2017-04-07 09:11:36 +08:00
# python library to interface with panda
import struct
2017-04-29 07:56:40 +08:00
import hashlib
2017-04-18 16:12:04 +08:00
import socket
2017-04-07 09:11:36 +08:00
import usb1
from usb1 import USBErrorIO, USBErrorOverflow
2017-04-18 22:34:56 +08:00
from hexdump import hexdump
2017-04-18 16:12:04 +08:00
# stupid tunneling of USB over wifi and SPI
class WifiHandle(object):
def __init__(self, ip="", port=1337):
self.sock = socket.create_connection((ip, port))
def __recv(self):
ret = self.sock.recv(0x44)
2017-04-18 22:34:56 +08:00
length = struct.unpack("I", ret[0:4])[0]
return ret[4:4+length]
2017-04-18 16:12:04 +08:00
def controlWrite(self, request_type, request, value, index, data, timeout=0):
2017-04-18 22:34:56 +08:00
# ignore data in reply, panda doesn't use it
return self.controlRead(request_type, request, value, index, 0, timeout)
2017-04-18 16:12:04 +08:00
def controlRead(self, request_type, request, value, index, length, timeout=0):
2017-04-18 22:34:56 +08:00
self.sock.send(struct.pack("HHBBHHH", 0, 0, request_type, request, value, index, length))
2017-04-18 16:12:04 +08:00
return self.__recv()
def bulkWrite(self, endpoint, data, timeout=0):
assert len(data) <= 0x10
2017-04-18 22:34:56 +08:00
self.sock.send(struct.pack("HH", endpoint, len(data))+data)
2017-04-18 16:12:04 +08:00
self.__recv() # to /dev/null
def bulkRead(self, endpoint, length, timeout=0):
2017-04-18 22:34:56 +08:00
self.sock.send(struct.pack("HH", endpoint, 0))
2017-04-18 16:12:04 +08:00
return self.__recv()
2017-04-29 08:54:23 +08:00
def close(self):
2017-04-07 09:11:36 +08:00
class Panda(object):
def __init__(self, serial=None, claim=True):
2017-04-18 16:12:04 +08:00
if serial == "WIFI":
self.handle = WifiHandle()
2017-04-18 22:34:56 +08:00
print "opening WIFI device"
2017-04-18 16:12:04 +08:00
context = usb1.USBContext()
self.handle = None
for device in context.getDeviceList(skip_on_error=True):
if device.getVendorID() == 0xbbaa and device.getProductID() == 0xddcc:
if serial is None or device.getSerialNumber() == serial:
print "opening device", device.getSerialNumber()
self.handle = device.open()
if claim:
2017-04-07 09:11:36 +08:00
assert self.handle != None
2017-04-29 08:54:23 +08:00
def close(self):
2017-04-07 09:11:36 +08:00
def list():
context = usb1.USBContext()
ret = []
for device in context.getDeviceList(skip_on_error=True):
if device.getVendorID() == 0xbbaa and device.getProductID() == 0xddcc:
2017-04-18 16:12:04 +08:00
# TODO: detect if this is real
#ret += ["WIFI"]
2017-04-07 09:11:36 +08:00
return ret
# ******************* health *******************
def health(self):
2017-04-18 22:34:56 +08:00
dat = self.handle.controlRead(usb1.TYPE_VENDOR | usb1.RECIPIENT_DEVICE, 0xd2, 0, 0, 13)
2017-04-07 09:11:36 +08:00
a = struct.unpack("IIBBBBB", dat)
return {"voltage": a[0], "current": a[1],
"started": a[2], "controls_allowed": a[3],
"gas_interceptor_detected": a[4],
"started_signal_detected": a[5],
"started_alt": a[6]}
2017-04-29 07:56:40 +08:00
# ******************* control *******************
def enter_bootloader(self):
self.handle.controlWrite(usb1.TYPE_VENDOR | usb1.RECIPIENT_DEVICE, 0xd1, 0, 0, '')
except Exception:
def get_serial(self):
2017-05-02 11:39:02 +08:00
dat = str(self.handle.controlRead(usb1.TYPE_VENDOR | usb1.RECIPIENT_DEVICE, 0xd0, 0, 0, 0x20))
2017-04-29 07:56:40 +08:00
assert dat[0x1c:] == hashlib.sha1(dat[0:0x1c]).digest()[0:4]
return [dat[0:0x10], dat[0x10:0x10+10]]
2017-04-29 08:49:55 +08:00
def get_secret(self):
2017-05-02 11:39:02 +08:00
dat = str(self.handle.controlRead(usb1.TYPE_VENDOR | usb1.RECIPIENT_DEVICE, 0xd0, 1, 0, 0x10))
2017-04-29 08:49:55 +08:00
return dat.encode("hex")
2017-04-26 06:16:23 +08:00
# ******************* configuration *******************
2017-04-07 09:11:36 +08:00
def set_gmlan(self, on):
if on:
self.handle.controlWrite(usb1.TYPE_VENDOR | usb1.RECIPIENT_DEVICE, 0xdb, 1, 0, '')
self.handle.controlWrite(usb1.TYPE_VENDOR | usb1.RECIPIENT_DEVICE, 0xdb, 0, 0, '')
2017-04-26 06:16:23 +08:00
def set_uart_baud(self, uart, rate):
self.handle.controlWrite(usb1.TYPE_VENDOR | usb1.RECIPIENT_DEVICE, 0xe1, uart, rate, '')
def set_uart_parity(self, uart, parity):
# parity, 0=off, 1=even, 2=odd
self.handle.controlWrite(usb1.TYPE_VENDOR | usb1.RECIPIENT_DEVICE, 0xe2, uart, parity, '')
2017-04-26 11:23:05 +08:00
def set_uart_callback(self, uart, install):
self.handle.controlWrite(usb1.TYPE_VENDOR | usb1.RECIPIENT_DEVICE, 0xe3, uart, int(install), '')
2017-04-26 06:16:23 +08:00
# ******************* can *******************
2017-04-07 09:11:36 +08:00
def can_send_many(self, arr):
snds = []
for addr, _, dat, bus in arr:
snd = struct.pack("II", ((addr << 21) | 1), len(dat) | (bus << 4)) + dat
snd = snd.ljust(0x10, '\x00')
while 1:
self.handle.bulkWrite(3, ''.join(snds))
except (USBErrorIO, USBErrorOverflow):
def can_send(self, addr, dat, bus):
self.can_send_many([[addr, None, dat, bus]])
def can_recv(self):
def __parse_can_buffer(dat):
ret = []
for j in range(0, len(dat), 0x10):
ddat = dat[j:j+0x10]
f1, f2 = struct.unpack("II", ddat[0:8])
ret.append((f1 >> 21, f2>>16, ddat[8:8+(f2&0xF)], (f2>>4)&0xf))
return ret
dat = ""
while 1:
dat = self.handle.bulkRead(1, 0x10*256)
except (USBErrorIO, USBErrorOverflow):
return __parse_can_buffer(dat)
# ******************* serial *******************
def serial_read(self, port_number):
2017-04-26 09:06:44 +08:00
return self.handle.controlRead(usb1.TYPE_VENDOR | usb1.RECIPIENT_DEVICE, 0xe0, port_number, 0, 0x40)
2017-04-07 09:11:36 +08:00
2017-04-18 16:12:04 +08:00
def serial_write(self, port_number, ln):
2017-04-07 09:11:36 +08:00
return self.handle.bulkWrite(2, chr(port_number) + ln)
# ******************* kline *******************
# pulse low for wakeup
def kline_wakeup(self):
ret = self.handle.controlWrite(usb1.TYPE_VENDOR | usb1.RECIPIENT_DEVICE, 0xf0, 0, 0, "")
def kline_drain(self, bus=2):
# drain buffer
bret = ""
while 1:
2017-04-26 09:06:44 +08:00
ret = self.handle.controlRead(usb1.TYPE_VENDOR | usb1.RECIPIENT_DEVICE, 0xe0, bus, 0, 0x40)
2017-04-07 09:11:36 +08:00
if len(ret) == 0:
bret += str(ret)
return bret
def kline_ll_recv(self, cnt, bus=2):
echo = ""
while len(echo) != cnt:
echo += str(self.handle.controlRead(usb1.TYPE_VENDOR | usb1.RECIPIENT_DEVICE, 0xe0, bus, 0, cnt-len(echo)))
return echo
def kline_send(self, x, bus=2, checksum=True):
def get_checksum(dat):
result = 0
result += sum(map(ord, dat))
result = -result
return chr(result&0xFF)
if checksum:
x += get_checksum(x)
2017-04-18 22:34:56 +08:00
for i in range(0, len(x), 0xf):
ts = x[i:i+0xf]
2017-04-07 09:11:36 +08:00
self.handle.bulkWrite(2, chr(bus)+ts)
echo = self.kline_ll_recv(len(ts), bus=bus)
if echo != ts:
print "**** ECHO ERROR %d ****" % i
print echo.encode("hex")
print ts.encode("hex")
assert echo == ts
def kline_recv(self, bus=2):
msg = self.kline_ll_recv(2, bus=bus)
msg += self.kline_ll_recv(ord(msg[1])-2, bus=bus)
return msg