#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' BOLD='\033[1m' NC='\033[0m' if [ -z "$OPENPILOT_ROOT" ]; then # default to current directory for installation OPENPILOT_ROOT="$(pwd)/openpilot" fi function show_motd() { cat << 'EOF' .~ssos+. +8888888888i, {888888888888o. h8888888888888k t888888888s888k `t88888d/ h88k ``` h88l ,88k` .d8h` +d8h _+d8h` ;y8h+` |-` openpilot installer EOF } function check_stdin() { if [ -t 0 ]; then INTERACTIVE=1 else echo "Checking for valid invocation..." echo -e " ↳ [${RED}✗${NC}] stdin not found! Running in non-interactive mode." echo -e " Run ${BOLD}'bash <(curl -fsSL openpilot.comma.ai)'${NC} to run in interactive mode.\n" fi } function ask_dir() { echo -n "Enter directory in which to install openpilot (default $OPENPILOT_ROOT): " if [[ -z $INTERACTIVE ]]; then echo -e "\nBecause your are running in non-interactive mode, the installation" echo -e "will default to $OPENPILOT_ROOT\n" return 0 fi read if [[ ! -z "$REPLY" ]]; then mkdir -p $REPLY OPENPILOT_ROOT="$(realpath $REPLY/openpilot)" fi } function check_dir() { echo "Checking for installation directory..." if [ -d "$OPENPILOT_ROOT" ]; then echo -e " ↳ [${RED}✗${NC}] Installation destination $OPENPILOT_ROOT already exists!" # not a valid clone, can't continue if [[ ! -z "$(ls -A $OPENPILOT_ROOT)" && ! -f "$OPENPILOT_ROOT/launch_openpilot.sh" ]]; then echo -e " $OPENPILOT_ROOT already contains files but does not seems" echo -e " to be a valid openpilot git clone. Choose another location for" echo -e " installing openpilot!\n" return 1 fi # by default, don't try installing in already existing directory if [[ -z $INTERACTIVE ]]; then return 1 fi read -p " Would you like to attempt installation anyway? [Y/n] " -n 1 -r echo -e "\n" if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then return 1 fi # already a "valid" openpilot clone, skip cloning again if [[ ! -z "$(ls -A $OPENPILOT_ROOT)" ]]; then SKIP_GIT_CLONE=1 fi return 0 fi echo -e " ↳ [${GREEN}✔${NC}] Successfully chosen $OPENPILOT_ROOT as installation directory\n" } function check_git() { echo "Checking for git..." if ! command -v "git" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e " ↳ [${RED}✗${NC}] git not found on your system, can't continue!" return 1 else echo -e " ↳ [${GREEN}✔${NC}] git found.\n" fi } function git_clone() { st="$(date +%s)" echo "Cloning openpilot..." if $(git clone --filter=blob:none https://github.com/commaai/openpilot.git "$OPENPILOT_ROOT"); then if [[ -f $OPENPILOT_ROOT/launch_openpilot.sh ]]; then et="$(date +%s)" echo -e " ↳ [${GREEN}✔${NC}] Successfully cloned openpilot in $((et - st)) seconds.\n" return 0 fi fi echo -e " ↳ [${RED}✗${NC}] failed to clone openpilot!" return 1 } function install_with_op() { cd $OPENPILOT_ROOT $OPENPILOT_ROOT/tools/op.sh install $OPENPILOT_ROOT/tools/op.sh setup echo -e "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "openpilot was successfully installed into ${BOLD}$OPENPILOT_ROOT${NC}" echo -e "Checkout the docs at https://docs.comma.ai" echo -e "Checkout how to contribute at https://github.com/commaai/openpilot/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md" } show_motd check_stdin ask_dir check_dir check_git [ -z $SKIP_GIT_CLONE ] && git_clone install_with_op