
191 lines
6.7 KiB

import unittest
from typing import List
from tinygrad.helpers import prod
from tinygrad.shape.view import View
from tinygrad.shape.shapetracker import ShapeTracker
from tinygrad.shape.symbolic import Variable, sym_infer
class MultiShapeTracker:
def __init__(self, sts:List[ShapeTracker]): self.sts = sts
def shape(self): return self.sts[0].shape
def reshape(self, arg): self.sts = [x.reshape(arg) for x in self.sts]
def permute(self, arg): self.sts = [x.permute(arg) for x in self.sts]
def expand(self, arg): self.sts = [x.expand(arg) for x in self.sts]
def shrink(self, arg): self.sts = [x.shrink(arg) for x in self.sts]
def stride(self, arg): self.sts = [x.stride(arg) for x in self.sts]
def pad(self, arg): self.sts = [x.pad(arg) for x in self.sts]
def st_equal(st1:ShapeTracker, st2:ShapeTracker) -> bool:
if st1.shape != st2.shape: return False
if st1 == st2: return True
idx = Variable("idx", 0, prod(st1.shape)-1)
st1_idx, st1_valid = st1.reshape((st1.size,)).expr_idxs([idx])
st2_idx, st2_valid = st2.reshape((st2.size,)).expr_idxs([idx])
for i in range(idx.min, idx.max + 1):
st1_off = sym_infer(st1_idx, {idx: i})
st2_off = sym_infer(st2_idx, {idx: i})
st1_v = sym_infer(st1_valid, {idx: i})
st2_v = sym_infer(st2_valid, {idx: i})
if st1_v != st2_v or (st1_off != st2_off and st1_v):
print(f"ST MISMATCH @ {i}, {st1_v=} != {st2_v=}, {st1_off=} != {st2_off=}")
return False
return True
class TestShapeTrackerBasics(unittest.TestCase):
def test_pad_shrink_removes_mask(self):
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((10, 10))
a = a.pad(((0,2), (0,2)))
a = a.shrink(((0,10), (0,10)))
assert len(a.views) == 1 and a.views[-1].mask is None
def test_pad_shrink_leaves_mask(self):
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((10, 10))
a = a.pad(((0,2), (0,2)))
a = a.shrink(((0,10), (0,11)))
assert len(a.views) == 1 and a.views[-1].mask is not None
def test_reshape_makes_same(self):
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((2, 5))
x = a.pad( ((2, 0), (0, 0)) )
x = x.reshape( (2, 2, 5) )
x1 = x.reshape( (4, 5) )
x1 = x1.reshape( (2, 2, 5) )
assert x == x1.simplify()
def test_simplify_is_correct(self):
multiv = ShapeTracker(views=(View(shape=(15, 3), strides=(9, 1), offset=6, mask=None, contiguous=False),
View(shape=(4, 3), strides=(12, 4), offset=0, mask=None, contiguous=False)))
assert st_equal(multiv, multiv.simplify())
class TestShapeTrackerAdd(unittest.TestCase):
def test_simple_add_reshape(self):
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((10, 10))
a = a.reshape((100,))
b = ShapeTracker.from_shape((100,))
assert a+b == b
def test_simple_add_permute(self):
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((10, 10))
a = a.permute((1,0))
b = ShapeTracker.from_shape((10, 10))
b = b.permute((1,0))
assert a+b == ShapeTracker.from_shape((10, 10))
def test_plus_real1(self):
st = MultiShapeTracker([ShapeTracker.from_shape((15, 9))])
st.shrink( ((0, 15), (6, 9)) )
backup = st.sts[0]
st.reshape( (45,) )
st.stride( (4,) )
st.reshape( (4, 3) )
assert st_equal(backup + st.sts[1], st.sts[0])
def test_off_by_one(self):
st1 = ShapeTracker(views=(View(shape=(5,), strides=(1,), offset=0, mask=None, contiguous=True),
View(shape=(5,), strides=(1,), offset=0, mask=None, contiguous=True)))
st2 = ShapeTracker(views=(View(shape=(4,), strides=(1,), offset=0, mask=None, contiguous=True),
View(shape=(5,), strides=(1,), offset=0, mask=None, contiguous=True)))
assert not (st_equal(st1, st2))
class TestShapeTrackerAddVariable(unittest.TestCase):
def test_self_add(self):
j = Variable("j", 0, 20).bind(10)
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((10,10))
x = a.reshape((10, j))
out = x + x
assert out == x
def test_self_add_reshape(self):
j = Variable("j", 0, 20).bind(10)
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((10,10))
x = a.reshape((10, j))
out = x.reshape((5, 2, j)) + x
assert out == x
def test_merge_symbolic_views(self):
var_i = Variable('i', 1, 10)
var_j = Variable('i', 1, 10)
vm1 = View(shape=(var_i, var_j, 3), strides=(3, 0, 1), offset=0, mask=None, contiguous=False)
vm2 = View(shape=(var_i, var_j, 3), strides=(var_j*3, 3, 1), offset=0, mask=None, contiguous=True)
ShapeTracker((vm1,)) + ShapeTracker((vm2,))
@unittest.skip("two vars not supported")
def test_merge_symbolic_views_2(self):
var_i = Variable('i', 1, 10)
var_j = Variable('j', 1, 10)
vm1 = View(shape=(var_i, var_j), strides=(0, 0), offset=0, mask=None, contiguous=False)
vm2 = View(shape=(var_i, var_j), strides=(var_j, 1), offset=0, mask=None, contiguous=True)
ret = (ShapeTracker((vm1,)) + ShapeTracker((vm2,))).reshape((var_i, var_j, 1))
ret_2 = ShapeTracker((vm1,)) + ShapeTracker((vm2,)).reshape((var_i, var_j, 1))
assert ret == ret_2
class TestShapeTrackerInvert(unittest.TestCase):
def test_invert_reshape(self):
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((10, 10))
x = a.reshape((5, 20))
ap = ShapeTracker.from_shape(x.shape) + x.invert(a.shape)
assert ap == a, f"{ap} != {a}"
def test_invert_permute(self):
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((5, 20))
x = a.permute((1,0))
ap = x + x.invert(a.shape)
assert ap == a, f"{ap} != {a}"
def test_invert_permute_3(self):
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((8, 4, 5))
x = a.permute((1,2,0))
ap = x + x.invert(a.shape)
assert ap == a, f"{ap} != {a}"
def test_invert_real1(self):
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((3, 6, 10))
x = a.reshape( (3, 3, 2, 10) )
x = x.permute( (2, 1, 3, 0) )
ap = x + x.invert(a.shape)
assert ap == a, f"{ap} != {a}"
def test_cant_invert_expand(self):
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((10, 1))
x = a.expand((10,10))
assert x.invert(a.shape) is None
def test_cant_invert_shrink(self):
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((10, 10))
x = a.shrink(((0,10),(2,8)))
assert x.invert(a.shape) is None
def test_can_invert_flip(self):
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((20, 10))
x = a.stride((-1,1))
ap = x + x.invert(a.shape)
assert st_equal(ap, a)
def test_can_invert_flip_permute(self):
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((20, 10))
x = a.permute((1,0))
x = x.stride((-1,1))
ap = x + x.invert(a.shape)
assert st_equal(ap, a)
def test_cant_invert_stride(self):
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((10, 10))
x = a.stride((2,2))
assert x.invert(a.shape) is None
def test_invert_failure(self):
a = ShapeTracker.from_shape((2, 5))
x = a.pad( ((2, 0), (0, 0)) )
x = x.reshape( (2, 2, 5) )
x = x.reshape( (4, 5) )
ap = x + x.invert(a.shape)
assert st_equal(ap, a)
if __name__ == '__main__':