
102 lines
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from cereal import car
from openpilot.common.realtime import DT_CTRL
from opendbc.can.packer import CANPacker
from openpilot.selfdrive.car import apply_std_steer_angle_limits
from openpilot.selfdrive.car.interfaces import CarControllerBase
from openpilot.selfdrive.car.nissan import nissancan
from openpilot.selfdrive.car.nissan.values import CAR, CarControllerParams
VisualAlert = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
class CarController(CarControllerBase):
def __init__(self, dbc_name, CP, VM):
self.CP = CP
self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
self.frame = 0
self.lkas_max_torque = 0
self.apply_angle_last = 0
self.packer = CANPacker(dbc_name)
self.disengage_blink = 0.
self.lat_disengage_init = False
self.lat_active_last = False
def update(self, CC, CS, now_nanos):
actuators = CC.actuators
hud_control = CC.hudControl
pcm_cancel_cmd = CC.cruiseControl.cancel
lateral_paused = CS.madsEnabled and not CC.latActive
if CC.latActive:
self.lat_disengage_init = False
elif self.lat_active_last:
self.lat_disengage_init = True
if not self.lat_disengage_init:
self.disengage_blink = self.frame
blinking_icon = (self.frame - self.disengage_blink) * DT_CTRL < 1.0 if self.lat_disengage_init else False
self.lat_active_last = CC.latActive
can_sends = []
### STEER ###
steer_hud_alert = 1 if hud_control.visualAlert in (VisualAlert.steerRequired, VisualAlert.ldw) else 0
if CC.latActive:
# windup slower
apply_angle = apply_std_steer_angle_limits(actuators.steeringAngleDeg, self.apply_angle_last, CS.out.vEgoRaw, CarControllerParams)
# Max torque from driver before EPS will give up and not apply torque
if not bool(CS.out.steeringPressed):
self.lkas_max_torque = CarControllerParams.LKAS_MAX_TORQUE
# Scale max torque based on how much torque the driver is applying to the wheel
self.lkas_max_torque = max(
# Scale max torque down to half LKAX_MAX_TORQUE as a minimum
CarControllerParams.LKAS_MAX_TORQUE * 0.5,
# Start scaling torque at STEER_THRESHOLD
CarControllerParams.LKAS_MAX_TORQUE - 0.6 * max(0, abs(CS.out.steeringTorque) - CarControllerParams.STEER_THRESHOLD)
apply_angle = CS.out.steeringAngleDeg
self.lkas_max_torque = 0
self.apply_angle_last = apply_angle
if self.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.NISSAN_ROGUE, CAR.NISSAN_XTRAIL, CAR.NISSAN_ALTIMA) and pcm_cancel_cmd:
can_sends.append(nissancan.create_acc_cancel_cmd(self.packer, self.car_fingerprint, CS.cruise_throttle_msg))
# TODO: Find better way to cancel!
# For some reason spamming the cancel button is unreliable on the Leaf
# We now cancel by making propilot think the seatbelt is unlatched,
# this generates a beep and a warning message every time you disengage
if self.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.NISSAN_LEAF, CAR.NISSAN_LEAF_IC) and self.frame % 2 == 0:
can_sends.append(nissancan.create_cancel_msg(self.packer, CS.cancel_msg, pcm_cancel_cmd))
self.packer, apply_angle, self.frame, CC.latActive, self.lkas_max_torque))
# Below are the HUD messages. We copy the stock message and modify
if self.CP.carFingerprint != CAR.NISSAN_ALTIMA:
if self.frame % 2 == 0:
can_sends.append(nissancan.create_lkas_hud_msg(self.packer, CS.lkas_hud_msg, CC.latActive, blinking_icon, lateral_paused,
hud_control.leftLaneVisible, hud_control.rightLaneVisible,
hud_control.leftLaneDepart, hud_control.rightLaneDepart))
if self.frame % 50 == 0:
self.packer, CS.lkas_hud_info_msg, steer_hud_alert
new_actuators = actuators.copy()
new_actuators.steeringAngleDeg = apply_angle
self.frame += 1
return new_actuators, can_sends