
236 lines
11 KiB

import time, random, unittest, itertools
from unittest.mock import patch
from io import StringIO
from collections import namedtuple
from tqdm import tqdm
from tinygrad.helpers import tqdm as tinytqdm, trange as tinytrange
import numpy as np
class TestProgressBar(unittest.TestCase):
def _compare_bars(self, bar1, bar2):
prefix1, prog1, suffix1 = bar1.split("|")
prefix2, prog2, suffix2 = bar2.split("|")
self.assertEqual(len(bar1), len(bar2))
self.assertEqual(prefix1, prefix2)
def parse_timer(timer): return sum(int(x) * y for x, y in zip(timer.split(':')[::-1], (1, 60, 3600)))
if "?" not in suffix1 and "?" not in suffix2:
# allow for few sec diff in timers (removes flakiness)
timer1, rm1 = [parse_timer(timer) for timer in suffix1.split("[")[-1].split(",")[0].split("<")]
timer2, rm2 = [parse_timer(timer) for timer in suffix2.split("[")[-1].split(",")[0].split("<")]
np.testing.assert_allclose(timer1, timer2, atol=5, rtol=1e-2)
np.testing.assert_allclose(rm1, rm2, atol=5, rtol=1e-2)
# get suffix without timers
suffix1 = suffix1.split("[")[0] + suffix1.split(",")[1]
suffix2 = suffix2.split("[")[0] + suffix2.split(",")[1]
self.assertEqual(suffix1, suffix2)
self.assertEqual(suffix1, suffix2)
diff = sum([c1 != c2 for c1, c2 in zip(prog1, prog2)]) # allow 1 char diff to be less flaky, but it should match
assert diff <= 1, f"{diff=}\n{prog1=}\n{prog2=}"
@patch('sys.stderr', new_callable=StringIO)
def test_tqdm_output_iter(self, mock_terminal_size, mock_stderr):
for _ in range(10):
total, ncols = random.randint(5, 30), random.randint(80, 240)
mock_terminal_size.return_value = namedtuple(field_names='columns', typename='terminal_size')(ncols)
# compare bars at each iteration (only when tinytqdm bar has been updated)
for n in (bar := tinytqdm(range(total), desc="Test")):
if bar.i % bar.skip != 0: continue
tinytqdm_output = mock_stderr.getvalue().split("\r")[-1].rstrip()
iters_per_sec = float(tinytqdm_output.split("it/s")[-2].split(" ")[-1]) if n>0 else 0
elapsed = n/iters_per_sec if n>0 else 0
tqdm_output = tqdm.format_meter(n=n, total=total, elapsed=elapsed, ncols=ncols, prefix="Test")
self._compare_bars(tinytqdm_output, tqdm_output)
# compare final bars
tinytqdm_output = mock_stderr.getvalue().split("\r")[-1].rstrip()
iters_per_sec = float(tinytqdm_output.split("it/s")[-2].split(" ")[-1]) if n>0 else 0
elapsed = total/iters_per_sec if n>0 else 0
tqdm_output = tqdm.format_meter(n=total, total=total, elapsed=elapsed, ncols=ncols, prefix="Test")
self._compare_bars(tinytqdm_output, tqdm_output)
@patch('sys.stderr', new_callable=StringIO)
def test_unit_scale(self, mock_terminal_size, mock_stderr):
for unit_scale in [True, False]:
# NOTE: numpy comparison raises TypeError if exponent > 22
for exponent in range(1, 22, 3):
low, high = 10 ** exponent, 10 ** (exponent+1)
for _ in range(3):
total, ncols = random.randint(low, high), random.randint(80, 240)
mock_terminal_size.return_value = namedtuple(field_names='columns', typename='terminal_size')(ncols)
# compare bars at each iteration (only when tinytqdm bar has been updated)
for n in tinytqdm(range(total), desc="Test", total=total, unit_scale=unit_scale):
tinytqdm_output = mock_stderr.getvalue().split("\r")[-1].rstrip()
iters_per_sec = float(tinytqdm_output.split("it/s")[-2].split(" ")[-1]) if n>0 else 0
elapsed = n/iters_per_sec if n>0 else 0
tqdm_output = tqdm.format_meter(n=n, total=total, elapsed=elapsed, ncols=ncols, prefix="Test", unit_scale=unit_scale)
# print(f"tiny: {tinytqdm_output}")
# print(f"tqdm: {tqdm_output}")
self._compare_bars(tinytqdm_output, tqdm_output)
if n > 3: break
@patch('sys.stderr', new_callable=StringIO)
def test_set_description(self, mock_terminal_size, mock_stderr):
for _ in range(10):
total, ncols = random.randint(5, 30), random.randint(80, 240)
mock_terminal_size.return_value = namedtuple(field_names='columns', typename='terminal_size')(ncols)
expected_prefix = "Test"
# compare bars at each iteration (only when tinytqdm bar has been updated)
for i,n in enumerate(bar := tinytqdm(range(total), desc="Test")):
if bar.i % bar.skip != 0: continue
tinytqdm_output = mock_stderr.getvalue().split("\r")[-1].rstrip()
iters_per_sec = float(tinytqdm_output.split("it/s")[-2].split(" ")[-1]) if n>0 else 0
elapsed = n/iters_per_sec if n>0 else 0
tqdm_output = tqdm.format_meter(n=n, total=total, elapsed=elapsed, ncols=ncols, prefix=expected_prefix)
expected_prefix = desc = f"Test {i}" if i % 2 == 0 else ""
self._compare_bars(tinytqdm_output, tqdm_output)
# compare final bars
tinytqdm_output = mock_stderr.getvalue().split("\r")[-1].rstrip()
iters_per_sec = float(tinytqdm_output.split("it/s")[-2].split(" ")[-1]) if n>0 else 0
elapsed = total/iters_per_sec if n>0 else 0
tqdm_output = tqdm.format_meter(n=total, total=total, elapsed=elapsed, ncols=ncols, prefix=expected_prefix)
self._compare_bars(tinytqdm_output, tqdm_output)
@patch('sys.stderr', new_callable=StringIO)
def test_trange_output_iter(self, mock_terminal_size, mock_stderr):
for _ in range(5):
total, ncols = random.randint(5, 30), random.randint(80, 240)
mock_terminal_size.return_value = namedtuple(field_names='columns', typename='terminal_size')(ncols)
# compare bars at each iteration (only when tinytqdm bar has been updated)
for n in (bar := tinytrange(total, desc="Test")):
if bar.i % bar.skip != 0: continue
tiny_output = mock_stderr.getvalue().split("\r")[-1].rstrip()
iters_per_sec = float(tiny_output.split("it/s")[-2].split(" ")[-1]) if n>0 else 0
elapsed = n/iters_per_sec if n>0 else 0
tqdm_output = tqdm.format_meter(n=n, total=total, elapsed=elapsed, ncols=ncols, prefix="Test")
self._compare_bars(tiny_output, tqdm_output)
# compare final bars
tiny_output = mock_stderr.getvalue().split("\r")[-1].rstrip()
iters_per_sec = float(tiny_output.split("it/s")[-2].split(" ")[-1]) if n>0 else 0
elapsed = total/iters_per_sec if n>0 else 0
tqdm_output = tqdm.format_meter(n=total, total=total, elapsed=elapsed, ncols=ncols, prefix="Test")
self._compare_bars(tiny_output, tqdm_output)
@patch('sys.stderr', new_callable=StringIO)
def test_tqdm_output_custom(self, mock_terminal_size, mock_stderr):
for _ in range(10):
total, ncols = random.randint(10000, 100000), random.randint(80, 120)
mock_terminal_size.return_value = namedtuple(field_names='columns', typename='terminal_size')(ncols)
# compare bars at each iteration (only when tinytqdm bar has been updated)
bar = tinytqdm(total=total, desc="Test")
n = 0
while n < total:
incr = (total // 10) + random.randint(0, 100)
if n + incr > total: incr = total - n
bar.update(incr, close=n+incr==total)
n += incr
if bar.i % bar.skip != 0: continue
tinytqdm_output = mock_stderr.getvalue().split("\r")[-1].rstrip()
iters_per_sec = float(tinytqdm_output.split("it/s")[-2].split(" ")[-1]) if n>0 else 0
elapsed = n/iters_per_sec if n>0 else 0
tqdm_output = tqdm.format_meter(n=n, total=total, elapsed=elapsed, ncols=ncols, prefix="Test")
self._compare_bars(tinytqdm_output, tqdm_output)
@patch('sys.stderr', new_callable=StringIO)
def test_tqdm_output_custom_0_total(self, mock_terminal_size, mock_stderr):
for _ in range(10):
total, ncols = random.randint(10000, 100000), random.randint(80, 120)
mock_terminal_size.return_value = namedtuple(field_names='columns', typename='terminal_size')(ncols)
# compare bars at each iteration (only when tinytqdm bar has been updated)
bar = tinytqdm(total=0, desc="Test")
n = 0
while n < total:
incr = (total // 10) + random.randint(0, 100)
if n + incr > total: incr = total - n
bar.update(incr, close=n+incr==total)
n += incr
if bar.i % bar.skip != 0: continue
tinytqdm_output = mock_stderr.getvalue().split("\r")[-1].rstrip()
iters_per_sec = float(tinytqdm_output.split("it/s")[-2].split(" ")[-1]) if n>0 else 0
elapsed = n/iters_per_sec if n>0 else 0
tqdm_output = tqdm.format_meter(n=n, total=0, elapsed=elapsed, ncols=ncols, prefix="Test")
self.assertEqual(tinytqdm_output, tqdm_output)
@patch('sys.stderr', new_callable=StringIO)
def test_tqdm_output_custom_nolen_total(self, mock_terminal_size, mock_stderr):
for unit_scale in [True, False]:
for _ in range(3):
gen = itertools.count(0)
ncols = random.randint(80, 120)
mock_terminal_size.return_value = namedtuple(field_names='columns', typename='terminal_size')(ncols)
# compare bars at each iteration (only when tinytqdm bar has been updated)
for n,g in enumerate(tinytqdm(gen, desc="Test", unit_scale=unit_scale)):
assert g == n
tinytqdm_output = mock_stderr.getvalue().split("\r")[-1].rstrip()
if n:
iters_per_sec = float(tinytqdm_output.split("it/s")[-2].split(" ")[-1])
elapsed = n/iters_per_sec
elapsed = 0
tqdm_output = tqdm.format_meter(n=n, total=0, elapsed=elapsed, ncols=ncols, prefix="Test", unit_scale=unit_scale)
self.assertEqual(tinytqdm_output, tqdm_output)
if n > 5: break
def test_tqdm_perf(self):
st = time.perf_counter()
for _ in tqdm(range(100)): time.sleep(0.01)
tqdm_time = time.perf_counter() - st
st = time.perf_counter()
for _ in tinytqdm(range(100)): time.sleep(0.01)
tinytqdm_time = time.perf_counter() - st
assert tinytqdm_time < 2 * tqdm_time
def test_tqdm_perf_high_iter(self):
st = time.perf_counter()
for _ in tqdm(range(10^7)): pass
tqdm_time = time.perf_counter() - st
st = time.perf_counter()
for _ in tinytqdm(range(10^7)): pass
tinytqdm_time = time.perf_counter() - st
assert tinytqdm_time < 5 * tqdm_time
if __name__ == '__main__':