75 lines
3.1 KiB
75 lines
3.1 KiB
import glob
Import('env', 'envCython', 'arch', 'cereal', 'messaging', 'common', 'gpucommon', 'visionipc', 'transformations')
lenv = env.Clone()
lenvCython = envCython.Clone()
libs = [cereal, messaging, visionipc, gpucommon, common, 'capnp', 'zmq', 'kj', 'pthread']
frameworks = []
common_src = [
thneed_src_common = [
thneed_src_qcom = thneed_src_common + ["thneed/thneed_qcom2.cc"]
thneed_src_pc = thneed_src_common + ["thneed/thneed_pc.cc"]
thneed_src = thneed_src_qcom if arch == "larch64" else thneed_src_pc
# SNPE except on Mac and ARM Linux
snpe_lib = []
if arch != "Darwin" and arch != "aarch64":
common_src += ['runners/snpemodel.cc']
snpe_lib += ['SNPE']
# OpenCL is a framework on Mac
if arch == "Darwin":
frameworks += ['OpenCL']
libs += ['OpenCL']
# Set path definitions
for pathdef, fn in {'TRANSFORM': 'transforms/transform.cl', 'LOADYUV': 'transforms/loadyuv.cl'}.items():
for xenv in (lenv, lenvCython):
# Compile cython
snpe_rpath_qcom = "/data/pythonpath/third_party/snpe/larch64"
snpe_rpath_pc = f"{Dir('#').abspath}/third_party/snpe/x86_64-linux-clang"
snpe_rpath = lenvCython['RPATH'] + [snpe_rpath_qcom if arch == "larch64" else snpe_rpath_pc]
cython_libs = envCython["LIBS"] + libs
snpemodel_lib = lenv.Library('snpemodel', ['runners/snpemodel.cc'])
commonmodel_lib = lenv.Library('commonmodel', common_src)
lenvCython.Program('runners/runmodel_pyx.so', 'runners/runmodel_pyx.pyx', LIBS=cython_libs, FRAMEWORKS=frameworks)
lenvCython.Program('runners/snpemodel_pyx.so', 'runners/snpemodel_pyx.pyx', LIBS=[snpemodel_lib, snpe_lib, *cython_libs], FRAMEWORKS=frameworks, RPATH=snpe_rpath)
lenvCython.Program('models/commonmodel_pyx.so', 'models/commonmodel_pyx.pyx', LIBS=[commonmodel_lib, *cython_libs], FRAMEWORKS=frameworks)
tinygrad_files = ["#"+x for x in glob.glob(env.Dir("#tinygrad_repo").relpath + "/**", recursive=True, root_dir=env.Dir("#").abspath)]
# Get model metadata
fn = File("models/supercombo").abspath
cmd = f'python3 {Dir("#selfdrive/modeld").abspath}/get_model_metadata.py {fn}.onnx'
lenv.Command(fn + "_metadata.pkl", [fn + ".onnx"] + tinygrad_files, cmd)
# Build thneed model
if arch == "larch64" or GetOption('pc_thneed'):
tinygrad_opts = []
if not GetOption('pc_thneed'):
# use FLOAT16 on device for speed + don't cache the CL kernels for space
tinygrad_opts += ["FLOAT16=1", "PYOPENCL_NO_CACHE=1"]
cmd = f"cd {Dir('#').abspath}/tinygrad_repo && " + ' '.join(tinygrad_opts) + f" python3 openpilot/compile2.py {fn}.onnx {fn}.thneed"
lenv.Command(fn + ".thneed", [fn + ".onnx"] + tinygrad_files, cmd)
thneed_lib = env.SharedLibrary('thneed', thneed_src, LIBS=[gpucommon, common, 'zmq', 'OpenCL', 'dl'])
thneedmodel_lib = env.Library('thneedmodel', ['runners/thneedmodel.cc'])
lenvCython.Program('runners/thneedmodel_pyx.so', 'runners/thneedmodel_pyx.pyx', LIBS=envCython["LIBS"]+[thneedmodel_lib, thneed_lib, gpucommon, common, 'dl', 'zmq', 'OpenCL'])