#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "msgq/impl_msgq.h" volatile sig_atomic_t msgq_do_exit = 0; void sig_handler(int signal) { assert(signal == SIGINT || signal == SIGTERM); msgq_do_exit = 1; } MSGQContext::MSGQContext() { } MSGQContext::~MSGQContext() { } void MSGQMessage::init(size_t sz) { size = sz; data = new char[size]; } void MSGQMessage::init(char * d, size_t sz) { size = sz; data = new char[size]; memcpy(data, d, size); } void MSGQMessage::takeOwnership(char * d, size_t sz) { size = sz; data = d; } void MSGQMessage::close() { if (size > 0){ delete[] data; } size = 0; } MSGQMessage::~MSGQMessage() { this->close(); } int MSGQSubSocket::connect(Context *context, std::string endpoint, std::string address, bool conflate, bool check_endpoint){ assert(context); assert(address == ""); q = new msgq_queue_t; int r = msgq_new_queue(q, endpoint.c_str(), DEFAULT_SEGMENT_SIZE); if (r != 0){ return r; } msgq_init_subscriber(q); if (conflate){ q->read_conflate = true; } timeout = -1; return 0; } Message * MSGQSubSocket::receive(bool non_blocking){ msgq_do_exit = 0; void (*prev_handler_sigint)(int); void (*prev_handler_sigterm)(int); if (!non_blocking){ prev_handler_sigint = std::signal(SIGINT, sig_handler); prev_handler_sigterm = std::signal(SIGTERM, sig_handler); } msgq_msg_t msg; MSGQMessage *r = NULL; int rc = msgq_msg_recv(&msg, q); // Hack to implement blocking read with a poller. Don't use this while (!non_blocking && rc == 0 && msgq_do_exit == 0){ msgq_pollitem_t items[1]; items[0].q = q; int t = (timeout != -1) ? timeout : 100; int n = msgq_poll(items, 1, t); rc = msgq_msg_recv(&msg, q); // The poll indicated a message was ready, but the receive failed. Try again if (n == 1 && rc == 0){ continue; } if (timeout != -1){ break; } } if (!non_blocking){ std::signal(SIGINT, prev_handler_sigint); std::signal(SIGTERM, prev_handler_sigterm); } errno = msgq_do_exit ? EINTR : 0; if (rc > 0){ if (msgq_do_exit){ msgq_msg_close(&msg); // Free unused message on exit } else { r = new MSGQMessage; r->takeOwnership(msg.data, msg.size); } } return (Message*)r; } void MSGQSubSocket::setTimeout(int t){ timeout = t; } MSGQSubSocket::~MSGQSubSocket(){ if (q != NULL){ msgq_close_queue(q); delete q; } } int MSGQPubSocket::connect(Context *context, std::string endpoint, bool check_endpoint){ assert(context); // TODO //if (check_endpoint && !service_exists(std::string(endpoint))){ // std::cout << "Warning, " << std::string(endpoint) << " is not in service list." << std::endl; //} q = new msgq_queue_t; int r = msgq_new_queue(q, endpoint.c_str(), DEFAULT_SEGMENT_SIZE); if (r != 0){ return r; } msgq_init_publisher(q); return 0; } int MSGQPubSocket::sendMessage(Message *message){ msgq_msg_t msg; msg.data = message->getData(); msg.size = message->getSize(); return msgq_msg_send(&msg, q); } int MSGQPubSocket::send(char *data, size_t size){ msgq_msg_t msg; msg.data = data; msg.size = size; return msgq_msg_send(&msg, q); } bool MSGQPubSocket::all_readers_updated() { return msgq_all_readers_updated(q); } MSGQPubSocket::~MSGQPubSocket(){ if (q != NULL){ msgq_close_queue(q); delete q; } } void MSGQPoller::registerSocket(SubSocket * socket){ assert(num_polls + 1 < MAX_POLLERS); polls[num_polls].q = (msgq_queue_t*)socket->getRawSocket(); sockets.push_back(socket); num_polls++; } std::vector MSGQPoller::poll(int timeout){ std::vector r; msgq_poll(polls, num_polls, timeout); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_polls; i++){ if (polls[i].revents){ r.push_back(sockets[i]); } } return r; }