mirror of https://github.com/commaai/openpilot.git
191 lines
6.8 KiB
Executable File
191 lines
6.8 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# pylint: disable=E1101
import os
import importlib
import unittest
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from parameterized import parameterized_class
from cereal import log, car
from selfdrive.car.fingerprints import all_known_cars
from selfdrive.car.car_helpers import interfaces
from selfdrive.car.honda.values import HONDA_BOSCH
from selfdrive.car.honda.values import CAR as HONDA
from selfdrive.car.chrysler.values import CAR as CHRYSLER
from selfdrive.car.hyundai.values import CAR as HYUNDAI
from selfdrive.test.test_routes import routes, non_tested_cars
from selfdrive.test.openpilotci import get_url
from tools.lib.logreader import LogReader
from panda.tests.safety import libpandasafety_py
from panda.tests.safety.common import package_can_msg
PandaType = log.PandaState.PandaType
ROUTES = {rt.car_fingerprint: rt.route for rt in routes}
# TODO: get updated routes for these cars
ignore_can_valid = [
ignore_carstate_check = [
# TODO: chrysler gas state in panda also checks wheel speed, refactor so it's only gas
@parameterized_class(('car_model'), [(car,) for car in all_known_cars()])
class TestCarModel(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
if cls.car_model not in ROUTES:
# TODO: get routes for missing cars and remove this
if cls.car_model in non_tested_cars:
print(f"Skipping tests for {cls.car_model}: missing route")
raise unittest.SkipTest
raise Exception(f"missing test route for car {cls.car_model}")
for seg in [2, 1, 0]:
lr = LogReader(get_url(ROUTES[cls.car_model], seg))
except Exception:
lr = None
if lr is None:
raise Exception("Route not found. Is it uploaded?")
can_msgs = []
fingerprint = {i: dict() for i in range(3)}
for msg in lr:
if msg.which() == "can":
for m in msg.can:
if m.src < 128:
fingerprint[m.src][m.address] = len(m.dat)
cls.can_msgs = sorted(can_msgs, key=lambda msg: msg.logMonoTime)
CarInterface, CarController, CarState = interfaces[cls.car_model]
cls.CP = CarInterface.get_params(cls.car_model, fingerprint, [])
assert cls.CP
cls.CI = CarInterface(cls.CP, CarController, CarState)
assert cls.CI
def test_car_params(self):
if self.CP.dashcamOnly:
self.skipTest("no need to check carParams for dashcamOnly")
# make sure car params are within a valid range
self.assertGreater(self.CP.mass, 1)
self.assertGreater(self.CP.steerRateCost, 1e-3)
if self.CP.steerControlType != car.CarParams.SteerControlType.angle:
tuning = self.CP.lateralTuning.which()
if tuning == 'pid':
elif tuning == 'lqr':
elif tuning == 'indi':
# TODO: check safetyModel is in release panda build
safety = libpandasafety_py.libpandasafety
set_status = safety.set_safety_hooks(self.CP.safetyModel.raw, self.CP.safetyParam)
self.assertEqual(0, set_status, f"failed to set safetyModel {self.CP.safetyModel}")
def test_car_interface(self):
# TODO: also check for checkusm and counter violations from can parser
can_invalid_cnt = 0
CC = car.CarControl.new_message()
for i, msg in enumerate(self.can_msgs):
CS = self.CI.update(CC, (msg.as_builder().to_bytes(),))
# wait 2s for low frequency msgs to be seen
if i > 200:
can_invalid_cnt += not CS.canValid
if self.car_model not in ignore_can_valid:
self.assertLess(can_invalid_cnt, 50)
def test_radar_interface(self):
os.environ['NO_RADAR_SLEEP'] = "1"
RadarInterface = importlib.import_module('selfdrive.car.%s.radar_interface' % self.CP.carName).RadarInterface
RI = RadarInterface(self.CP)
assert RI
error_cnt = 0
for msg in self.can_msgs:
radar_data = RI.update((msg.as_builder().to_bytes(),))
if radar_data is not None:
error_cnt += car.RadarData.Error.canError in radar_data.errors
self.assertLess(error_cnt, 20)
def test_panda_safety_rx_valid(self):
if self.CP.dashcamOnly:
self.skipTest("no need to check panda safety for dashcamOnly")
safety = libpandasafety_py.libpandasafety
set_status = safety.set_safety_hooks(self.CP.safetyModel.raw, self.CP.safetyParam)
self.assertEqual(0, set_status)
failed_addrs = Counter()
for can in self.can_msgs:
for msg in can.can:
if msg.src >= 128:
to_send = package_can_msg([msg.address, 0, msg.dat, msg.src])
if not safety.safety_rx_hook(to_send):
failed_addrs[hex(msg.address)] += 1
self.assertFalse(len(failed_addrs), f"panda safety RX check failed: {failed_addrs}")
def test_panda_safety_carstate(self):
if self.CP.dashcamOnly:
self.skipTest("no need to check panda safety for dashcamOnly")
if self.car_model in ignore_carstate_check:
self.skipTest("see comments in test_models.py")
safety = libpandasafety_py.libpandasafety
set_status = safety.set_safety_hooks(self.CP.safetyModel.raw, self.CP.safetyParam)
self.assertEqual(0, set_status)
checks = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
CC = car.CarControl.new_message()
for can in self.can_msgs:
for msg in can.can:
if msg.src >= 128:
to_send = package_can_msg([msg.address, 0, msg.dat, msg.src])
CS = self.CI.update(CC, (can.as_builder().to_bytes(),))
# TODO: check steering state
# check that openpilot and panda safety agree on the car's state
checks['gasPressed'] += CS.gasPressed != safety.get_gas_pressed_prev()
checks['brakePressed'] += CS.brakePressed != safety.get_brake_pressed_prev()
checks['controlsAllowed'] += not CS.cruiseState.enabled and safety.get_controls_allowed()
# TODO: reduce tolerance to 0
failed_checks = {k: v for k, v in checks.items() if v > 25}
# TODO: the panda and openpilot interceptor thresholds should match
skip_gas_check = self.CP.carName == 'chrysler'
if "gasPressed" in failed_checks and (self.CP.enableGasInterceptor or skip_gas_check):
if failed_checks['gasPressed'] < 150 or skip_gas_check:
del failed_checks['gasPressed']
# TODO: honda nidec: do same checks in carState and panda
if "brakePressed" in failed_checks and self.CP.carName == 'honda' and \
(self.car_model not in HONDA_BOSCH or self.car_model in [HONDA.CRV_HYBRID, HONDA.HONDA_E]):
if failed_checks['brakePressed'] < 150:
del failed_checks['brakePressed']
self.assertFalse(len(failed_checks), f"panda safety doesn't agree with CarState: {failed_checks}")
if __name__ == "__main__":