mirror of https://github.com/commaai/tinygrad.git
217 lines
11 KiB
217 lines
11 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
from google.protobuf.internal.containers import RepeatedCompositeFieldContainer
import importlib
import numpy as np
from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor
from tinygrad.helpers import prod, getenv, DEBUG, dtypes
from typing import List,Dict
from onnx.onnx_pb import AttributeProto, ModelProto, TensorProto
from onnx.helper import tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype
except ImportError:
# for onnx < 1.13
from onnx.mapping import TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE
tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype = lambda x: TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE[x]
# global numpy cache for parameters
numpy_cache = {}
def safe_numpy(t) -> np.ndarray:
if not isinstance(t, Tensor): return t
global numpy_cache
if t not in numpy_cache:
if DEBUG >= 1:
print("numpy cache miss", t)
numpy_cache[t] = t.numpy()
return numpy_cache[t]
onnx_ops = importlib.import_module('extra.onnx_ops')
def get_run_onnx(onnx_model: ModelProto):
def shape_to_tuple(s): return tuple(x.dim_value for x in s.dim)
def buffer_parse(inp: TensorProto) -> Tensor:
if inp.data_type in (1,10,6,7):
# TODO: this is shared with below
if len(inp.float_data) > 0:
ret = Tensor(np.array(inp.float_data, dtype=np.float32).reshape(inp.dims), requires_grad=False)
elif len(inp.int64_data) > 0:
ret = Tensor(np.array(inp.int64_data, dtype=np.float32).reshape(inp.dims), requires_grad=False)
elif len(inp.int32_data) > 0:
ret = Tensor(np.array(inp.int32_data, dtype=np.int32).reshape(inp.dims), requires_grad=False)
ret = Tensor(np.frombuffer(inp.raw_data, dtype=tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype(inp.data_type)).reshape(inp.dims).astype(np.float32).copy(), requires_grad=False)
raise Exception(f"bad data type {inp.name} {inp.dims} {inp.data_type}")
return ret
def attribute_parse(a: AttributeProto) -> float | int | str | Tensor | tuple[float] | tuple[int]:
# TODO: this is not complete, see onnx/onnx_ml_pb2.pyi for a complete list
if a.type == AttributeProto.FLOAT: return float(a.f)
elif a.type == AttributeProto.INT: return int(a.i)
elif a.type == AttributeProto.STRING: return a.s.decode("utf-8")
elif a.type == AttributeProto.TENSOR: return buffer_parse(a.t) # TENSOR
elif a.type == AttributeProto.FLOATS: return tuple(float(x) for x in a.floats)
elif a.type == AttributeProto.INTS: return tuple(int(x) for x in a.ints)
else: raise Exception(f"can't parse {a.type} {a}")
def attribute_to_dict(a: RepeatedCompositeFieldContainer[AttributeProto]): return {x.name:attribute_parse(x) for x in a}
tensors: Dict[str, Tensor] = {}
# get weights and biases
for inp in onnx_model.graph.initializer:
if len(inp.raw_data) > 0:
tensors[inp.name] = buffer_parse(inp)
elif len(inp.float_data) > 0:
tensors[inp.name] = Tensor(np.array(inp.float_data, dtype=np.float32).reshape(inp.dims), requires_grad=False)
elif len(inp.int64_data) > 0:
tensors[inp.name] = Tensor(np.array(inp.int64_data, dtype=np.float32).reshape(inp.dims), requires_grad=False)
print(inp.name, inp.dims, inp.data_type, len(inp.raw_data))
raise Exception("no data")
if DEBUG >= 1:
print("realize", inp.name)
# preparse the attributes
attribute_dict = {}
for num,n in enumerate(onnx_model.graph.node):
attribute_dict[num] = attribute_to_dict(n.attribute)
onnx_model_version = onnx_model.opset_import[0].version
def run_onnx(inputs={}, debug=False):
if getenv("DEBUGONNX"): debug = True
input_tensors: Dict[str,Tensor] = {}
intermediate_tensors: Dict[str,Tensor] = {}
output_tensor_names = [x.name for x in onnx_model.graph.output]
# get inputs
for inp in onnx_model.graph.input:
if inp.name in tensors: continue
tmp=inp.type.optional_type.elem_type.tensor_type if inp.type.HasField("optional_type") else (inp.type.sequence_type.elem_type.tensor_type if inp.type.HasField("sequence_type") else inp.type.tensor_type)
shape = shape_to_tuple(tmp.shape)
if len(shape) >= 1 and shape[0] == 0: shape = tuple([1]+list(shape[1:])) # 1 batch size
if inp.name in inputs:
if isinstance(inputs[inp.name], Tensor):
input_tensors[inp.name] = inputs[inp.name]
input_tensors[inp.name] = Tensor(inputs[inp.name], requires_grad=False)
input_shape = input_tensors[inp.name].shape
if input_shape == (0,): raise NotImplementedError("empty tensors aren't supported in tinygrad")
assert input_shape == shape, f"wrong shape for input {inp.name}, {input_shape} isn't {shape}"
for _,v in input_tensors.items(): v.realize()
raise Exception(f"no data for {inp.name} with shape {shape}")
def fetch_tensor(x: str):
if x in tensors: return tensors[x]
if x in intermediate_tensors: return intermediate_tensors[x]
if x != str(): return input_tensors[x]
return None
for num,n in enumerate(onnx_model.graph.node):
inp: List[Tensor] = []
if debug: print("inputs:")
for x in n.input:
t = fetch_tensor(x)
if debug: print(f"\t{x} - {t}")
opt = attribute_dict[num]
if debug: print(f"{num}: op {n.op_type} shape {[x.shape if isinstance(x, Tensor) else x for x in inp]} opt {opt}")
# free ones
if n.op_type == "Relu": ret = inp[0].relu()
elif n.op_type == "Sigmoid": ret = inp[0].sigmoid()
elif n.op_type == "Tanh": ret = inp[0].tanh()
elif n.op_type == "MatMul": ret = inp[0].matmul(inp[1])
# one liners
elif n.op_type == "Elu": ret = inp[0].elu(alpha=opt.get('alpha', 1.0))
elif n.op_type == "Concat": ret = inp[0].cat(*inp[1:], dim=opt['axis'])
elif n.op_type == "Transpose": ret = inp[0].permute(order=opt.get('perm', list(range(len(inp[0].shape))[::-1])))
elif n.op_type == "Squeeze": ret = inp[0].reshape([s for i,s in enumerate(inp[0].shape) if i not in opt['axes']])
elif n.op_type == "Div":
# in openpilot, due to SHUFFLE_PAD_OPS issues, we are spending an extra kernel
ret = inp[0].div(inp[1])
elif n.op_type == "Constant":
if 'value' in opt: ret = opt['value'] # tensor
elif 'value_float' in opt: ret = Tensor(np.array(opt['value_float'], dtype=np.float32), requires_grad=False)
elif 'value_int' in opt: ret = Tensor(np.array(opt['value_int'], dtype=np.int64), requires_grad=False)
elif 'value_floats' in opt: ret = Tensor(np.array(opt['value_floats'], dtype=np.float32), requires_grad=False)
elif 'value_ints' in opt: ret = Tensor(np.array(opt['value_ints'], dtype=np.int64), requires_grad=False)
else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Constant not implemented for {opt}')
elif n.op_type == "Reshape": ret = inp[0].reshape([int(x) if x != 0 else inp[0].shape[i] for i,x in enumerate(safe_numpy(inp[1]))])
elif n.op_type == "Resize":
# TODO: this is handcoded for YOLOv8
scales = safe_numpy(inp[2])
assert all(int(x) == x and x >= 1 for x in scales)
ret = inp[0].reshape([val for pair in zip(inp[0].shape, [1] * len(scales)) for val in pair])
ret = ret.expand([val for pair in zip(inp[0].shape, [int(x) for x in scales]) for val in pair])
ret = ret.reshape([x*y for x,y in zip(inp[0].shape, [int(x) for x in scales])])
elif n.op_type == "Gather":
# TODO: is this correct? seems to work for simple gather ops
axis = opt['axis'] if 'axis' in opt else 0
shape = list(inp[0].shape)
indices = [shape[axis]+int(x) if x<0 else int(x) for x in safe_numpy(inp[1])]
args = [[(0,x) if j != axis else (i,i+1) for j, x in enumerate(shape)] for i in indices]
ret = inp[0].slice(arg=args[0]).cat(*[inp[0].slice(arg=arg) for arg in args[1:]], dim=axis)
ret = ret.reshape([s for i,s in enumerate(shape) if i != axis]) if len(indices) == 1 else ret # squeeze if needed
elif n.op_type in ["Add", "Sub", "Mul", "Pow"]:
if all(isinstance(x, Tensor) for x in inp) and (len(inp[0].shape) != len(inp[1].shape)) and (prod(inp[0].shape) == prod(inp[1].shape)):
inp[1] = inp[1].reshape(inp[0].shape)
# TODO: is this right?
if 'broadcast' in opt: inp[1] = inp[1].reshape([-1 if i == opt['broadcast'] else 1 for i in range(len(inp[0].shape))])
if n.op_type == "Add": ret = inp[0] + inp[1]
if n.op_type == "Sub": ret = inp[0] - inp[1]
if n.op_type == "Mul": ret = inp[0] * inp[1]
if n.op_type == "Pow": ret = (inp[0] ** inp[1]).cast(inp[0].dtype)
elif n.op_type == "Split":
if 'split' not in opt: opt['split'] = [int(x) for x in safe_numpy(inp[1])] # split can be a tensor
if 'axis' not in opt: opt['axis'] = 0
i = 0
arg = [(0,x) for x in inp[0].shape]
for o,s in zip(n.output, opt['split']):
arg[opt['axis']] = (i,i+s)
intermediate_tensors[o] = inp[0].slice(arg=arg)
i = i+s
elif n.op_type == "Slice":
assert onnx_model_version >= 10, f'only onnx version >= 10 supported for slice'
arg = [(0,x) for x in inp[0].shape]
starts, ends = inp[1:3]
axes = safe_numpy(Tensor.arange(inp[0].ndim, dtype=dtypes.int32) if len(inp) <= 3 else inp[3])
steps = safe_numpy(inp[4])[0] if len(inp) > 4 else 1
starts, ends = safe_numpy(starts.cast(dtypes.int32)).tolist(), safe_numpy(ends.cast(dtypes.int32)).tolist() # TODO: when indexing is added use that
for i,axis in enumerate(axes.tolist()):
arg[axis] = (starts[i] if starts[i] >= 0 else inp[0].shape[axis]+starts[i], ends[i] if ends[i] >= 0 else inp[0].shape[axis]+ends[i])
ret = inp[0].slice(arg=arg)
elif n.op_type == "Shrink":
bias = opt['bias'] if 'bias' in opt else 0
ret = (inp[0] < -opt['lambd'])*(inp[0]+bias) + (inp[0] > opt['lambd'])*(inp[0]-bias)
elif hasattr(onnx_ops, n.op_type):
fxn = getattr(onnx_ops, n.op_type)
if isinstance(fxn, dict):
for k in sorted(fxn.keys()):
if k <= onnx_model_version:
real_fxn = fxn[k]
real_fxn = fxn
ret = real_fxn(*inp, **opt)
print("UNSUPPORTED", n.op_type, n.input, n.output)
raise Exception(f"op_type {n.op_type} not supported")
if not isinstance(ret, tuple): ret = (ret, )
assert len(n.output) <= len(ret), f"expected output size must be less than {len(ret)}, it's {n.output}"
if debug: print([x.shape if isinstance(x, Tensor) else None for x in ret])
if debug: print("outputs:")
for i in range(len(n.output)):
if debug: print(f"\t{n.output[i]} - {ret[i]}")
intermediate_tensors[n.output[i]] = ret[i]
if num == ONNXLIMIT:
output_tensor_names = n.output
return {outp:intermediate_tensors[outp] for outp in output_tensor_names}
return run_onnx