2024-06-13 02:17:19 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import time
import cereal.messaging as messaging
2024-06-07 17:58:29 +08:00
from cereal import car, custom
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from openpilot.common.params import Params
from openpilot.common.realtime import config_realtime_process, Priority, Ratekeeper, DT_CTRL
from openpilot.selfdrive.pandad import can_list_to_can_capnp
from openpilot.selfdrive.car.car_helpers import get_car, get_one_can
from openpilot.selfdrive.car.interfaces import CarInterfaceBase
from openpilot.selfdrive.controls.lib.events import Events
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from openpilot.selfdrive.frogpilot.controls.lib.frogpilot_variables import FrogPilotVariables
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REPLAY = "REPLAY" in os.environ
EventName = car.CarEvent.EventName
class Car:
CI: CarInterfaceBase
def __init__(self, CI=None):
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# FrogPilot variables
self.frogpilot_toggles = FrogPilotVariables.toggles
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self.can_sock = messaging.sub_sock('can', timeout=20)
self.sm = messaging.SubMaster(['pandaStates', 'carControl', 'onroadEvents'])
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self.pm = messaging.PubMaster(['sendcan', 'carState', 'carParams', 'carOutput', 'frogpilotCarState'])
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self.can_rcv_cum_timeout_counter = 0
self.CC_prev = car.CarControl.new_message()
self.CS_prev = car.CarState.new_message()
self.initialized_prev = False
self.last_actuators_output = car.CarControl.Actuators.new_message()
self.params = Params()
if CI is None:
# wait for one pandaState and one CAN packet
print("Waiting for CAN messages...")
num_pandas = len(messaging.recv_one_retry(self.sm.sock['pandaStates']).pandaStates)
experimental_long_allowed = self.params.get_bool("ExperimentalLongitudinalEnabled")
2024-06-07 19:34:10 +08:00
self.CI, self.CP = get_car(self.params, self.can_sock, self.pm.sock['sendcan'], experimental_long_allowed, num_pandas)
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self.CI, self.CP = CI, CI.CP
# set alternative experiences from parameters
self.disengage_on_accelerator = self.params.get_bool("DisengageOnAccelerator")
self.CP.alternativeExperience = 0
if not self.disengage_on_accelerator:
openpilot_enabled_toggle = self.params.get_bool("OpenpilotEnabledToggle")
controller_available = self.CI.CC is not None and openpilot_enabled_toggle and not self.CP.dashcamOnly
self.CP.passive = not controller_available or self.CP.dashcamOnly
if self.CP.passive:
safety_config = car.CarParams.SafetyConfig.new_message()
safety_config.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.noOutput
self.CP.safetyConfigs = [safety_config]
# Write previous route's CarParams
prev_cp = self.params.get("CarParamsPersistent")
if prev_cp is not None:
self.params.put("CarParamsPrevRoute", prev_cp)
# Write CarParams for controls and radard
cp_bytes = self.CP.to_bytes()
self.params.put("CarParams", cp_bytes)
self.params.put_nonblocking("CarParamsCache", cp_bytes)
self.params.put_nonblocking("CarParamsPersistent", cp_bytes)
self.events = Events()
# card is driven by can recv, expected at 100Hz
self.rk = Ratekeeper(100, print_delay_threshold=None)
def state_update(self) -> car.CarState:
"""carState update loop, driven by can"""
# Update carState from CAN
can_strs = messaging.drain_sock_raw(self.can_sock, wait_for_one=True)
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CS, FPCS = self.CI.update(self.CC_prev, can_strs, self.frogpilot_toggles)
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can_rcv_valid = len(can_strs) > 0
# Check for CAN timeout
if not can_rcv_valid:
self.can_rcv_cum_timeout_counter += 1
if can_rcv_valid and REPLAY:
self.can_log_mono_time = messaging.log_from_bytes(can_strs[0]).logMonoTime
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return CS, FPCS
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def update_events(self, CS: car.CarState) -> car.CarState:
# Disable on rising edge of accelerator or brake. Also disable on brake when speed > 0
if (CS.gasPressed and not self.CS_prev.gasPressed and self.disengage_on_accelerator) or \
(CS.brakePressed and (not self.CS_prev.brakePressed or not CS.standstill)) or \
(CS.regenBraking and (not self.CS_prev.regenBraking or not CS.standstill)):
CS.events = self.events.to_msg()
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def state_publish(self, CS: car.CarState, FPCS: custom.FrogPilotCarState):
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"""carState and carParams publish loop"""
# carParams - logged every 50 seconds (> 1 per segment)
if self.sm.frame % int(50. / DT_CTRL) == 0:
cp_send = messaging.new_message('carParams')
cp_send.valid = True
cp_send.carParams = self.CP
self.pm.send('carParams', cp_send)
# publish new carOutput
co_send = messaging.new_message('carOutput')
co_send.valid = self.sm.all_checks(['carControl'])
co_send.carOutput.actuatorsOutput = self.last_actuators_output
self.pm.send('carOutput', co_send)
# kick off controlsd step while we actuate the latest carControl packet
cs_send = messaging.new_message('carState')
cs_send.valid = CS.canValid
cs_send.carState = CS
cs_send.carState.canErrorCounter = self.can_rcv_cum_timeout_counter
cs_send.carState.cumLagMs = -self.rk.remaining * 1000.
self.pm.send('carState', cs_send)
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# frogpilotCarState
fpcs_send = messaging.new_message('frogpilotCarState')
fpcs_send.valid = CS.canValid
fpcs_send.frogpilotCarState = FPCS
self.pm.send('frogpilotCarState', fpcs_send)
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def controls_update(self, CS: car.CarState, CC: car.CarControl):
"""control update loop, driven by carControl"""
if not self.initialized_prev:
# Initialize CarInterface, once controls are ready
# TODO: this can make us miss at least a few cycles when doing an ECU knockout
self.CI.init(self.CP, self.can_sock, self.pm.sock['sendcan'])
# signal pandad to switch to car safety mode
self.params.put_bool_nonblocking("ControlsReady", True)
if self.sm.all_alive(['carControl']):
# send car controls over can
now_nanos = self.can_log_mono_time if REPLAY else int(time.monotonic() * 1e9)
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self.last_actuators_output, can_sends = self.CI.apply(CC, now_nanos, self.frogpilot_toggles)
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self.pm.send('sendcan', can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan', valid=CS.canValid))
self.CC_prev = CC
def step(self):
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CS, FPCS = self.state_update()
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2024-06-07 17:58:29 +08:00
self.state_publish(CS, FPCS)
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initialized = (not any(e.name == EventName.controlsInitializing for e in self.sm['onroadEvents']) and
if not self.CP.passive and initialized:
self.controls_update(CS, self.sm['carControl'])
self.initialized_prev = initialized
self.CS_prev = CS.as_reader()
def card_thread(self):
while True:
2024-06-07 19:34:10 +08:00
# Update FrogPilot parameters
if FrogPilotVariables.toggles_updated:
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def main():
config_realtime_process(4, Priority.CTRL_HIGH)
car = Car()
if __name__ == "__main__":