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Raw Permalink Normal View History

import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import re
from math import cos, sin, pi, floor
from .constants import SECS_IN_MIN, SECS_IN_HR, EARTH_RADIUS
from .lib.coordinates import LocalCoord
from .gps_time import GPSTime
# Altitude of Ionospheric-pierce-point
IPP_ALT = 6821000
def closest_in_list(lst, val, num=2):
Returns two (`num` in general) closest values of `val` in list `lst`
idxs = sorted(lst, key=lambda x: abs(x - val))[:num]
return sorted(list(lst).index(x) for x in idxs)
def get_header_line(headr, proprty):
:param headr: the header of the RINEX-file
:param proprty: string-like property to search for (e.g. 'delta-utc')
:return: the string of the ``headr`` containing ``property``
pattern = re.compile(proprty, re.IGNORECASE)
for d in headr:
return d
def get_header_body(file_path):
Opens `file_path`, reads file and returns header and body
separated with "END OF HEADER"
:param file_path: path to RINEX-like file
:return: header, body (arrays of lines)
with open(file_path) as fd:
data = fd.readlines()
for j, d in enumerate(data):
if "END OF HEADER" in d:
header_end = j
return data[:header_end], data[header_end + 1:]
def get_int_from_header(hdr, seq):
Returns the first int from the line that contains `seq` of lines `hdr`.
In fact, _header_ here may not be header of RINEX/IONEX, just some set of lines.
return int(get_header_line(hdr, seq).split()[0])
def compute_grid_lats_lons(data):
grid = np.array([], dtype='uint16')
lats = np.array([])
for j, line in enumerate(data[1:]):
if "LAT" in line:
lat, lon1, lon2, dlon, h = (float(line[x:x + 6]) for x in range(2, 32, 6))
lats = np.append(lats, lat)
row_length = (lon2 - lon1) / dlon + 1 # total number of values of longitudes
next_lines_with_numbers = int(np.ceil(row_length / 16))
elems_in_row = [
min(16, int(row_length - i * 16)) for i in range(next_lines_with_numbers)
row = np.array([], dtype='int16')
for i, elem in enumerate(elems_in_row):
row = np.append(
[int(data[j + 2 + i][5 * x:5 * x + 5]) for x in range(elem)],
if len(grid) > 0:
grid = np.vstack((grid, row))
grid = np.append(grid, row)
lons = np.linspace(lon1, lon2, int(row_length))
return (grid, lats, lons)
class IonexMap:
def __init__(self, exp, data1, data2):
self.exp = exp
self.t1 = GPSTime.from_datetime(dt.datetime(*[int(d) for d in data1[0].split()[:6]]))
self.t2 = GPSTime.from_datetime(dt.datetime(*[int(d) for d in data2[0].split()[:6]]))
assert self.t2 - self.t1 == SECS_IN_HR
assert len(data1) == len(data2)
self.max_time_diff = SECS_IN_MIN*30
self.epoch = self.t1 + self.max_time_diff
self.grid_TEC1, self.lats, self.lons = compute_grid_lats_lons(data1)
self.grid_TEC2, self.lats, self.lons = compute_grid_lats_lons(data2)
def valid(self, time):
return abs(time - self.epoch) <= self.max_time_diff
def find_nearest(lst, val):
return (np.abs(lst - val)).argmin()
def get_TEC(self, pos, time):
Returns TEC in a position `pos` of ionosphere
:param pos: (lat, lon) [deg, deg]
if pos[0] in self.lats and pos[1] in self.lons:
lat = self.find_nearest(self.lats, pos[0])
lon = self.find_nearest(self.lons, pos[1])
E = self.grid_TEC1[lat][lon] + self.grid_TEC2[lat][lon]
return E
lat_idxs = closest_in_list(self.lats, pos[0])
lon_idxs = closest_in_list(self.lons, pos[1])
lat0, lat1 = self.lats[lat_idxs[0]], self.lats[lat_idxs[1]]
lon0, lon1 = self.lons[lon_idxs[0]], self.lons[lon_idxs[1]]
dlat = lat1 - lat0
dlon = lon1 - lon0
p = float(pos[0] - lat0) / dlat
q = float(pos[1] - lon0) / dlon
(E00, E10), (E01, E11) = self.grid_TEC1[lat_idxs[0]:lat_idxs[1] + 1, lon_idxs[0]:lon_idxs[1] + 1]
TEC_1 = ((1 - p) * (1 - q) * E00 + p * (1 - q) * E01 + (1 - p) * q * E10 + p * q * E11)
(E00, E10), (E01, E11) = self.grid_TEC2[lat_idxs[0]:lat_idxs[1] + 1, lon_idxs[0]:lon_idxs[1] + 1]
TEC_2 = ((1 - p) * (1 - q) * E00 + p * (1 - q) * E01 + (1 - p) * q * E10 + p * q * E11)
return (1 - (time - self.t1)/SECS_IN_HR)*TEC_1 + ((time - self.t1)/SECS_IN_HR)*TEC_2
def get_delay(self, rcv_pos, az, el, sat_pos, time, freq):
# To get a delay from a TEC map, we need to calculate
# the ionospheric pierce point, geometry described here
conv = LocalCoord.from_ecef(rcv_pos)
geocentric_alt = np.linalg.norm(rcv_pos)
alpha = np.pi/2 + el
beta = np.arcsin(geocentric_alt*np.sin(alpha)/IPP_ALT)
gamma = np.pi - alpha - beta
ipp_dist = geocentric_alt*np.sin(gamma)/np.sin(beta)
ipp_ned = conv.ecef2ned(sat_pos)*(ipp_dist)/np.linalg.norm(sat_pos)
ipp_geo = conv.ned2geodetic(ipp_ned)
factor = 40.30E16 / (freq**2) * 10**(self.exp)
vertical_delay = self.get_TEC(ipp_geo, time) * factor
slant_delay = vertical_delay * ((1 - ((EARTH_RADIUS * np.sin(beta)) /
(EARTH_RADIUS + 3.5e5))**2)**(-0.5))
return slant_delay
def round_to_grid(number, base):
return int(base * round(float(number) / base))
def parse_ionex(ionex_file):
:param ionex_file: path to the IONEX file
:return: TEC interpolation function `f( (lat,lon), datetime )`
header, body = get_header_body(ionex_file)
exponent = get_int_from_header(header, "EXPONENT")
maps_count = get_int_from_header(header, "MAPS IN FILE")
# =============
# Separate maps
# =============
map_start_idx = []
map_end_idx = []
for j, line in enumerate(body):
if "START OF TEC MAP" in line:
map_start_idx += [j]
elif "END OF TEC MAP" in line:
map_end_idx += [j]
if maps_count != len(map_start_idx):
raise LookupError("Parsing error: the number of maps in the header "
"is not equal to the number of maps in the body.")
if len(map_start_idx) != len(map_end_idx):
raise IndexError("Starts end ends numbers are not equal.")
map_dates = []
for i in range(maps_count):
date_components = body[map_start_idx[i] + 1].split()[:6]
map_dates.append(dt.datetime(*[int(d) for d in date_components]))
maps = []
iono_map = iono_map_prev = None
for m in range(maps_count):
iono_map_prev = iono_map
iono_map = body[map_start_idx[m] + 1:map_end_idx[m]]
if iono_map and iono_map_prev:
maps += [IonexMap(exponent, iono_map_prev, iono_map)]
return maps
def klobuchar(pos, az, el, time, iono_coeffs):
Details are taken from [5]: IS-GPS-200H, Fig. 20-4
Note: result is referred to the GPS L₁ frequency;
if the user is operating on the GPS L₂ frequency, the correction term must
be multiplied by γ = f₂²/f₁¹ = 0.6071850227694382
:param pos: [lat, lon, alt] in radians and meters
tow = time.tow
if pos[2] < -1E3 or el < 0:
return 0.0
if len(iono_coeffs) < 8:
return None
# earth centered angle (semi-circle)
psi = 0.0137 / (el / pi + 0.11) - 0.022
# subionospheric latitude/longitude (semi-circle)
phi = pos[0] / pi + psi * cos(az)
if phi > 0.416:
phi = 0.416
elif phi < -0.416:
phi = -0.416
lam = pos[1] / pi + psi * sin(az) / cos(phi * pi)
# geomagnetic latitude (semi-circle) */
phi += 0.064 * cos((lam - 1.617) * pi)
# local time (s)
tt = 43200.0 * lam + tow
tt -= floor(tt / 86400.0) * 86400.0 # 0<=tt<86400
# slant factor
f = 1.0 + 16.0 * pow(0.53 - el / pi, 3.0)
# ionospheric delay
amp = iono_coeffs[0] + phi * (iono_coeffs[1] + phi *
(iono_coeffs[2] + phi * iono_coeffs[3]))
per = iono_coeffs[4] + phi * (iono_coeffs[5] + phi *
(iono_coeffs[6] + phi * iono_coeffs[7]))
if amp < 0.0:
amp = 0.
if per < 72000.0:
per = 72000.0
x = 2.0 * pi * (tt - 50400.0) / per
mul = 5E-9
if abs(x) < 1.57:
mul = (5E-9 + amp * (1.0 + x * x * (-0.5 + x * x / 24.0)))
return 2.99792458E8 * f * mul