
212 lines
8.4 KiB

import math
from typing import Tuple, Optional, cast
from tinygrad.helpers import argsort, DType
from tinygrad.ops import UnaryOps, BinaryOps, TernaryOps, ReduceOps
from tinygrad.tensor import Function
from tinygrad.lazy import LazyBuffer
from tinygrad.shape.symbolic import sint
class Contiguous(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer: return x.contiguous()
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer: return grad_output
class ContiguousBackward(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer: return x
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer: return grad_output.contiguous()
class Cast(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer, dtype:DType, bitcast:bool=False) -> LazyBuffer:
self.input_dtype, self.bitcast = x.dtype, bitcast
return x.cast(dtype, bitcast)
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return grad_output.cast(self.input_dtype, self.bitcast)
# ************* unary ops *************
class Zero(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer: return x.const(0)
def backward(self, grad:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer: return grad.const(0)
class Neg(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer: return x.e(UnaryOps.NEG)
def backward(self, grad:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer: return grad.e(UnaryOps.NEG)
class Sin(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
self.x = x
return x.e(UnaryOps.SIN)
def backward(self, grad:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return self.x.const(math.pi / 2).e(BinaryOps.SUB, self.x).e(UnaryOps.SIN).e(BinaryOps.MUL, grad)
# NOTE: maximum(x, 0) behaves differently where x=0
class Relu(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
self.ret = x.e(BinaryOps.MAX, x.const(0))
return self.ret
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return self.ret.const(0).e(BinaryOps.CMPLT, self.ret).e(BinaryOps.MUL, grad_output)
class Log(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
self.x = x
return x.e(UnaryOps.LOG2).e(BinaryOps.MUL, x.const(math.log(2)))
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return grad_output.e(BinaryOps.DIV, self.x)
class Exp(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
self.ret = x.e(BinaryOps.MUL, x.const(1/math.log(2))).e(UnaryOps.EXP2)
return self.ret
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return self.ret.e(BinaryOps.MUL, grad_output)
class Sqrt(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
self.ret = x.e(UnaryOps.SQRT)
return self.ret
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return grad_output.e(BinaryOps.DIV, self.ret.e(BinaryOps.MUL, self.ret.const(2)))
# NOTE: the implicit derivative of sigmoid is not stable
# TODO: have the backend automatically find this
class Sigmoid(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
self.ret = x.const(1).e(BinaryOps.DIV, x.const(1).e(BinaryOps.ADD, x.e(BinaryOps.MUL, x.const(-1/math.log(2))).e(UnaryOps.EXP2)))
return self.ret
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return self.ret.e(BinaryOps.MUL, self.ret.const(1).e(BinaryOps.SUB, self.ret)).e(BinaryOps.MUL, grad_output)
# ************* binary ops *************
class Less(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer, y:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return x.e(BinaryOps.CMPLT, y)
class Add(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer, y:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return x.e(BinaryOps.ADD, y)
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> Tuple[Optional[LazyBuffer], Optional[LazyBuffer]]:
return grad_output if self.needs_input_grad[0] else None, \
grad_output if self.needs_input_grad[1] else None
class Sub(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer, y:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return x.e(BinaryOps.SUB, y)
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> Tuple[Optional[LazyBuffer], Optional[LazyBuffer]]:
return grad_output if self.needs_input_grad[0] else None, \
grad_output.e(UnaryOps.NEG) if self.needs_input_grad[1] else None
class Mul(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer, y:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
self.x, self.y = x, y
return x.e(BinaryOps.MUL, y)
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> Tuple[Optional[LazyBuffer], Optional[LazyBuffer]]:
return self.y.e(BinaryOps.MUL, grad_output) if self.needs_input_grad[0] else None, \
self.x.e(BinaryOps.MUL, grad_output) if self.needs_input_grad[1] else None
class Div(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer, y:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
self.x, self.y = x, y
return x.e(BinaryOps.DIV, y)
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> Tuple[Optional[LazyBuffer], Optional[LazyBuffer]]:
return grad_output.e(BinaryOps.DIV, self.y) if self.needs_input_grad[0] else None, \
grad_output.e(UnaryOps.NEG).e(BinaryOps.MUL, self.x).e(BinaryOps.DIV, self.y.e(BinaryOps.MUL, self.y)) if self.needs_input_grad[1] else None
# ************* ternary ops *************
class Where(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer, y:LazyBuffer, z:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
self.x = x
return x.e(TernaryOps.WHERE, y, z)
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> Tuple[None, Optional[LazyBuffer], Optional[LazyBuffer]]:
return None, \
self.x.e(TernaryOps.WHERE, grad_output, grad_output.const(0)) if self.needs_input_grad[1] else None, \
self.x.e(TernaryOps.WHERE, grad_output.const(0), grad_output) if self.needs_input_grad[2] else None
# ************* reduce ops *************
class Sum(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer, new_shape:Tuple[int, ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
self.input_shape = x.shape
return x.r(ReduceOps.SUM, new_shape)
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return grad_output.expand(self.input_shape)
class Max(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer, new_shape:Tuple[int, ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
self.x, self.ret = x, x.r(ReduceOps.MAX, new_shape)
return self.ret
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
# 1s in locations where the max was chosen (can be two locations)
max_is_1s = self.x.const(1.0).e(BinaryOps.SUB, self.x.e(BinaryOps.CMPLT, self.ret.expand(self.x.shape)))
div = max_is_1s.r(ReduceOps.SUM, grad_output.shape).expand(self.x.shape)
return max_is_1s.e(BinaryOps.DIV, div).e(BinaryOps.MUL, grad_output.expand(self.x.shape))
# ************* movement ops *************
# NOTE: this is sum in reverse
class Expand(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer, shape:Tuple[int, ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
self.input_shape = x.shape
return x.expand(shape)
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return grad_output.r(ReduceOps.SUM, self.input_shape)
class Reshape(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer, shape:Tuple[int, ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
self.input_shape = x.shape
return x.reshape(shape)
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return grad_output.reshape(self.input_shape)
class Permute(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer, order:Tuple[int, ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
self.input_order = order
return x.permute(order)
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return grad_output.permute(argsort(self.input_order))
class Pad(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer, arg:Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
self.narg = tuple([(p[0], s+p[0]) for s,p in zip(x.shape, arg)])
return x.pad(arg)
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return grad_output.shrink(self.narg)
class Shrink(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer, arg:Tuple[Tuple[sint, sint], ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
self.narg = tuple([(p[0], s-p[1]) for s,p in zip(x.shape, arg)])
return x.shrink(arg)
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
assert all(isinstance(x[0], int) and isinstance(x[1], int) for x in self.narg), "symbolic shrink does not support backward"
# need this cast because mypy cannot narrow the type even with assert
return grad_output.pad(cast(Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...], self.narg))
class Flip(Function):
def forward(self, x:LazyBuffer, axis:Tuple[int, ...]) -> LazyBuffer:
self.arg = tuple([-1 if i in set(axis) else 1 for i in range(len(x.shape))])
return x.stride(self.arg)
def backward(self, grad_output:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
return grad_output.stride(self.arg)