483 lines
18 KiB
483 lines
18 KiB
import certifi
import ftplib
import hatanaka
import os
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
import pycurl
import re
import time
import socket
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from io import BytesIO
from ftplib import FTP_TLS
from atomicwrites import atomic_write
from laika.ephemeris import EphemerisType
from .constants import SECS_IN_HR, SECS_IN_DAY, SECS_IN_WEEK
from .gps_time import GPSTime, tow_to_datetime
from .helpers import ConstellationId
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
class DownloadFailed(Exception):
def retryable(f):
Decorator to allow us to pass multiple URLs from which to download.
Automatically retry the request with the next URL on failure
def wrapped(url_bases, *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(url_bases, str):
# only one url passed, don't do the retry thing
return f(url_bases, *args, **kwargs)
# not a string, must be a list of url_bases
for url_base in url_bases:
return f(url_base, *args, **kwargs)
except DownloadFailed as e:
# none of them succeeded
raise DownloadFailed("Multiple URL failures attempting to pull file(s)")
return wrapped
def ftp_connect(url):
parsed = urlparse(url)
assert parsed.scheme == 'ftp'
domain = parsed.netloc
ftp = ftplib.FTP(domain, timeout=10)
except (OSError, ftplib.error_perm):
raise DownloadFailed("Could not connect/auth to: " + domain)
except ftplib.error_perm:
raise DownloadFailed("Permission failure with folder: " + url)
return ftp
def list_dir(url):
parsed = urlparse(url)
if parsed.scheme == 'ftp':
ftp = ftp_connect(url)
return ftp.nlst()
except ftplib.error_perm:
raise DownloadFailed("Permission failure listing folder: " + url)
# just connect and do simple url parsing
listing = https_download_file(url)
urls = re.findall(b"<a href=\"([^\"]+)\">", listing)
# decode the urls to normal strings. If they are complicated paths, ignore them
return [name.decode("latin1") for name in urls if name and b"/" not in name[1:]]
def ftp_download_files(url_base, folder_path, cacheDir, filenames):
Like download file, but more of them. Keeps a persistent FTP connection open
to be more efficient.
folder_path_abs = os.path.join(cacheDir, folder_path)
ftp = ftp_connect(url_base + folder_path)
filepaths = []
for filename in filenames:
# os.path.join will be dumb if filename has a leading /
# if there is a / in the filename, then it's using a different folder
filename = filename.lstrip("/")
if "/" in filename:
filepath = os.path.join(folder_path_abs, filename)
print("pulling from", url_base, "to", filepath)
if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
os.makedirs(folder_path_abs, exist_ok=True)
ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + filename, open(filepath, 'wb').write)
except (ftplib.error_perm):
raise DownloadFailed("Could not download file from: " + url_base + folder_path + filename)
except (socket.timeout):
raise DownloadFailed("Read timed out from: " + url_base + folder_path + filename)
return filepaths
def http_download_files(url_base, folder_path, cacheDir, filenames):
Similar to ftp_download_files, attempt to download multiple files faster than
just downloading them one-by-one.
Returns a list of filepaths instead of the raw data
folder_path_abs = os.path.join(cacheDir, folder_path)
def write_function(disk_path, handle):
def do_write(data):
open(disk_path, "wb").write(data)
return do_write
fetcher = pycurl.CurlMulti()
fetcher.setopt(pycurl.M_PIPELINING, 3)
fetcher.setopt(pycurl.M_MAX_HOST_CONNECTIONS, 64)
fetcher.setopt(pycurl.M_MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS, 64)
filepaths = []
for filename in filenames:
# os.path.join will be dumb if filename has a leading /
# if there is a / in the filename, then it's using a different folder
filename = filename.lstrip("/")
if "/" in filename:
filepath = os.path.join(folder_path_abs, filename)
if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
print("pulling from", url_base, "to", filepath)
os.makedirs(folder_path_abs, exist_ok=True)
url_path = url_base + folder_path + filename
handle = pycurl.Curl()
handle.setopt(pycurl.URL, url_path)
handle.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10)
handle.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, write_function(filepath, handle))
requests_processing = len(filepaths)
timeout = 10.0 # after 10 seconds of nothing happening, restart
deadline = time.time() + timeout
while requests_processing and time.time() < deadline:
while True:
ret, cur_requests_processing = fetcher.perform()
if ret != pycurl.E_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM:
_, success, failed = fetcher.info_read()
if requests_processing > cur_requests_processing:
deadline = time.time() + timeout
requests_processing = cur_requests_processing
if fetcher.select(1) < 0:
# if there are downloads left to be done, repeat, and don't overwrite
_, requests_processing = fetcher.perform()
if requests_processing > 0:
print("some requests stalled, retrying them")
return http_download_files(url_base, folder_path, cacheDir, filenames)
return filepaths
def https_download_file(url):
crl = pycurl.Curl()
crl.setopt(crl.CAINFO, certifi.where())
crl.setopt(crl.URL, url)
crl.setopt(crl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
crl.setopt(crl.COOKIEJAR, '/tmp/cddis_cookies')
crl.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10)
buf = BytesIO()
crl.setopt(crl.WRITEDATA, buf)
response = crl.getinfo(pycurl.RESPONSE_CODE)
if response != 200:
raise DownloadFailed('HTTPS error ' + str(response))
return buf.getvalue()
def ftp_download_file(url):
urlf = urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=10)
data_zipped = urlf.read()
return data_zipped
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
raise DownloadFailed(e)
def ftps_download_file(url):
parsed = urlparse(url)
buf = BytesIO()
with FTP_TLS(parsed.hostname) as ftps:
ftps.retrbinary('RETR ' + parsed.path, buf.write)
return buf.getvalue()
except ftplib.all_errors as e:
raise DownloadFailed(e)
def download_files(url_base, folder_path, cacheDir, filenames):
parsed = urlparse(url_base)
if parsed.scheme == 'ftp':
return ftp_download_files(url_base, folder_path, cacheDir, filenames)
return http_download_files(url_base, folder_path, cacheDir, filenames)
def download_file(url_base, folder_path, filename_zipped):
url = url_base + folder_path + filename_zipped
print('Downloading ' + url)
if url.startswith('https://'):
return https_download_file(url)
elif url.startswith('ftp://'):
return ftp_download_file(url)
elif url.startswith('sftp://'):
return ftps_download_file(url)
raise NotImplementedError('Did not find supported url scheme')
def download_and_cache_file_return_first_success(url_bases, folder_and_file_names, cache_dir, compression='', overwrite=False, raise_error=False):
last_error = None
for folder_path, filename in folder_and_file_names:
file = download_and_cache_file(url_bases, folder_path, cache_dir, filename, compression, overwrite)
return file
except DownloadFailed as e:
last_error = e
if last_error and raise_error:
raise last_error
def download_and_cache_file(url_base, folder_path: str, cache_dir: str, filename: str, compression='', overwrite=False):
filename_zipped = filename + compression
folder_path_abs = os.path.join(cache_dir, folder_path)
filepath = str(hatanaka.get_decompressed_path(os.path.join(folder_path_abs, filename)))
filepath_attempt = filepath + '.attempt_time'
if os.path.exists(filepath_attempt):
with open(filepath_attempt, 'r') as rf:
last_attempt_time = float(rf.read())
if time.time() - last_attempt_time < SECS_IN_HR:
raise DownloadFailed(f"Too soon to try downloading {folder_path + filename_zipped} from {url_base} again since last attempt")
if not os.path.isfile(filepath) or overwrite:
data_zipped = download_file(url_base, folder_path, filename_zipped)
except (DownloadFailed, pycurl.error, socket.timeout):
unix_time = time.time()
os.makedirs(folder_path_abs, exist_ok=True)
with atomic_write(filepath_attempt, mode='w', overwrite=True) as wf:
raise DownloadFailed(f"Could not download {folder_path + filename_zipped} from {url_base} ")
os.makedirs(folder_path_abs, exist_ok=True)
ephem_bytes = hatanaka.decompress(data_zipped)
with atomic_write(filepath, mode='wb', overwrite=overwrite) as f:
except FileExistsError:
# Only happens when same file is downloaded in parallel by another process.
return filepath
# Currently, only GPS and Glonass are supported for daily and hourly data.
CONSTELLATION_NASA_CHAR = {ConstellationId.GPS: 'n', ConstellationId.GLONASS: 'g'}
def download_nav(time: GPSTime, cache_dir, constellation: ConstellationId):
t = time.as_datetime()
if constellation not in CONSTELLATION_NASA_CHAR:
return None
c = CONSTELLATION_NASA_CHAR[constellation]
if GPSTime.from_datetime(datetime.utcnow()) - time > SECS_IN_DAY:
url_bases = (
filename = t.strftime(f"brdc%j0.%y{c}")
folder_path = t.strftime(f'%Y/%j/%y{c}/')
compression = '.gz' if folder_path >= '2020/335/' else '.Z'
return download_and_cache_file(url_bases, folder_path, cache_dir+'daily_nav/', filename, compression)
url_bases = (
times = [t, (t - timedelta(hours=1))]
folder_and_filenames = [(t.strftime('%Y/%j/'), t.strftime(f"hour%j0.%y{c}")) for t in times]
compression = '.gz' if folder_and_filenames[0][0] >= '2020/336/' else '.Z'
# always overwrite as this file is appended
return download_and_cache_file_return_first_success(url_bases,
folder_and_filenames, cache_dir+'hourly_nav/', compression, overwrite=True)
except DownloadFailed:
def download_orbits_gps_cod0(time, cache_dir, ephem_types):
url_bases = (
if EphemerisType.ULTRA_RAPID_ORBIT not in ephem_types:
# TODO: raise error here
return None
tm = tow_to_datetime(time.tow, time.week).timetuple()
doy = str(tm.tm_yday).zfill(3)
filename = f"COD0OPSULT_{tm.tm_year}{doy}0000_02D_05M_ORB.SP3"
# TODO: add hour management
folder_path = "%i/" % time.week
folder_file_names = [(folder_path, filename)]
return download_and_cache_file_return_first_success(url_bases, folder_file_names, cache_dir+'cddis_products/', compression='.gz')
def download_orbits_gps(time, cache_dir, ephem_types):
url_bases = (
folder_path = "%i/" % time.week
filenames = []
time_str = "%i%i" % (time.week, time.day)
# Download filenames in order of quality. Final -> Rapid -> Ultra-Rapid(newest first)
if EphemerisType.FINAL_ORBIT in ephem_types and GPSTime.from_datetime(datetime.utcnow()) - time > 3 * SECS_IN_WEEK:
if EphemerisType.RAPID_ORBIT in ephem_types:
if EphemerisType.ULTRA_RAPID_ORBIT in ephem_types:
folder_file_names = [(folder_path, filename) for filename in filenames]
ret = download_and_cache_file_return_first_success(url_bases, folder_file_names, cache_dir+'cddis_products/', compression='.Z')
if ret is not None:
return ret
# fallback to COD0 Ultra Rapid Orbits
return download_orbits_gps_cod0(time, cache_dir, ephem_types)
def download_prediction_orbits_russia_src(gps_time, cache_dir):
# Download single file that contains Ultra_Rapid predictions for GPS, GLONASS and other constellations
t = gps_time.as_datetime()
# Files exist starting at 29-01-2022
if t < datetime(2022, 1, 29):
return None
url_bases = 'https://github.com/commaai/gnss-data-alt/raw/master/MCC/PRODUCTS/'
folder_path = t.strftime('%y%j/ultra/')
file_prefix = "Stark_1D_" + t.strftime('%y%m%d')
# Predictions are 24H so previous day can also be used.
prev_day = (t - timedelta(days=1))
file_prefix_prev = "Stark_1D_" + prev_day.strftime('%y%m%d')
folder_path_prev = prev_day.strftime('%y%j/ultra/')
current_day = GPSTime.from_datetime(datetime(t.year, t.month, t.day))
# Ultra-Orbit is published in gnss-data-alt every 10th minute past the 5,11,17,23 hour.
# Predictions published are delayed by around 10 hours.
# Download latest file that includes gps_time with 20 minutes margin.:
if gps_time > current_day + 23.5 * SECS_IN_HR:
prev_day, current_day = [], [6, 12]
elif gps_time > current_day + 17.5 * SECS_IN_HR:
prev_day, current_day = [], [0, 6]
elif gps_time > current_day + 11.5 * SECS_IN_HR:
prev_day, current_day = [18], [0]
elif gps_time > current_day + 5.5 * SECS_IN_HR:
prev_day, current_day = [12, 18], []
prev_day, current_day = [6, 12], []
# Example: Stark_1D_22060100.sp3
folder_and_file_names = [(folder_path, file_prefix + f"{h:02}.sp3") for h in reversed(current_day)] + \
[(folder_path_prev, file_prefix_prev + f"{h:02}.sp3") for h in reversed(prev_day)]
return download_and_cache_file_return_first_success(url_bases, folder_and_file_names, cache_dir+'russian_products/', raise_error=True)
def download_orbits_russia_src(time, cache_dir, ephem_types):
# Orbits from russian source. Contains GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU
url_bases = (
t = time.as_datetime()
folder_paths = []
current_gps_time = GPSTime.from_datetime(datetime.utcnow())
filename = "Sta%i%i.sp3" % (time.week, time.day)
if EphemerisType.FINAL_ORBIT in ephem_types and current_gps_time - time > 2 * SECS_IN_WEEK:
if EphemerisType.RAPID_ORBIT in ephem_types:
if EphemerisType.ULTRA_RAPID_ORBIT in ephem_types:
folder_file_names = [(folder_path, filename) for folder_path in folder_paths]
return download_and_cache_file_return_first_success(url_bases, folder_file_names, cache_dir+'russian_products/')
def download_ionex(time, cache_dir):
t = time.as_datetime()
url_bases = (
folder_path = t.strftime('%Y/%j/')
filenames = [t.strftime("codg%j0.%yi"), t.strftime("c1pg%j0.%yi"), t.strftime("c2pg%j0.%yi")]
folder_file_names = [(folder_path, f) for f in filenames]
return download_and_cache_file_return_first_success(url_bases, folder_file_names, cache_dir+'ionex/', compression='.Z', raise_error=True)
def download_dcb(time, cache_dir):
filenames = []
folder_paths = []
url_bases = (
# seem to be a lot of data missing, so try many days
for time_step in [time - i * SECS_IN_DAY for i in range(14)]:
t = time_step.as_datetime()
return download_and_cache_file_return_first_success(url_bases, list(zip(folder_paths, filenames)), cache_dir+'dcb/', compression='.gz', raise_error=True)
def download_cors_coords(cache_dir):
cache_subdir = cache_dir + 'cors_coord/'
url_bases = (
file_names = list_dir(url_bases)
file_names = [file_name for file_name in file_names if file_name.endswith('coord.txt')]
filepaths = download_files(url_bases, '', cache_subdir, file_names)
return filepaths
def download_cors_station(time, station_name, cache_dir):
t = time.as_datetime()
folder_path = t.strftime('%Y/%j/') + station_name + '/'
filename = station_name + t.strftime("%j0.%yd")
url_bases = (
filepath = download_and_cache_file(url_bases, folder_path, cache_dir+'cors_obs/', filename, compression='.gz')
return filepath
except DownloadFailed:
print("File not downloaded, check availability on server.")
return None