
112 lines
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import ctypes
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from typing import TypeVar, Type, Any, Dict, Deque, Tuple
from tinygrad.helpers import DType, dtypes, prod, GlobalCounters, ImageDType
_T = TypeVar("_T")
class RawBuffer: # pylint: disable=abstract-method
def __init__(self, size:int, dtype:DType, buf:Any=None, allocator:Any=None, **kwargs):
self.size: int = size
self.dtype: DType = dtype
self._buf = buf if buf is not None else (allocator.alloc(size, dtype, **kwargs) if allocator else None) # If buf is provided, use it. Otherwise try to allocate from the allocator.
self._memsz: int = size*dtype.itemsize
self._allocator = allocator
self._device = kwargs.get('device', None)
GlobalCounters.mem_used += self._memsz
def __del__(self): # NOTE: if it fails on init (bad dtype), it won't have a _memsz
if hasattr(self, '_memsz'): GlobalCounters.mem_used -= self._memsz
if hasattr(self, '_allocator') and self._allocator:
def __repr__(self): return f"buffer<{self.size}, {self.dtype}, {id(self)}>"
def key(self): return (self.size, self.dtype)
# NOTE: this interface allows for 0 copy
def fromCPU(cls:Type[_T], x:np.ndarray) -> _T: raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented")
def toCPU(self) -> np.ndarray: raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented")
class RawBufferCopyIn(RawBuffer):
def _copyin(self, x:np.ndarray) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented")
def fromCPU(cls, x:np.ndarray, **kwargs):
ret = cls(prod(x.shape), dtypes.from_np(x.dtype), **kwargs)
if x.size > 0: ret._copyin(x)
return ret
class RawBufferMapped(RawBufferCopyIn):
def _buffer(self) -> memoryview: raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented")
# NOTE: this metadata prevents the backing buffer from being freed. hack can be removed with PEP688
def buffer_view(self) -> np.ndarray: return np.frombuffer(self._buffer(), dtype=np.dtype(, metadata={"backing": self}), count=self.size) # type: ignore
def toCPU(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.buffer_view().copy() # Need a copy, since jit will write to the same buffer.
def _copyin(self, x:np.ndarray) -> None: np.copyto(self.buffer_view(), x.reshape(-1))
# this one is simple enough that i moved it out of the runtimes
class RawMallocBuffer(RawBufferMapped):
def __init__(self, size, dtype: DType): super().__init__(size, dtype, ({dtypes.float64:ctypes.c_double, dtypes.float32: ctypes.c_float, dtypes.float16: ctypes.c_int16, dtypes.bfloat16: ctypes.c_int16, dtypes.int8: ctypes.c_int8, dtypes.uint8: ctypes.c_uint8, dtypes.bool: ctypes.c_uint8, dtypes.int32: ctypes.c_int32, dtypes.uint32: ctypes.c_uint32, dtypes.int64: ctypes.c_int64, dtypes.uint64: ctypes.c_uint64, dtypes.int16: ctypes.c_int16, dtypes.uint16: ctypes.c_uint16}[dtype] * size)())
def _buffer(self): return memoryview(self._buf)
class RawBufferCopyInOut(RawBufferCopyIn):
def _copyout(self, x:np.ndarray) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented")
def toCPU(self) -> np.ndarray:
x: np.ndarray = np.empty(self.size,
if x.size > 0: self._copyout(x)
return x
class RawBufferTransfer(RawBuffer):
def _transfer(self, x) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented")
def transfer(cls, x, shape, dtype, **kwargs):
ret = cls(prod(shape), dtype, **kwargs)
return ret
class LRUAllocator:
def __init__(self, dev_memsz=(4<<30)):
self.epoch = 0
self.free_space: Dict[Any, int] = defaultdict(lambda: dev_memsz)
self.buffer_info: Dict[Any, Tuple[int, DType, str]] = dict()
self.cached_buffers: Dict[Tuple[int, ...], Deque[Tuple[Any, int]]] = defaultdict(deque) # Cached buffer storage, splitted by type and size, newest first.
self.aging_order: Dict[Any, Deque[Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], int]]] = defaultdict(deque) # Keys of cached_buffers, ordered from oldest to newest updates.
def _cache_reuse_buffer(self, rawbufs: Deque[Tuple[Any, int]]): # The newest cached buffer is reused.
GlobalCounters.mem_cached -= self._underlying_buf_memsz(rawbufs[0][0])
return rawbufs.popleft()[0]
def ensure_has_free_space(self, size, dtype, device):
while len(self.aging_order[device]) and (self.free_space[device]-size*dtype.itemsize) < 0: # When OOM removing lru buffers.
bucket, epoch = self.aging_order[device].popleft()
if self.cached_buffers[bucket] and self.cached_buffers[bucket][-1][1] == epoch: self._free_buffer(self.cached_buffers[bucket].pop()[0]) # Free cached buffer if it is still in cache.
def _alloc_buffer(self, size, dtype, device, **kwargs):
self.ensure_has_free_space(size, dtype, device)
self.free_space[device] -= size*dtype.itemsize
newbuf = self._do_alloc(max(1, size), dtype, device, **kwargs)
self.buffer_info[newbuf] = (size, dtype, device)
return newbuf
def _free_buffer(self, buf_to_free):
self.free_space[self.buffer_info[buf_to_free][2]] += self._underlying_buf_memsz(buf_to_free)
GlobalCounters.mem_cached -= self._underlying_buf_memsz(buf_to_free)
def alloc(self, size, dtype, device='0', **kwargs):
rawbufs = self.cached_buffers.get(self._cached_bufkey(size, dtype, device), None)
return self._cache_reuse_buffer(rawbufs) if rawbufs else self._alloc_buffer(size, dtype, device, **kwargs)
def free(self, buf): # free() just caches buffer. It might be freed later when OOM during allocation.
self.epoch += 1
size, dtype, device = self.buffer_info[buf]
self.cached_buffers[self._cached_bufkey(size, dtype, device)].appendleft((buf, self.epoch))
self.aging_order[device].append((self._cached_bufkey(size, dtype, device), self.epoch))
GlobalCounters.mem_cached += self._underlying_buf_memsz(buf)
def _underlying_buf_memsz(self, buf): return self.buffer_info[buf][0] * self.buffer_info[buf][1].itemsize
def _cached_bufkey(self, size, dtype, device) -> Tuple[int, ...]: return (device, size, dtype, dtype.shape) if isinstance(dtype, ImageDType) else (device, size, dtype) # Provides a key for reusing device buffers with identical keys.
def _do_alloc(self, size, dtype, device, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented")
def _do_free(self, buf): pass