
68 lines
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import sys, unittest
import numpy as np
from tinygrad import Tensor, Device, dtypes
from tinygrad.codegen.uops import UOp
from tinygrad.tensor import _to_np_dtype
from tinygrad.engine.realize import Runner
from tinygrad.dtype import DType
from tinygrad.nn.state import get_parameters
from tinygrad.helpers import Context, CI, OSX, getenv
def derandomize_model(model):
with Context(GRAPH=0):
for p in get_parameters(model):
p.lazydata = Tensor.empty(p.shape, device=p.device, dtype=p.dtype).lazydata
def assert_jit_cache_len(fxn, expected_len):
if not fxn.jit_cache:
assert expected_len == 0, expected_len
# until we have a better way of typing the prg in ExecItem
if issubclass(type(fxn.jit_cache[0].prg), Runner) and not type(fxn.jit_cache[0].prg).__name__.endswith('Graph'):
assert len(fxn.jit_cache) == expected_len, len(fxn.jit_cache)
assert len(fxn.jit_cache) == 1, len(fxn.jit_cache)
# until we have a better way of typing the prg in ExecItem
assert type(fxn.jit_cache[0].prg).__name__.endswith('Graph')
assert len(fxn.jit_cache[0].prg.jit_cache) == expected_len
def is_dtype_supported(dtype: DType, device: str = Device.DEFAULT):
if dtype == dtypes.bigint and device != "PYTHON": return False
if dtype == dtypes.bfloat16:
# NOTE: this requires bf16 buffer support
return device in {"AMD"} or (device in {"CUDA", "NV"} and not CI and not getenv("PTX"))
if device in ["WEBGPU", "WEBGL"]: return dtype in [dtypes.float, dtypes.int32, dtypes.uint32]
# for CI GPU and OSX, cl_khr_fp16 isn't supported
# for CI LLVM, it segfaults because it can't link to the casting function
# CI CUDA architecture is sm_35 but we need at least sm_70 to run fp16 ALUs
# PYTHON supports half memoryview in 3.12+ https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/90751
if dtype == dtypes.half:
if device == "GPU": return not CI and not OSX
if device in ["LLVM", "CUDA", "NV"]: return not CI
if device == "PYTHON": return sys.version_info >= (3, 12)
if dtype == dtypes.float64: return device != "METAL" and not (OSX and device == "GPU")
return True
def rand_for_dtype(dt:DType, size:int):
if dtypes.is_unsigned(dt):
return np.random.randint(0, 100, size=size, dtype=_to_np_dtype(dt))
elif dtypes.is_int(dt):
return np.random.randint(-100, 100, size=size, dtype=_to_np_dtype(dt))
elif dt == dtypes.bool:
return np.random.choice([True, False], size=size)
return np.random.uniform(-10, 10, size=size).astype(_to_np_dtype(dt))
class TestUOps(unittest.TestCase):
def assert_equiv_uops(self, uop1:UOp, uop2:UOp):
# NOTE: direct UOps __eq__ is comparing object reference, use this function to compare two uops
self.assertIs(uop1.op, uop2.op)
self.assertEqual(uop1.dtype, uop2.dtype)
self.assertEqual(uop1.arg, uop2.arg)
self.assertEqual(len(uop1.src), len(uop2.src))
for s1, s2 in zip(uop1.src, uop2.src): self.assert_equiv_uops(s1, s2)
except AssertionError as e:
raise e