1654 lines
60 KiB
1654 lines
60 KiB
#include "selfdrive/camerad/cameras/camera_qcom.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cutils/properties.h>
#include <linux/media.h>
#include "selfdrive/camerad/cameras/sensor_i2c.h"
#include "selfdrive/camerad/include/msm_cam_sensor.h"
#include "selfdrive/camerad/include/msmb_camera.h"
#include "selfdrive/camerad/include/msmb_isp.h"
#include "selfdrive/camerad/include/msmb_ispif.h"
#include "selfdrive/common/clutil.h"
#include "selfdrive/common/params.h"
#include "selfdrive/common/swaglog.h"
#include "selfdrive/common/timing.h"
#include "selfdrive/common/util.h"
// leeco actuator (DW9800W H-Bridge Driver IC)
// from sniff
//const uint16_t INFINITY_DAC = 364;
extern ExitHandler do_exit;
static int cam_ioctl(int fd, unsigned long int request, void *arg, const char *log_msg = nullptr) {
int err = HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(fd, request, arg));
if (err != 0 && log_msg) {
LOG(util::string_format("%s: %d", log_msg, err).c_str());
return err;
// global var for AE/AF ops
std::atomic<CameraExpInfo> road_cam_exp{{0}};
std::atomic<CameraExpInfo> driver_cam_exp{{0}};
CameraInfo cameras_supported[CAMERA_ID_MAX] = {
[CAMERA_ID_IMX298] = {
.frame_width = 2328,
.frame_height = 1748,
.frame_stride = 2912,
.bayer = true,
.bayer_flip = 0,
.hdr = true
[CAMERA_ID_IMX179] = {
.frame_width = 3280,
.frame_height = 2464,
.frame_stride = 4104,
.bayer = true,
.bayer_flip = 0,
.hdr = false
.frame_width = 2304,
.frame_height = 1728,
.frame_stride = 2880,
.bayer = true,
.bayer_flip = 1,
.hdr = false
[CAMERA_ID_OV8865] = {
.frame_width = 1632,
.frame_height = 1224,
.frame_stride = 2040, // seems right
.bayer = true,
.bayer_flip = 3,
.hdr = false
// this exists to get the kernel to build for the LeEco in release
.frame_width = 2328,
.frame_height = 1748,
.frame_stride = 2912,
.bayer = true,
.bayer_flip = 3,
.hdr = true
[CAMERA_ID_OV10640] = {
.frame_width = 1280,
.frame_height = 1080,
.frame_stride = 2040,
.bayer = true,
.bayer_flip = 0,
.hdr = true
static void camera_release_buffer(void* cookie, int buf_idx) {
CameraState *s = (CameraState *)cookie;
// printf("camera_release_buffer %d\n", buf_idx);
s->ss[0].qbuf_info[buf_idx].dirty_buf = 1;
HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(s->isp_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISP_ENQUEUE_BUF, &s->ss[0].qbuf_info[buf_idx]));
int sensor_write_regs(CameraState *s, struct msm_camera_i2c_reg_array* arr, size_t size, msm_camera_i2c_data_type data_type) {
struct msm_camera_i2c_reg_setting out_settings = {
.reg_setting = arr,
.size = (uint16_t)size,
.addr_type = MSM_CAMERA_I2C_WORD_ADDR,
.data_type = data_type,
.delay = 0,
sensorb_cfg_data cfg_data = {.cfgtype = CFG_WRITE_I2C_ARRAY, .cfg.setting = &out_settings};
return HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(s->sensor_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_SENSOR_CFG, &cfg_data));
static int imx298_apply_exposure(CameraState *s, int gain, int integ_lines, uint32_t frame_length) {
int analog_gain = std::min(gain, 448);
s->digital_gain = gain > 448 ? (512.0/(512-(gain))) / 8.0 : 1.0;
//printf("%5d/%5d %5d %f\n", s->cur_integ_lines, s->frame_length, analog_gain, s->digital_gain);
struct msm_camera_i2c_reg_array reg_array[] = {
{0x3002,0x0,0}, // long autoexposure off
{0x340, (uint16_t)(frame_length >> 8), 0}, {0x341, (uint16_t)(frame_length & 0xff), 0},
// INTEG_TIME aka coarse_int_time_addr aka shutter speed
{0x202, (uint16_t)(integ_lines >> 8), 0}, {0x203, (uint16_t)(integ_lines & 0xff),0},
// global_gain_addr
// if you assume 1x gain is 32, 448 is 14x gain, aka 2^14=16384
{0x204, (uint16_t)(analog_gain >> 8), 0}, {0x205, (uint16_t)(analog_gain & 0xff),0},
// digital gain for colors: gain_greenR, gain_red, gain_blue, gain_greenB
/*{0x20e, digital_gain_gr >> 8, 0}, {0x20f,digital_gain_gr & 0xFF,0},
{0x210, digital_gain_r >> 8, 0}, {0x211,digital_gain_r & 0xFF,0},
{0x212, digital_gain_b >> 8, 0}, {0x213,digital_gain_b & 0xFF,0},
{0x214, digital_gain_gb >> 8, 0}, {0x215,digital_gain_gb & 0xFF,0},*/
return sensor_write_regs(s, reg_array, std::size(reg_array), MSM_CAMERA_I2C_BYTE_DATA);
static int ov8865_apply_exposure(CameraState *s, int gain, int integ_lines, uint32_t frame_length) {
//printf("driver camera: %d %d %d\n", gain, integ_lines, frame_length);
int coarse_gain_bitmap, fine_gain_bitmap;
// get bitmaps from iso
static const int gains[] = {0, 100, 200, 400, 800};
int i;
for (i = 1; i < std::size(gains); i++) {
if (gain >= gains[i - 1] && gain < gains[i])
int coarse_gain = i - 1;
float fine_gain = (gain - gains[coarse_gain])/(float)(gains[coarse_gain+1]-gains[coarse_gain]);
coarse_gain_bitmap = (1 << coarse_gain) - 1;
fine_gain_bitmap = ((int)(16*fine_gain) << 3) + 128; // 7th is always 1, 0-2nd are always 0
integ_lines *= 16; // The exposure value in reg is in 16ths of a line
struct msm_camera_i2c_reg_array reg_array[] = {
{0x380e, (uint16_t)(frame_length >> 8), 0}, {0x380f, (uint16_t)(frame_length & 0xff), 0},
{0x3500, (uint16_t)(integ_lines >> 16), 0}, {0x3501, (uint16_t)(integ_lines >> 8), 0}, {0x3502, (uint16_t)(integ_lines & 0xff),0},
{0x3503, 0x4, 0},
{0x3508, (uint16_t)(coarse_gain_bitmap), 0}, {0x3509, (uint16_t)(fine_gain_bitmap), 0},
return sensor_write_regs(s, reg_array, std::size(reg_array), MSM_CAMERA_I2C_BYTE_DATA);
static int imx179_s5k3p8sp_apply_exposure(CameraState *s, int gain, int integ_lines, uint32_t frame_length) {
//printf("driver camera: %d %d %d\n", gain, integ_lines, frame_length);
struct msm_camera_i2c_reg_array reg_array[] = {
{0x340, (uint16_t)(frame_length >> 8), 0}, {0x341, (uint16_t)(frame_length & 0xff), 0},
// coarse_int_time
{0x202, (uint16_t)(integ_lines >> 8), 0}, {0x203, (uint16_t)(integ_lines & 0xff),0},
// global_gain
{0x204, (uint16_t)(gain >> 8), 0}, {0x205, (uint16_t)(gain & 0xff),0},
return sensor_write_regs(s, reg_array, std::size(reg_array), MSM_CAMERA_I2C_BYTE_DATA);
static void camera_init(VisionIpcServer *v, CameraState *s, int camera_id, int camera_num,
uint32_t pixel_clock, uint32_t line_length_pclk,
uint32_t max_gain, uint32_t fps, cl_device_id device_id, cl_context ctx,
VisionStreamType rgb_type, VisionStreamType yuv_type) {
s->camera_num = camera_num;
s->camera_id = camera_id;
assert(camera_id < std::size(cameras_supported));
s->ci = cameras_supported[camera_id];
assert(s->ci.frame_width != 0);
s->pixel_clock = pixel_clock;
s->max_gain = max_gain;
s->fps = fps;
s->frame_length = s->pixel_clock / line_length_pclk / s->fps;
s->self_recover = 0;
if (camera_id == CAMERA_ID_IMX298) {
s->apply_exposure = imx298_apply_exposure;
} else if (camera_id == CAMERA_ID_S5K3P8SP || camera_id == CAMERA_ID_IMX179) {
s->apply_exposure = imx179_s5k3p8sp_apply_exposure;
} else {
s->apply_exposure = ov8865_apply_exposure;
s->buf.init(device_id, ctx, s, v, FRAME_BUF_COUNT, rgb_type, yuv_type, camera_release_buffer);
void cameras_init(VisionIpcServer *v, MultiCameraState *s, cl_device_id device_id, cl_context ctx) {
char project_name[1024] = {0};
property_get("ro.boot.project_name", project_name, "");
char product_name[1024] = {0};
property_get("ro.product.name", product_name, "");
if (strlen(project_name) == 0) {
LOGD("LePro 3 op system detected");
s->device = DEVICE_LP3;
// sensor is flipped in LP3
init_array_imx298[0].reg_data = 3;
cameras_supported[CAMERA_ID_IMX298].bayer_flip = 3;
} else if (strcmp(product_name, "OnePlus3") == 0 && strcmp(project_name, "15811") != 0) {
// no more OP3 support
s->device = DEVICE_OP3;
} else if (strcmp(product_name, "OnePlus3") == 0 && strcmp(project_name, "15811") == 0) {
// only OP3T support
s->device = DEVICE_OP3T;
} else {
// 0 = ISO 100
// 256 = ISO 200
// 384 = ISO 400
// 448 = ISO 800
// 480 = ISO 1600
// 496 = ISO 3200
// 504 = ISO 6400, 8x digital gain
// 508 = ISO 12800, 16x digital gain
// 510 = ISO 25600, 32x digital gain
camera_init(v, &s->road_cam, CAMERA_ID_IMX298, 0,
/*pixel_clock=*/600000000, /*line_length_pclk=*/5536,
/*max_gain=*/510, //0 (ISO 100)- 448 (ISO 800, max analog gain) - 511 (super noisy)
#ifdef HIGH_FPS
/*fps*/ 60,
/*fps*/ 20,
device_id, ctx,
s->road_cam.apply_exposure = imx298_apply_exposure;
if (s->device == DEVICE_OP3T) {
camera_init(v, &s->driver_cam, CAMERA_ID_S5K3P8SP, 1,
/*pixel_clock=*/560000000, /*line_length_pclk=*/5120,
/*max_gain=*/510, 10, device_id, ctx,
s->driver_cam.apply_exposure = imx179_s5k3p8sp_apply_exposure;
} else if (s->device == DEVICE_LP3) {
camera_init(v, &s->driver_cam, CAMERA_ID_OV8865, 1,
/*pixel_clock=*/72000000, /*line_length_pclk=*/1602,
/*max_gain=*/510, 10, device_id, ctx,
s->driver_cam.apply_exposure = ov8865_apply_exposure;
} else {
camera_init(v, &s->driver_cam, CAMERA_ID_IMX179, 1,
/*pixel_clock=*/251200000, /*line_length_pclk=*/3440,
/*max_gain=*/224, 20, device_id, ctx,
s->driver_cam.apply_exposure = imx179_s5k3p8sp_apply_exposure;
s->road_cam.device = s->device;
s->driver_cam.device = s->device;
s->sm = new SubMaster({"driverState"});
s->pm = new PubMaster({"roadCameraState", "driverCameraState", "thumbnail"});
for (int i = 0; i < FRAME_BUF_COUNT; i++) {
// TODO: make lengths correct
std::fill_n(s->lapres, std::size(s->lapres), 16160);
s->lap_conv = new LapConv(device_id, ctx, s->road_cam.buf.rgb_width, s->road_cam.buf.rgb_height, 3);
static void set_exposure(CameraState *s, float exposure_frac, float gain_frac) {
int err = 0;
uint32_t gain = s->cur_gain;
uint32_t integ_lines = s->cur_integ_lines;
if (exposure_frac >= 0) {
exposure_frac = std::clamp(exposure_frac, 2.0f / s->frame_length, 1.0f);
integ_lines = s->frame_length * exposure_frac;
// See page 79 of the datasheet, this is the max allowed (-1 for phase adjust)
integ_lines = std::min(integ_lines, s->frame_length - 11);
if (gain_frac >= 0) {
// ISO200 is minimum gain
gain_frac = std::clamp(gain_frac, 1.0f/64, 1.0f);
// linearize gain response
// TODO: will be wrong for driver camera
// 0.125 -> 448
// 0.25 -> 480
// 0.5 -> 496
// 1.0 -> 504
// 512 - 512/(128*gain_frac)
gain = (s->max_gain/510) * (512 - 512/(256*gain_frac));
if (gain != s->cur_gain || integ_lines != s->cur_integ_lines) {
if (s->apply_exposure == ov8865_apply_exposure) {
gain = 800 * gain_frac; // ISO
err = s->apply_exposure(s, gain, integ_lines, s->frame_length);
} else if (s->apply_exposure) {
err = s->apply_exposure(s, gain, integ_lines, s->frame_length);
if (err == 0) {
std::lock_guard lk(s->frame_info_lock);
s->cur_gain = gain;
s->cur_integ_lines = integ_lines;
} else {
LOGE("camera %d apply_exposure err: %d", s->camera_num, err);
if (err == 0) {
s->cur_exposure_frac = exposure_frac;
std::lock_guard lk(s->frame_info_lock);
s->cur_gain_frac = gain_frac;
//LOGD("set exposure: %f %f - %d", exposure_frac, gain_frac, err);
static void do_autoexposure(CameraState *s, float grey_frac) {
const float target_grey = 0.3;
s->measured_grey_fraction = grey_frac;
s->target_grey_fraction = target_grey;
if (s->apply_exposure == ov8865_apply_exposure) {
// gain limits downstream
const float gain_frac_min = 0.015625;
const float gain_frac_max = 1.0;
// exposure time limits
const uint32_t exposure_time_min = 16;
const uint32_t exposure_time_max = s->frame_length - 11; // copied from set_exposure()
float cur_gain_frac = s->cur_gain_frac;
float exposure_factor = pow(1.05, (target_grey - grey_frac) / 0.05);
if (cur_gain_frac > 0.125 && exposure_factor < 1) {
cur_gain_frac *= exposure_factor;
} else if (s->cur_integ_lines * exposure_factor <= exposure_time_max && s->cur_integ_lines * exposure_factor >= exposure_time_min) { // adjust exposure time first
s->cur_exposure_frac *= exposure_factor;
} else if (cur_gain_frac * exposure_factor <= gain_frac_max && cur_gain_frac * exposure_factor >= gain_frac_min) {
cur_gain_frac *= exposure_factor;
s->cur_gain_frac = cur_gain_frac;
set_exposure(s, s->cur_exposure_frac, cur_gain_frac);
} else { // keep the old for others
float new_exposure = s->cur_exposure_frac;
new_exposure *= pow(1.05, (target_grey - grey_frac) / 0.05 );
//LOGD("diff %f: %f to %f", target_grey - grey_frac, s->cur_exposure_frac, new_exposure);
float new_gain = s->cur_gain_frac;
if (new_exposure < 0.10) {
new_gain *= 0.95;
} else if (new_exposure > 0.40) {
new_gain *= 1.05;
set_exposure(s, new_exposure, new_gain);
static uint8_t* get_eeprom(int eeprom_fd, size_t *out_len) {
msm_eeprom_cfg_data cfg = {.cfgtype = CFG_EEPROM_GET_CAL_DATA};
int err = cam_ioctl(eeprom_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_EEPROM_CFG, &cfg, "get_eeprom begin");
assert(err >= 0);
uint32_t num_bytes = cfg.cfg.get_data.num_bytes;
assert(num_bytes > 100);
uint8_t* buffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(num_bytes);
memset(buffer, 0, num_bytes);
cfg.cfg.read_data.num_bytes = num_bytes;
cfg.cfg.read_data.dbuffer = buffer;
err = cam_ioctl(eeprom_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_EEPROM_CFG, &cfg, "get_eeprom end");
assert(err >= 0);
*out_len = num_bytes;
return buffer;
static void imx298_ois_calibration(int ois_fd, uint8_t* eeprom) {
const int ois_registers[][2] = {
// == SET_FADJ_PARAM() == (factory adjustment)
// Set Hall Current DAC
{0x8230, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x102)}, //_P_30_ADC_CH0 (CURDAT)
// Set Hall PreAmp Offset
{0x8231, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x104)}, //_P_31_ADC_CH1 (HALOFS_X)
{0x8232, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x106)}, //_P_32_ADC_CH2 (HALOFS_Y)
// Set Hall-X/Y PostAmp Offset
{0x841e, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x108)}, //_M_X_H_ofs
{0x849e, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x10a)}, //_M_Y_H_ofs
// Set Residual Offset
{0x8239, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x10c)}, //_P_39_Ch3_VAL_1 (PSTXOF)
{0x823b, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x10e)}, //_P_3B_Ch3_VAL_3 (PSTYOF)
{0x8406, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x110)}, //_M_Kgx00
{0x8486, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x112)}, //_M_Kgy00
{0x846a, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x120)}, //_M_TMP_X_
{0x846b, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x122)}, //_M_TMP_Y_
// Set Hall Gain
{0x8446, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x114)}, //_M_KgxHG
{0x84c6, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x116)}, //_M_KgyHG
// Set Cross Talk Canceller
{0x8470, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x124)}, //_M_KgxH0
{0x8472, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x126)}, //_M_KgyH0
{0x840f, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x118)}, //_M_KgxG
{0x848f, *(uint16_t*)(eeprom+0x11a)}, //_M_KgyG
// Position Servo ON ( OIS OFF )
{0x847f, 0x0c0c}, //_M_EQCTL
struct msm_camera_i2c_seq_reg_array ois_reg_settings[std::size(ois_registers)] = {{0}};
for (int i=0; i<std::size(ois_registers); i++) {
ois_reg_settings[i].reg_addr = ois_registers[i][0];
ois_reg_settings[i].reg_data[0] = ois_registers[i][1] & 0xff;
ois_reg_settings[i].reg_data[1] = (ois_registers[i][1] >> 8) & 0xff;
ois_reg_settings[i].reg_data_size = 2;
struct msm_camera_i2c_seq_reg_setting ois_reg_setting = {
.reg_setting = &ois_reg_settings[0],
.size = std::size(ois_reg_settings),
.addr_type = MSM_CAMERA_I2C_WORD_ADDR,
.delay = 0,
msm_ois_cfg_data cfg = {.cfgtype = CFG_OIS_I2C_WRITE_SEQ_TABLE, .cfg.settings = &ois_reg_setting};
cam_ioctl(ois_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_OIS_CFG, &cfg, "ois reg calibration");
static void sensors_init(MultiCameraState *s) {
int err;
unique_fd sensorinit_fd;
if (s->device == DEVICE_LP3) {
sensorinit_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open("/dev/v4l-subdev11", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
} else {
sensorinit_fd = (open("/dev/v4l-subdev12", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
assert(sensorinit_fd >= 0);
// init road camera sensor
struct msm_camera_sensor_slave_info slave_info = {0};
if (s->device == DEVICE_LP3) {
slave_info = (struct msm_camera_sensor_slave_info){
.sensor_name = "imx298",
.eeprom_name = "sony_imx298",
.actuator_name = "dw9800w",
.ois_name = "",
.flash_name = "pmic",
.camera_id = CAMERA_0,
.slave_addr = 32,
.i2c_freq_mode = I2C_FAST_MODE,
.addr_type = MSM_CAMERA_I2C_WORD_ADDR,
.sensor_id_info = {.sensor_id_reg_addr = 22, .sensor_id = 664, .module_id = 9, .vcm_id = 6},
.power_setting_array = {
.power_setting_a = {
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 2},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .seq_val = 5, .config_val = 2},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 3, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_CLK, .config_val = 24000000, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .config_val = 2, .delay = 10},
.size = 7,
.power_down_setting_a = {
{.seq_type = SENSOR_CLK, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .seq_val = 5},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 2},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 3, .delay = 1},
.size_down = 6,
.is_init_params_valid = 0,
.sensor_init_params = {.modes_supported = 1, .position = BACK_CAMERA_B, .sensor_mount_angle = 90},
.output_format = MSM_SENSOR_BAYER,
} else {
slave_info = (struct msm_camera_sensor_slave_info){
.sensor_name = "imx298",
.eeprom_name = "sony_imx298",
.actuator_name = "rohm_bu63165gwl",
.ois_name = "rohm_bu63165gwl",
.camera_id = CAMERA_0,
.slave_addr = 52,
.i2c_freq_mode = I2C_CUSTOM_MODE,
.addr_type = MSM_CAMERA_I2C_WORD_ADDR,
.sensor_id_info = {.sensor_id_reg_addr = 22, .sensor_id = 664},
.power_setting_array = {
.power_setting_a = {
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .delay = 2},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 2, .delay = 2},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .delay = 2},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 1, .delay = 2},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .seq_val = 6, .config_val = 2},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 3, .delay = 5},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 4, .delay = 5},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_CLK, .config_val = 24000000, .delay = 2},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .config_val = 2, .delay = 2},
.size = 9,
.power_down_setting_a = {
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .delay = 10},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_CLK, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 4},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 3, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .seq_val = 6},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 2},
.size_down = 8,
.is_init_params_valid = 0,
.sensor_init_params = {.modes_supported = 1, .position = BACK_CAMERA_B, .sensor_mount_angle = 360},
.output_format = MSM_SENSOR_BAYER,
slave_info.power_setting_array.power_setting =
(struct msm_sensor_power_setting *)&slave_info.power_setting_array.power_setting_a[0];
slave_info.power_setting_array.power_down_setting =
(struct msm_sensor_power_setting *)&slave_info.power_setting_array.power_down_setting_a[0];
sensor_init_cfg_data sensor_init_cfg = {.cfgtype = CFG_SINIT_PROBE, .cfg.setting = &slave_info};
err = cam_ioctl(sensorinit_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_SENSOR_INIT_CFG, &sensor_init_cfg, "sensor init cfg (road)");
assert(err >= 0);
struct msm_camera_sensor_slave_info slave_info2 = {0};
if (s->device == DEVICE_LP3) {
slave_info2 = (struct msm_camera_sensor_slave_info){
.sensor_name = "ov8865_sunny",
.eeprom_name = "ov8865_plus",
.actuator_name = "",
.ois_name = "",
.flash_name = "",
.camera_id = CAMERA_2,
.slave_addr = 108,
.i2c_freq_mode = I2C_FAST_MODE,
.addr_type = MSM_CAMERA_I2C_WORD_ADDR,
.sensor_id_info = {.sensor_id_reg_addr = 12299, .sensor_id = 34917, .module_id = 2},
.power_setting_array = {
.power_setting_a = {
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .delay = 5},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 2},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_CLK, .config_val = 24000000, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .config_val = 2, .delay = 1},
.size = 6,
.power_down_setting_a = {
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .delay = 5},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_CLK, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 2, .delay = 1},
.size_down = 5,
.is_init_params_valid = 0,
.sensor_init_params = {.modes_supported = 1, .position = FRONT_CAMERA_B, .sensor_mount_angle = 270},
.output_format = MSM_SENSOR_BAYER,
} else if (s->driver_cam.camera_id == CAMERA_ID_S5K3P8SP) {
// init driver camera
slave_info2 = (struct msm_camera_sensor_slave_info){
.sensor_name = "s5k3p8sp",
.eeprom_name = "s5k3p8sp_m24c64s",
.actuator_name = "",
.ois_name = "",
.camera_id = CAMERA_1,
.slave_addr = 32,
.i2c_freq_mode = I2C_FAST_MODE,
.addr_type = MSM_CAMERA_I2C_WORD_ADDR,
.sensor_id_info = {.sensor_id = 12552},
.power_setting_array = {
.power_setting_a = {
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 2, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 1, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_CLK, .config_val = 24000000, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .config_val = 2, .delay = 1},
.size = 6,
.power_down_setting_a = {
{.seq_type = SENSOR_CLK, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 1, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 2, .delay = 1},
.size_down = 5,
.is_init_params_valid = 0,
.sensor_init_params = {.modes_supported = 1, .position = FRONT_CAMERA_B, .sensor_mount_angle = 270},
.output_format = MSM_SENSOR_BAYER,
} else {
// init driver camera
slave_info2 = (struct msm_camera_sensor_slave_info){
.sensor_name = "imx179",
.eeprom_name = "sony_imx179",
.actuator_name = "",
.ois_name = "",
.camera_id = CAMERA_1,
.slave_addr = 32,
.i2c_freq_mode = I2C_FAST_MODE,
.addr_type = MSM_CAMERA_I2C_WORD_ADDR,
.sensor_id_info = {.sensor_id_reg_addr = 2, .sensor_id = 377, .sensor_id_mask = 4095},
.power_setting_array = {
.power_setting_a = {
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 2},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .config_val = 2},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_CLK, .config_val = 24000000},
.size = 5,
.power_down_setting_a = {
{.seq_type = SENSOR_CLK},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_GPIO, .delay = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .delay = 2},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 1},
{.seq_type = SENSOR_VREG, .seq_val = 2},
.size_down = 5,
.is_init_params_valid = 0,
.sensor_init_params = {.modes_supported = 1, .position = FRONT_CAMERA_B, .sensor_mount_angle = 270},
.output_format = MSM_SENSOR_BAYER,
slave_info2.power_setting_array.power_setting =
(struct msm_sensor_power_setting *)&slave_info2.power_setting_array.power_setting_a[0];
slave_info2.power_setting_array.power_down_setting =
(struct msm_sensor_power_setting *)&slave_info2.power_setting_array.power_down_setting_a[0];
sensor_init_cfg.cfgtype = CFG_SINIT_PROBE;
sensor_init_cfg.cfg.setting = &slave_info2;
err = cam_ioctl(sensorinit_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_SENSOR_INIT_CFG, &sensor_init_cfg, "sensor init cfg (driver)");
assert(err >= 0);
static void camera_open(CameraState *s, bool is_road_cam) {
int err;
struct csid_cfg_data csid_cfg_data = {};
struct v4l2_event_subscription sub = {};
struct msm_actuator_cfg_data actuator_cfg_data = {};
struct msm_ois_cfg_data ois_cfg_data = {};
// open devices
const char *sensor_dev;
if (is_road_cam) {
s->csid_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open("/dev/v4l-subdev3", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
assert(s->csid_fd >= 0);
s->csiphy_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open("/dev/v4l-subdev0", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
assert(s->csiphy_fd >= 0);
if (s->device == DEVICE_LP3) {
sensor_dev = "/dev/v4l-subdev17";
} else {
sensor_dev = "/dev/v4l-subdev18";
if (s->device == DEVICE_LP3) {
s->isp_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open("/dev/v4l-subdev13", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
} else {
s->isp_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open("/dev/v4l-subdev14", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
assert(s->isp_fd >= 0);
s->eeprom_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open("/dev/v4l-subdev8", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
assert(s->eeprom_fd >= 0);
s->actuator_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open("/dev/v4l-subdev7", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
assert(s->actuator_fd >= 0);
if (s->device != DEVICE_LP3) {
s->ois_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open("/dev/v4l-subdev10", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
assert(s->ois_fd >= 0);
} else {
s->csid_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open("/dev/v4l-subdev5", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
assert(s->csid_fd >= 0);
s->csiphy_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open("/dev/v4l-subdev2", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
assert(s->csiphy_fd >= 0);
if (s->device == DEVICE_LP3) {
sensor_dev = "/dev/v4l-subdev18";
} else {
sensor_dev = "/dev/v4l-subdev19";
if (s->device == DEVICE_LP3) {
s->isp_fd = open("/dev/v4l-subdev14", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
} else {
s->isp_fd = open("/dev/v4l-subdev15", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
assert(s->isp_fd >= 0);
s->eeprom_fd = open("/dev/v4l-subdev9", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
assert(s->eeprom_fd >= 0);
// wait for sensor device
// on first startup, these devices aren't present yet
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
s->sensor_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open(sensor_dev, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
if (s->sensor_fd >= 0) break;
LOGW("waiting for sensors...");
util::sleep_for(1000); // sleep one second
assert(s->sensor_fd >= 0);
// *** SHUTDOWN ALL ***
// CSIPHY: release csiphy
struct msm_camera_csi_lane_params csi_lane_params = {0};
csi_lane_params.csi_lane_mask = 0x1f;
csiphy_cfg_data csiphy_cfg_data = { .cfg.csi_lane_params = &csi_lane_params, .cfgtype = CSIPHY_RELEASE};
err = cam_ioctl(s->csiphy_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_CSIPHY_IO_CFG, &csiphy_cfg_data, "release csiphy");
// CSID: release csid
csid_cfg_data.cfgtype = CSID_RELEASE;
cam_ioctl(s->csid_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_CSID_IO_CFG, &csid_cfg_data, "release csid");
// SENSOR: send power down
struct sensorb_cfg_data sensorb_cfg_data = {.cfgtype = CFG_POWER_DOWN};
cam_ioctl(s->sensor_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_SENSOR_CFG, &sensorb_cfg_data, "sensor power down");
// actuator powerdown
actuator_cfg_data.cfgtype = CFG_ACTUATOR_POWERDOWN;
cam_ioctl(s->actuator_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ACTUATOR_CFG, &actuator_cfg_data, "actuator powerdown");
if (is_road_cam && s->device != DEVICE_LP3) {
// ois powerdown
ois_cfg_data.cfgtype = CFG_OIS_POWERDOWN;
err = cam_ioctl(s->ois_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_OIS_CFG, &ois_cfg_data, "ois powerdown");
// reset isp
// struct msm_vfe_axi_halt_cmd halt_cmd = {
// .stop_camif = 1,
// .overflow_detected = 1,
// .blocking_halt = 1,
// };
// err = ioctl(s->isp_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISP_AXI_HALT, &halt_cmd);
// printf("axi halt: %d\n", err);
// struct msm_vfe_axi_reset_cmd reset_cmd = {
// .blocking = 1,
// .frame_id = 1,
// };
// err = ioctl(s->isp_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISP_AXI_RESET, &reset_cmd);
// printf("axi reset: %d\n", err);
// struct msm_vfe_axi_restart_cmd restart_cmd = {
// .enable_camif = 1,
// };
// err = ioctl(s->isp_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISP_AXI_RESTART, &restart_cmd);
// printf("axi restart: %d\n", err);
// **** GO GO GO ****
LOG("******************** GO GO GO ************************");
s->eeprom = get_eeprom(s->eeprom_fd, &s->eeprom_size);
// CSID: init csid
csid_cfg_data.cfgtype = CSID_INIT;
cam_ioctl(s->csid_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_CSID_IO_CFG, &csid_cfg_data, "init csid");
// CSIPHY: init csiphy
csiphy_cfg_data = {.cfgtype = CSIPHY_INIT};
cam_ioctl(s->csiphy_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_CSIPHY_IO_CFG, &csiphy_cfg_data, "init csiphy");
// SENSOR: stop stream
struct msm_camera_i2c_reg_setting stop_settings = {
.reg_setting = stop_reg_array,
.size = std::size(stop_reg_array),
.addr_type = MSM_CAMERA_I2C_WORD_ADDR,
.data_type = MSM_CAMERA_I2C_BYTE_DATA,
.delay = 0
sensorb_cfg_data.cfgtype = CFG_SET_STOP_STREAM_SETTING;
sensorb_cfg_data.cfg.setting = &stop_settings;
cam_ioctl(s->sensor_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_SENSOR_CFG, &sensorb_cfg_data, "stop stream");
// SENSOR: send power up
sensorb_cfg_data = {.cfgtype = CFG_POWER_UP};
cam_ioctl(s->sensor_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_SENSOR_CFG, &sensorb_cfg_data, "sensor power up");
// **** configure the sensor ****
// SENSOR: send i2c configuration
if (s->camera_id == CAMERA_ID_IMX298) {
err = sensor_write_regs(s, init_array_imx298, std::size(init_array_imx298), MSM_CAMERA_I2C_BYTE_DATA);
} else if (s->camera_id == CAMERA_ID_S5K3P8SP) {
err = sensor_write_regs(s, init_array_s5k3p8sp, std::size(init_array_s5k3p8sp), MSM_CAMERA_I2C_WORD_DATA);
} else if (s->camera_id == CAMERA_ID_IMX179) {
err = sensor_write_regs(s, init_array_imx179, std::size(init_array_imx179), MSM_CAMERA_I2C_BYTE_DATA);
} else if (s->camera_id == CAMERA_ID_OV8865) {
err = sensor_write_regs(s, init_array_ov8865, std::size(init_array_ov8865), MSM_CAMERA_I2C_BYTE_DATA);
} else {
LOG("sensor init i2c: %d", err);
if (is_road_cam) {
// init the actuator
actuator_cfg_data.cfgtype = CFG_ACTUATOR_POWERUP;
cam_ioctl(s->actuator_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ACTUATOR_CFG, &actuator_cfg_data, "actuator powerup");
actuator_cfg_data.cfgtype = CFG_ACTUATOR_INIT;
cam_ioctl(s->actuator_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ACTUATOR_CFG, &actuator_cfg_data, "actuator init");
// no OIS in LP3
if (s->device != DEVICE_LP3) {
// see sony_imx298_eeprom_format_afdata in libmmcamera_sony_imx298_eeprom.so
const float far_margin = -0.28;
uint16_t macro_dac = *(uint16_t*)(s->eeprom + 0x24);
s->infinity_dac = *(uint16_t*)(s->eeprom + 0x26);
LOG("macro_dac: %d infinity_dac: %d", macro_dac, s->infinity_dac);
int dac_range = macro_dac - s->infinity_dac;
s->infinity_dac += far_margin * dac_range;
LOG(" -> macro_dac: %d infinity_dac: %d", macro_dac, s->infinity_dac);
struct msm_actuator_reg_params_t actuator_reg_params[] = {
{.reg_write_type = MSM_ACTUATOR_WRITE_DAC, .reg_addr = 240, .data_type = 10, .addr_type = 4},
{.reg_write_type = MSM_ACTUATOR_WRITE_DAC, .reg_addr = 241, .data_type = 10, .addr_type = 4},
{.reg_write_type = MSM_ACTUATOR_WRITE_DAC, .reg_addr = 242, .data_type = 10, .addr_type = 4},
{.reg_write_type = MSM_ACTUATOR_WRITE_DAC, .reg_addr = 243, .data_type = 10, .addr_type = 4},
struct reg_settings_t actuator_init_settings[1] = {0};
struct region_params_t region_params[] = {
{.step_bound = {512, 0,}, .code_per_step = 118, .qvalue = 128}
actuator_cfg_data.cfgtype = CFG_SET_ACTUATOR_INFO;
actuator_cfg_data.cfg.set_info = (struct msm_actuator_set_info_t){
.actuator_params = {
.act_type = ACTUATOR_VCM,
.reg_tbl_size = 4,
.data_size = 10,
.init_setting_size = 0,
.i2c_freq_mode = I2C_CUSTOM_MODE,
.i2c_addr = 28,
.i2c_addr_type = MSM_ACTUATOR_BYTE_ADDR,
.i2c_data_type = MSM_ACTUATOR_BYTE_DATA,
.reg_tbl_params = &actuator_reg_params[0],
.init_settings = &actuator_init_settings[0],
.park_lens = {
.damping_step = 1023,
.damping_delay = 15000,
.hw_params = 58404,
.max_step = 20,
.af_tuning_params = {
.initial_code = (int16_t)s->infinity_dac,
.pwd_step = 0,
.region_size = 1,
.total_steps = 512,
.region_params = ®ion_params[0],
err = cam_ioctl(s->actuator_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ACTUATOR_CFG, &actuator_cfg_data, "actuator set info");
// power up ois
ois_cfg_data.cfgtype = CFG_OIS_POWERUP;
err = cam_ioctl(s->ois_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_OIS_CFG, &ois_cfg_data, "ois powerup");
ois_cfg_data.cfgtype = CFG_OIS_INIT;
err = cam_ioctl(s->ois_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_OIS_CFG, &ois_cfg_data, "ois init");
ois_cfg_data.cfgtype = CFG_OIS_CONTROL;
ois_cfg_data.cfg.set_info.ois_params = (struct msm_ois_params_t){
// .data_size = 26312,
.setting_size = 120,
.i2c_addr = 28,
.i2c_freq_mode = I2C_CUSTOM_MODE,
// .i2c_addr_type = wtf
// .i2c_data_type = wtf
.settings = &ois_init_settings[0],
cam_ioctl(s->ois_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_OIS_CFG, &ois_cfg_data, "ois init settings");
} else {
// leeco actuator (DW9800W H-Bridge Driver IC)
// from sniff
s->infinity_dac = 364;
struct msm_actuator_reg_params_t actuator_reg_params[] = {
.reg_write_type = MSM_ACTUATOR_WRITE_DAC,
// MSB here at address 3
.reg_addr = 3,
.data_type = 9,
.addr_type = 4,
struct reg_settings_t actuator_init_settings[] = {
{ .reg_addr=2, .addr_type=MSM_ACTUATOR_BYTE_ADDR, .reg_data=1, .data_type = MSM_ACTUATOR_BYTE_DATA, .i2c_operation = MSM_ACT_WRITE, .delay = 0 }, // PD = power down
{ .reg_addr=2, .addr_type=MSM_ACTUATOR_BYTE_ADDR, .reg_data=0, .data_type = MSM_ACTUATOR_BYTE_DATA, .i2c_operation = MSM_ACT_WRITE, .delay = 2 }, // 0 = power up
{ .reg_addr=2, .addr_type=MSM_ACTUATOR_BYTE_ADDR, .reg_data=2, .data_type = MSM_ACTUATOR_BYTE_DATA, .i2c_operation = MSM_ACT_WRITE, .delay = 2 }, // RING = SAC mode
{ .reg_addr=6, .addr_type=MSM_ACTUATOR_BYTE_ADDR, .reg_data=64, .data_type = MSM_ACTUATOR_BYTE_DATA, .i2c_operation = MSM_ACT_WRITE, .delay = 0 }, // 0x40 = SAC3 mode
{ .reg_addr=7, .addr_type=MSM_ACTUATOR_BYTE_ADDR, .reg_data=113, .data_type = MSM_ACTUATOR_BYTE_DATA, .i2c_operation = MSM_ACT_WRITE, .delay = 0 },
// 0x71 = DIV1 | DIV0 | SACT0 -- Tvib x 1/4 (quarter)
// SAC Tvib = 6.3 ms + 0.1 ms = 6.4 ms / 4 = 1.6 ms
// LSC 1-step = 252 + 1*4 = 256 ms / 4 = 64 ms
struct region_params_t region_params[] = {
{.step_bound = {238, 0,}, .code_per_step = 235, .qvalue = 128}
actuator_cfg_data.cfgtype = CFG_SET_ACTUATOR_INFO;
actuator_cfg_data.cfg.set_info = (struct msm_actuator_set_info_t){
.actuator_params = {
.act_type = ACTUATOR_BIVCM,
.reg_tbl_size = 1,
.data_size = 10,
.init_setting_size = 5,
.i2c_freq_mode = I2C_STANDARD_MODE,
.i2c_addr = 24,
.i2c_addr_type = MSM_ACTUATOR_BYTE_ADDR,
.i2c_data_type = MSM_ACTUATOR_WORD_DATA,
.reg_tbl_params = &actuator_reg_params[0],
.init_settings = &actuator_init_settings[0],
.park_lens = {.damping_step = 1023, .damping_delay = 14000, .hw_params = 11, .max_step = 20},
.af_tuning_params = {
.initial_code = (int16_t)s->infinity_dac,
.pwd_step = 0,
.region_size = 1,
.total_steps = 238,
.region_params = ®ion_params[0],
cam_ioctl(s->actuator_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ACTUATOR_CFG, &actuator_cfg_data, "actuator set info");
if (s->camera_id == CAMERA_ID_IMX298) {
err = sensor_write_regs(s, mode_setting_array_imx298, std::size(mode_setting_array_imx298), MSM_CAMERA_I2C_BYTE_DATA);
LOG("sensor setup: %d", err);
// CSIPHY: configure csiphy
struct msm_camera_csiphy_params csiphy_params = {};
if (s->camera_id == CAMERA_ID_IMX298) {
csiphy_params = {.lane_cnt = 4, .settle_cnt = 14, .lane_mask = 0x1f, .csid_core = 0};
} else if (s->camera_id == CAMERA_ID_S5K3P8SP) {
csiphy_params = {.lane_cnt = 4, .settle_cnt = 24, .lane_mask = 0x1f, .csid_core = 0};
} else if (s->camera_id == CAMERA_ID_IMX179) {
csiphy_params = {.lane_cnt = 4, .settle_cnt = 11, .lane_mask = 0x1f, .csid_core = 2};
} else if (s->camera_id == CAMERA_ID_OV8865) {
// guess!
csiphy_params = {.lane_cnt = 4, .settle_cnt = 24, .lane_mask = 0x1f, .csid_core = 2};
csiphy_cfg_data.cfgtype = CSIPHY_CFG;
csiphy_cfg_data.cfg.csiphy_params = &csiphy_params;
cam_ioctl(s->csiphy_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_CSIPHY_IO_CFG, &csiphy_cfg_data, "csiphy configure");
// CSID: configure csid
#define CSI_STATS 0x35
#define CSI_PD 0x36
struct msm_camera_csid_params csid_params = {
.lane_cnt = 4,
.lane_assign = 0x4320,
.phy_sel = (uint8_t)(is_road_cam ? 0 : 2),
.lut_params.num_cid = (uint8_t)(is_road_cam ? 3 : 1),
.lut_params.vc_cfg_a = {
{.cid = 0, .dt = CSI_RAW10, .decode_format = CSI_DECODE_10BIT},
{.cid = 1, .dt = CSI_PD, .decode_format = CSI_DECODE_10BIT},
{.cid = 2, .dt = CSI_STATS, .decode_format = CSI_DECODE_10BIT},
csid_params.lut_params.vc_cfg[0] = &csid_params.lut_params.vc_cfg_a[0];
csid_params.lut_params.vc_cfg[1] = &csid_params.lut_params.vc_cfg_a[1];
csid_params.lut_params.vc_cfg[2] = &csid_params.lut_params.vc_cfg_a[2];
csid_cfg_data.cfgtype = CSID_CFG;
csid_cfg_data.cfg.csid_params = &csid_params;
cam_ioctl(s->csid_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_CSID_IO_CFG, &csid_cfg_data, "csid configure");
msm_vfe_smmu_attach_cmd smmu_attach_cmd = {.security_mode = 0, .iommu_attach_mode = IOMMU_ATTACH};
cam_ioctl(s->isp_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISP_SMMU_ATTACH, &smmu_attach_cmd, "isp smmu attach");
// ******************* STREAM RAW *****************************
// configure QMET input
struct msm_vfe_input_cfg input_cfg = {};
for (int i = 0; i < (is_road_cam ? 3 : 1); i++) {
StreamState *ss = &s->ss[i];
memset(&input_cfg, 0, sizeof(struct msm_vfe_input_cfg));
input_cfg.input_src = (msm_vfe_input_src)(VFE_RAW_0+i);
input_cfg.input_pix_clk = s->pixel_clock;
input_cfg.d.rdi_cfg.cid = i;
input_cfg.d.rdi_cfg.frame_based = 1;
err = ioctl(s->isp_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISP_INPUT_CFG, &input_cfg);
LOG("configure input(%d): %d", i, err);
ss->stream_req.axi_stream_handle = 0;
if (is_road_cam) {
ss->stream_req.session_id = 2;
ss->stream_req.stream_id = /*ISP_META_CHANNEL_BIT | */ISP_NATIVE_BUF_BIT | (1+i);
} else {
ss->stream_req.session_id = 3;
ss->stream_req.stream_id = ISP_NATIVE_BUF_BIT | 1;
if (i == 0) {
ss->stream_req.output_format = v4l2_fourcc('R', 'G', '1', '0');
} else {
ss->stream_req.output_format = v4l2_fourcc('Q', 'M', 'E', 'T');
ss->stream_req.stream_src = (msm_vfe_axi_stream_src)(RDI_INTF_0+i);
#ifdef HIGH_FPS
if (is_road_cam) {
ss->stream_req.frame_skip_pattern = EVERY_3FRAME;
ss->stream_req.frame_base = 1;
ss->stream_req.buf_divert = 1; //i == 0;
// setup stream plane. doesn't even matter?
/*s->stream_req.plane_cfg[0].output_plane_format = Y_PLANE;
s->stream_req.plane_cfg[0].output_width = s->ci.frame_width;
s->stream_req.plane_cfg[0].output_height = s->ci.frame_height;
s->stream_req.plane_cfg[0].output_stride = s->ci.frame_width;
s->stream_req.plane_cfg[0].output_scan_lines = s->ci.frame_height;
s->stream_req.plane_cfg[0].rdi_cid = 0;*/
err = ioctl(s->isp_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISP_REQUEST_STREAM, &ss->stream_req);
LOG("isp request stream: %d -> 0x%x", err, ss->stream_req.axi_stream_handle);
ss->buf_request.session_id = ss->stream_req.session_id;
ss->buf_request.stream_id = ss->stream_req.stream_id;
ss->buf_request.num_buf = FRAME_BUF_COUNT;
ss->buf_request.buf_type = ISP_PRIVATE_BUF;
ss->buf_request.handle = 0;
cam_ioctl(s->isp_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISP_REQUEST_BUF, &ss->buf_request, "isp request buf");
LOG("got buf handle: 0x%x", ss->buf_request.handle);
// ENQUEUE all buffers
for (int j = 0; j < ss->buf_request.num_buf; j++) {
ss->qbuf_info[j].handle = ss->buf_request.handle;
ss->qbuf_info[j].buf_idx = j;
ss->qbuf_info[j].buffer.num_planes = 1;
ss->qbuf_info[j].buffer.planes[0].addr = ss->bufs[j].fd;
ss->qbuf_info[j].buffer.planes[0].length = ss->bufs[j].len;
err = ioctl(s->isp_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISP_ENQUEUE_BUF, &ss->qbuf_info[j]);
struct msm_vfe_axi_stream_update_cmd update_cmd = {};
update_cmd.num_streams = 1;
update_cmd.update_info[0].user_stream_id = ss->stream_req.stream_id;
update_cmd.update_info[0].stream_handle = ss->stream_req.axi_stream_handle;
update_cmd.update_type = UPDATE_STREAM_ADD_BUFQ;
cam_ioctl(s->isp_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISP_UPDATE_STREAM, &update_cmd, "isp update stream");
LOG("******** START STREAMS ********");
sub.id = 0;
sub.type = 0x1ff;
cam_ioctl(s->isp_fd, VIDIOC_SUBSCRIBE_EVENT, &sub, "isp subscribe");
s->stream_cfg.cmd = START_STREAM;
s->stream_cfg.num_streams = is_road_cam ? 3 : 1;
for (int i = 0; i < s->stream_cfg.num_streams; i++) {
s->stream_cfg.stream_handle[i] = s->ss[i].stream_req.axi_stream_handle;
cam_ioctl(s->isp_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISP_CFG_STREAM, &s->stream_cfg, "isp start stream");
static struct damping_params_t actuator_ringing_params = {
.damping_step = 1023,
.damping_delay = 15000,
.hw_params = 0x0000e422,
static void road_camera_start(CameraState *s) {
struct msm_actuator_cfg_data actuator_cfg_data = {0};
set_exposure(s, 1.0, 1.0);
int inf_step;
int err = sensor_write_regs(s, start_reg_array, std::size(start_reg_array), MSM_CAMERA_I2C_BYTE_DATA);
LOG("sensor start regs: %d", err);
if (s->device != DEVICE_LP3) {
imx298_ois_calibration(s->ois_fd, s->eeprom);
inf_step = 332 - s->infinity_dac;
// initial guess
s->lens_true_pos = 300;
} else {
// default is OP3, this is for LeEco
actuator_ringing_params.damping_step = 1023;
actuator_ringing_params.damping_delay = 20000;
actuator_ringing_params.hw_params = 13;
// focus on infinity assuming phone is perpendicular
inf_step = 512 - s->infinity_dac;
// initial guess
s->lens_true_pos = 400;
// reset lens position
memset(&actuator_cfg_data, 0, sizeof(actuator_cfg_data));
actuator_cfg_data.cfgtype = CFG_SET_POSITION;
actuator_cfg_data.cfg.setpos = (struct msm_actuator_set_position_t){
.number_of_steps = 1,
.hw_params = (uint32_t)((s->device != DEVICE_LP3) ? 0x0000e424 : 7),
.pos = {s->infinity_dac, 0},
.delay = {0,}
cam_ioctl(s->actuator_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ACTUATOR_CFG, &actuator_cfg_data, "actuator set pos");
// TODO: confirm this isn't needed
/*memset(&actuator_cfg_data, 0, sizeof(actuator_cfg_data));
actuator_cfg_data.cfgtype = CFG_MOVE_FOCUS;
actuator_cfg_data.cfg.move = (struct msm_actuator_move_params_t){
.dir = 0,
.sign_dir = 1,
.dest_step_pos = inf_step,
.num_steps = inf_step,
.curr_lens_pos = 0,
.ringing_params = &actuator_ringing_params,
err = ioctl(s->actuator_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ACTUATOR_CFG, &actuator_cfg_data); // should be ~332 at startup ?
LOG("init actuator move focus: %d", err);*/
s->cur_lens_pos = 0;
s->cur_step_pos = inf_step;
actuator_move(s, s->cur_lens_pos);
LOG("init lens pos: %d", s->cur_lens_pos);
void actuator_move(CameraState *s, uint16_t target) {
int step = target - s->cur_lens_pos;
// LP3 moves only on even positions. TODO: use proper sensor params
if (s->device == DEVICE_LP3) {
step /= 2;
int dest_step_pos = s->cur_step_pos + step;
dest_step_pos = std::clamp(dest_step_pos, 0, 255);
struct msm_actuator_cfg_data actuator_cfg_data = {0};
actuator_cfg_data.cfgtype = CFG_MOVE_FOCUS;
actuator_cfg_data.cfg.move = (struct msm_actuator_move_params_t){
.dir = (int8_t)((step > 0) ? MOVE_NEAR : MOVE_FAR),
.dest_step_pos = (int16_t)dest_step_pos,
.num_steps = abs(step),
.curr_lens_pos = s->cur_lens_pos,
.ringing_params = &actuator_ringing_params,
HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(s->actuator_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ACTUATOR_CFG, &actuator_cfg_data));
s->cur_step_pos = dest_step_pos;
s->cur_lens_pos = actuator_cfg_data.cfg.move.curr_lens_pos;
//LOGD("step %d target: %d lens pos: %d", dest_step_pos, target, s->cur_lens_pos);
static void parse_autofocus(CameraState *s, uint8_t *d) {
int good_count = 0;
int16_t max_focus = -32767;
int avg_focus = 0;
/*printf("FOCUS: ");
for (int i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) {
printf("%2.2X ", d[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FOCUS; i++) {
int doff = i*5+5;
s->confidence[i] = d[doff];
// this should just be a 10-bit signed int instead of 11
// TODO: write it in a nicer way
int16_t focus_t = (d[doff+1] << 3) | (d[doff+2] >> 5);
if (focus_t >= 1024) focus_t = -(2048-focus_t);
s->focus[i] = focus_t;
//printf("%x->%d ", d[doff], focus_t);
if (s->confidence[i] > 0x20) {
max_focus = std::max(max_focus, s->focus[i]);
avg_focus += s->focus[i];
// self recover override
if (s->self_recover > 1) {
s->focus_err = 200 * ((s->self_recover % 2 == 0) ? 1:-1); // far for even numbers, close for odd
s->self_recover -= 2;
if (good_count < 4) {
s->focus_err = nan("");
avg_focus /= good_count;
// outlier rejection
if (abs(avg_focus - max_focus) > 200) {
s->focus_err = nan("");
s->focus_err = max_focus*1.0;
static std::optional<float> get_accel_z(SubMaster *sm) {
if(sm->updated("sensorEvents")) {
for (auto event : (*sm)["sensorEvents"].getSensorEvents()) {
if (event.which() == cereal::SensorEventData::ACCELERATION) {
if (auto v = event.getAcceleration().getV(); v.size() >= 3)
return -v[2];
return std::nullopt;
static void do_autofocus(CameraState *s, SubMaster *sm) {
const int dac_down = s->device == DEVICE_LP3 ? LP3_AF_DAC_DOWN : OP3T_AF_DAC_DOWN;
const int dac_up = s->device == DEVICE_LP3 ? LP3_AF_DAC_UP : OP3T_AF_DAC_UP;
float lens_true_pos = s->lens_true_pos.load();
if (!isnan(s->focus_err)) {
// learn lens_true_pos
const float focus_kp = 0.005;
lens_true_pos -= s->focus_err*focus_kp;
if (auto accel_z = get_accel_z(sm)) {
s->last_sag_acc_z = *accel_z;
const float sag = (s->last_sag_acc_z / 9.8) * 128;
// stay off the walls
lens_true_pos = std::clamp(lens_true_pos, float(dac_down), float(dac_up));
int target = std::clamp(lens_true_pos - sag, float(dac_down), float(dac_up));
/*char debug[4096];
char *pdebug = debug;
pdebug += sprintf(pdebug, "focus ");
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FOCUS; i++) pdebug += sprintf(pdebug, "%2x(%4d) ", s->confidence[i], s->focus[i]);
pdebug += sprintf(pdebug, " err: %7.2f offset: %6.2f sag: %6.2f lens_true_pos: %6.2f cur_lens_pos: %4d->%4d", err * focus_kp, offset, sag, s->lens_true_pos, s->cur_lens_pos, target);
actuator_move(s, target);
void camera_autoexposure(CameraState *s, float grey_frac) {
if (s->camera_num == 0) {
CameraExpInfo tmp = road_cam_exp.load();
tmp.grey_frac = grey_frac;
} else {
CameraExpInfo tmp = driver_cam_exp.load();
tmp.grey_frac = grey_frac;
static void driver_camera_start(CameraState *s) {
set_exposure(s, 1.0, 1.0);
int err = sensor_write_regs(s, start_reg_array, std::size(start_reg_array), MSM_CAMERA_I2C_BYTE_DATA);
LOG("sensor start regs: %d", err);
void cameras_open(MultiCameraState *s) {
struct msm_ispif_param_data ispif_params = {
.num = 4,
.entries = {
// road camera
{.vfe_intf = VFE0, .intftype = RDI0, .num_cids = 1, .cids[0] = CID0, .csid = CSID0},
// driver camera
{.vfe_intf = VFE1, .intftype = RDI0, .num_cids = 1, .cids[0] = CID0, .csid = CSID2},
// road camera (focus)
{.vfe_intf = VFE0, .intftype = RDI1, .num_cids = 1, .cids[0] = CID1, .csid = CSID0},
// road camera (stats, for AE)
{.vfe_intf = VFE0, .intftype = RDI2, .num_cids = 1, .cids[0] = CID2, .csid = CSID0},
s->msmcfg_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open("/dev/media0", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
assert(s->msmcfg_fd >= 0);
s->v4l_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open("/dev/video0", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
assert(s->v4l_fd >= 0);
if (s->device == DEVICE_LP3) {
s->ispif_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open("/dev/v4l-subdev15", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
} else {
s->ispif_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open("/dev/v4l-subdev16", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK));
assert(s->ispif_fd >= 0);
// ISPIF: stop
// memset(&ispif_cfg_data, 0, sizeof(ispif_cfg_data));
// ispif_cfg_data.cfg_type = ISPIF_STOP_FRAME_BOUNDARY;
// ispif_cfg_data.params = ispif_params;
// err = ioctl(s->ispif_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISPIF_CFG, &ispif_cfg_data);
// LOG("ispif stop: %d", err);
LOG("*** open driver camera ***");
s->driver_cam.ss[0].bufs = s->driver_cam.buf.camera_bufs.get();
camera_open(&s->driver_cam, false);
LOG("*** open road camera ***");
s->road_cam.ss[0].bufs = s->road_cam.buf.camera_bufs.get();
s->road_cam.ss[1].bufs = s->focus_bufs;
s->road_cam.ss[2].bufs = s->stats_bufs;
camera_open(&s->road_cam, true);
if (getenv("CAMERA_TEST")) {
// ISPIF: set vfe info
struct ispif_cfg_data ispif_cfg_data = {.cfg_type = ISPIF_SET_VFE_INFO, .vfe_info.num_vfe = 2};
int err = HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(s->ispif_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISPIF_CFG, &ispif_cfg_data));
LOG("ispif set vfe info: %d", err);
// ISPIF: setup
ispif_cfg_data = {.cfg_type = ISPIF_INIT, .csid_version = 0x30050000 /* CSID_VERSION_V35*/};
cam_ioctl(s->ispif_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISPIF_CFG, &ispif_cfg_data, "ispif setup");
ispif_cfg_data = {.cfg_type = ISPIF_CFG, .params = ispif_params};
cam_ioctl(s->ispif_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISPIF_CFG, &ispif_cfg_data, "ispif cfg");
ispif_cfg_data.cfg_type = ISPIF_START_FRAME_BOUNDARY;
cam_ioctl(s->ispif_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISPIF_CFG, &ispif_cfg_data, "ispif start_frame_boundary");
static void camera_close(CameraState *s) {
s->stream_cfg.cmd = STOP_STREAM;
cam_ioctl(s->isp_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISP_CFG_STREAM, &s->stream_cfg, "isp stop stream");
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
StreamState *ss = &s->ss[i];
if (ss->stream_req.axi_stream_handle != 0) {
cam_ioctl(s->isp_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISP_RELEASE_BUF, &ss->buf_request, "isp release buf");
struct msm_vfe_axi_stream_release_cmd stream_release = {
.stream_handle = ss->stream_req.axi_stream_handle,
cam_ioctl(s->isp_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISP_RELEASE_STREAM, &stream_release, "isp release stream");
const char* get_isp_event_name(uint32_t type) {
switch (type) {
default: return "unknown";
static FrameMetadata get_frame_metadata(CameraState *s, uint32_t frame_id) {
std::lock_guard lk(s->frame_info_lock);
for (auto &i : s->frame_metadata) {
if (i.frame_id == frame_id) {
return i;
// should never happen
return (FrameMetadata){
.frame_id = (uint32_t)-1,
static void ops_thread(MultiCameraState *s) {
int last_road_cam_op_id = 0;
int last_driver_cam_op_id = 0;
CameraExpInfo road_cam_op;
CameraExpInfo driver_cam_op;
SubMaster sm({"sensorEvents"});
while(!do_exit) {
road_cam_op = road_cam_exp.load();
if (road_cam_op.op_id != last_road_cam_op_id) {
do_autoexposure(&s->road_cam, road_cam_op.grey_frac);
do_autofocus(&s->road_cam, &sm);
last_road_cam_op_id = road_cam_op.op_id;
driver_cam_op = driver_cam_exp.load();
if (driver_cam_op.op_id != last_driver_cam_op_id) {
do_autoexposure(&s->driver_cam, driver_cam_op.grey_frac);
last_driver_cam_op_id = driver_cam_op.op_id;
static void setup_self_recover(CameraState *c, const uint16_t *lapres, size_t lapres_size) {
const int dac_down = c->device == DEVICE_LP3 ? LP3_AF_DAC_DOWN : OP3T_AF_DAC_DOWN;
const int dac_up = c->device == DEVICE_LP3 ? LP3_AF_DAC_UP : OP3T_AF_DAC_UP;
const int dac_m = c->device == DEVICE_LP3 ? LP3_AF_DAC_M : OP3T_AF_DAC_M;
const int dac_3sig = c->device == DEVICE_LP3 ? LP3_AF_DAC_3SIG : OP3T_AF_DAC_3SIG;
const float lens_true_pos = c->lens_true_pos.load();
int self_recover = c->self_recover.load();
if (self_recover < 2 && (lens_true_pos < (dac_down + 1) || lens_true_pos > (dac_up - 1)) && is_blur(lapres, lapres_size)) {
// truly stuck, needs help
if (--self_recover < -FOCUS_RECOVER_PATIENCE) {
LOGD("road camera bad state detected. attempting recovery from %.1f, recover state is %d", lens_true_pos, self_recover);
// parity determined by which end is stuck at
self_recover = FOCUS_RECOVER_STEPS + (lens_true_pos < dac_m ? 1 : 0);
} else if (self_recover < 2 && (lens_true_pos < (dac_m - dac_3sig) || lens_true_pos > (dac_m + dac_3sig))) {
// in suboptimal position with high prob, but may still recover by itself
if (--self_recover < -(FOCUS_RECOVER_PATIENCE * 3)) {
self_recover = FOCUS_RECOVER_STEPS / 2 + (lens_true_pos < dac_m ? 1 : 0);
} else if (self_recover < 0) {
self_recover += 1; // reset if fine
void process_driver_camera(MultiCameraState *s, CameraState *c, int cnt) {
common_process_driver_camera(s->sm, s->pm, c, cnt);
// called by processing_thread
void process_road_camera(MultiCameraState *s, CameraState *c, int cnt) {
const CameraBuf *b = &c->buf;
const int roi_id = cnt % std::size(s->lapres); // rolling roi
s->lapres[roi_id] = s->lap_conv->Update(b->q, (uint8_t *)b->cur_rgb_buf->addr, roi_id);
setup_self_recover(c, &s->lapres[0], std::size(s->lapres));
MessageBuilder msg;
auto framed = msg.initEvent().initRoadCameraState();
fill_frame_data(framed, b->cur_frame_data);
if (env_send_road) {
s->pm->send("roadCameraState", msg);
if (cnt % 3 == 0) {
const int x = 290, y = 322, width = 560, height = 314;
const int skip = 1;
camera_autoexposure(c, set_exposure_target(b, x, x + width, skip, y, y + height, skip));
void cameras_run(MultiCameraState *s) {
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
threads.push_back(std::thread(ops_thread, s));
threads.push_back(start_process_thread(s, &s->road_cam, process_road_camera));
threads.push_back(start_process_thread(s, &s->driver_cam, process_driver_camera));
CameraState* cameras[2] = {&s->road_cam, &s->driver_cam};
while (!do_exit) {
struct pollfd fds[2] = {{.fd = cameras[0]->isp_fd, .events = POLLPRI},
{.fd = cameras[1]->isp_fd, .events = POLLPRI}};
int ret = poll(fds, std::size(fds), 1000);
if (ret < 0) {
if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) continue;
LOGE("poll failed (%d - %d)", ret, errno);
// process cameras
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
if (!fds[i].revents) continue;
CameraState *c = cameras[i];
struct v4l2_event ev = {};
ret = HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(c->isp_fd, VIDIOC_DQEVENT, &ev));
const msm_isp_event_data *isp_event_data = (const msm_isp_event_data *)ev.u.data;
if (ev.type == ISP_EVENT_BUF_DIVERT) {
const int buf_idx = isp_event_data->u.buf_done.buf_idx;
const int buffer = (isp_event_data->u.buf_done.stream_id & 0xFFFF) - 1;
if (buffer == 0) {
c->buf.camera_bufs_metadata[buf_idx] = get_frame_metadata(c, isp_event_data->frame_id);
} else {
auto &ss = c->ss[buffer];
if (buffer == 1) {
parse_autofocus(c, (uint8_t *)(ss.bufs[buf_idx].addr));
ss.qbuf_info[buf_idx].dirty_buf = 1;
HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(c->isp_fd, VIDIOC_MSM_ISP_ENQUEUE_BUF, &ss.qbuf_info[buf_idx]));
} else if (ev.type == ISP_EVENT_EOF) {
const uint64_t timestamp = (isp_event_data->mono_timestamp.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL + isp_event_data->mono_timestamp.tv_usec * 1000);
std::lock_guard lk(c->frame_info_lock);
c->frame_metadata[c->frame_metadata_idx] = (FrameMetadata){
.frame_id = isp_event_data->frame_id,
.timestamp_eof = timestamp,
.frame_length = (uint32_t)c->frame_length,
.integ_lines = (uint32_t)c->cur_integ_lines,
.lens_pos = c->cur_lens_pos,
.lens_sag = c->last_sag_acc_z,
.lens_err = c->focus_err,
.lens_true_pos = c->lens_true_pos,
.gain = c->cur_gain_frac,
.measured_grey_fraction = c->measured_grey_fraction,
.target_grey_fraction = c->target_grey_fraction,
.high_conversion_gain = false,
c->frame_metadata_idx = (c->frame_metadata_idx + 1) % METADATA_BUF_COUNT;
} else if (ev.type == ISP_EVENT_ERROR) {
LOGE("ISP_EVENT_ERROR! err type: 0x%08x", isp_event_data->u.error_info.err_type);
LOG(" ************** STOPPING **************");
for (auto &t : threads) t.join();
void cameras_close(MultiCameraState *s) {
for (int i = 0; i < FRAME_BUF_COUNT; i++) {
delete s->lap_conv;
delete s->sm;
delete s->pm;