
313 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, ctypes, ctypes.util, struct, platform, pathlib, contextlib, mmap, array
from threading import Thread
from tinygrad.runtime.autogen import qcom_dsp
from tinygrad.helpers import round_up, mv_address, to_mv
from hexdump import hexdump
def get_struct(argp, stype):
return ctypes.cast(ctypes.c_void_p(argp), ctypes.POINTER(stype)).contents
def format_struct(s):
sdats = []
for field in s._fields_:
dat = getattr(s, field[0])
if isinstance(dat, int): sdats.append(f"{field[0]}:0x{dat:X}")
elif hasattr(dat, "_fields_"): sdats.append((field[0], format_struct(dat)))
elif field[0] == "PADDING_0": pass
else: sdats.append(f"{field[0]}:{dat}")
return sdats
@ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_void_p)
def ioctl(fd, request, argp):
fn = os.readlink(f"/proc/self/fd/{fd}")
idir, size, itype, nr = (request>>30), (request>>16)&0x3FFF, (request>>8)&0xFF, request&0xFF
# print("enter", libc.gettid())
ret = libc.syscall(0x1d, ctypes.c_int(fd), ctypes.c_ulong(request), ctypes.c_void_p(argp))
# print("done", libc.gettid())
if fn == "/dev/ion":
if nr == 0:
st = get_struct(argp, qcom_dsp.struct_ion_allocation_data)
print(ret, "ION_IOC_ALLOC", format_struct(st))
elif nr == 1:
st = get_struct(argp, qcom_dsp.struct_ion_handle_data)
print(ret, "ION_IOC_FREE", format_struct(st))
elif nr == 2:
st = get_struct(argp, qcom_dsp.struct_ion_fd_data)
print(ret, "ION_IOC_MAP", format_struct(st))
elif fn == "/dev/adsprpc-smd":
assert chr(itype) == 'R'
if nr == 8:
st = ctypes.c_uint32.from_address(argp)
print(ret, "FASTRPC_IOCTL_GETINFO", st.value)
elif nr == 2:
st = get_struct(argp, qcom_dsp.struct_fastrpc_ioctl_mmap)
print(ret, "FASTRPC_IOCTL_MMAP", format_struct(st))
elif nr == 1:
# https://research.checkpoint.com/2021/pwn2own-qualcomm-dsp/
st = get_struct(argp, qcom_dsp.struct_fastrpc_ioctl_invoke)
print(ret, "FASTRPC_IOCTL_INVOKE", format_struct(st))
# 0xFF000000 = Method index and attribute (the highest byte)
# 0x00FF0000 = Number of input arguments
# 0x0000FF00 = Number of output arguments
# 0x000000F0 = Number of input handles
# 0x0000000F = Number of output handles
method = (st.sc>>24) & 0xFF
in_args = (st.sc>>16) & 0xFF
out_args = (st.sc>>8) & 0xFF
in_h = (st.sc>>4) & 0xF
out_h = (st.sc>>0) & 0xF
print(f"\tm:{method} ia:{in_args} oa:{out_args} ih:{in_h} oh:{out_h}")
if in_args or out_args:
for arg in range(in_args+out_args):
print(arg, format_struct(st.pra[arg]))
# print(arg, f"arg (0x{st.pra[arg].buf.pv:X} len=0x{st.pra[arg].buf.len:X})")
# print("input" if arg < in_args else "output", f"arg (0x{st.pra[arg].buf.pv:X} len=0x{st.pra[arg].buf.len:X})")
if st.pra[arg].buf.pv is not None:
# if st.pra[arg].buf.len == 0x258:
# print(bytearray(to_mv(st.pra[arg].buf.pv, st.pra[arg].buf.len)))
if st.pra[arg].buf.len == 0x68:
print(bytearray(to_mv(st.pra[arg].buf.pv, st.pra[arg].buf.len)))
cut = 0x2000 if st.pra[arg].buf.len == 0x2000 or st.pra[arg].buf.len == 0x258 else 0x100
ww = to_mv(st.pra[arg].buf.pv, st.pra[arg].buf.len)
hexdump(to_mv(st.pra[arg].buf.pv, st.pra[arg].buf.len)[:cut])
# if st.pra[arg].buf.len == 0x1000 and ww[0x30] == 0x6e:
# z = ww.cast('Q')[1] + 0x7F00000000
# print("DOO")
# hexdump(to_mv(z, 0x200))
elif nr == 6:
print(ret, "FASTRPC_IOCTL_INIT", format_struct(ini:=get_struct(argp, qcom_dsp.struct_fastrpc_ioctl_init)))
# print(bytearray(to_mv(ini.file, ini.filelen)))
elif nr == 7:
print(ret, "FASTRPC_IOCTL_INVOKE_ATTRS", format_struct(ini:=get_struct(argp, qcom_dsp.struct_fastrpc_ioctl_invoke_attrs)))
elif nr == 12: print(ret, "FASTRPC_IOCTL_CONTROL", format_struct(get_struct(argp, qcom_dsp.struct_fastrpc_ioctl_control)))
print(f"{ret} UNPARSED {nr}")
print("ioctl", f"{idir=} {size=} {itype=} {nr=} {fd=} {ret=}", fn)
return ret
def install_hook(c_function, python_function):
orig_func = (ctypes.c_char*4096)()
python_function_addr = ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(python_function), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong)).contents.value
# AARCH64 trampoline to ioctl
# 0x0000000000000000: 70 00 00 10 adr x16, #0xc
# 0x0000000000000004: 10 02 40 F9 ldr x16, [x16]
# 0x0000000000000008: 00 02 1F D6 br x16
tramp = b"\x70\x00\x00\x10\x10\x02\x40\xf9\x00\x02\x1f\xd6"
tramp += struct.pack("Q", python_function_addr)
# get real ioctl address
ioctl_address = ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(c_function), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong))
# hook ioctl
ret = libc.mprotect(ctypes.c_ulong((ioctl_address.contents.value//0x1000)*0x1000), 0x2000, 7)
assert ret == 0
ret = libc.mprotect(ctypes.c_ulong((ctypes.addressof(orig_func)//0x1000)*0x1000), 0x3000, 7)
assert ret == 0
libc.memcpy(orig_func, ioctl_address.contents, 0x1000)
libc.memcpy(ioctl_address.contents, ctypes.create_string_buffer(tramp), len(tramp))
return orig_func
libc = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library("libc"))
install_hook(libc.ioctl, ioctl)
from tinygrad.runtime.autogen import libc
# adsp = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library("adsprpc"))
# print(adsp)
def rpc_invoke(rpcfd, handle, method, ins=None, outs=None):
if ins or outs:
ins = ins or list()
outs = outs or list()
pra = (qcom_dsp.union_remote_arg * (len(ins) + len(outs)))()
for i,mv in enumerate(ins + outs):
if isinstance(mv, memoryview):
pra[i].buf.pv = mv_address(mv) if mv.nbytes > 0 else 0
pra[i].buf.len = mv.nbytes
else: assert False, "not supported"
# pra = (qcom_dsp.union_remote_arg * (len(ins) + len(outs))).from_address(ctypes.addressof(pra))
pra = None
ins = ins or list()
outs = outs or list()
sc = (method << 24) | (len(ins) << 16) | (len(outs) << 8)
return qcom_dsp.FASTRPC_IOCTL_INVOKE(rpcfd, handle=handle, sc=sc, pra=pra)
def listner_worker():
context = 0
handle = 0xffffffff
msg_send = memoryview(bytearray(0x10)).cast('I')
msg_recv = memoryview(bytearray(0x10)).cast('I')
out_buf = memoryview(bytearray(0x1000)).cast('I')
in_buf = memoryview(bytearray(0x1000)).cast('I')
prev_res = 0xffffffff
out_buf_size = 0
req_args = (qcom_dsp.union_remote_arg * 4)()
req_args[0].buf = qcom_dsp.struct_remote_buf(pv=mv_address(msg_send), len=0x10)
req_args[1].buf = qcom_dsp.struct_remote_buf(pv=mv_address(out_buf), len=0x1000)
req_args[2].buf = qcom_dsp.struct_remote_buf(pv=mv_address(msg_recv), len=0x10)
req_args[3].buf = qcom_dsp.struct_remote_buf(pv=mv_address(in_buf), len=0x1000)
while True:
msg_send[0] = context
msg_send[1] = prev_res
msg_send[2] = out_buf_size
msg_send[3] = 0x1000
req_args[1].buf.len = out_buf_size
qcom_dsp.FASTRPC_IOCTL_INVOKE(rpcfd, handle=0x3, sc=0x04020200, pra=req_args) # listener
context = msg_recv[0]
handle = msg_recv[1]
sc = msg_recv[2]
inbufs = (sc >> 16) & 0xff
outbufs = (sc >> 8) & 0xff
in_args, out_args = [], []
ptr = mv_address(in_buf)
for i in range(inbufs):
sz = to_mv(ptr, 4).cast('I')[0]
obj_ptr = round_up(ptr + 4, 8)
in_args.append(to_mv(obj_ptr, sz))
ptr = obj_ptr + sz
ctypes.memset(mv_address(out_buf), 0, 0x1000)
ptr_out = mv_address(out_buf)
for i in range(outbufs):
sz = to_mv(ptr, 4).cast('I')[0]
ptr += 4
to_mv(ptr_out, 4).cast('I')[0] = sz
obj_ptr = round_up(ptr_out + 4, 8)
out_args.append(to_mv(obj_ptr, sz))
ptr_out = obj_ptr + sz
out_buf_size = ptr_out - mv_address(out_buf)
if sc == 0x20200: # greating?
prev_res = 0
elif sc == 0x13050100: # open
# for a in in_args: hexdump(a)
fd = os.open(in_args[3].tobytes()[:-1].decode(), os.O_RDONLY)
out_args[0].cast('I')[0] = fd
prev_res = 0
except: prev_res = 2
elif sc == 0x9010000: # seek
res = os.lseek(in_args[0].cast('I')[0], in_args[0].cast('I')[1], in_args[0].cast('I')[2])
prev_res = 0 if res >= 0 else res
elif sc == 0x4010200: # read
buf = os.read(in_args[0].cast('I')[0], in_args[0].cast('I')[1])
out_args[1][:len(buf)] = buf
out_args[0].cast('I')[0] = len(buf)
out_args[0].cast('I')[1] = int(len(buf) == 0)
prev_res = 0
elif sc == 0x3010000: # close
prev_res = 0
elif sc == 0x1f020100: # stat
# try:
stat = os.stat(in_args[1].tobytes()[:-1].decode())
out_stat = out_args[0].cast('Q')
out_stat[1] = stat.st_dev
out_stat[2] = stat.st_ino
out_stat[3] = stat.st_mode | (stat.st_nlink << 32)
out_stat[4] = stat.st_rdev
out_stat[5] = stat.st_size
# print(stat, stat.st_rdev)
# assert False
prev_res = 0
# except: prev_res = 2
elif sc == 0x2010100:
heapid = in_args[0].cast('I')[0]
lflags = in_args[0].cast('I')[1]
rflags = in_args[0].cast('I')[2]
assert rflags == 0x1000
# print(in_args[0])
# print("WOOW", in_args[0].cast('Q')[2])
# print("WOOW2", in_args[0].cast('Q')[2])
# print("WOOW3", in_args[0].cast('Q')[3])
# print("WOOW3", in_args[0].cast('Q')[3])
vin = in_args[0].cast('Q')[2]
sz = in_args[0].cast('Q')[3]
# vin = to_mv(in_args[0].cast('Q')[2], 8).cast('Q')[0]
# sz = to_mv(in_args[0].cast('Q')[3], 8).cast('Q')[0]
st = qcom_dsp.FASTRPC_IOCTL_MMAP(rpcfd, fd=-1, flags=rflags, vaddrin=0, size=sz)
out_args[0].cast('Q')[0] = 0
out_args[0].cast('Q')[1] = st.vaddrout
prev_res = 0
else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown {sc=:X}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
ionfd = os.open('/dev/ion', os.O_RDONLY)
rpcfd = os.open('/dev/adsprpc-smd', os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)
with contextlib.suppress(RuntimeError, OSError): qcom_dsp.ION_IOC_FREE(ionfd, handle=0)
info = qcom_dsp.FASTRPC_IOCTL_GETINFO(rpcfd, 3)
# x = qcom_dsp.FASTRPC_IOCTL_SETMODE(rpcfd, 0, __force_as_val=True)
# init shell?
fastrpc_shell = memoryview(bytearray(pathlib.Path('/vendor/dsp/cdsp/fastrpc_shell_3').read_bytes()))
shell_mem = qcom_dsp.ION_IOC_ALLOC(ionfd, len=round_up(fastrpc_shell.nbytes, 0x1000), align=0x1000, heap_id_mask=0x2000000, flags=0x1)
shell_mapped = qcom_dsp.ION_IOC_MAP(ionfd, handle=shell_mem.handle)
fastrpc_shell_addr = libc.mmap(0, shell_mem.len, mmap.PROT_READ|mmap.PROT_WRITE, mmap.MAP_SHARED, shell_mapped.fd, 0)
ctypes.memmove(fastrpc_shell_addr, mv_address(fastrpc_shell), fastrpc_shell.nbytes)
# ctypes.memset(fastrpc_shell_addr, 0x0, 0xd6000)
# print(hex(fastrpc_shell_addr))
ctrls = qcom_dsp.FASTRPC_IOCTL_CONTROL(rpcfd, req=0x3)
init = qcom_dsp.FASTRPC_IOCTL_INIT(rpcfd, flags=0x1, file=fastrpc_shell_addr, filelen=fastrpc_shell.nbytes, filefd=shell_mapped.fd)
print("init shell done", shell_mapped.fd)
# TODO: unmap here
# qcom_dsp.ION_IOC_FREE(ionfd, handle=shell_mem.handle)
rpc_invoke(rpcfd, handle=3, method=3)
thread = Thread(target=listner_worker)
a1 = memoryview(bytearray(b'\x52\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00'))
a2 = memoryview(bytearray(b"file:///libcalculator_skel.so?calculator_skel_handle_invoke&_modver=1.0&_dom=cdsp\0"))
o1 = memoryview(bytearray(0x8))
o2 = memoryview(bytearray(0xff))
z = rpc_invoke(rpcfd, handle=0, method=0, ins=[a1, a2], outs=[o1, o2])
prg_handle = o1.cast('I')[0]
# test
test = (ctypes.c_int32 * 100)()
for i in range(100): test[i] = i
pra = (qcom_dsp.union_remote_arg * 3)()
#arg_0 = ctypes.c_int32(100)
arg_0 = ctypes.c_int32(100)
arg_2 = ctypes.c_int64(-1)
pra[0].buf.pv = ctypes.addressof(arg_0)
pra[0].buf.len = 4
pra[1].buf.pv = ctypes.addressof(test)
pra[1].buf.len = 0x190
pra[2].buf.pv = ctypes.addressof(arg_2)
pra[2].buf.len = 8
qcom_dsp.FASTRPC_IOCTL_INVOKE(rpcfd, handle=prg_handle, sc=(2<<24) | (2<<16) | (1<<8), pra=pra)