cereal is both a messaging spec for robotics systems as well as generic high performance IPC pub sub messaging with a single publisher and multiple subscribers.
Imagine this use case:
* A sensor process reads gyro measurements directly from an IMU and publishes a sensorEvents packet
* A calibration process subscribes to the sensorEvents packet to use the IMU
* A localization process subscribes to the sensorEvents packet to use the IMU also
Messaging Spec
You'll find the message types in [log.capnp](log.capnp). It uses [Cap'n proto](https://capnproto.org/capnp-tool.html) and defines one struct called Event.
All Events have a logMonoTime and a valid. Then a big union defines the packet type.
cereal supports two backends, one based on [zmq](https://zeromq.org/), the other called msgq, a custom pub sub based on shared memory that doesn't require the bytes to pass through the kernel.