mirror of https://github.com/commaai/cereal.git
317 lines
10 KiB
317 lines
10 KiB
# must be built with scons
from .messaging_pyx import Context, Poller, SubSocket, PubSocket, SocketEventHandle, toggle_fake_events, \
set_fake_prefix, get_fake_prefix, delete_fake_prefix, wait_for_one_event
from .messaging_pyx import MultiplePublishersError, MessagingError
import os
import capnp
import time
from typing import Optional, List, Union, Dict, Deque
from collections import deque
from cereal import log
from cereal.services import SERVICE_LIST
assert MultiplePublishersError
assert MessagingError
assert toggle_fake_events
assert set_fake_prefix
assert get_fake_prefix
assert delete_fake_prefix
assert wait_for_one_event
context = Context()
def fake_event_handle(endpoint: str, identifier: Optional[str] = None, override: bool = True, enable: bool = False) -> SocketEventHandle:
identifier = identifier or get_fake_prefix()
handle = SocketEventHandle(endpoint, identifier, override)
if override:
handle.enabled = enable
return handle
def log_from_bytes(dat: bytes) -> capnp.lib.capnp._DynamicStructReader:
with log.Event.from_bytes(dat, traversal_limit_in_words=NO_TRAVERSAL_LIMIT) as msg:
return msg
def new_message(service: Optional[str], size: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs) -> capnp.lib.capnp._DynamicStructBuilder:
args = {
'valid': False,
'logMonoTime': int(time.monotonic() * 1e9),
dat = log.Event.new_message(**args)
if service is not None:
if size is None:
dat.init(service, size)
return dat
def pub_sock(endpoint: str) -> PubSocket:
sock = PubSocket()
sock.connect(context, endpoint)
return sock
def sub_sock(endpoint: str, poller: Optional[Poller] = None, addr: str = "",
conflate: bool = False, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> SubSocket:
sock = SubSocket()
sock.connect(context, endpoint, addr.encode('utf8'), conflate)
if timeout is not None:
if poller is not None:
return sock
def drain_sock_raw(sock: SubSocket, wait_for_one: bool = False) -> List[bytes]:
"""Receive all message currently available on the queue"""
ret: List[bytes] = []
while 1:
if wait_for_one and len(ret) == 0:
dat = sock.receive()
dat = sock.receive(non_blocking=True)
if dat is None:
return ret
def drain_sock(sock: SubSocket, wait_for_one: bool = False) -> List[capnp.lib.capnp._DynamicStructReader]:
"""Receive all message currently available on the queue"""
ret: List[capnp.lib.capnp._DynamicStructReader] = []
while 1:
if wait_for_one and len(ret) == 0:
dat = sock.receive()
dat = sock.receive(non_blocking=True)
if dat is None: # Timeout hit
dat = log_from_bytes(dat)
return ret
# TODO: print when we drop packets?
def recv_sock(sock: SubSocket, wait: bool = False) -> Optional[capnp.lib.capnp._DynamicStructReader]:
"""Same as drain sock, but only returns latest message. Consider using conflate instead."""
dat = None
while 1:
if wait and dat is None:
recv = sock.receive()
recv = sock.receive(non_blocking=True)
if recv is None: # Timeout hit
dat = recv
if dat is not None:
dat = log_from_bytes(dat)
return dat
def recv_one(sock: SubSocket) -> Optional[capnp.lib.capnp._DynamicStructReader]:
dat = sock.receive()
if dat is not None:
dat = log_from_bytes(dat)
return dat
def recv_one_or_none(sock: SubSocket) -> Optional[capnp.lib.capnp._DynamicStructReader]:
dat = sock.receive(non_blocking=True)
if dat is not None:
dat = log_from_bytes(dat)
return dat
def recv_one_retry(sock: SubSocket) -> capnp.lib.capnp._DynamicStructReader:
"""Keep receiving until we get a message"""
while True:
dat = sock.receive()
if dat is not None:
return log_from_bytes(dat)
class SubMaster:
def __init__(self, services: List[str], poll: Optional[str] = None,
ignore_alive: Optional[List[str]] = None, ignore_avg_freq: Optional[List[str]] = None,
ignore_valid: Optional[List[str]] = None, addr: str = "", frequency: Optional[float] = None):
self.frame = -1
self.seen = {s: False for s in services}
self.updated = {s: False for s in services}
self.recv_time = {s: 0. for s in services}
self.recv_frame = {s: 0 for s in services}
self.alive = {s: False for s in services}
self.freq_ok = {s: False for s in services}
self.recv_dts: Dict[str, Deque[float]] = {}
self.sock = {}
self.data = {}
self.valid = {}
self.logMonoTime = {}
self.max_freq = {}
self.min_freq = {}
self.poller = Poller()
polled_services = set([poll, ] if poll is not None else services)
self.non_polled_services = set(services) - polled_services
self.ignore_average_freq = [] if ignore_avg_freq is None else ignore_avg_freq
self.ignore_alive = [] if ignore_alive is None else ignore_alive
self.ignore_valid = [] if ignore_valid is None else ignore_valid
if bool(int(os.getenv("SIMULATION", "0"))):
self.ignore_alive = services
self.ignore_average_freq = services
# if freq and poll aren't specified, assume the max to be conservative
assert frequency is None or poll is None, "Do not specify 'frequency' - frequency of the polled service will be used."
self.update_freq = frequency or max([SERVICE_LIST[s].frequency for s in polled_services])
for s in services:
p = self.poller if s not in self.non_polled_services else None
self.sock[s] = sub_sock(s, poller=p, addr=addr, conflate=True)
data = new_message(s)
except capnp.lib.capnp.KjException:
data = new_message(s, 0) # lists
self.data[s] = getattr(data.as_reader(), s)
self.logMonoTime[s] = 0
self.valid[s] = True # FIXME: this should default to False
freq = max(min([SERVICE_LIST[s].frequency, self.update_freq]), 1.)
if s == poll:
max_freq = freq
min_freq = freq
max_freq = min(freq, self.update_freq)
if SERVICE_LIST[s].frequency >= 2*self.update_freq:
min_freq = self.update_freq
elif self.update_freq >= 2*SERVICE_LIST[s].frequency:
min_freq = freq
min_freq = min(freq, freq / 2.)
self.max_freq[s] = max_freq*1.2
self.min_freq[s] = min_freq*0.8
self.recv_dts[s] = deque(maxlen=int(10*freq))
def __getitem__(self, s: str) -> capnp.lib.capnp._DynamicStructReader:
return self.data[s]
def _check_avg_freq(self, s: str) -> bool:
return SERVICE_LIST[s].frequency > 0.99 and (s not in self.ignore_average_freq) and (s not in self.ignore_alive)
def update(self, timeout: int = 100) -> None:
msgs = []
for sock in self.poller.poll(timeout):
# non-blocking receive for non-polled sockets
for s in self.non_polled_services:
self.update_msgs(time.monotonic(), msgs)
def update_msgs(self, cur_time: float, msgs: List[capnp.lib.capnp._DynamicStructReader]) -> None:
self.frame += 1
self.updated = dict.fromkeys(self.updated, False)
for msg in msgs:
if msg is None:
s = msg.which()
self.seen[s] = True
self.updated[s] = True
if self.recv_time[s] > 1e-5:
self.recv_dts[s].append(cur_time - self.recv_time[s])
self.recv_time[s] = cur_time
self.recv_frame[s] = self.frame
self.data[s] = getattr(msg, s)
self.logMonoTime[s] = msg.logMonoTime
self.valid[s] = msg.valid
for s in self.data:
if SERVICE_LIST[s].frequency > 1e-5:
# alive if delay is within 10x the expected frequency
self.alive[s] = (cur_time - self.recv_time[s]) < (10. / SERVICE_LIST[s].frequency)
# check average frequency; slow to fall, quick to recover
dts = self.recv_dts[s]
assert dts.maxlen is not None
recent_dts = list(dts)[-int(dts.maxlen / 10):]
avg_freq = 1 / (sum(dts) / len(dts))
avg_freq_recent = 1 / (sum(recent_dts) / len(recent_dts))
except ZeroDivisionError:
avg_freq = 0
avg_freq_recent = 0
avg_freq_ok = self.min_freq[s] <= avg_freq <= self.max_freq[s]
recent_freq_ok = self.min_freq[s] <= avg_freq_recent <= self.max_freq[s]
self.freq_ok[s] = avg_freq_ok or recent_freq_ok
self.freq_ok[s] = True
self.alive[s] = True
def all_alive(self, service_list: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> bool:
if service_list is None:
service_list = list(self.sock.keys())
return all(self.alive[s] for s in service_list if s not in self.ignore_alive)
def all_freq_ok(self, service_list: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> bool:
if service_list is None:
service_list = list(self.sock.keys())
return all(self.freq_ok[s] for s in service_list if self._check_avg_freq(s))
def all_valid(self, service_list: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> bool:
if service_list is None:
service_list = list(self.sock.keys())
return all(self.valid[s] for s in service_list if s not in self.ignore_valid)
def all_checks(self, service_list: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> bool:
return self.all_alive(service_list) and self.all_freq_ok(service_list) and self.all_valid(service_list)
class PubMaster:
def __init__(self, services: List[str]):
self.sock = {}
for s in services:
self.sock[s] = pub_sock(s)
def send(self, s: str, dat: Union[bytes, capnp.lib.capnp._DynamicStructBuilder]) -> None:
if not isinstance(dat, bytes):
dat = dat.to_bytes()
def wait_for_readers_to_update(self, s: str, timeout: int, dt: float = 0.05) -> bool:
for _ in range(int(timeout*(1./dt))):
if self.sock[s].all_readers_updated():
return True
return False
def all_readers_updated(self, s: str) -> bool:
return self.sock[s].all_readers_updated() # type: ignore