResponse(PandaSpiException):
class PandaSpiMissingAck(PandaSpiException):
class PandaSpiBadChecksum(PandaSpiException):
class PandaSpiTransferFailed(PandaSpiException):
class PandaSpiTransfer(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('rx_buf', ctypes.c_uint64),
('tx_buf', ctypes.c_uint64),
('tx_length', ctypes.c_uint32),
('rx_length_max', ctypes.c_uint32),
('timeout', ctypes.c_uint32),
('endpoint', ctypes.c_uint8),
('expect_disconnect', ctypes.c_uint8),
SPI_LOCK = threading.Lock()
class SpiDevice:
Provides locked, thread-safe access to a panda's SPI interface.
# 50MHz is the max of the 845. older rev comma three
# may not support the full 50MHz
MAX_SPEED = 50000000
def __init__(self, speed=MAX_SPEED):
assert speed <= self.MAX_SPEED
if not os.path.exists(DEV_PATH):
raise PandaSpiUnavailable(f"SPI device not found: {DEV_PATH}")
if spidev is None:
raise PandaSpiUnavailable("spidev is not installed")
with SPI_LOCK:
if speed not in SPI_DEVICES:
SPI_DEVICES[speed] = spidev.SpiDev() # pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member
SPI_DEVICES[speed].open(0, 0)
SPI_DEVICES[speed].max_speed_hz = speed
self._spidev = SPI_DEVICES[speed]
def acquire(self):
fcntl.flock(self._spidev, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
yield self._spidev
fcntl.flock(self._spidev, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
def close(self):
class PandaSpiHandle(BaseHandle):
A class that mimics a libusb1 handle for panda SPI communications.
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.dev = SpiDevice()
self._transfer_raw: Callable[[SpiDevice, int, bytes, int, int, bool], bytes] = self._transfer_spidev
if "KERN" in os.environ:
self._transfer_raw = self._transfer_kernel_driver
self.tx_buf = bytearray(1024)
self.rx_buf = bytearray(1024)
tx_buf_raw = ctypes.c_char.from_buffer(self.tx_buf)
rx_buf_raw = ctypes.c_char.from_buffer(self.rx_buf)
self.ioctl_data = PandaSpiTransfer()
self.ioctl_data.tx_buf = ctypes.addressof(tx_buf_raw)
self.ioctl_data.rx_buf = ctypes.addressof(rx_buf_raw)
self.fileno = self.dev._spidev.fileno()
# helpers
def _calc_checksum(self, data: bytes) -> int:
for b in data:
cksum ^= b
return cksum
def _wait_for_ack(self, spi, ack_val: int, timeout: int, tx: int, length: int = 1) -> bytes:
timeout_s = max(MIN_ACK_TIMEOUT_MS, timeout) * 1e-3
start = time.monotonic()
while (timeout == 0) or ((time.monotonic() - start) < timeout_s):
dat = spi.xfer2([tx, ] * length)
if dat[0] == NACK:
raise PandaSpiNackResponse
elif dat[0] == ack_val:
return bytes(dat)
raise PandaSpiMissingAck
def _transfer_spidev(self, spi, endpoint: int, data, timeout: int, max_rx_len: int = 1000, expect_disconnect: bool = False) -> bytes:
max_rx_len = max(USBPACKET_MAX_SIZE, max_rx_len)
logger.debug("- send header")
packet = struct.pack("<BBHH", SYNC, endpoint, len(data), max_rx_len)
packet += bytes([self._calc_checksum(packet), ])
logger.debug("- waiting for header ACK")
self._wait_for_ack(spi, HACK, MIN_ACK_TIMEOUT_MS, 0x11)
logger.debug("- sending data")
packet = bytes([*data, self._calc_checksum(data)])
if expect_disconnect:
logger.debug("- expecting disconnect, returning")
return b""
logger.debug("- waiting for data ACK")
preread_len = USBPACKET_MAX_SIZE + 1 # read enough for a controlRead
dat = self._wait_for_ack(spi, DACK, timeout, 0x13, length=3 + preread_len)
# get response length, then response
response_len = struct.unpack("<H", dat[1:3])[0]
if response_len > max_rx_len:
raise PandaSpiException(f"response length greater than max ({max_rx_len} {response_len})")
# read rest
remaining = (response_len + 1) - preread_len
if remaining > 0:
dat += bytes(spi.readbytes(remaining))
dat = dat[:3 + response_len + 1]
if self._calc_checksum(dat) != 0:
raise PandaSpiBadChecksum
return dat[3:-1]
def _transfer_kernel_driver(self, spi, endpoint: int, data, timeout: int, max_rx_len: int = 1000, expect_disconnect: bool = False) -> bytes:
import spidev2
self.tx_buf[:len(data)] = data
self.ioctl_data.endpoint = endpoint
self.ioctl_data.tx_length = len(data)
self.ioctl_data.rx_length_max = max_rx_len
self.ioctl_data.expect_disconnect = int(expect_disconnect)
# TODO: use our own ioctl request
ret = fcntl.ioctl(self.fileno, spidev2.SPI_IOC_RD_LSB_FIRST, self.ioctl_data)
except OSError as e:
raise PandaSpiException from e
if ret < 0:
raise PandaSpiException(f"ioctl returned {ret}")
return bytes(self.rx_buf[:ret])
def _transfer(self, endpoint: int, data, timeout: int, max_rx_len: int = 1000, expect_disconnect: bool = False) -> bytes:
logger.debug("starting transfer: endpoint=%d, max_rx_len=%d", endpoint, max_rx_len)
n = 0
start_time = time.monotonic()
exc = PandaSpiException()
while (timeout == 0) or (time.monotonic() - start_time) < timeout*1e-3:
n += 1
logger.debug("\ntry #%d", n)
with self.dev.acquire() as spi:
return self._transfer_raw(spi, endpoint, data, timeout, max_rx_len, expect_disconnect)
except PandaSpiException as e:
exc = e
logger.debug("SPI transfer failed, retrying", exc_info=True)
raise exc
def get_protocol_version(self) -> bytes:
vers_str = b"VERSION"
def _get_version(spi) -> bytes:
logger.debug("- waiting for echo")
start = time.monotonic()
while True:
version_bytes = spi.readbytes(len(vers_str) + 2)
if bytes(version_bytes).startswith(vers_str):
if (time.monotonic() - start) > 0.001:
raise PandaSpiMissingAck
rlen = struct.unpack("<H", bytes(version_bytes[-2:]))[0]
if rlen > 1000:
raise PandaSpiException("response length greater than max")
# get response
dat = spi.readbytes(rlen + 1)
resp = dat[:-1]
calculated_crc = crc8(bytes(version_bytes + resp))
if calculated_crc != dat[-1]:
raise PandaSpiBadChecksum
return bytes(resp)
exc = PandaSpiException()
with self.dev.acquire() as spi:
for _ in range(10):
return _get_version(spi)
except PandaSpiException as e:
exc = e
logger.debug("SPI get protocol version failed, retrying", exc_info=True)
raise exc
# libusb1 functions
def close(self):
def controlWrite(self, request_type: int, request: int, value: int, index: int, data, timeout: int = TIMEOUT, expect_disconnect: bool = False):
return self._transfer(0, struct.pack("<BHHH", request, value, index, 0), timeout, expect_disconnect=expect_disconnect)
def controlRead(self, request_type: int, request: int, value: int, index: int, length: int, timeout: int = TIMEOUT):
return self._transfer(0, struct.pack("<BHHH", request, value, index, length), timeout, max_rx_len=length)
def bulkWrite(self, endpoint: int, data: bytes, timeout: int = TIMEOUT) -> int:
for x in range(math.ceil(len(data) / XFER_SIZE)):
self._transfer(endpoint, data[XFER_SIZE*x:XFER_SIZE*(x+1)], timeout)
return len(data)
def bulkRead(self, endpoint: int, length: int, timeout: int = TIMEOUT) -> bytes:
ret = b""
for _ in range(math.ceil(length / XFER_SIZE)):
d = self._transfer(endpoint, [], timeout, max_rx_len=XFER_SIZE)
ret += d
if len(d) < XFER_SIZE:
return ret
class STBootloaderSPIHandle(BaseSTBootloaderHandle):
Implementation of the STM32 SPI bootloader protocol described in:
SYNC = 0x5A
ACK = 0x79
NACK = 0x1F
def __init__(self):
self.dev = SpiDevice(speed=1000000)
# say hello
with self.dev.acquire() as spi:
spi.xfer([self.SYNC, ])
self._get_ack(spi, 0.1)
except (PandaSpiNackResponse, PandaSpiMissingAck):
# NACK ok here, will only ACK the first time
self._mcu_type = MCU_TYPE_BY_IDCODE[self.get_chip_id()]
except PandaSpiException:
raise PandaSpiException("failed to connect to panda") from None
def _get_ack(self, spi, timeout=1.0):
data = 0x00
start_time = time.monotonic()
while data not in (self.ACK, self.NACK) and (time.monotonic() - start_time < timeout):
data = spi.xfer([0x00, ])[0]
spi.xfer([self.ACK, ])
if data == self.NACK:
raise PandaSpiNackResponse
elif data != self.ACK:
raise PandaSpiMissingAck
def _cmd_no_retry(self, cmd: int, data: list[bytes] | None = None, read_bytes: int = 0, predata=None) -> bytes:
ret = b""
with self.dev.acquire() as spi:
# sync + command
spi.xfer([self.SYNC, ])
spi.xfer([cmd, cmd ^ 0xFF])
self._get_ack(spi, timeout=0.01)
# "predata" - for commands that send the first data without a checksum
if predata is not None:
# send data
if data is not None:
for d in data:
if predata is not None:
spi.xfer(d + self._checksum(predata + d))
spi.xfer(d + self._checksum(d))
self._get_ack(spi, timeout=20)
# receive
if read_bytes > 0:
ret = spi.xfer([0x00, ]*(read_bytes + 1))[1:]
if data is None or len(data) == 0:
return bytes(ret)
def _cmd(self, cmd: int, data: list[bytes] | None = None, read_bytes: int = 0, predata=None) -> bytes:
exc = PandaSpiException()
for n in range(MAX_XFER_RETRY_COUNT):
return self._cmd_no_retry(cmd, data, read_bytes, predata)
except PandaSpiException as e:
exc = e
logger.debug("SPI transfer failed, %d retries left", MAX_XFER_RETRY_COUNT - n - 1, exc_info=True)
raise exc
def _checksum(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:
if len(data) == 1:
ret = data[0] ^ 0xFF
ret = reduce(lambda a, b: a ^ b, data)
return bytes([ret, ])
# *** Bootloader commands ***
def read(self, address: int, length: int):
data = [struct.pack('>I', address), struct.pack('B', length - 1)]
return self._cmd(0x11, data=data, read_bytes=length)
def get_bootloader_id(self):
return self.read(0x1FF1E7FE, 1)
def get_chip_id(self) -> int:
r = self._cmd(0x02, read_bytes=3)
if r[0] != 1: # response length - 1
raise PandaSpiException("incorrect response length")
return ((r[1] << 8) + r[2])
def go_cmd(self, address: int) -> None:
self._cmd(0x21, data=[struct.pack('>I', address), ])
# *** helpers ***
def get_uid(self):
dat = self.read(McuType.H7.config.uid_address, 12)
return binascii.hexlify(dat).decode()
def erase_sector(self, sector: int):
p = struct.pack('>H', 0) # number of sectors to erase
d = struct.pack('>H', sector)
self._cmd(0x44, data=[d, ], predata=p)
# *** PandaDFU API ***
def get_mcu_type(self):
return self._mcu_type
def clear_status(self):
def close(self):
def program(self, address, dat):
bs = 256 # max block size for writing to flash over SPI
dat += b"\xFF" * ((bs - len(dat)) % bs)
for i in range(len(dat) // bs):
block = dat[i * bs:(i + 1) * bs]
self._cmd(0x31, data=[
struct.pack('>I', address + i*bs),
bytes([len(block) - 1]) + block,
def jump(self, address):