using Cxx = import "./include/c++.capnp"; $Cxx.namespace("cereal"); @0x80ef1ec4889c2a63; # legacy.capnp: a home for deprecated structs struct LogRotate @0x9811e1f38f62f2d1 { segmentNum @0 :Int32; path @1 :Text; } struct LiveUI @0xc08240f996aefced { rearViewCam @0 :Bool; alertText1 @1 :Text; alertText2 @2 :Text; awarenessStatus @3 :Float32; } struct UiLayoutState @0x88dcce08ad29dda0 { activeApp @0 :App; sidebarCollapsed @1 :Bool; mapEnabled @2 :Bool; mockEngaged @3 :Bool; enum App @0x9917470acf94d285 { home @0; music @1; nav @2; settings @3; none @4; } } struct OrbslamCorrection @0x8afd33dc9b35e1aa { correctionMonoTime @0 :UInt64; prePositionECEF @1 :List(Float64); postPositionECEF @2 :List(Float64); prePoseQuatECEF @3 :List(Float32); postPoseQuatECEF @4 :List(Float32); numInliers @5 :UInt32; } struct EthernetPacket @0xa99a9d5b33cf5859 { pkt @0 :Data; ts @1 :Float32; } struct CellInfo @0xcff7566681c277ce { timestamp @0 :UInt64; repr @1 :Text; # android toString() for now } struct WifiScan @0xd4df5a192382ba0b { bssid @0 :Text; ssid @1 :Text; capabilities @2 :Text; frequency @3 :Int32; level @4 :Int32; timestamp @5 :Int64; centerFreq0 @6 :Int32; centerFreq1 @7 :Int32; channelWidth @8 :ChannelWidth; operatorFriendlyName @9 :Text; venueName @10 :Text; is80211mcResponder @11 :Bool; passpoint @12 :Bool; distanceCm @13 :Int32; distanceSdCm @14 :Int32; enum ChannelWidth @0xcb6a279f015f6b51 { w20Mhz @0; w40Mhz @1; w80Mhz @2; w160Mhz @3; w80Plus80Mhz @4; } } struct LiveEventData @0x94b7baa90c5c321e { name @0 :Text; value @1 :Int32; } struct ModelData @0xb8aad62cffef28a9 { frameId @0 :UInt32; frameAge @12 :UInt32; frameDropPerc @13 :Float32; timestampEof @9 :UInt64; modelExecutionTime @14 :Float32; gpuExecutionTime @16 :Float32; rawPred @15 :Data; path @1 :PathData; leftLane @2 :PathData; rightLane @3 :PathData; lead @4 :LeadData; freePath @6 :List(Float32); settings @5 :ModelSettings; leadFuture @7 :LeadData; speed @8 :List(Float32); meta @10 :MetaData; longitudinal @11 :LongitudinalData; struct PathData @0x8817eeea389e9f08 { points @0 :List(Float32); prob @1 :Float32; std @2 :Float32; stds @3 :List(Float32); poly @4 :List(Float32); validLen @5 :Float32; } struct LeadData @0xd1c9bef96d26fa91 { dist @0 :Float32; prob @1 :Float32; std @2 :Float32; relVel @3 :Float32; relVelStd @4 :Float32; relY @5 :Float32; relYStd @6 :Float32; relA @7 :Float32; relAStd @8 :Float32; } struct ModelSettings @0xa26e3710efd3e914 { bigBoxX @0 :UInt16; bigBoxY @1 :UInt16; bigBoxWidth @2 :UInt16; bigBoxHeight @3 :UInt16; boxProjection @4 :List(Float32); yuvCorrection @5 :List(Float32); inputTransform @6 :List(Float32); } struct MetaData @0x9744f25fb60f2bf8 { engagedProb @0 :Float32; desirePrediction @1 :List(Float32); brakeDisengageProb @2 :Float32; gasDisengageProb @3 :Float32; steerOverrideProb @4 :Float32; desireState @5 :List(Float32); } struct LongitudinalData @0xf98f999c6a071122 { distances @2 :List(Float32); speeds @0 :List(Float32); accelerations @1 :List(Float32); } } struct ECEFPoint @0xc25bbbd524983447 { x @0 :Float64; y @1 :Float64; z @2 :Float64; } struct ECEFPointDEPRECATED @0xe10e21168db0c7f7 { x @0 :Float32; y @1 :Float32; z @2 :Float32; } struct GPSPlannerPoints @0xab54c59699f8f9f3 { curPosDEPRECATED @0 :ECEFPointDEPRECATED; pointsDEPRECATED @1 :List(ECEFPointDEPRECATED); curPos @6 :ECEFPoint; points @7 :List(ECEFPoint); valid @2 :Bool; trackName @3 :Text; speedLimit @4 :Float32; accelTarget @5 :Float32; } struct GPSPlannerPlan @0xf5ad1d90cdc1dd6b { valid @0 :Bool; poly @1 :List(Float32); trackName @2 :Text; speed @3 :Float32; acceleration @4 :Float32; pointsDEPRECATED @5 :List(ECEFPointDEPRECATED); points @6 :List(ECEFPoint); xLookahead @7 :Float32; } struct UiNavigationEvent @0x90c8426c3eaddd3b { type @0: Type; status @1: Status; distanceTo @2: Float32; endRoadPointDEPRECATED @3: ECEFPointDEPRECATED; endRoadPoint @4: ECEFPoint; enum Type @0xe8db07dcf8fcea05 { none @0; laneChangeLeft @1; laneChangeRight @2; mergeLeft @3; mergeRight @4; turnLeft @5; turnRight @6; } enum Status @0xb9aa88c75ef99a1f { none @0; passive @1; approaching @2; active @3; } } struct LiveLocationData @0xb99b2bc7a57e8128 { status @0 :UInt8; # 3D fix lat @1 :Float64; lon @2 :Float64; alt @3 :Float32; # m # speed speed @4 :Float32; # m/s # NED velocity components vNED @5 :List(Float32); # roll, pitch, heading (x,y,z) roll @6 :Float32; # WRT to center of earth? pitch @7 :Float32; # WRT to center of earth? heading @8 :Float32; # WRT to north? # what are these? wanderAngle @9 :Float32; trackAngle @10 :Float32; # car frame -- # gyro, in car frame, deg/s gyro @11 :List(Float32); # accel, in car frame, m/s^2 accel @12 :List(Float32); accuracy @13 :Accuracy; source @14 :SensorSource; # if we are fixing a location in the past fixMonoTime @15 :UInt64; gpsWeek @16 :Int32; timeOfWeek @17 :Float64; positionECEF @18 :List(Float64); poseQuatECEF @19 :List(Float32); pitchCalibration @20 :Float32; yawCalibration @21 :Float32; imuFrame @22 :List(Float32); struct Accuracy @0x943dc4625473b03f { pNEDError @0 :List(Float32); vNEDError @1 :List(Float32); rollError @2 :Float32; pitchError @3 :Float32; headingError @4 :Float32; ellipsoidSemiMajorError @5 :Float32; ellipsoidSemiMinorError @6 :Float32; ellipsoidOrientationError @7 :Float32; } enum SensorSource @0xc871d3cc252af657 { applanix @0; kalman @1; orbslam @2; timing @3; dummy @4; } } struct OrbOdometry @0xd7700859ed1f5b76 { # timing first startMonoTime @0 :UInt64; endMonoTime @1 :UInt64; # fundamental matrix and error f @2: List(Float64); err @3: Float64; # number of inlier points inliers @4: Int32; # for debug only # indexed by endMonoTime features # value is startMonoTime feature match # -1 if no match matches @5: List(Int16); } struct OrbFeatures @0xcd60164a8a0159ef { timestampEof @0 :UInt64; # transposed arrays of normalized image coordinates # len(xs) == len(ys) == len(descriptors) * 32 xs @1 :List(Float32); ys @2 :List(Float32); descriptors @3 :Data; octaves @4 :List(Int8); # match index to last OrbFeatures # -1 if no match timestampLastEof @5 :UInt64; matches @6: List(Int16); } struct OrbFeaturesSummary @0xd500d30c5803fa4f { timestampEof @0 :UInt64; timestampLastEof @1 :UInt64; featureCount @2 :UInt16; matchCount @3 :UInt16; computeNs @4 :UInt64; } struct OrbKeyFrame @0xc8233c0345e27e24 { # this is a globally unique id for the KeyFrame id @0: UInt64; # this is the location of the KeyFrame pos @1: ECEFPoint; # these are the features in the world # len(dpos) == len(descriptors) * 32 dpos @2 :List(ECEFPoint); descriptors @3 :Data; } struct KalmanOdometry @0x92e21bb7ea38793a { trans @0 :List(Float32); # m/s in device frame rot @1 :List(Float32); # rad/s in device frame transStd @2 :List(Float32); # std m/s in device frame rotStd @3 :List(Float32); # std rad/s in device frame } struct OrbObservation @0x9b326d4e436afec7 { observationMonoTime @0 :UInt64; normalizedCoordinates @1 :List(Float32); locationECEF @2 :List(Float64); matchDistance @3: UInt32; } struct CalibrationFeatures @0x8fdfadb254ea867a { frameId @0 :UInt32; p0 @1 :List(Float32); p1 @2 :List(Float32); status @3 :List(Int8); } struct NavStatus @0xbd8822120928120c { isNavigating @0 :Bool; currentAddress @1 :Address; struct Address @0xce7cd672cacc7814 { title @0 :Text; lat @1 :Float64; lng @2 :Float64; house @3 :Text; address @4 :Text; street @5 :Text; city @6 :Text; state @7 :Text; country @8 :Text; } } struct NavUpdate @0xdb98be6565516acb { isNavigating @0 :Bool; curSegment @1 :Int32; segments @2 :List(Segment); struct LatLng @0x9eaef9187cadbb9b { lat @0 :Float64; lng @1 :Float64; } struct Segment @0xa5b39b4fc4d7da3f { from @0 :LatLng; to @1 :LatLng; updateTime @2 :Int32; distance @3 :Int32; crossTime @4 :Int32; exitNo @5 :Int32; instruction @6 :Instruction; parts @7 :List(LatLng); enum Instruction @0xc5417a637451246f { turnLeft @0; turnRight @1; keepLeft @2; keepRight @3; straight @4; roundaboutExitNumber @5; roundaboutExit @6; roundaboutTurnLeft @7; unkn8 @8; roundaboutStraight @9; unkn10 @10; roundaboutTurnRight @11; unkn12 @12; roundaboutUturn @13; unkn14 @14; arrive @15; exitLeft @16; exitRight @17; unkn18 @18; uturn @19; # ... } } } struct TrafficEvent @0xacfa74a094e62626 { type @0 :Type; distance @1 :Float32; action @2 :Action; resuming @3 :Bool; enum Type @0xd85d75253435bf4b { stopSign @0; lightRed @1; lightYellow @2; lightGreen @3; stopLight @4; } enum Action @0xa6f6ce72165ccb49 { none @0; yield @1; stop @2; resumeReady @3; } } struct AndroidGnss @0xdfdf30d03fc485bd { union { measurements @0 :Measurements; navigationMessage @1 :NavigationMessage; } struct Measurements @0xa20710d4f428d6cd { clock @0 :Clock; measurements @1 :List(Measurement); struct Clock @0xa0e27b453a38f450 { timeNanos @0 :Int64; hardwareClockDiscontinuityCount @1 :Int32; hasTimeUncertaintyNanos @2 :Bool; timeUncertaintyNanos @3 :Float64; hasLeapSecond @4 :Bool; leapSecond @5 :Int32; hasFullBiasNanos @6 :Bool; fullBiasNanos @7 :Int64; hasBiasNanos @8 :Bool; biasNanos @9 :Float64; hasBiasUncertaintyNanos @10 :Bool; biasUncertaintyNanos @11 :Float64; hasDriftNanosPerSecond @12 :Bool; driftNanosPerSecond @13 :Float64; hasDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond @14 :Bool; driftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond @15 :Float64; } struct Measurement @0xd949bf717d77614d { svId @0 :Int32; constellation @1 :Constellation; timeOffsetNanos @2 :Float64; state @3 :Int32; receivedSvTimeNanos @4 :Int64; receivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos @5 :Int64; cn0DbHz @6 :Float64; pseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond @7 :Float64; pseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond @8 :Float64; accumulatedDeltaRangeState @9 :Int32; accumulatedDeltaRangeMeters @10 :Float64; accumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters @11 :Float64; hasCarrierFrequencyHz @12 :Bool; carrierFrequencyHz @13 :Float32; hasCarrierCycles @14 :Bool; carrierCycles @15 :Int64; hasCarrierPhase @16 :Bool; carrierPhase @17 :Float64; hasCarrierPhaseUncertainty @18 :Bool; carrierPhaseUncertainty @19 :Float64; hasSnrInDb @20 :Bool; snrInDb @21 :Float64; multipathIndicator @22 :MultipathIndicator; enum Constellation @0x9ef1f3ff0deb5ffb { unknown @0; gps @1; sbas @2; glonass @3; qzss @4; beidou @5; galileo @6; } enum State @0xcbb9490adce12d72 { unknown @0; codeLock @1; bitSync @2; subframeSync @3; towDecoded @4; msecAmbiguous @5; symbolSync @6; gloStringSync @7; gloTodDecoded @8; bdsD2BitSync @9; bdsD2SubframeSync @10; galE1bcCodeLock @11; galE1c2ndCodeLock @12; galE1bPageSync @13; sbasSync @14; } enum MultipathIndicator @0xc04e7b6231d4caa8 { unknown @0; detected @1; notDetected @2; } } } struct NavigationMessage @0xe2517b083095fd4e { type @0 :Int32; svId @1 :Int32; messageId @2 :Int32; submessageId @3 :Int32; data @4 :Data; status @5 :Status; enum Status @0xec1ff7996b35366f { unknown @0; parityPassed @1; parityRebuilt @2; } } } struct LidarPts @0xe3d6685d4e9d8f7a { r @0 :List(UInt16); # uint16 m*500.0 theta @1 :List(UInt16); # uint16 deg*100.0 reflect @2 :List(UInt8); # uint8 0-255 # For storing out of file. idx @3 :UInt64; # For storing in file pkt @4 :Data; }