209 lines
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from cereal import car, custom
from panda import Panda
from panda.python import uds
from openpilot.selfdrive.car.toyota.values import Ecu, CAR, DBC, ToyotaFlags, CarControllerParams, TSS2_CAR, RADAR_ACC_CAR, NO_DSU_CAR, \
from openpilot.selfdrive.car import create_button_events, get_safety_config
from openpilot.selfdrive.car.disable_ecu import disable_ecu
from openpilot.selfdrive.car.interfaces import CarInterfaceBase
ButtonType = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.Type
FrogPilotButtonType = custom.FrogPilotCarState.ButtonEvent.Type
EventName = car.CarEvent.EventName
SteerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType
class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
def get_pid_accel_limits(CP, current_speed, cruise_speed, frogpilot_toggles):
CCP = CarControllerParams(CP)
def _get_params(ret, candidate, fingerprint, car_fw, disable_openpilot_long, experimental_long, docs, params):
ret.carName = "toyota"
ret.safetyConfigs = [get_safety_config(car.CarParams.SafetyModel.toyota)]
ret.safetyConfigs[0].safetyParam = EPS_SCALE[candidate]
# BRAKE_MODULE is on a different address for these cars
if DBC[candidate]["pt"] == "toyota_new_mc_pt_generated":
ret.safetyConfigs[0].safetyParam |= Panda.FLAG_TOYOTA_ALT_BRAKE
if candidate in ANGLE_CONTROL_CAR:
ret.steerControlType = SteerControlType.angle
ret.safetyConfigs[0].safetyParam |= Panda.FLAG_TOYOTA_LTA
# LTA control can be more delayed and winds up more often
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.18
ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.8
CarInterfaceBase.configure_torque_tune(candidate, ret.lateralTuning)
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.12 # Default delay, Prius has larger delay
ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.4
ret.stoppingControl = False # Toyota starts braking more when it thinks you want to stop
# Detect smartDSU, which intercepts ACC_CMD from the DSU (or radar) allowing openpilot to send it
# 0x2AA is sent by a similar device which intercepts the radar instead of DSU on NO_DSU_CARs
if 0x2FF in fingerprint[0] or (0x2AA in fingerprint[0] and candidate in NO_DSU_CAR):
ret.flags |= ToyotaFlags.SMART_DSU.value
if 0x2AA in fingerprint[0] and candidate in NO_DSU_CAR:
ret.flags |= ToyotaFlags.RADAR_CAN_FILTER.value
# In TSS2 cars, the camera does long control
found_ecus = [fw.ecu for fw in car_fw]
ret.enableDsu = len(found_ecus) > 0 and Ecu.dsu not in found_ecus and candidate not in (NO_DSU_CAR | UNSUPPORTED_DSU_CAR) \
and not (ret.flags & ToyotaFlags.SMART_DSU)
if candidate == CAR.LEXUS_ES_TSS2 and Ecu.hybrid not in found_ecus:
ret.flags |= ToyotaFlags.RAISED_ACCEL_LIMIT.value
if params.get_bool("NewToyotaTune"):
ret.flags |= ToyotaFlags.NEW_TOYOTA_TUNE.value
if candidate == CAR.TOYOTA_PRIUS:
# Only give steer angle deadzone to for bad angle sensor prius
for fw in car_fw:
if fw.ecu == "eps" and not fw.fwVersion == b'8965B47060\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00':
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.25
CarInterfaceBase.configure_torque_tune(candidate, ret.lateralTuning, steering_angle_deadzone_deg=0.2)
if 0x23 in fingerprint[0]: # Detect if ZSS is present
ret.flags |= ToyotaFlags.ZSS.value
elif candidate in (CAR.LEXUS_RX, CAR.LEXUS_RX_TSS2):
ret.wheelSpeedFactor = 1.035
elif candidate in (CAR.TOYOTA_RAV4_TSS2, CAR.TOYOTA_RAV4_TSS2_2022, CAR.TOYOTA_RAV4_TSS2_2023):
ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP = [0.0]
ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [0.0]
ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV = [0.6]
ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [0.1]
ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00007818594
# 2019+ RAV4 TSS2 uses two different steering racks and specific tuning seems to be necessary.
# See https://github.com/commaai/openpilot/pull/21429#issuecomment-873652891
for fw in car_fw:
if fw.ecu == "eps" and (fw.fwVersion.startswith(b'\x02') or fw.fwVersion in [b'8965B42181\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00']):
ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV = [0.15]
ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [0.05]
ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00004
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.44
# TODO: Some TSS-P platforms have BSM, but are flipped based on region or driving direction.
# Detect flipped signals and enable for C-HR and others
ret.enableBsm = 0x3F6 in fingerprint[0] and candidate in TSS2_CAR
# No radar dbc for cars without DSU which are not TSS 2.0
# TODO: make an adas dbc file for dsu-less models
ret.radarUnavailable = DBC[candidate]['radar'] is None or candidate in (NO_DSU_CAR - TSS2_CAR)
# if the smartDSU is detected, openpilot can send ACC_CONTROL and the smartDSU will block it from the DSU or radar.
# since we don't yet parse radar on TSS2/TSS-P radar-based ACC cars, gate longitudinal behind experimental toggle
use_sdsu = bool(ret.flags & ToyotaFlags.SMART_DSU)
if candidate in (RADAR_ACC_CAR | NO_DSU_CAR):
ret.experimentalLongitudinalAvailable = use_sdsu or candidate in RADAR_ACC_CAR
if not use_sdsu:
# Disabling radar is only supported on TSS2 radar-ACC cars
if experimental_long and candidate in RADAR_ACC_CAR:
ret.flags |= ToyotaFlags.DISABLE_RADAR.value
use_sdsu = use_sdsu and experimental_long
# openpilot longitudinal enabled by default:
# - non-(TSS2 radar ACC cars) w/ smartDSU installed
# - cars w/ DSU disconnected
# - TSS2 cars with camera sending ACC_CONTROL where we can block it
# openpilot longitudinal behind experimental long toggle:
# - TSS2 radar ACC cars w/ smartDSU installed
# - TSS2 radar ACC cars w/o smartDSU installed (disables radar)
# - TSS-P DSU-less cars w/ CAN filter installed (no radar parser yet)
ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = use_sdsu or ret.enableDsu or candidate in (TSS2_CAR - RADAR_ACC_CAR) or bool(ret.flags & ToyotaFlags.DISABLE_RADAR.value)
ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl &= not disable_openpilot_long
ret.autoResumeSng = ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl and candidate in NO_STOP_TIMER_CAR
ret.enableGasInterceptor = 0x201 in fingerprint[0] and ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl
if not ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
ret.safetyConfigs[0].safetyParam |= Panda.FLAG_TOYOTA_STOCK_LONGITUDINAL
if ret.enableGasInterceptor:
ret.safetyConfigs[0].safetyParam |= Panda.FLAG_TOYOTA_GAS_INTERCEPTOR
# min speed to enable ACC. if car can do stop and go, then set enabling speed
# to a negative value, so it won't matter.
ret.minEnableSpeed = -1. if (candidate in STOP_AND_GO_CAR or ret.enableGasInterceptor) else MIN_ACC_SPEED
tune = ret.longitudinalTuning
if candidate in TSS2_CAR or ret.flags & ToyotaFlags.NEW_TOYOTA_TUNE:
tune.kpV = [0.0]
tune.kiV = [0.5]
ret.vEgoStopping = 0.25
ret.vEgoStarting = 0.25
ret.stoppingDecelRate = 0.3 # reach stopping target smoothly
# Since we compensate for imprecise acceleration in carcontroller, we can be less aggressive with tuning
# This also prevents unnecessary request windup due to internal car jerk limits
if ret.flags & ToyotaFlags.NEW_TOYOTA_TUNE or ret.flags & ToyotaFlags.RAISED_ACCEL_LIMIT:
tune.kiV = [0.25]
tune.kiBP = [0., 5., 35.]
tune.kiV = [3.6, 2.4, 1.5]
if params.get_bool("FrogsGoMoosTweak"):
ret.stoppingDecelRate = 0.1 # reach stopping target smoothly
ret.vEgoStopping = 0.15
ret.vEgoStarting = 0.15
return ret
def init(CP, logcan, sendcan):
# disable radar if alpha longitudinal toggled on radar-ACC car without CAN filter/smartDSU
if CP.flags & ToyotaFlags.DISABLE_RADAR.value:
disable_ecu(logcan, sendcan, bus=0, addr=0x750, sub_addr=0xf, com_cont_req=communication_control)
# returns a car.CarState
def _update(self, c, frogpilot_toggles):
ret, fp_ret = self.CS.update(self.cp, self.cp_cam, c, frogpilot_toggles)
if self.CP.carFingerprint in (TSS2_CAR - RADAR_ACC_CAR) or (self.CP.flags & ToyotaFlags.SMART_DSU and not self.CP.flags & ToyotaFlags.RADAR_CAN_FILTER):
ret.buttonEvents = [
*create_button_events(self.CS.cruise_decreased, self.CS.cruise_decreased_previously, {1: ButtonType.decelCruise}),
*create_button_events(self.CS.cruise_increased, self.CS.cruise_increased_previously, {1: ButtonType.accelCruise}),
*create_button_events(self.CS.distance_button, self.CS.prev_distance_button, {1: ButtonType.gapAdjustCruise}),
*create_button_events(self.CS.lkas_enabled, self.CS.lkas_previously_enabled, {1: FrogPilotButtonType.lkas}),
# events
events = self.create_common_events(ret)
# Lane Tracing Assist control is unavailable (EPS_STATUS->LTA_STATE=0) until
# the more accurate angle sensor signal is initialized
if self.CP.steerControlType == SteerControlType.angle and not self.CS.accurate_steer_angle_seen:
if self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
if ret.cruiseState.standstill and not ret.brakePressed and not self.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
if self.CS.low_speed_lockout:
if ret.vEgo < self.CP.minEnableSpeed:
if c.actuators.accel > 0.3:
# some margin on the actuator to not false trigger cancellation while stopping
if ret.vEgo < 0.001:
# while in standstill, send a user alert
ret.events = events.to_msg()
return ret, fp_ret