def device(String ip, String step_label, String cmd) { withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'id_rsa', variable: 'key_file')]) { def ssh_cmd = """ ssh -tt -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ${key_file} 'comma@${ip}' /usr/bin/bash <<'END' set -e export CI=1 export PYTHONWARNINGS=error export LOGPRINT=debug export TEST_DIR=${env.TEST_DIR} export SOURCE_DIR=${env.SOURCE_DIR} export GIT_BRANCH=${env.GIT_BRANCH} export GIT_COMMIT=${env.GIT_COMMIT} export AZURE_TOKEN='${env.AZURE_TOKEN}' export MAPBOX_TOKEN='${env.MAPBOX_TOKEN}' export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i /data/gitkey" source ~/.bash_profile if [ -f /TICI ]; then source /etc/profile rm -rf ~/.commacache if ! systemctl is-active --quiet systemd-resolved; then echo "restarting resolved" sudo systemctl start systemd-resolved sleep 3 fi # restart aux USB if [ -e /sys/bus/usb/drivers/hub/3-0:1.0 ]; then echo "restarting aux usb" echo "3-0:1.0" | sudo tee /sys/bus/usb/drivers/hub/unbind sleep 0.5 echo "3-0:1.0" | sudo tee /sys/bus/usb/drivers/hub/bind fi fi if [ -f /data/openpilot/ ]; then source /data/openpilot/ fi ln -snf ${env.TEST_DIR} /data/pythonpath cd ${env.TEST_DIR} || true ${cmd} exit 0 END""" sh script: ssh_cmd, label: step_label } } def deviceStage(String stageName, String deviceType, List env, def steps) { stage(stageName) { if (currentBuild.result != null) { return } def extra = env.collect { "export ${it}" }.join('\n'); docker.image('').inside('--user=root') { lock(resource: "", label: deviceType, inversePrecedence: true, variable: 'device_ip', quantity: 1) { timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') { retry (3) { device(device_ip, "git checkout", extra + "\n" + readFile("selfdrive/test/")) } steps.each { item -> device(device_ip, item[0], item[1]) } } } } } } def pcStage(String stageName, Closure body) { node { stage(stageName) { if (currentBuild.result != null) { return } checkout scm def dockerArgs = '--user=batman -v /tmp/comma_download_cache:/tmp/comma_download_cache -v /tmp/scons_cache:/tmp/scons_cache';"openpilot-base:build-${env.GIT_COMMIT}", "-f Dockerfile.openpilot_base .").inside(dockerArgs) { timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') { try { // TODO: remove these after all jenkins jobs are running as batman (merged with master) sh "sudo chown -R batman:batman /tmp/scons_cache" sh "sudo chown -R batman:batman /tmp/comma_download_cache" sh "git config --global --add '*'" sh "git submodule update --init --recursive" sh "git lfs pull" body() } finally { sh "rm -rf ${env.WORKSPACE}/* || true" sh "rm -rf .* || true" } } } } } } def setupCredentials() { withCredentials([ string(credentialsId: 'azure_token', variable: 'AZURE_TOKEN'), string(credentialsId: 'mapbox_token', variable: 'MAPBOX_TOKEN') ]) { env.AZURE_TOKEN = "${AZURE_TOKEN}" env.MAPBOX_TOKEN = "${MAPBOX_TOKEN}" } } node { env.CI = "1" env.PYTHONWARNINGS = "error" env.TEST_DIR = "/data/openpilot" env.SOURCE_DIR = "/data/openpilot_source/" setupCredentials() env.GIT_BRANCH = checkout(scm).GIT_BRANCH env.GIT_COMMIT = checkout(scm).GIT_COMMIT def excludeBranches = ['master-ci', 'devel', 'devel-staging', 'release3', 'release3-staging', 'dashcam3', 'dashcam3-staging', 'testing-closet*', 'hotfix-*'] def excludeRegex = excludeBranches.join('|').replaceAll('\\*', '.*') if (env.BRANCH_NAME != 'master') { properties([ disableConcurrentBuilds(abortPrevious: true) ]) } try { if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'devel-staging') { deviceStage("build release3-staging", "tici-needs-can", [], [ ["build release3-staging & dashcam3-staging", "RELEASE_BRANCH=release3-staging DASHCAM_BRANCH=dashcam3-staging $SOURCE_DIR/release/"], ]) } if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master-ci') { deviceStage("build nightly", "tici-needs-can", [], [ ["build nightly", "RELEASE_BRANCH=nightly $SOURCE_DIR/release/"], ]) } if (!env.BRANCH_NAME.matches(excludeRegex)) { parallel ( // tici tests 'onroad tests': { deviceStage("onroad", "tici-needs-can", ["SKIP_COPY=1"], [ ["build master-ci", "cd $SOURCE_DIR/release && TARGET_DIR=$TEST_DIR ./"], ["build openpilot", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./"], ["check dirty", "release/"], ["onroad tests", "pytest selfdrive/test/ -s"], ["time to onroad", "cd selfdrive/test/ && pytest"], ]) }, 'HW + Unit Tests': { deviceStage("tici", "tici-common", ["UNSAFE=1"], [ ["build", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./"], ["test pandad", "pytest selfdrive/boardd/tests/"], ["test power draw", "./system/hardware/tici/tests/"], ["test encoder", "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib pytest system/loggerd/tests/"], ["test pigeond", "pytest system/sensord/tests/"], ["test manager", "pytest selfdrive/manager/test/"], ["test nav", "pytest selfdrive/navd/tests/"], ]) }, 'loopback': { deviceStage("tici", "tici-loopback", ["UNSAFE=1"], [ ["build openpilot", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./"], ["test boardd loopback", "pytest selfdrive/boardd/tests/"], ]) }, 'camerad': { deviceStage("AR0231", "tici-ar0231", ["UNSAFE=1"], [ ["build", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./"], ["test camerad", "pytest system/camerad/test/"], ["test exposure", "pytest system/camerad/test/"], ]) deviceStage("OX03C10", "tici-ox03c10", ["UNSAFE=1"], [ ["build", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./"], ["test camerad", "pytest system/camerad/test/"], ["test exposure", "pytest system/camerad/test/"], ]) }, 'sensord': { deviceStage("LSM + MMC", "tici-lsmc", ["UNSAFE=1"], [ ["build", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./"], ["test sensord", "cd system/sensord/tests && pytest"], ]) deviceStage("BMX + LSM", "tici-bmx-lsm", ["UNSAFE=1"], [ ["build", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./"], ["test sensord", "cd system/sensord/tests && pytest"], ]) }, 'replay': { deviceStage("tici", "tici-replay", ["UNSAFE=1"], [ ["build", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./"], ["model replay", "cd selfdrive/test/process_replay && ./"], ]) }, 'tizi': { deviceStage("tizi", "tizi", ["UNSAFE=1"], [ ["build openpilot", "cd selfdrive/manager && ./"], ["test boardd loopback", "SINGLE_PANDA=1 pytest selfdrive/boardd/tests/"], ["test pandad", "pytest selfdrive/boardd/tests/"], ["test amp", "pytest system/hardware/tici/tests/"], ["test hw", "pytest system/hardware/tici/tests/"], ["test rawgpsd", "pytest system/sensord/rawgps/"], ]) }, // *** PC tests *** 'PC tests': { pcStage("PC tests") { // tests that our build system's dependencies are configured properly, // needs a machine with lots of cores sh label: "test multi-threaded build", script: "scons --no-cache --random -j42" } }, 'car tests': { pcStage("car tests") { sh "scons -j30" sh label: "", script: "INTERNAL_SEG_CNT=250 INTERNAL_SEG_LIST=selfdrive/car/tests/test_models_segs.txt FILEREADER_CACHE=1 \ pytest -n42 --dist=loadscope selfdrive/car/tests/" sh label: "", script: "MAX_EXAMPLES=100 pytest -n42 selfdrive/car/tests/" } }, ) } } catch (Exception e) { currentBuild.result = 'FAILED' throw e } }