
292 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
This process finds calibration values. More info on what these calibration values
are can be found here
While the roll calibration is a real value that can be estimated, here we assume it's zero,
and the image input into the neural network is not corrected for roll.
import gc
import os
import capnp
import numpy as np
from typing import NoReturn
from cereal import log
import cereal.messaging as messaging
from openpilot.common.conversions import Conversions as CV
from openpilot.common.params import Params
from openpilot.common.realtime import set_realtime_priority
from openpilot.common.transformations.orientation import rot_from_euler, euler_from_rot
from openpilot.common.swaglog import cloudlog
MAX_VEL_ANGLE_STD = np.radians(0.25)
MAX_YAW_RATE_FILTER = np.radians(2) # per second
MAX_HEIGHT_STD = np.exp(-3.5)
# This is at model frequency, blocks needed for efficiency
INPUTS_NEEDED = 5 # Minimum blocks needed for valid calibration
INPUTS_WANTED = 50 # We want a little bit more than we need for stability
MAX_ALLOWED_YAW_SPREAD = np.radians(2)
RPY_INIT = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0])
WIDE_FROM_DEVICE_EULER_INIT = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
HEIGHT_INIT = np.array([1.22])
# These values are needed to accommodate the model frame in the narrow cam of the C3
PITCH_LIMITS = np.array([-0.09074112085129739, 0.17])
YAW_LIMITS = np.array([-0.06912048084718224, 0.06912048084718235])
DEBUG = os.getenv("DEBUG") is not None
def is_calibration_valid(rpy: np.ndarray) -> bool:
return (PITCH_LIMITS[0] < rpy[1] < PITCH_LIMITS[1]) and (YAW_LIMITS[0] < rpy[2] < YAW_LIMITS[1]) # type: ignore
def sanity_clip(rpy: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
if np.isnan(rpy).any():
rpy = RPY_INIT
return np.array([rpy[0],
np.clip(rpy[1], PITCH_LIMITS[0] - .005, PITCH_LIMITS[1] + .005),
np.clip(rpy[2], YAW_LIMITS[0] - .005, YAW_LIMITS[1] + .005)])
def moving_avg_with_linear_decay(prev_mean: np.ndarray, new_val: np.ndarray, idx: int, block_size: float) -> np.ndarray:
return (idx*prev_mean + (block_size - idx) * new_val) / block_size
class Calibrator:
def __init__(self, param_put: bool = False):
self.param_put = param_put
self.not_car = False
# Read saved calibration
self.params = Params()
calibration_params = self.params.get("CalibrationParams")
rpy_init = RPY_INIT
wide_from_device_euler = WIDE_FROM_DEVICE_EULER_INIT
height = HEIGHT_INIT
valid_blocks = 0
self.cal_status = log.LiveCalibrationData.Status.uncalibrated
if param_put and calibration_params:
with log.Event.from_bytes(calibration_params) as msg:
rpy_init = np.array(msg.liveCalibration.rpyCalib)
valid_blocks = msg.liveCalibration.validBlocks
wide_from_device_euler = np.array(msg.liveCalibration.wideFromDeviceEuler)
height = np.array(msg.liveCalibration.height)
except Exception:
cloudlog.exception("Error reading cached CalibrationParams")
self.reset(rpy_init, valid_blocks, wide_from_device_euler, height)
def reset(self, rpy_init: np.ndarray = RPY_INIT,
valid_blocks: int = 0,
wide_from_device_euler_init: np.ndarray = WIDE_FROM_DEVICE_EULER_INIT,
height_init: np.ndarray = HEIGHT_INIT,
smooth_from: np.ndarray = None) -> None:
if not np.isfinite(rpy_init).all():
self.rpy = RPY_INIT.copy()
self.rpy = rpy_init.copy()
if not np.isfinite(height_init).all() or len(height_init) != 1:
self.height = HEIGHT_INIT.copy()
self.height = height_init.copy()
if not np.isfinite(wide_from_device_euler_init).all() or len(wide_from_device_euler_init) != 3:
self.wide_from_device_euler = WIDE_FROM_DEVICE_EULER_INIT.copy()
self.wide_from_device_euler = wide_from_device_euler_init.copy()
if not np.isfinite(valid_blocks) or valid_blocks < 0:
self.valid_blocks = 0
self.valid_blocks = valid_blocks
self.rpys = np.tile(self.rpy, (INPUTS_WANTED, 1))
self.wide_from_device_eulers = np.tile(self.wide_from_device_euler, (INPUTS_WANTED, 1))
self.heights = np.tile(self.height, (INPUTS_WANTED, 1))
self.idx = 0
self.block_idx = 0
self.v_ego = 0.0
if smooth_from is None:
self.old_rpy = RPY_INIT
self.old_rpy_weight = 0.0
self.old_rpy = smooth_from
self.old_rpy_weight = 1.0
def get_valid_idxs(self) -> list[int]:
# exclude current block_idx from validity window
before_current = list(range(self.block_idx))
after_current = list(range(min(self.valid_blocks, self.block_idx + 1), self.valid_blocks))
return before_current + after_current
def update_status(self) -> None:
valid_idxs = self.get_valid_idxs()
if valid_idxs:
self.wide_from_device_euler = np.mean(self.wide_from_device_eulers[valid_idxs], axis=0)
self.height = np.mean(self.heights[valid_idxs], axis=0)
rpys = self.rpys[valid_idxs]
self.rpy = np.mean(rpys, axis=0)
max_rpy_calib = np.array(np.max(rpys, axis=0))
min_rpy_calib = np.array(np.min(rpys, axis=0))
self.calib_spread = np.abs(max_rpy_calib - min_rpy_calib)
self.calib_spread = np.zeros(3)
if self.valid_blocks < INPUTS_NEEDED:
if self.cal_status == log.LiveCalibrationData.Status.recalibrating:
self.cal_status = log.LiveCalibrationData.Status.recalibrating
self.cal_status = log.LiveCalibrationData.Status.uncalibrated
elif is_calibration_valid(self.rpy):
self.cal_status = log.LiveCalibrationData.Status.calibrated
self.cal_status = log.LiveCalibrationData.Status.invalid
# If spread is too high, assume mounting was changed and reset to last block.
# Make the transition smooth. Abrupt transitions are not good for feedback loop through supercombo model.
# TODO: add height spread check with smooth transition too
spread_too_high = self.calib_spread[1] > MAX_ALLOWED_PITCH_SPREAD or self.calib_spread[2] > MAX_ALLOWED_YAW_SPREAD
if spread_too_high and self.cal_status == log.LiveCalibrationData.Status.calibrated:
self.reset(self.rpys[self.block_idx - 1], valid_blocks=1, smooth_from=self.rpy)
self.cal_status = log.LiveCalibrationData.Status.recalibrating
write_this_cycle = (self.idx == 0) and (self.block_idx % (INPUTS_WANTED//5) == 5)
if self.param_put and write_this_cycle:
self.params.put_nonblocking("CalibrationParams", self.get_msg(True).to_bytes())
def handle_v_ego(self, v_ego: float) -> None:
self.v_ego = v_ego
def get_smooth_rpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
if self.old_rpy_weight > 0:
return self.old_rpy_weight * self.old_rpy + (1.0 - self.old_rpy_weight) * self.rpy
return self.rpy
def handle_cam_odom(self, trans: list[float],
rot: list[float],
wide_from_device_euler: list[float],
trans_std: list[float],
road_transform_trans: list[float],
road_transform_trans_std: list[float]) -> np.ndarray | None:
self.old_rpy_weight = max(0.0, self.old_rpy_weight - 1/SMOOTH_CYCLES)
straight_and_fast = ((self.v_ego > MIN_SPEED_FILTER) and (trans[0] > MIN_SPEED_FILTER) and (abs(rot[2]) < MAX_YAW_RATE_FILTER))
angle_std_threshold = MAX_VEL_ANGLE_STD
height_std_threshold = MAX_HEIGHT_STD
rpy_certain = np.arctan2(trans_std[1], trans[0]) < angle_std_threshold
if len(road_transform_trans_std) == 3:
height_certain = road_transform_trans_std[2] < height_std_threshold
height_certain = True
certain_if_calib = (rpy_certain and height_certain) or (self.valid_blocks < INPUTS_NEEDED)
if not (straight_and_fast and certain_if_calib):
return None
observed_rpy = np.array([0,
-np.arctan2(trans[2], trans[0]),
np.arctan2(trans[1], trans[0])])
new_rpy = euler_from_rot(rot_from_euler(self.get_smooth_rpy()).dot(rot_from_euler(observed_rpy)))
new_rpy = sanity_clip(new_rpy)
if len(wide_from_device_euler) == 3:
new_wide_from_device_euler = np.array(wide_from_device_euler)
new_wide_from_device_euler = WIDE_FROM_DEVICE_EULER_INIT
if (len(road_transform_trans) == 3):
new_height = np.array([road_transform_trans[2]])
new_height = HEIGHT_INIT
self.rpys[self.block_idx] = moving_avg_with_linear_decay(self.rpys[self.block_idx], new_rpy, self.idx, float(BLOCK_SIZE))
self.wide_from_device_eulers[self.block_idx] = moving_avg_with_linear_decay(self.wide_from_device_eulers[self.block_idx],
new_wide_from_device_euler, self.idx, float(BLOCK_SIZE))
self.heights[self.block_idx] = moving_avg_with_linear_decay(self.heights[self.block_idx], new_height, self.idx, float(BLOCK_SIZE))
self.idx = (self.idx + 1) % BLOCK_SIZE
if self.idx == 0:
self.block_idx += 1
self.valid_blocks = max(self.block_idx, self.valid_blocks)
self.block_idx = self.block_idx % INPUTS_WANTED
return new_rpy
def get_msg(self, valid: bool) -> capnp.lib.capnp._DynamicStructBuilder:
smooth_rpy = self.get_smooth_rpy()
msg = messaging.new_message('liveCalibration')
msg.valid = valid
liveCalibration = msg.liveCalibration
liveCalibration.validBlocks = self.valid_blocks
liveCalibration.calStatus = self.cal_status
liveCalibration.calPerc = min(100 * (self.valid_blocks * BLOCK_SIZE + self.idx) // (INPUTS_NEEDED * BLOCK_SIZE), 100)
liveCalibration.rpyCalib = smooth_rpy.tolist()
liveCalibration.rpyCalibSpread = self.calib_spread.tolist()
liveCalibration.wideFromDeviceEuler = self.wide_from_device_euler.tolist()
liveCalibration.height = self.height.tolist()
if self.not_car:
liveCalibration.validBlocks = INPUTS_NEEDED
liveCalibration.calStatus = log.LiveCalibrationData.Status.calibrated
liveCalibration.calPerc = 100.
liveCalibration.rpyCalib = [0, 0, 0]
liveCalibration.rpyCalibSpread = self.calib_spread.tolist()
return msg
def send_data(self, pm: messaging.PubMaster, valid: bool) -> None:
pm.send('liveCalibration', self.get_msg(valid))
def main() -> NoReturn:
pm = messaging.PubMaster(['liveCalibration'])
sm = messaging.SubMaster(['cameraOdometry', 'carState', 'carParams'], poll='cameraOdometry')
calibrator = Calibrator(param_put=True)
while 1:
timeout = 0 if sm.frame == -1 else 100
calibrator.not_car = sm['carParams'].notCar
if sm.updated['cameraOdometry']:
new_rpy = calibrator.handle_cam_odom(sm['cameraOdometry'].trans,
if DEBUG and new_rpy is not None:
print('got new rpy', new_rpy)
# 4Hz driven by cameraOdometry
if sm.frame % 5 == 0:
calibrator.send_data(pm, sm.all_checks())
if __name__ == "__main__":