import os import sys from dataclasses import dataclass, fields from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError from time import sleep from typing import NoReturn DEBUG = int(os.environ.get("DEBUG", "0")) @dataclass class GnssClockNmeaPort: # flags bit mask: # 0x01 = leap_seconds valid # 0x02 = time_uncertainty_ns valid # 0x04 = full_bias_ns valid # 0x08 = bias_ns valid # 0x10 = bias_uncertainty_ns valid # 0x20 = drift_nsps valid # 0x40 = drift_uncertainty_nsps valid flags: int leap_seconds: int time_ns: int time_uncertainty_ns: int # 1-sigma full_bias_ns: int bias_ns: float bias_uncertainty_ns: float # 1-sigma drift_nsps: float drift_uncertainty_nsps: float # 1-sigma def __post_init__(self): for field in fields(self): val = getattr(self, setattr(self,, field.type(val) if val else None) @dataclass class GnssMeasNmeaPort: messageCount: int messageNum: int svCount: int # constellation enum: # 1 = GPS # 2 = SBAS # 3 = GLONASS # 4 = QZSS # 5 = BEIDOU # 6 = GALILEO constellation: int svId: int flags: int # always zero time_offset_ns: int # state bit mask: # 0x0001 = CODE LOCK # 0x0002 = BIT SYNC # 0x0004 = SUBFRAME SYNC # 0x0008 = TIME OF WEEK DECODED # 0x0010 = MSEC AMBIGUOUS # 0x0020 = SYMBOL SYNC # 0x0040 = GLONASS STRING SYNC # 0x0080 = GLONASS TIME OF DAY DECODED # 0x0100 = BEIDOU D2 BIT SYNC # 0x0200 = BEIDOU D2 SUBFRAME SYNC # 0x0400 = GALILEO E1BC CODE LOCK # 0x0800 = GALILEO E1C 2ND CODE LOCK # 0x1000 = GALILEO E1B PAGE SYNC # 0x2000 = GALILEO E1B PAGE SYNC state: int time_of_week_ns: int time_of_week_uncertainty_ns: int # 1-sigma carrier_to_noise_ratio: float pseudorange_rate: float pseudorange_rate_uncertainty: float # 1-sigma def __post_init__(self): for field in fields(self): val = getattr(self, setattr(self,, field.type(val) if val else None) def nmea_checksum_ok(s): checksum = 0 for i, c in enumerate(s[1:]): if c == "*": if i != len(s) - 4: # should be 3rd to last character print("ERROR: NMEA string does not have checksum delimiter in correct location:", s) return False break checksum ^= ord(c) else: print("ERROR: NMEA string does not have checksum delimiter:", s) return False return True def process_nmea_port_messages(device:str="/dev/ttyUSB1") -> NoReturn: while True: try: with open(device) as nmeaport: for line in nmeaport: line = line.strip() if DEBUG: print(line) if not line.startswith("$"): # all NMEA messages start with $ continue if not nmea_checksum_ok(line): continue fields = line.split(",") match fields[0]: case "$GNCLK": # fields at end are reserved (not used) gnss_clock = GnssClockNmeaPort(*fields[1:10]) # type: ignore[arg-type] print(gnss_clock) case "$GNMEAS": # fields at end are reserved (not used) gnss_meas = GnssMeasNmeaPort(*fields[1:14]) # type: ignore[arg-type] print(gnss_meas) except Exception as e: print(e) sleep(1) def main() -> NoReturn: from openpilot.common.gpio import gpio_init, gpio_set from openpilot.system.hardware.tici.pins import GPIO from openpilot.system.qcomgpsd.qcomgpsd import at_cmd try: check_output(["pidof", "qcomgpsd"]) print("qcomgpsd is running, please kill openpilot before running this script! (aborted)") sys.exit(1) except CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode != 1: # 1 == no process found (pandad not running) raise e print("power up antenna ...") gpio_init(GPIO.GNSS_PWR_EN, True) gpio_set(GPIO.GNSS_PWR_EN, True) if b"+QGPS: 0" not in (at_cmd("AT+QGPS?") or b""): print("stop location tracking ...") at_cmd("AT+QGPSEND") if b'+QGPSCFG: "outport",usbnmea' not in (at_cmd('AT+QGPSCFG="outport"') or b""): print("configure outport ...") at_cmd('AT+QGPSCFG="outport","usbnmea"') # usbnmea = /dev/ttyUSB1 if b'+QGPSCFG: "gnssrawdata",3,0' not in (at_cmd('AT+QGPSCFG="gnssrawdata"') or b""): print("configure gnssrawdata ...") # AT+QGPSCFG="gnssrawdata",,' # values: # 0x01 = GPS # 0x02 = GLONASS # 0x04 = BEIDOU # 0x08 = GALILEO # 0x10 = QZSS # values: # 0 = NMEA port # 1 = AT port at_cmd('AT+QGPSCFG="gnssrawdata",3,0') # enable all constellations, output data to NMEA port print("rebooting ...") at_cmd('AT+CFUN=1,1') print("re-run this script when it is back up") sys.exit(2) print("starting location tracking ...") at_cmd("AT+QGPS=1") process_nmea_port_messages() if __name__ == "__main__": main()