mirror of https://github.com/commaai/openpilot.git
328 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
328 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import bz2
from functools import cache, partial
import multiprocessing
import capnp
import enum
import os
import pathlib
import sys
import tqdm
import urllib.parse
import warnings
import zstandard as zstd
from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable, Iterator
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse
from cereal import log as capnp_log
from openpilot.common.swaglog import cloudlog
from openpilot.tools.lib.comma_car_segments import get_url as get_comma_segments_url
from openpilot.tools.lib.openpilotci import get_url
from openpilot.tools.lib.filereader import FileReader, file_exists, internal_source_available
from openpilot.tools.lib.route import Route, SegmentRange
LogMessage = type[capnp._DynamicStructReader]
LogIterable = Iterable[LogMessage]
RawLogIterable = Iterable[bytes]
def save_log(dest, log_msgs, compress=True):
dat = b"".join(msg.as_builder().to_bytes() for msg in log_msgs)
if compress and dest.endswith(".bz2"):
dat = bz2.compress(dat)
elif compress and dest.endswith(".zst"):
dat = zstd.compress(dat, 10)
with open(dest, "wb") as f:
class _LogFileReader:
def __init__(self, fn, canonicalize=True, only_union_types=False, sort_by_time=False, dat=None):
self.data_version = None
self._only_union_types = only_union_types
ext = None
if not dat:
_, ext = os.path.splitext(urllib.parse.urlparse(fn).path)
if ext not in ('', '.bz2', '.zst'):
# old rlogs weren't compressed
raise ValueError(f"unknown extension {ext}")
with FileReader(fn) as f:
dat = f.read()
if ext == ".bz2" or dat.startswith(b'BZh9'):
dat = bz2.decompress(dat)
elif ext == ".zst" or dat.startswith(b'\x28\xB5\x2F\xFD'):
# https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#zstandard-frames
dat = zstd.decompress(dat)
ents = capnp_log.Event.read_multiple_bytes(dat)
self._ents = []
for e in ents:
except capnp.KjException:
warnings.warn("Corrupted events detected", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=1)
if sort_by_time:
self._ents.sort(key=lambda x: x.logMonoTime)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[capnp._DynamicStructReader]:
for ent in self._ents:
if self._only_union_types:
yield ent
except capnp.lib.capnp.KjException:
yield ent
class ReadMode(enum.StrEnum):
RLOG = "r" # only read rlogs
QLOG = "q" # only read qlogs
SANITIZED = "s" # read from the commaCarSegments database
AUTO = "a" # default to rlogs, fallback to qlogs
AUTO_INTERACTIVE = "i" # default to rlogs, fallback to qlogs with a prompt from the user
LogPath = str | None
ValidFileCallable = Callable[[LogPath], bool]
Source = Callable[[SegmentRange, ReadMode], list[LogPath]]
InternalUnavailableException = Exception("Internal source not available")
class LogsUnavailable(Exception):
def default_valid_file(fn: LogPath) -> bool:
return fn is not None and file_exists(fn)
def auto_strategy(rlog_paths: list[LogPath], qlog_paths: list[LogPath], interactive: bool, valid_file: ValidFileCallable) -> list[LogPath]:
# auto select logs based on availability
missing_rlogs = [rlog is None or not valid_file(rlog) for rlog in rlog_paths].count(True)
if missing_rlogs != 0:
if interactive:
if input(f"{missing_rlogs}/{len(rlog_paths)} rlogs were not found, would you like to fallback to qlogs for those segments? (y/n) ").lower() != "y":
return rlog_paths
cloudlog.warning(f"{missing_rlogs}/{len(rlog_paths)} rlogs were not found, falling back to qlogs for those segments...")
return [rlog if valid_file(rlog) else (qlog if valid_file(qlog) else None)
for (rlog, qlog) in zip(rlog_paths, qlog_paths, strict=True)]
return rlog_paths
def apply_strategy(mode: ReadMode, rlog_paths: list[LogPath], qlog_paths: list[LogPath], valid_file: ValidFileCallable = default_valid_file) -> list[LogPath]:
if mode == ReadMode.RLOG:
return rlog_paths
elif mode == ReadMode.QLOG:
return qlog_paths
elif mode == ReadMode.AUTO:
return auto_strategy(rlog_paths, qlog_paths, False, valid_file)
elif mode == ReadMode.AUTO_INTERACTIVE:
return auto_strategy(rlog_paths, qlog_paths, True, valid_file)
raise ValueError(f"invalid mode: {mode}")
def comma_api_source(sr: SegmentRange, mode: ReadMode) -> list[LogPath]:
route = Route(sr.route_name)
rlog_paths = [route.log_paths()[seg] for seg in sr.seg_idxs]
qlog_paths = [route.qlog_paths()[seg] for seg in sr.seg_idxs]
# comma api will have already checked if the file exists
def valid_file(fn):
return fn is not None
return apply_strategy(mode, rlog_paths, qlog_paths, valid_file=valid_file)
def internal_source(sr: SegmentRange, mode: ReadMode, file_ext: str = "bz2") -> list[LogPath]:
if not internal_source_available():
raise InternalUnavailableException
def get_internal_url(sr: SegmentRange, seg, file):
return f"cd:/{sr.dongle_id}/{sr.log_id}/{seg}/{file}.{file_ext}"
# TODO: list instead of using static URLs to support routes with multiple file extensions
rlog_paths = [get_internal_url(sr, seg, "rlog") for seg in sr.seg_idxs]
qlog_paths = [get_internal_url(sr, seg, "qlog") for seg in sr.seg_idxs]
return apply_strategy(mode, rlog_paths, qlog_paths)
def internal_source_zst(sr: SegmentRange, mode: ReadMode, file_ext: str = "zst") -> list[LogPath]:
return internal_source(sr, mode, file_ext)
def openpilotci_source(sr: SegmentRange, mode: ReadMode, file_ext: str = "bz2") -> list[LogPath]:
rlog_paths = [get_url(sr.route_name, seg, f"rlog.{file_ext}") for seg in sr.seg_idxs]
qlog_paths = [get_url(sr.route_name, seg, f"qlog.{file_ext}") for seg in sr.seg_idxs]
return apply_strategy(mode, rlog_paths, qlog_paths)
def openpilotci_source_zst(sr: SegmentRange, mode: ReadMode) -> list[LogPath]:
return openpilotci_source(sr, mode, "zst")
def comma_car_segments_source(sr: SegmentRange, mode=ReadMode.RLOG) -> list[LogPath]:
return [get_comma_segments_url(sr.route_name, seg) for seg in sr.seg_idxs]
def testing_closet_source(sr: SegmentRange, mode=ReadMode.RLOG) -> list[LogPath]:
if not internal_source_available('http://testing.comma.life'):
raise InternalUnavailableException
return [f"http://testing.comma.life/download/{sr.route_name.replace('|', '/')}/{seg}/rlog" for seg in sr.seg_idxs]
def direct_source(file_or_url: str) -> list[LogPath]:
return [file_or_url]
def get_invalid_files(files):
for f in files:
if f is None or not file_exists(f):
yield f
def check_source(source: Source, *args) -> list[LogPath]:
files = source(*args)
assert len(files) > 0, "No files on source"
assert next(get_invalid_files(files), False) is False, "Some files are invalid"
return files
def auto_source(sr: SegmentRange, mode=ReadMode.RLOG, sources: list[Source] = None) -> list[LogPath]:
if mode == ReadMode.SANITIZED:
return comma_car_segments_source(sr, mode)
if sources is None:
sources = [internal_source, internal_source_zst, openpilotci_source, openpilotci_source_zst,
comma_api_source, comma_car_segments_source, testing_closet_source]
exceptions = {}
# for automatic fallback modes, auto_source needs to first check if rlogs exist for any source
if mode in [ReadMode.AUTO, ReadMode.AUTO_INTERACTIVE]:
for source in sources:
return check_source(source, sr, ReadMode.RLOG)
except Exception:
# Automatically determine viable source
for source in sources:
return check_source(source, sr, mode)
except Exception as e:
exceptions[source.__name__] = e
raise LogsUnavailable("auto_source could not find any valid source, exceptions for sources:\n - " +
"\n - ".join([f"{k}: {repr(v)}" for k, v in exceptions.items()]))
def parse_indirect(identifier: str) -> str:
if "useradmin.comma.ai" in identifier:
query = parse_qs(urlparse(identifier).query)
return query["onebox"][0]
return identifier
def parse_direct(identifier: str):
if identifier.startswith(("http://", "https://", "cd:/")) or pathlib.Path(identifier).exists():
return identifier
return None
class LogReader:
def _parse_identifier(self, identifier: str) -> list[LogPath]:
# useradmin, etc.
identifier = parse_indirect(identifier)
# direct url or file
direct_parsed = parse_direct(identifier)
if direct_parsed is not None:
return direct_source(identifier)
sr = SegmentRange(identifier)
mode = self.default_mode if sr.selector is None else ReadMode(sr.selector)
identifiers = self.source(sr, mode)
invalid_count = len(list(get_invalid_files(identifiers)))
assert invalid_count == 0, (f"{invalid_count}/{len(identifiers)} invalid log(s) found, please ensure all logs " +
"are uploaded or auto fallback to qlogs with '/a' selector at the end of the route name.")
return identifiers
def __init__(self, identifier: str | list[str], default_mode: ReadMode = ReadMode.RLOG,
source: Source = auto_source, sort_by_time=False, only_union_types=False):
self.default_mode = default_mode
self.source = source
self.identifier = identifier
if isinstance(identifier, str):
self.identifier = [identifier]
self.sort_by_time = sort_by_time
self.only_union_types = only_union_types
self.__lrs: dict[int, _LogFileReader] = {}
def _get_lr(self, i):
if i not in self.__lrs:
self.__lrs[i] = _LogFileReader(self.logreader_identifiers[i], sort_by_time=self.sort_by_time, only_union_types=self.only_union_types)
return self.__lrs[i]
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(len(self.logreader_identifiers)):
yield from self._get_lr(i)
def _run_on_segment(self, func, i):
return func(self._get_lr(i))
def run_across_segments(self, num_processes, func, desc=None):
with multiprocessing.Pool(num_processes) as pool:
ret = []
num_segs = len(self.logreader_identifiers)
for p in tqdm.tqdm(pool.imap(partial(self._run_on_segment, func), range(num_segs)), total=num_segs, desc=desc):
return ret
def reset(self):
self.logreader_identifiers = []
for identifier in self.identifier:
def from_bytes(dat):
return _LogFileReader("", dat=dat)
def filter(self, msg_type: str):
return (getattr(m, m.which()) for m in filter(lambda m: m.which() == msg_type, self))
def first(self, msg_type: str):
return next(self.filter(msg_type), None)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import codecs
# capnproto <= 0.8.0 throws errors converting byte data to string
# below line catches those errors and replaces the bytes with \x__
codecs.register_error("strict", codecs.backslashreplace_errors)
log_path = sys.argv[1]
lr = LogReader(log_path, sort_by_time=True)
for msg in lr: