
212 lines
9.8 KiB

from cereal import car
from openpilot.common.conversions import Conversions as CV
from openpilot.common.numpy_fast import clip
from openpilot.common.realtime import DT_CTRL
from opendbc.can.packer import CANPacker
from import apply_driver_steer_torque_limits, common_fault_avoidance
from import hyundaicanfd, hyundaican
from import CanBus
from import HyundaiFlags, Buttons, CarControllerParams, CANFD_CAR, CAR
from import CarControllerBase
VisualAlert = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
LongCtrlState = car.CarControl.Actuators.LongControlState
# EPS faults if you apply torque while the steering angle is above 90 degrees for more than 1 second
# All slightly below EPS thresholds to avoid fault
def process_hud_alert(enabled, fingerprint, hud_control):
sys_warning = (hud_control.visualAlert in (VisualAlert.steerRequired, VisualAlert.ldw))
# initialize to no line visible
# TODO: this is not accurate for all cars
sys_state = 1
if hud_control.leftLaneVisible and hud_control.rightLaneVisible or sys_warning: # HUD alert only display when LKAS status is active
sys_state = 3 if enabled or sys_warning else 4
elif hud_control.leftLaneVisible:
sys_state = 5
elif hud_control.rightLaneVisible:
sys_state = 6
# initialize to no warnings
left_lane_warning = 0
right_lane_warning = 0
if hud_control.leftLaneDepart:
left_lane_warning = 1 if fingerprint in (CAR.GENESIS_G90, CAR.GENESIS_G80) else 2
if hud_control.rightLaneDepart:
right_lane_warning = 1 if fingerprint in (CAR.GENESIS_G90, CAR.GENESIS_G80) else 2
return sys_warning, sys_state, left_lane_warning, right_lane_warning
class CarController(CarControllerBase):
def __init__(self, dbc_name, CP, VM):
self.CP = CP
self.CAN = CanBus(CP)
self.params = CarControllerParams(CP)
self.packer = CANPacker(dbc_name)
self.angle_limit_counter = 0
self.frame = 0
self.accel_last = 0
self.apply_steer_last = 0
self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
self.last_button_frame = 0
def update(self, CC, CS, now_nanos, frogpilot_toggles):
actuators = CC.actuators
hud_control = CC.hudControl
# steering torque
new_steer = int(round(actuators.steer * self.params.STEER_MAX))
apply_steer = apply_driver_steer_torque_limits(new_steer, self.apply_steer_last, CS.out.steeringTorque, self.params)
# >90 degree steering fault prevention
self.angle_limit_counter, apply_steer_req = common_fault_avoidance(abs(CS.out.steeringAngleDeg) >= MAX_ANGLE, CC.latActive,
self.angle_limit_counter, MAX_ANGLE_FRAMES,
if not CC.latActive:
apply_steer = 0
# Hold torque with induced temporary fault when cutting the actuation bit
torque_fault = CC.latActive and not apply_steer_req
self.apply_steer_last = apply_steer
# accel + longitudinal
if frogpilot_toggles.sport_plus:
accel = clip(actuators.accel, CarControllerParams.ACCEL_MIN, CarControllerParams.ACCEL_MAX_PLUS)
accel = clip(actuators.accel, CarControllerParams.ACCEL_MIN, CarControllerParams.ACCEL_MAX)
stopping = actuators.longControlState == LongCtrlState.stopping
set_speed_in_units = hud_control.setSpeed * (CV.MS_TO_KPH if CS.is_metric else CV.MS_TO_MPH)
# HUD messages
sys_warning, sys_state, left_lane_warning, right_lane_warning = process_hud_alert(CC.enabled, self.car_fingerprint,
can_sends = []
# *** common hyundai stuff ***
# tester present - w/ no response (keeps relevant ECU disabled)
if self.frame % 100 == 0 and not (self.CP.flags & HyundaiFlags.CANFD_CAMERA_SCC.value) and self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
# for longitudinal control, either radar or ADAS driving ECU
addr, bus = 0x7d0, 0
if self.CP.flags & HyundaiFlags.CANFD_HDA2.value:
addr, bus = 0x730, self.CAN.ECAN
can_sends.append([addr, 0, b"\x02\x3E\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", bus])
# for blinkers
if self.CP.flags & HyundaiFlags.ENABLE_BLINKERS:
can_sends.append([0x7b1, 0, b"\x02\x3E\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", self.CAN.ECAN])
# CAN-FD platforms
if self.CP.carFingerprint in CANFD_CAR:
hda2 = self.CP.flags & HyundaiFlags.CANFD_HDA2
hda2_long = hda2 and self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl
# steering control
can_sends.extend(hyundaicanfd.create_steering_messages(self.packer, self.CP, self.CAN, CC.enabled, apply_steer_req, apply_steer))
# prevent LFA from activating on HDA2 by sending "no lane lines detected" to ADAS ECU
if self.frame % 5 == 0 and hda2:
can_sends.append(hyundaicanfd.create_suppress_lfa(self.packer, self.CAN, CS.hda2_lfa_block_msg,
self.CP.flags & HyundaiFlags.CANFD_HDA2_ALT_STEERING))
# LFA and HDA icons
if self.frame % 5 == 0 and (not hda2 or hda2_long):
can_sends.append(hyundaicanfd.create_lfahda_cluster(self.packer, self.CAN, CC.enabled, CC.latActive))
# blinkers
if hda2 and self.CP.flags & HyundaiFlags.ENABLE_BLINKERS:
can_sends.extend(hyundaicanfd.create_spas_messages(self.packer, self.CAN, self.frame, CC.leftBlinker, CC.rightBlinker))
if self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
if hda2:
can_sends.extend(hyundaicanfd.create_adrv_messages(self.packer, self.CAN, self.frame))
if self.frame % 2 == 0:
can_sends.append(hyundaicanfd.create_acc_control(self.packer, self.CAN, CC.enabled, self.accel_last, accel, stopping, CC.cruiseControl.override,
set_speed_in_units, hud_control))
self.accel_last = accel
# button presses
can_sends.extend(self.create_button_messages(CC, CS, use_clu11=False))
can_sends.append(hyundaican.create_lkas11(self.packer, self.frame, self.CP, apply_steer, apply_steer_req,
torque_fault, CS.lkas11, sys_warning, sys_state, CC.enabled,
hud_control.leftLaneVisible, hud_control.rightLaneVisible,
left_lane_warning, right_lane_warning))
if not self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
can_sends.extend(self.create_button_messages(CC, CS, use_clu11=True))
if self.frame % 2 == 0 and self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
# TODO: unclear if this is needed
jerk = 3.0 if actuators.longControlState == else 1.0
use_fca = self.CP.flags & HyundaiFlags.USE_FCA.value
can_sends.extend(hyundaican.create_acc_commands(self.packer, CC.enabled, accel, jerk, int(self.frame / 2),
hud_control, set_speed_in_units, stopping,
CC.cruiseControl.override, use_fca, CS.out.cruiseState.available))
# 20 Hz LFA MFA message
if self.frame % 5 == 0 and self.CP.flags & HyundaiFlags.SEND_LFA.value:
can_sends.append(hyundaican.create_lfahda_mfc(self.packer, CC.enabled, CC.latActive))
# 5 Hz ACC options
if self.frame % 20 == 0 and self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
# 2 Hz front radar options
if self.frame % 50 == 0 and self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
new_actuators = actuators.as_builder()
new_actuators.steer = apply_steer / self.params.STEER_MAX
new_actuators.steerOutputCan = apply_steer
new_actuators.accel = accel
self.frame += 1
return new_actuators, can_sends
def create_button_messages(self, CC: car.CarControl, CS: car.CarState, use_clu11: bool):
can_sends = []
if use_clu11:
if CC.cruiseControl.cancel:
can_sends.append(hyundaican.create_clu11(self.packer, self.frame, CS.clu11, Buttons.CANCEL, self.CP))
elif CC.cruiseControl.resume:
# send resume at a max freq of 10Hz
if (self.frame - self.last_button_frame) * DT_CTRL > 0.1:
# send 25 messages at a time to increases the likelihood of resume being accepted
can_sends.extend([hyundaican.create_clu11(self.packer, self.frame, CS.clu11, Buttons.RES_ACCEL, self.CP)] * 25)
if (self.frame - self.last_button_frame) * DT_CTRL >= 0.15:
self.last_button_frame = self.frame
if (self.frame - self.last_button_frame) * DT_CTRL > 0.25:
# cruise cancel
if CC.cruiseControl.cancel:
if self.CP.flags & HyundaiFlags.CANFD_ALT_BUTTONS:
can_sends.append(hyundaicanfd.create_acc_cancel(self.packer, self.CP, self.CAN, CS.cruise_info))
self.last_button_frame = self.frame
for _ in range(20):
can_sends.append(hyundaicanfd.create_buttons(self.packer, self.CP, self.CAN, CS.buttons_counter+1, Buttons.CANCEL))
self.last_button_frame = self.frame
# cruise standstill resume
elif CC.cruiseControl.resume:
if self.CP.flags & HyundaiFlags.CANFD_ALT_BUTTONS:
# TODO: resume for alt button cars
for _ in range(20):
can_sends.append(hyundaicanfd.create_buttons(self.packer, self.CP, self.CAN, CS.buttons_counter+1, Buttons.RES_ACCEL))
self.last_button_frame = self.frame
return can_sends