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import time
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
import cereal.messaging as messaging
from openpilot.common.swaglog import cloudlog
from openpilot.selfdrive.pandad import can_list_to_can_capnp
from import AddrType
from panda.python.uds import CanClient, IsoTpMessage, FUNCTIONAL_ADDRS, get_rx_addr_for_tx_addr
class IsoTpParallelQuery:
def __init__(self, sendcan: messaging.PubSocket, logcan: messaging.SubSocket, bus: int, addrs: list[int] | list[AddrType],
request: list[bytes], response: list[bytes], response_offset: int = 0x8,
functional_addrs: list[int] = None, debug: bool = False, response_pending_timeout: float = 10) -> None:
self.sendcan = sendcan
self.logcan = logcan
self.bus = bus
self.request = request
self.response = response
self.functional_addrs = functional_addrs or []
self.debug = debug
self.response_pending_timeout = response_pending_timeout
real_addrs = [a if isinstance(a, tuple) else (a, None) for a in addrs]
for tx_addr, _ in real_addrs:
assert tx_addr not in FUNCTIONAL_ADDRS, f"Functional address should be defined in functional_addrs: {hex(tx_addr)}"
self.msg_addrs = {tx_addr: get_rx_addr_for_tx_addr(tx_addr[0], rx_offset=response_offset) for tx_addr in real_addrs}
self.msg_buffer: dict[int, list[tuple[int, int, bytes, int]]] = defaultdict(list)
def rx(self):
"""Drain can socket and sort messages into buffers based on address"""
can_packets = messaging.drain_sock(self.logcan, wait_for_one=True)
for packet in can_packets:
for msg in packet.can:
if msg.src == self.bus and msg.address in self.msg_addrs.values():
self.msg_buffer[msg.address].append((msg.address, msg.busTime, msg.dat, msg.src))
def _can_tx(self, tx_addr, dat, bus):
"""Helper function to send single message"""
msg = [tx_addr, 0, dat, bus]
self.sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp([msg], msgtype='sendcan'))
def _can_rx(self, addr, sub_addr=None):
"""Helper function to retrieve message with specified address and subadress from buffer"""
keep_msgs = []
if sub_addr is None:
msgs = self.msg_buffer[addr]
# Filter based on subadress
msgs = []
for m in self.msg_buffer[addr]:
first_byte = m[2][0]
if first_byte == sub_addr:
self.msg_buffer[addr] = keep_msgs
return msgs
def _drain_rx(self):
self.msg_buffer = defaultdict(list)
def _create_isotp_msg(self, tx_addr: int, sub_addr: int | None, rx_addr: int):
can_client = CanClient(self._can_tx, partial(self._can_rx, rx_addr, sub_addr=sub_addr), tx_addr, rx_addr,
self.bus, sub_addr=sub_addr, debug=self.debug)
max_len = 8 if sub_addr is None else 7
# uses iso-tp frame separation time of 10 ms
# TODO: use single_frame_mode so ECUs can send as fast as they want,
# as well as reduces chances we process messages from previous queries
return IsoTpMessage(can_client, timeout=0, separation_time=0.01, debug=self.debug, max_len=max_len)
def get_data(self, timeout: float, total_timeout: float = 60.) -> dict[AddrType, bytes]:
# Create message objects
msgs = {}
request_counter = {}
request_done = {}
for tx_addr, rx_addr in self.msg_addrs.items():
msgs[tx_addr] = self._create_isotp_msg(*tx_addr, rx_addr)
request_counter[tx_addr] = 0
request_done[tx_addr] = False
# Send first request to functional addrs, subsequent responses are handled on physical addrs
if len(self.functional_addrs):
for addr in self.functional_addrs:
self._create_isotp_msg(addr, None, -1).send(self.request[0])
# Send first frame (single or first) to all addresses and receive asynchronously in the loop below.
# If querying functional addrs, only set up physical IsoTpMessages to send consecutive frames
for msg in msgs.values():
msg.send(self.request[0], setup_only=len(self.functional_addrs) > 0)
results = {}
start_time = time.monotonic()
addrs_responded = set() # track addresses that have ever sent a valid iso-tp frame for timeout logging
response_timeouts = {tx_addr: start_time + timeout for tx_addr in self.msg_addrs}
while True:
for tx_addr, msg in msgs.items():
dat, rx_in_progress = msg.recv()
except Exception:
cloudlog.exception(f"Error processing UDS response: {tx_addr}")
request_done[tx_addr] = True
# Extend timeout for each consecutive ISO-TP frame to avoid timing out on long responses
if rx_in_progress:
response_timeouts[tx_addr] = time.monotonic() + timeout
if dat is None:
# Log unexpected empty responses
if len(dat) == 0:
cloudlog.error(f"iso-tp query empty response: {tx_addr}")
request_done[tx_addr] = True
counter = request_counter[tx_addr]
expected_response = self.response[counter]
response_valid = dat.startswith(expected_response)
if response_valid:
if counter + 1 < len(self.request):
response_timeouts[tx_addr] = time.monotonic() + timeout
msg.send(self.request[counter + 1])
request_counter[tx_addr] += 1
results[tx_addr] = dat[len(expected_response):]
request_done[tx_addr] = True
error_code = dat[2] if len(dat) > 2 else -1
if error_code == 0x78:
response_timeouts[tx_addr] = time.monotonic() + self.response_pending_timeout
cloudlog.error(f"iso-tp query response pending: {tx_addr}")
request_done[tx_addr] = True
cloudlog.error(f"iso-tp query bad response: {tx_addr} - 0x{dat.hex()}")
# Mark request done if address timed out
cur_time = time.monotonic()
for tx_addr in response_timeouts:
if cur_time - response_timeouts[tx_addr] > 0:
if not request_done[tx_addr]:
if request_counter[tx_addr] > 0:
cloudlog.error(f"iso-tp query timeout after receiving partial response: {tx_addr}")
elif tx_addr in addrs_responded:
cloudlog.error(f"iso-tp query timeout while receiving response: {tx_addr}")
# TODO: handle functional addresses
# else:
# cloudlog.error(f"iso-tp query timeout with no response: {tx_addr}")
request_done[tx_addr] = True
# Break if all requests are done (finished or timed out)
if all(request_done.values()):
if cur_time - start_time > total_timeout:
cloudlog.error("iso-tp query timeout while receiving data")
return results