
101 lines
4.0 KiB

# type: ignore
import ctypes, ctypes.util, struct, platform, pathlib, re, time, os
start = time.perf_counter()
# *** ioctl lib ***
libc = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library("c"))
# platform.processor calls `uname -p` which can return `unknown` on some systems
processor = os.getenv("IOCTL_PROCESSOR") or platform.processor()
IOCTL_SYSCALL = {"aarch64": 0x1d, "x86_64":16}[processor]
def get_struct(argp, stype):
return ctypes.cast(ctypes.c_void_p(argp), ctypes.POINTER(stype)).contents
def format_struct(s):
sdats = []
for field_name, field_type in s._fields_:
dat = getattr(s, field_name)
if isinstance(dat, int): sdats.append(f"{field_name}:0x{dat:X}")
else: sdats.append(f"{field_name}:{dat}")
return sdats
def install_hook(c_function, python_function):
python_function_addr = ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(python_function), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong)).contents.value
# AARCH64 trampoline to ioctl
if processor == "aarch64":
# 0x0000000000000000: 70 00 00 10 adr x16, #0xc
# 0x0000000000000004: 10 02 40 F9 ldr x16, [x16]
# 0x0000000000000008: 00 02 1F D6 br x16
tramp = b"\x70\x00\x00\x10\x10\x02\x40\xf9\x00\x02\x1f\xd6"
tramp += struct.pack("Q", python_function_addr)
elif processor == "x86_64":
# 0x0000000000000000: 49 B8 aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa movabs r8, <address>
# 0x000000000000000a: 41 FF E0 jmp r8
tramp = b"\x49\xB8" + struct.pack("Q", python_function_addr) + b"\x41\xFF\xE0"
raise Exception(f"processor {processor} not supported")
# get real ioctl address
ioctl_address = ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(c_function), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong))
# hook ioctl
ret = libc.mprotect(ctypes.c_ulong((ioctl_address.contents.value//0x1000)*0x1000), 0x2000, 7)
assert ret == 0
libc.memcpy(ioctl_address.contents, ctypes.create_string_buffer(tramp), len(tramp))
# *** ioctl lib end ***
import tinygrad.runtime.autogen.kfd as kfd_ioctl
def ioctls_from_header():
hdr = (pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "kfd_ioctl.h").read_text().replace("\\\n", "")
pattern = r'#define\s+(AMDKFD_IOC_[A-Z0-9_]+)\s+AMDKFD_IOW?R?\((0x[0-9a-fA-F]+),\s+struct\s([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\)'
matches = re.findall(pattern, hdr, re.MULTILINE)
return {int(nr, 0x10):(name, getattr(kfd_ioctl, "struct_"+sname)) for name, nr, sname in matches}
nrs = ioctls_from_header()
@ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_void_p)
def ioctl(fd, request, argp):
st = time.perf_counter()
ret = libc.syscall(IOCTL_SYSCALL, ctypes.c_int(fd), ctypes.c_ulong(request), ctypes.c_void_p(argp))
et = time.perf_counter()-st
idir, size, itype, nr = (request>>30), (request>>16)&0x3FFF, (request>>8)&0xFF, request&0xFF
if nr in nrs and itype == 75:
# /dev/kfd
name, stype = nrs[nr]
s = get_struct(argp, stype)
print(f"{(st-start)*1000:7.2f} ms +{et*1000.:7.2f} ms : {ret:2d} = {name:40s}", ' '.join(format_struct(s)))
if name == "AMDKFD_IOC_SVM":
out = ctypes.cast(s.attrs, ctypes.POINTER(kfd_ioctl.struct_kfd_ioctl_svm_attribute))
for i in range(s.nattr): print(f"{i}: {kfd_ioctl.kfd_ioctl_svm_attr_type__enumvalues[out[i].type]:40s}: {out[i].value:#x}")
print(f"{(st-start)*1000:7.2f} ms +{et*1000.:7.2f} ms : ioctl",
f"{idir=} {size=} {itype=} {nr=} {fd=} {ret=}", os.readlink(f"/proc/self/fd/{fd}") if fd >= 0 else "")
return ret
install_hook(libc.ioctl, ioctl)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("***** import tinygrad")
from tinygrad import Tensor, Device, TinyJit
print("***** access HIP")
dev = Device["HIP"]
print("***** create tensor a")
a = Tensor([1.,2.]*1024*1024, device="HIP").realize()
print("***** create tensor b")
b = Tensor([3.,4.]*1024*1024, device="HIP").realize()
def add(a, b): return (a+b).realize()
for i in range(4):
print(f"***** add tensors {i}")
c = add(a, b)
c = add(b, a)
print(f"***** copyout")
nc = c.numpy()
print(f"***** delete")
del add, a, b, c, dev
print(f"***** done")