
748 lines
45 KiB

import functools, io, math
from typing import Union, Tuple, Optional, List, Any
from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor
from tinygrad.helpers import prod, dtypes, ImageDType, flatten
from extra.onnx import safe_numpy
from onnx.helper import tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype
from onnx import TensorProto
import numpy as np
tensor_methods = {"Neg", "Reciprocal", "Sqrt", "Sign", "Abs", "Exp", "Log", "Mish", "Sin", "Cos", "Tan", "Relu", "Sigmoid", "MatMul",
"Floor", "Ceil", "Softplus", "HardSwish", "Where", "Mul", "Sinh", "Cosh", "Tanh", "Softsign", "Asinh", "Acosh", "Atanh",
"Elu", "Celu"}
# **************** Free Ops ****************
def Identity(x: Tensor): return x
def Add(x: Tensor, other: Tensor, broadcast=None): return x + other if x.dtype == dtypes.float or isinstance(x.dtype, ImageDType) else (x + other).cast(x.dtype)
def Sub(x: Union[Tensor, Any], other: Tensor): return x - other # some test has input as int
def Div(x: Tensor, other: Tensor): return x / other if x.dtype == dtypes.float or isinstance(x.dtype, ImageDType) else x.div(other).floor() # TODO: this has dtype issues
def Pow(x: Tensor, other: Tensor): return x.float() ** other.float()
def Less(x:Tensor,y:Tensor): return (x<y).cast(dtypes.bool)
def LessOrEqual(x:Tensor,y:Tensor): return (x<=y).cast(dtypes.bool)
def Greater(x:Tensor,y:Tensor): return (x>y).cast(dtypes.bool)
def GreaterOrEqual(x:Tensor,y:Tensor): return (x>=y).cast(dtypes.bool)
def Equal(x:Tensor,y:Tensor): return (x==y).cast(dtypes.bool)
def Max(*data_0): return functools.reduce(Tensor.maximum, data_0)
def Min(*data_0): return functools.reduce(Tensor.minimum, data_0)
def Sum(*data_0): return functools.reduce(Tensor.__add__, data_0)
def Mean(*data_0): return functools.reduce(Tensor.__add__, data_0) / len(data_0)
def Cast(x: Tensor, to): return x.cast(dtypes.from_np(tensor_dtype_to_np_dtype(to)))
# **************** Simple Ops ****************
def Constant(value: Tensor=None, value_float=None, value_floats=None, value_int=None, value_ints=None, value_string=None, value_strings=None):
if value: return value
if value_float: return Tensor(value_float, dtype=dtypes.float32, requires_grad=False)
if value_floats: return Tensor(list(value_floats), dtype=dtypes.float32, requires_grad=False)
if value_int: return Tensor(value_int, dtype=dtypes.int64, requires_grad=False)
if value_ints: return Tensor(list(value_ints), dtype=dtypes.int64, requires_grad=False)
if value_string or value_strings: raise NotImplementedError('value_string or value_strings not implemented for Constant op')
def HardSigmoid(x: Tensor, alpha=0.2, beta=0.5): return (alpha*x + beta).clip(0, 1)
def Gelu(x:Tensor, approximate=None): return x.gelu() if approximate == "tanh" else 0.5 * x * (1 + Erf(x/math.sqrt(2)))
def Selu(X: Tensor, alpha=1.67326319217681884765625, gamma=1.05070102214813232421875): return gamma * (X.relu() - (-alpha*X.exp()+alpha).relu())
def PRelu(X:Tensor, slope:Tensor):
slope = slope[0] if slope.shape[-1] != X.shape[-1] else slope # HACK OnnxBackendPyTorchConvertedModelTest HAS WEIRD SLOPE WHERE IT'S [0.25, 0.25, 0.25] FOR ANY X.SHAPE
return (X > 0).where(X, X * slope)
def LeakyRelu(X: Tensor, alpha=0.01): return X.leakyrelu(alpha)
def ThresholdedRelu(X: Tensor, alpha=1.0): return (X > alpha).where(X, 0)
def Softmax_1(x: Tensor, axis=1): return x.softmax(axis)
def Softmax_13(x: Tensor, axis=-1): return x.softmax(axis)
Softmax = {1: Softmax_1, 13: Softmax_13} # Softmax default axis changed
def LogSoftmax(x: Tensor, axis=-1): return x.log_softmax(axis)
def Clip(x: Tensor, min=None, max=None): return x.clip(float('-inf') if min is None else min, float('inf') if max is None else max)
# NOTE ReduceProd would require a new llop
def _axes(axes, noop_with_empty_axes):
if axes is not None and not (isinstance(axes, Tensor) and axes.shape == (0,)): return [int(x) for x in safe_numpy(axes)]
return [] if noop_with_empty_axes else None
def ReduceMax(data: Tensor, axes=None, keepdims=1, noop_with_empty_axes=0): return data.max(_axes(axes, noop_with_empty_axes), keepdim=keepdims)
def ReduceMin(data: Tensor, axes=None, keepdims=1, noop_with_empty_axes=0): return data.min(_axes(axes, noop_with_empty_axes), keepdim=keepdims)
def ReduceSum(data: Tensor, axes=None, keepdims=1, noop_with_empty_axes=0): return data.sum(_axes(axes, noop_with_empty_axes), keepdim=keepdims)
def ReduceMean(data: Tensor, axes=None, keepdims=1, noop_with_empty_axes=0): return data.mean(_axes(axes, noop_with_empty_axes), keepdim=keepdims)
def ReduceSumSquare(data: Tensor, axes=None, keepdims=1, noop_with_empty_axes=0): return data.square().sum(_axes(axes, noop_with_empty_axes), keepdim=keepdims)
def ReduceL1(data: Tensor, axes=None, keepdims=1, noop_with_empty_axes=0): return data.abs().sum(_axes(axes, noop_with_empty_axes), keepdim=keepdims)
def ReduceL2(data: Tensor, axes=None, keepdims=1, noop_with_empty_axes=0): return data.square().sum(_axes(axes, noop_with_empty_axes), keepdim=keepdims).sqrt()
def ReduceLogSum(data: Tensor, axes=None, keepdims=1, noop_with_empty_axes=0): return data.sum(_axes(axes, noop_with_empty_axes), keepdim=keepdims).log()
def ReduceLogSumExp(data: Tensor, axes=None, keepdims=1, noop_with_empty_axes=0): return data.exp().sum(_axes(axes, noop_with_empty_axes), keepdim=keepdims).log()
def GlobalAveragePool(X: Tensor): return X.mean(axis=tuple(range(2, len(X.shape))), keepdim=True)
def GlobalMaxPool(X: Tensor): return X.max(axis=tuple(range(2, len(X.shape))), keepdim=True)
def OptionalHasElement(x: Optional[Tensor]=None): return Tensor(x is not None and x.numel() > 0)
def OptionalGetElement(x: Optional[Tensor]=None): return x if x is not None else Tensor([])
def Tile(x: Tensor, repeats): return x.repeat([int(x) for x in safe_numpy(repeats)])
def Range(start: Tensor, limit, delta): return Tensor.arange(start=safe_numpy(start).item(), stop=safe_numpy(limit).item(), step=safe_numpy(delta).item())
def Shape(data: Tensor, end=None, start=0): return Tensor(list(data.shape)[start:end], dtype=dtypes.int64)
def Size(data: Tensor): return prod(data if isinstance(data, list) else data.shape)
def Flatten(x: Tensor, axis=1): return x.reshape(prod((1,) + x.shape[0:axis]), -1)
def Reshape(data: Tensor, shape: Tensor, allowzero=0):
return data.reshape([int(x) if x != 0 else (0 if allowzero else data.shape[i]) for i,x in enumerate(safe_numpy(shape))])
def Shrink(x: Tensor, bias=0.0, lambd=0.5): return (x < -lambd)*(x+bias) + (x > lambd)*(x-bias)
def And(x:Tensor, y:Tensor): return (x==y).where(x, 0).cast(dtypes.bool)
def Or(x:Tensor, y:Tensor): return (x==y).where(x, 1).cast(dtypes.bool)
def Xor(x:Tensor, y:Tensor): return (x==y).where(0, 1).cast(dtypes.bool)
def Not(x:Tensor): return (x==1).where(0, 1).cast(dtypes.bool)
def Asin(x): return Atan(x / Tensor.sqrt(1 - x * x))
def Acos(x: Tensor):
negate = (x < 0)
x = x.abs()
ret = ((((-0.0187293 * x) + 0.0742610)*x - 0.2121144) * x + 1.5707288) * Tensor.sqrt(1.0 - x)
ret = ret - 2 * negate * ret
return negate * 3.14159265358979 + ret
def Atan(y: Tensor):
x = Tensor.ones(y.shape)
t3 = x
t1 = y.abs()
t0 = (t3 > t1).where(t3, t1)
t1 = (t3 < t1).where(t3, t1)
t3 = t1 / t0
t4 = t3 * t3
t0 = ((((-0.013480470 * t4 + 0.057477314) * t4 - 0.121239071) * t4 + 0.195635925) * t4 - 0.332994597) * t4 + 0.999995630
t3 = t0 * t3
t3 = (y.abs() > x.abs()).where(1.570796327 - t3, t3)
return (y < 0).where(-t3, t3)
def Trilu(x: Tensor, k: Union[Tensor, int]=0, upper=1):
k = int(k.numpy().item()) if isinstance(k, Tensor) else 0 # onnx passes k as a tensor int64 with one element, default is 0
return x.triu(k).cast(dtypes.int64) if upper else x.tril(k).cast(dtypes.int64)
def Squeeze(data: Tensor, axes):
if isinstance(axes, Tensor): axes = safe_numpy(axes)
axes = [int(x) + data.ndim if x < 0 else int(x) for x in axes]
return data.reshape([s for i,s in enumerate(data.shape) if i not in axes])
def Unsqueeze(data: Tensor, axes):
axes = [int(x) + data.ndim if x < 0 else int(x) for x in safe_numpy(axes)]
new_shape = [1] * (data.ndim + len(axes))
ptr = iter(data.shape)
for i in range(len(new_shape)):
if i not in axes:
new_shape[i] = next(ptr)
return data.reshape(new_shape)
def Binarizer(x, threshold=0.0): return (x > threshold).cast(dtypes.float32)
def ArgMax(x: Tensor, axis=0, keepdims=1, select_last_index=0):
axis = axis + x.ndim if axis < 0 else axis
m = x == (x.max(axis=axis, keepdim=keepdims) if keepdims else x.max(axis=axis, keepdim=keepdims).unsqueeze(axis))
c = Tensor.arange(x.shape[axis]).reshape(*[1]*(axis), x.shape[axis], *[1]*(x.ndim - axis-1)) * m
return c.max(axis=axis,keepdim=keepdims).cast(dtypes.int64)
def ArgMin(x, axis=0, keepdims=1, select_last_index=0): return ArgMax(-x, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, select_last_index=select_last_index)
def Concat(*xs: List[Tensor], axis): return xs[0].cat(*xs[1:], dim=axis)
def Transpose(x: Tensor, perm=None): return x.permute(order=list(range(len(x.shape))[::-1]) if perm is None else perm)
# NOTE: since we only have one type, this is valid!
# TODO: fix this with dtypes
def CastLike(x, target_type):
assert isinstance(target_type, Tensor), "can only CastLike Tensor"
return x
def ConstantOfShape(x, value:Tensor=None):
if value is None: value=Tensor([0.0])
shape = [int(x) for x in safe_numpy(x)]
return Tensor.ones(*shape, dtype=value.dtype) * (value if shape[0]!=0 else 1)
# TODO: abstract out the broadcast logic in tensor
def Expand(x: Tensor, shape):
x_shape, y_shape = x.shape, [int(x) for x in safe_numpy(shape)]
# copied from _broadcasted
x_shape, y_shape = [([1]*(max(len(x_shape), len(y_shape))-len(t_shape)) + list(t_shape)) for t_shape in [x_shape, y_shape]]
shape_ret = tuple(max(sx, sy) for sx,sy in zip(x_shape, y_shape))
return x.reshape(x_shape).expand(shape_ret)
# **************** Complex Ops ****************
def Gemm(A: Tensor, B: Tensor, C: Tensor=None, alpha=1.0, beta=1.0, transA=0, transB=0, broadcast=0):
ret = alpha * (A.transpose(transA) @ B.transpose(transB))
if C is not None: ret += beta * (C if broadcast == 0 else C.reshape([-1 if i < len(C.shape) else 1 for i in range(ret.ndim)][::-1]))
return ret
# works with Tensors.ndim != 4
def _batchnorm(self:Tensor, weight:Optional[Tensor], bias:Optional[Tensor], mean:Tensor, invstd:Tensor):
shape = [1, -1] + [1] * (self.ndim-2)
x = (self - mean.reshape(shape=shape))
if weight: x = x * weight.reshape(shape=shape)
ret = x.mul(invstd.reshape(shape=shape) if len(invstd.shape) == 1 else invstd)
return (ret + bias.reshape(shape=shape)) if bias else ret
# TODO: this is copied from tinygrad/nn/__init__.py
# spatial is from opset 7 and has since been removed
def BatchNormalization(X: Tensor, scale, B, input_mean, input_var, epsilon=1e-05, momentum=0.9, training_mode=0, spatial=1, is_test=0):
if training_mode:
x_detached = X.detach()
current_mean = x_detached.mean(axis=(0,2,3))
y = (x_detached - current_mean.reshape(shape=[1, -1, 1, 1]))
current_var = (y*y).mean(axis=(0,2,3))
current_invstd = current_var.add(epsilon).rsqrt()
running_mean = input_mean * momentum + current_mean * (1 - momentum)
running_var = input_var * momentum + current_var * (1 - momentum)
return _batchnorm(X, scale, B, current_mean, current_invstd), running_mean, running_var
invstd = (input_var + epsilon)**-0.5
return _batchnorm(X, scale, B, input_mean, invstd)
def InstanceNormalization(x: Tensor, scale: Tensor, bias: Tensor, epsilon=1e-05):
axis = tuple(range(2, len(x.shape)))
mean = x.mean(axis=axis, keepdim=True)
invstd = x.sub(mean).pow(2).mean(axis=axis, keepdim=True).add(epsilon).rsqrt()
return x.sub(mean).mul(scale.reshape(shape=[-1, 1, 1])).mul(invstd).add(bias.reshape(shape=[-1, 1, 1]))
def LayerNormalization(x: Tensor, scale, bias, axis=-1, epsilon=1e-05, stash_type=1):
assert stash_type == 1, "only float32 is supported"
axis = tuple(i for i in range(axis if axis >= 0 else x.ndim + axis, x.ndim))
mean = x.mean(axis=axis, keepdim=True)
return x.layernorm(axis, epsilon).mul(scale).add(bias), mean, (x.sub(mean)).pow(2).mean(axis=axis, keepdim=True).add(epsilon).rsqrt()
def GroupNormalization(x: Tensor, scale: Tensor, bias: Tensor, num_groups, epsilon=1e-05):
return x.reshape(x.shape[0], num_groups, -1).layernorm(axis=-1, eps=epsilon).mul(scale.unsqueeze(-1)).add(bias.unsqueeze(-1)).reshape(x.shape)
# onnx: [x1_begin, x2_begin, ..., x1_end, x2_end, ...]
# numpy.pad: ((x1_begin, x1_end), (x2_begin, x2_end), ...)
def _format_padding(onnx_pads, ndims=None, axes=None):
if ndims and len(onnx_pads)//2 != ndims: onnx_pads = onnx_pads * ndims # for OnnxBackendPyTorchConvertedModelTest the len(onnx_pads) == 2
if ndims is None: ndims = len(onnx_pads) // 2
if axes is None: axes = list(range(ndims))
num_axes = len(axes)
np_pads = [(0,0)] * ndims
for i in range(num_axes):
np_pads[axes[i]] = (onnx_pads[i], onnx_pads[i + num_axes])
return np_pads
def _padding(X: Tensor, pads=None, auto_pad="NOTSET", axes=None, constant_value=0., strides=None, kernel_shape=None, dilations=None, ceil_mode=0):
if auto_pad != "NOTSET": pads = _auto_pad(X, auto_pad, strides, kernel_shape, dilations)
elif ceil_mode and auto_pad=="NOTSET": # stupid ceil_mode case
if strides is not None: strides = [strides]*len(kernel_shape) if isinstance(strides, int) else strides if strides else [1]*len(kernel_shape)
if dilations is not None: dilations = [1]*len(kernel_shape) if dilations == 1 else dilations
out_spatial_shape = [math.ceil((sh - dil * (ker-1)-1)/st + 1) if ceil_mode else math.floor((sh - dil * (ker-1)-1)/st + 1) for sh, st, ker, dil in zip(X.shape[-len(kernel_shape):], strides, kernel_shape, dilations)]
pad_shape = [(osh-1)*st+((ks-1)*dil+1)-ish for osh, st, ks, dil, ish in zip(out_spatial_shape, strides, kernel_shape, dilations, X.shape[-len(kernel_shape):])]
pad_shape = flatten([[sh//2, sh-sh//2] for sh in pad_shape])
pads = pad_shape[::2] + pad_shape[1::2]
if pads is None: return X
pads = _format_padding(pads, ndims=len(X.shape), axes=axes)
return X.pad(tuple(pads), value=constant_value)
def _auto_pad(X: Tensor, auto_pad, strides, kernel_shape, dilations):
strides = [strides]*len(kernel_shape) if isinstance(strides, int) else strides if strides else [1]*len(kernel_shape)
dilations = [1]*len(kernel_shape) if dilations == 1 else dilations
if auto_pad == "SAME_UPPER" or auto_pad == "SAME_LOWER":
pad_shape = [(math.ceil(sh/st)-1)*st+((ks-1)*di+1)-sh for sh, st, ks, di in zip(X.shape[-len(kernel_shape):], strides, kernel_shape, dilations)]
pad_shape = flatten([[sh//2, sh-sh//2] for sh in pad_shape])
return pad_shape[::2] + pad_shape[1::2] if auto_pad == "SAME_UPPER" else pad_shape[1::2] + pad_shape[::2]
raise NotImplementedError(f"auto_pad={auto_pad} not implemented")
def Pad(x: Tensor, pads: Union[Tensor, Tuple[int, ...]], constant_value: Tensor=None, axes: Tensor=None, mode="constant", value: float=0.):
constant_value = value if constant_value is None else float(safe_numpy(constant_value))
seq_pads = list(pads) if isinstance(pads, tuple) else safe_numpy(pads)
seq_pads = [math.ceil(i) for i in seq_pads]
seq_axes = safe_numpy(axes).astype(np.int32).tolist() if axes is not None else None
base_shape = x.shape
pads = _format_padding(seq_pads, ndims=len(x.shape), axes=seq_axes)
if mode == "wrap":
repeat_args = [math.ceil(dim[0]/sh) + math.ceil(dim[1]/sh) + 1 for dim, sh in zip(pads, base_shape)]
new_shape = [s*r for s,r in zip(base_shape, repeat_args)]
shrink_args = [(sh-dim[0]%sh if dim[0]%sh != 0 else 0, nsh-(sh-dim[1]%sh) if dim[1]%sh != 0 else nsh) for dim, sh, nsh in zip(pads, base_shape, new_shape)]
return x.repeat(tuple(repeat_args)).shrink(tuple(shrink_args))
if mode == "reflect":
for i,s in enumerate(x.shape):
if pads[i] == (0,0): continue
elif pads[i][0] and not pads[i][1]:
x = x.flip(i).shrink(tuple([(0,s_) if i_ != i else (s-pads[i][0]-1, s_-1) for i_,s_ in enumerate(x.shape)])).pad(tuple([(0,0) if i_ != i else (0,s) for i_ in range(x.ndim)])) + \
x.pad(tuple([(0,0) if i_ != i else pads[i] for i_ in range(x.ndim)]))
elif not pads[i][0] and pads[i][1]:
x = x.flip(i).shrink(tuple([(0,s_) if i_ != i else (1, pads[i][1]+1) for i_,s_ in enumerate(x.shape)])).pad(tuple([(0,0) if i_ != i else (s,0) for i_ in range(x.ndim)])) + \
x.pad(tuple([(0,0) if i_ != i else pads[i] for i_ in range(x.ndim)]))
x = x.flip(i).shrink(tuple([(0,s_) if i_ != i else (s-pads[i][0]-1, s_-1) for i_,s_ in enumerate(x.shape)])).pad(tuple([(0,0) if i_ != i else (0,s+pads[i][1]) for i_ in range(x.ndim)])) + \
x.flip(i).shrink(tuple([(0,s_) if i_ != i else (1, pads[i][1]+1) for i_,s_ in enumerate(x.shape)])).pad(tuple([(0,0) if i_ != i else (s+pads[i][0],0) for i_ in range(x.ndim)])) + \
x.pad(tuple([(0,0) if i_ != i else pads[i] for i_ in range(x.ndim)]))
return x
if mode == "edge":
for i,s in enumerate(x.shape):
if pads[i] == (0,0): continue
elif pads[i][0] and not pads[i][1]:
x = x.shrink(tuple([(0,s_) if i_ != i else (0,1) for i_,s_ in enumerate(x.shape)])).expand([pads[i][0] if i_ == i else s_ for i_,s_ in enumerate(x.shape)]).pad(tuple([(0,0) if i_ != i else (0,s) for i_ in range(x.ndim)])) + \
x.pad(tuple([(0,0) if i_ != i else pads[i] for i_ in range(x.ndim)]))
elif not pads[i][0] and pads[i][1]:
x = x.shrink(tuple([(0,s_) if i_ != i else (s_-1, s_) for i_,s_ in enumerate(x.shape)])).expand([pads[i][0] if i_ == i else s_ for i_,s_ in enumerate(x.shape)]).pad(tuple([(0,0) if i_ != i else (s+pads[i][0],0) for i_ in range(x.ndim)])) + \
x.pad(tuple([(0,0) if i_ != i else pads[i] for i_ in range(x.ndim)]))
x = x.shrink(tuple([(0,s_) if i_ != i else (0,1) for i_,s_ in enumerate(x.shape)])).expand([pads[i][0] if i_ == i else s_ for i_,s_ in enumerate(x.shape)]).pad(tuple([(0,0) if i_ != i else (0,s+pads[i][1]) for i_ in range(x.ndim)])) + \
x.shrink(tuple([(0,s_) if i_ != i else (s_-1, s_) for i_,s_ in enumerate(x.shape)])).expand([pads[i][1] if i_ == i else s_ for i_,s_ in enumerate(x.shape)]).pad(tuple([(0,0) if i_ != i else (s+pads[i][0],0) for i_ in range(x.ndim)])) + \
x.pad(tuple([(0,0) if i_ != i else pads[i] for i_ in range(x.ndim)]))
return x
if mode == "constant":
return _padding(x, seq_pads, axes=seq_axes, constant_value=constant_value)
def AveragePool(X: Tensor, kernel_shape, auto_pad="NOTSET", ceil_mode=0, count_include_pad=0, dilations=1, pads=None, strides=1):
pixel_axes = tuple(range(len(X.shape)))[2:]
ret = _padding(X, pads, auto_pad, axes=pixel_axes, strides=strides, kernel_shape=kernel_shape, dilations=dilations, ceil_mode=ceil_mode).avg_pool2d(kernel_shape, stride=strides, dilation=dilations)
if count_include_pad:
return ret
div = _padding(Tensor.ones(*X.shape), pads, auto_pad, axes=pixel_axes, strides=strides, kernel_shape=kernel_shape, dilations=dilations, ceil_mode=ceil_mode).avg_pool2d(kernel_shape, stride=strides, dilation=dilations)
return ret / div
def MaxPool(X: Tensor, kernel_shape, auto_pad="NOTSET", ceil_mode=0, dilations=1, pads=None, storage_order=0, strides=1):
ret = _padding(X, pads, auto_pad, constant_value=float("-inf"), axes=tuple(range(len(X.shape)))[2:], strides=strides, kernel_shape=kernel_shape, dilations=dilations, ceil_mode=ceil_mode)
ret = ret.max_pool2d(kernel_shape, stride=strides, dilation=dilations)
ret_len, X_len = ret.numel(), X.numel()
indices = ((ret.flatten().unsqueeze(1).expand(ret_len, X_len) == X.flatten().reshape(1, X_len).expand(ret_len, X_len)) * Tensor.arange(X_len).reshape(1, X_len).expand(ret_len, X_len)).sum(1).reshape(ret.shape).cast(dtypes.int64)
if storage_order: indices = indices.transpose(indices.ndim-2, indices.ndim-1)
return ret, indices
def MaxUnpool(xT: Tensor, xI: Tensor, outshape: Tensor=None, kernel_shape=None, pads=None, strides=None):
out_sh = [(ks//2)*2 + st * inps for inps, st, ks in zip(xI.shape, strides, kernel_shape)]
outlength = prod(out_sh)
xI = xI.flatten().unsqueeze(1).expand(prod(xT.shape), outlength)
arange = Tensor.arange(outlength, requires_grad=False).reshape(1, outlength).expand(xI.shape)
xT = xT.flatten().unsqueeze(1).expand(prod(xT.shape), outlength)
ret = ((xI == arange) * xT).sum(0).reshape([1, 1] + out_sh)
if outshape is not None:
outshape = safe_numpy(outshape).tolist()
if outshape != ret.shape:
diff = [outshape[2] - ret.shape[2], outshape[3] - ret.shape[3]]
pad_args = [diff[0]//2, diff[1]//2, diff[0]-diff[0]//2, diff[1]-diff[1]//2]
ret = ret.pad2d((pad_args[1], pad_args[3], pad_args[0], pad_args[2]))
return ret
def Conv(X: Tensor, W: Tensor, B=None, auto_pad="NOTSET", dilations=1, group=1, kernel_shape=None, pads=None, strides=1):
if auto_pad != "NOTSET": padding = _auto_pad(X, auto_pad, strides, kernel_shape, dilations)
else: padding = [p for ps in zip(pads[:len(pads)//2][::-1], pads[len(pads)//2:][::-1]) for p in ps] if pads is not None else 0 # reorder padding
return X.conv2d(W, B, stride=strides, groups=group, dilation=dilations, padding=padding)
def ConvTranspose(X: Tensor, W: Tensor, B=None, auto_pad="NOTSET", dilations=1, group=1, kernel_shape=None, pads=None, output_shape=None, output_padding=0, strides=1):
if kernel_shape is None: kernel_shape = W.shape[2:]
if isinstance(strides, int): strides = [strides]*(W.ndim-2)
if isinstance(dilations, int): dilations = [dilations]*(W.ndim-2)
if isinstance(output_padding, int): output_padding = [output_padding]*(W.ndim-2)
out_sh = [st*(xs-1) + (ks-1)*di+1 if n < 2 else st*(xs-1) + (ks-1)*di+1 - pads[n-2] - pads[n-1] for n, (st, xs, ks, di) in enumerate(zip(strides, X.shape[2:], kernel_shape, dilations))] if output_shape is not None or auto_pad != "NOTSET" else []
if pads is None:
if output_shape is None: output_shape = [xs*st for xs, st in zip(X.shape[2:], strides)]
if auto_pad == "NOTSET": pads = [0,0] * (X.ndim - 2)
total_padding = [st*(ish-1) + pad + ((ks-1)*dil+1)-osh for st, ish, pad, ks, dil, osh in zip(strides, X.shape[2:], output_padding, kernel_shape, dilations, output_shape)]
pad_shape = flatten([[sh//2, sh-sh//2] for sh in total_padding])
pads = pad_shape[::2] + pad_shape[1::2] if auto_pad == "SAME_UPPER" else pad_shape[1::2] + pad_shape[::2]
if output_shape is None: output_shape = [st*(xs-1) + (ks-1)*di+1 if n < 2 else st*(xs-1) + (ks-1)*di+1 - pads[n-2] - pads[n-1] for n, (st, xs, ks, di) in enumerate(zip(strides, X.shape[2:], kernel_shape, dilations))]
if out_sh: output_padding = [os - rs for os, rs in zip(output_shape, out_sh)]
return X.conv_transpose2d(W, B, stride=strides, groups=group, dilation=dilations, padding=pads if pads is not None else 0, output_padding=output_padding)
# Reimplemented here because you need legacy RNG for passing ONNX tests.
def Dropout(data: Tensor, ratio=0.5, training_mode=False, seed=None):
if isinstance(ratio, Tensor) and not ratio.shape: ratio = safe_numpy(ratio) # ratio and tensor is passed in as Tensor with shape: ()
if isinstance(training_mode, Tensor) and not training_mode.shape: training_mode = safe_numpy(training_mode)
if not training_mode: return data, Tensor.ones(*data.shape, dtype=dtypes.bool) # if mask is requested as output it will contain all True's.
rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
ratio = ratio.lazydata.realize().toCPU()[0] if isinstance(ratio, Tensor) else ratio
mask = Tensor((rng.random(data.shape) >= ratio), requires_grad=False, device=data.device)
return data * mask * (1/(1.0 - ratio)), mask
def LRN(x: Tensor, size, alpha=1e-4, beta=0.75, bias=1.0):
bs, c, iy, ix = x.shape
return x / x.mul(x).reshape(bs,1,c,iy*ix).pad2d((0,0,(size-1)//2, size//2)).avg_pool2d((size, 1), 1).reshape(bs,c,iy,ix).mul(alpha).add(bias).pow(beta)
def MeanVarianceNormalization(x: Tensor, axis=(0, 2, 3)):
data_mean = x.mean(axis=axis, keepdim=True)
std = ((x**2).mean(axis=axis, keepdim=True) - data_mean**2).sqrt()
return (x - data_mean) / (std + 1e-9)
def NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss(x: Tensor, target: Tensor, weight=None, ignore_index=None, reduction="mean"):
target = target.cast(dtypes.float32)
N, C, i_shape = x.shape[0], x.shape[1], x.shape
t_shape = target.shape
if len(x.shape) != 3:
x = x.reshape((N, C, -1))
target = target.reshape((N, -1))
if weight is not None:
mask = target.unsqueeze(-1) == Tensor.arange(C).repeat((N, 1, 1))
weight = (mask * weight).sum(axis=-1)
if ignore_index is not None:
cond = target == ignore_index
weight = cond.where(0, weight) if weight is not None else cond.where(Tensor.zeros(*target.shape), 1)
mask = target[:, None, :] == Tensor.arange(C).reshape([1, C] + [1]*(len(x.shape) -2))
loss = -(mask * x).sum(axis=1) * (1 if weight is None else weight)
if reduction == "mean": return loss.mean() if weight is None else loss.sum() / weight.sum()
if reduction == "sum": return loss.sum()
return loss.reshape(t_shape) if len(i_shape) != 3 else loss
def SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss(scores: Tensor, labels: Tensor, weights=None, ignore_index=None, reduction="mean"):
_N, C, *s_dimensions = scores.shape
if ignore_index is not None: labels = (labels == ignore_index).where(C+1, labels).cast(dtypes.int32)
mask = labels.unsqueeze(1) == Tensor.arange(C).reshape(1, C, *[1]*len(s_dimensions))
y = scores.log_softmax(axis=1)
if weights is not None: weights = weights.__getitem__(tuple([labels, *[slice(None)]*(weights.ndim-1)]))
loss = (mask * -y).sum(1) if weights is None else (mask * -y).sum(1) * weights
if reduction == "mean": loss = loss.sum() / (loss == 0).where(0, 1).sum() if weights is None else loss.sum() / weights.sum()
elif reduction == "sum": loss = loss.sum()
return loss, y
def ArrayFeatureExtractor(x: Tensor, indices: Tensor):
return x.__getitem__(tuple([slice(None) if i != (x.ndim-1) else indices for i in range(x.ndim)]))
def Gather(x: Tensor, indices: Tensor, axis=0):
if indices.numel() < 9: # NOTE lessor kernels for smaller indices but kernel number increases depending on size of indices
x_sh = list(x.shape)
ret_shape = x_sh[:axis] + list(indices.shape) + x_sh[axis+1:]
if indices.ndim > 1: indices = indices.flatten()
indices = [int(safe_numpy(indices))] if indices.shape == () else [x_sh[axis]+int(x) if x<0 else int(x) for x in safe_numpy(indices)]
args = [[(0,x) if j != axis else (i,i+1) for j, x in enumerate(x_sh)] for i in indices]
return x.shrink(arg=tuple(args[0])).cat(*[x.shrink(arg=tuple(arg)) for arg in args[1:]], dim=axis).reshape(ret_shape)
# NOTE faster gather, fixed number of kernels, but exceeds limited kernels for openpilot
return x.__getitem__(tuple([slice(None) if i != axis else indices for i in range(x.ndim)]))
def GatherElements(x: Tensor, indices: Tensor, axis):
indices = (indices < 0).where(x.shape[axis], 0) + indices
return x.gather(indices, axis)
def _round(x:Tensor, n:float, equidistant_case = "round_down") -> Tensor:
assert n <= 1, f"n:{n} shouldn't be larger than 1"
b = x.cast(dtypes.int32).contiguous().cast(x.dtype)
b = (b >= 0).where(b+n, b-n)
if equidistant_case == "round_down": return (x > b).where(b+1-n, b-n)
if equidistant_case == "round_up": return (x >= b).where(b+1-n, b-n)
if equidistant_case == "round_to_even":
def _and(cond1, cond2): return ((cond1.cast(dtypes.int) + cond2.cast(dtypes.int)) == 2).where(1, 0)
x_ceil_fraction = x.ceil()/2
cond_ceil_even = x_ceil_fraction.ceil() == x_ceil_fraction
x = (_and(x == b, cond_ceil_even)).where(x+1-n, x)
x = (x > b).where(b+1-n, b-n)
return x
def Round(X:Tensor): return _round(X, 0.5, "round_to_even")
# TODO clean this up, it's taking the longest in CI
def Resize(X:Tensor, roi=None, scales=None, sizes=None, antialias=0, axes=None, coordinate_transformation_mode='half_pixel',
cubic_coeff_a=-0.75, exclude_outside=0, extrapolation_value=0.0, keep_aspect_ratio_policy='stretch',
mode='nearest', nearest_mode='round_prefer_floor'):
def _nearest_gather(X: Tensor, x_out, y_out): return X[:,:,y_out,:][:,:,:,x_out]
def _nearest_mode(x_resized: Tensor, nearest_mode: str, x_len):
if nearest_mode == "round_prefer_floor": ret = _round(x_resized, 0.5, "round_down")
elif nearest_mode == "round_prefer_ceil": ret = _round(x_resized, 0.5, "round_up")
elif nearest_mode == "floor": ret = x_resized.floor()
elif nearest_mode == "ceil": ret = x_resized.ceil()
return ret.cast(dtypes.int32).clip(0, x_len-1)
def _coordinate_transformation(x_out, y_out, output_shape, scales_, roi=None):
if coordinate_transformation_mode == "half_pixel":
x_out = (x_out + 0.5)/Tensor(scales_[-1]) - 0.5
y_out = (y_out + 0.5)/Tensor(scales_[-2]) - 0.5
elif coordinate_transformation_mode == "align_corners":
x_out = x_out * (X.shape[-1] - 1) / (output_shape[-1] - 1)
y_out = y_out * (X.shape[-2] - 1) / (output_shape[-2] - 1)
elif coordinate_transformation_mode == "asymmetric":
x_out = x_out/scales_[-1]
y_out = y_out/scales_[-2]
elif coordinate_transformation_mode == "half_pixel_symmetric":
x_out = X.shape[-1] / 2 * (1 - int(output_shape[-1]) / output_shape[-1]) + (x_out + 0.5) / scales_[-1] - 0.5
y_out = X.shape[-2] / 2 * (1 - int(output_shape[-2]) / output_shape[-2]) + (y_out + 0.5) / scales_[-2] - 0.5
elif coordinate_transformation_mode == "pytorch_half_pixel":
x_out = (x_out + 0.5)/scales_[-1] - 0.5 if output_shape[-1] > 1 else Tensor([0])
y_out = (y_out + 0.5)/scales_[-2] - 0.5 if output_shape[-2] > 1 else Tensor([0])
elif coordinate_transformation_mode == "tf_crop_and_resize":
x_out = roi[-1][0] * (X.shape[-1] - 1) + x_out * ((roi[-1][1] - roi[-1][0]) * (X.shape[-1] - 1) / (output_shape[-1] - 1)) if output_shape[-1] > 1 else Tensor([0.5 * (roi[-1][0] + roi[-1][1]) * (X.shape[-1] - 1)])
y_out = roi[-2][0] * (X.shape[-2] - 1) + y_out * ((roi[-2][1] - roi[-2][0]) * (X.shape[-2] - 1) / (output_shape[-2] - 1)) if output_shape[-2] > 1 else Tensor([0.5 * (roi[-2][0] + roi[-2][1]) * (X.shape[-2] - 1)])
return x_out.clip(0, X.shape[-1]-1), y_out.clip(0, X.shape[-2]-1)
if roi is not None:
roi = safe_numpy(roi)
roi = [(st,ed) for st, ed in zip(roi[:len(roi)//2], roi[len(roi)//2:])]
roi_ = [(1,1)] * 4
if axes is not None:
for a,r in zip(axes, roi):
roi_[a] = r
roi = roi_
if scales is not None:
scales = safe_numpy(scales).tolist()
if axes is not None:
scales_ = [1]*X.ndim
for a,s in zip(axes, scales):
scales_[a] = s
scales = scales_
elif sizes is not None:
sizes = [int(i) for i in safe_numpy(sizes)]
scales = []
if axes is not None:
sizes_ = [1]*X.ndim
for a,s in zip(axes, sizes):
sizes_[a] = s
sizes = sizes_
else: scales = [si/xs for xs, si in zip(X.shape, sizes)]
if keep_aspect_ratio_policy == "not_larger":
scale = min(scales)
sizes = _round(Tensor(list(X.shape[-2:]))*scale, 0.5, "round_up")
sizes = list(X.shape[:-2]) + [int(i) for i in safe_numpy(sizes)]
elif keep_aspect_ratio_policy == "not_smaller":
scale = max(scales)
sizes = _round(Tensor(list(X.shape[-2:]))*scale, 0.5, "round_up")
sizes = list(X.shape[:-2]) + [int(i) for i in safe_numpy(sizes)]
output_shape = sizes if sizes else [math.floor(x*s) for x,s in zip(X.shape, scales)]
output_shape_ = sizes if sizes else [x*s for x,s in zip(X.shape, scales)]
scales_ = [os/xs for xs, os in zip(X.shape, output_shape)]
x_out = Tensor.arange(output_shape[-1]).cast(dtypes.default_float)
y_out = Tensor.arange(output_shape[-2]).cast(dtypes.default_float)
if mode == "nearest":
x_out, y_out = _coordinate_transformation(x_out, y_out, output_shape, scales_, roi)
x_out = _nearest_mode(x_out, nearest_mode, X.shape[-1])
y_out = _nearest_mode(y_out, nearest_mode, X.shape[-1])
return _nearest_gather(X, x_out, y_out)
if mode == "linear":
x_out, y_out = _coordinate_transformation(x_out, y_out, output_shape_, scales, roi)
ret = []
for y in safe_numpy(y_out):
for x in safe_numpy(x_out):
x_floor, y_floor = int(x), int(y)
y_shrink = (0, X.shape[2]) if X.shape[2] == 1 else (y_floor, y_floor+2) if y != y_floor else (y_floor, y_floor+1)
x_shrink = (x_floor, x_floor+2) if x != x_floor else (x_floor, x_floor+1)
shrink_args = ((0, X.shape[0]), (0, X.shape[1]), y_shrink, x_shrink)
corners = safe_numpy(X.shrink(shrink_args))
x1, x2, y1, y2 = x_floor, x_floor+1, y_floor, y_floor+1
if x == x_floor and y == y_floor: # TODO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilinear_interpolation#Weighted_mean maybe do weighted mean?
elif x == x_floor:
ret.append((corners[0,0,0,0] * (y2 - y) + corners[0,0,1,0] * (y - y1)) / (y2 - y1))
elif y == y_floor:
ret.append((corners[0,0,0,0] * (x2 - x) + corners[0,0,0,1] * (x - x1)) / (x2 - x1))
ret.append((corners[0,0,0,0] * (x2 - x) * (y2 - y) + corners[0,0,0,1] * (x - x1) * (y2 - y) + corners[0,0,1,0] * (x2 - x) * (y - y1) + corners[0,0,1,1] * (x - x1) * (y - y1)) / ((x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1)))
return Tensor(ret).reshape(output_shape)
if mode == "cubic":
raise NotImplementedError("cubic interpolation is not implemented")
def CenterCropPad(t: Tensor, shape: Tensor, axes=None):
if not axes: axes = list(range(t.ndim))
shrink_arg = [(0,i) for i in t.shape]
pad_arg = [(0,0)] * t.ndim
shape = safe_numpy(shape).tolist()
for s, x in zip(shape, axes):
if s < t.shape[x]: shrink_arg[x] = (t.shape[x]//2 - s//2, t.shape[x]//2 + s//2) if s%2 == 0 else (t.shape[x]//2 - s//2 - 1, t.shape[x]//2 + s//2)
elif s > t.shape[x]: pad_arg[x] = ((s - t.shape[x])//2, (s - t.shape[x])//2) if (s - t.shape[x])% 2 == 0 else ((s - t.shape[x])//2, (s - t.shape[x])//2 + 1)
return t.shrink(tuple(shrink_arg)).pad(tuple(pad_arg))
def OneHot(indices: Tensor, depth: Tensor, values: Tensor, axis=-1):
depth = int(safe_numpy(depth).item())
indices, rank = (indices < 0).where(indices+depth, indices), indices.ndim
if axis < 0: axis += rank + 1
ls, rs = indices.shape[0:axis], indices.shape[axis: rank]
cond = indices[:,None] == Tensor.arange(depth).reshape((1,) * len(ls) + (depth,) + (1,) * len(rs))
return cond.where(values[1], values[0]).cast(values.dtype)
def Erf(x: Tensor):
t = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.3275911 * x.abs())
term1 = 0.254829592 * t
term2 = -0.284496736 * t ** 2
term3 = 1.421413741 * t ** 3
term4 = -1.453152027 * t ** 4
term5 = 1.061405429 * t ** 5
y = (term1 + term2 + term3 + term4 + term5)
z = 1.0 - y * Tensor.exp(-x * x)
return (x > 0).where(z, -z)
def Compress(inp: Tensor, condition: Tensor, axis=None):
if axis is None:
inp = inp.flatten()
axis = 0
axis = axis + inp.ndim if axis < 0 else axis
con_np = safe_numpy(condition)
con = Tensor(np.arange(condition.shape[0])[con_np]) # no boolean indexing in Tensor
return inp.__getitem__(tuple([slice(None) if i != axis else con for i in range(inp.ndim)]))
type_map = {TensorProto.DOUBLE: dtypes.double, TensorProto.FLOAT: dtypes.float32}
def EyeLike(x: Tensor, dtype=None, k=0):
if dtype is None: dtype = x.dtype
else: dtype = type_map[dtype]
shape = x.shape
dim = min(x.shape)
if shape[0] == shape[1]:
return Tensor.eye(dim=dim, dtype=dtype)
diff = (shape[0]-dim, shape[1]-dim)
padarg = tuple([(d, d) if d == 0 else (k, d-k) for d in diff])
return Tensor.eye(dim=dim, dtype=dtype).pad(padarg)
def Upsample(X, scales, mode): return Resize(X=X, scales=scales, mode=mode)
# Needs work
def IsInf(x: Tensor, detect_negative=1, detect_positive=1):
ret = (x == float("inf"))*detect_positive + (x == float("-inf"))*detect_negative + Tensor.zeros(*x.shape)
return ret.cast(dtypes.bool)
def DequantizeLinear(x: Tensor, x_scale: Tensor, x_zero_point: Union[Tensor, int] = 0, axis=1):
axis = axis + x.ndim if axis < 0 else axis
x = x.cast(dtypes.float)
if isinstance(x_zero_point, Tensor): x_zero_point.cast(dtypes.float)
x_sc = x_scale.reshape(*[1]*axis, *x_scale.shape, *[1]*(x.ndim - axis - x_scale.ndim))
x_zer = x_zero_point.reshape(*[1]*axis, *x_scale.shape, *[1]*(x.ndim - axis - x_scale.ndim)) if isinstance(x_zero_point, Tensor) else x_zero_point
return ((x - x_zer) * x_sc).cast(x_scale.dtype)
# Needs work
def IsNaN(x: Tensor):
return (x < float("-inf")).cast(dtypes.bool)
# copied from https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/main/onnx/reference/ops/op_image_decoder.py
# without importing PIL we'll have to manually decode a bunch of image formats like PNG, JPEG, WebP, etc
def ImageDecoder(encoded_stream: Tensor, pixel_format="RGB"):
import PIL.Image
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError("Pillow must be installed to use the reference implementation of the ImageDecoder operator") from e
img = PIL.Image.open(io.BytesIO(safe_numpy(encoded_stream).tobytes()))
if pixel_format == "BGR":
return Tensor(np.array(img))[:, :, ::-1]
if pixel_format == "RGB":
return Tensor(np.array(img))
if pixel_format == "Grayscale":
img = img.convert("L")
decoded = Tensor(np.array(img))
return decoded.unsqueeze(-1) # (H, W) to (H, W, 1)
raise ValueError(f"pixel_format={pixel_format!r} is not supported.")
def AffineGrid(theta: Tensor, size: Tensor, align_corners=0):
_, _, *data_sz = safe_numpy(size).tolist()
size_zeros, original_grid = Tensor.zeros(data_sz), Tensor.ones(data_sz)
stackable = [original_grid]
for dim, dim_sz in enumerate(data_sz):
a = Tensor.arange(-1, 1.0001, 2/(dim_sz-1)) if align_corners == 1 else Tensor.arange(-1+1/dim_sz, 1, 2/dim_sz)
if dim == 0: stackable = [a.reshape(dim_sz, *[1]*(len(data_sz)-1)) + size_zeros, *stackable]
elif dim == 1: stackable = [a.reshape(1, dim_sz, *[1]*(len(data_sz)-2)) + size_zeros, *stackable]
else: stackable = [a.reshape(1, dim_sz) + size_zeros, *stackable]
original_grid = Tensor.stack(stackable, dim=len(data_sz))
if original_grid.ndim == 3:
N, dim_2d, dim_homo = theta.shape
assert dim_2d == 2 and dim_homo == 3
H, W, dim_homo = original_grid.shape
assert dim_homo == 3
original_grid = original_grid.reshape(H*W, dim_homo).transpose()
return theta.matmul(original_grid).permute(0,2,1).reshape(N, H, W, dim_2d)
assert original_grid.ndim == 4
N, dim_3d, dim_homo = theta.shape
assert dim_3d == 3 and dim_homo == 4
D, H, W, dim_homo = original_grid.shape
assert dim_homo == 4
original_grid = original_grid.reshape(D*H*W, dim_homo).transpose()
return theta.matmul(original_grid).permute(0,2,1).reshape(N, D, H, W, dim_3d)
# **************** com.microsoft Ops ****************
def SkipLayerNormalization(x:Tensor, skip:Tensor, gamma, beta:Optional[Tensor]=None, bias:Optional[Tensor]=None, epsilon=None):
if epsilon is None: epsilon=1e-12
x = x + skip + bias
return x.layernorm(eps=epsilon) * gamma + beta, None, None, x
def FastGelu(x:Tensor, bias:Optional[Tensor]=None):
x = x + bias
return 0.5 * x * (1 + (x * 0.797885 + 0.035677 * x ** 3).tanh())
def EmbedLayerNormalization(input_ids: Tensor, segment_ids:Optional[Tensor]=None, word_embedding:Tensor=None, position_embedding:Tensor=None, segment_embedding:Optional[Tensor]=None, gamma=None, beta=None, mask:Optional[Tensor]=None, position_ids:Optional[Tensor]=None, epsilon=None, mask_index_type=None):
# https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/blob/main/docs/ContribOperators.md#com.microsoft.EmbedLayerNormalization
assert (segment_ids is None) is (segment_embedding is None)
assert (mask is None) is (mask_index_type is None)
assert mask is None, "functionality not supported yet" # TODO
input_shape = input_ids.shape
_bsz, seq_length = input_shape[0], input_shape[1]
compute_seg_emb = (segment_embedding is not None and segment_ids is not None)
vocab_size, max_position_embeddings, type_vocab_size = word_embedding.shape[0], position_embedding.shape[0], (segment_embedding.shape[0] if compute_seg_emb else None)
def embedding(x:Tensor, vocab_size, weight:Tensor)->Tensor: # TODO from nn.Embedding. Could probably upstream this to Tensor
vocab_counter = Tensor.arange(vocab_size, dtype=x.dtype, requires_grad=False).reshape(1, 1, vocab_size).expand(*x.shape, vocab_size)
return (vocab_counter == x.unsqueeze(2).expand(*x.shape, vocab_size)) @ weight
# bert embedding layer
if epsilon is None: epsilon = 1e-12
if position_ids is None: position_ids = Tensor.arange(seq_length, requires_grad=False).unsqueeze(0).expand(*input_shape)
wrd_embedding_res = embedding(input_ids, vocab_size, word_embedding)
pos_embedding_res = embedding(position_ids, max_position_embeddings, position_embedding)
seg_embedding_res = embedding(segment_ids, type_vocab_size, segment_embedding) if compute_seg_emb else None
embedding_sum = wrd_embedding_res + pos_embedding_res + seg_embedding_res
out = embedding_sum.layernorm(eps=epsilon) * gamma + beta
return out, None, embedding_sum
def Attention(x:Tensor, weights, bias:Optional[Tensor]=None, mask_index:Optional[Tensor]=None, past:Optional[Tensor]=None, relative_position_bias:Optional[Tensor]=None, past_sequence_length:Optional[Tensor]=None, do_rotary=None, mask_filter_value=None, num_heads=None, past_present_share_buffer=None, qkv_hidden_sizes=None, scale=None, unidirectional=None):
# https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/blob/main/docs/ContribOperators.md#com.microsoft.Attention
assert num_heads is not None # required
assert (qkv_hidden_sizes is None and past is not None) or (qkv_hidden_sizes is not None)
assert relative_position_bias==do_rotary==past_sequence_length==mask_filter_value==past_present_share_buffer==scale==None, "functionality not supported yet" # TODO strange params
hidden_size, v_hidden_size = qkv_hidden_sizes[1:] if qkv_hidden_sizes is not None else 2*(weights.shape[1] // 3,)
if unidirectional: # gpt-style
assert hidden_size == v_hidden_size
xqkv = x.linear(weights, bias)
xq, xk, xv = [xqkv.slice([None, None, (i*hidden_size, (i+1)*hidden_size)]) for i in range(3)]
else: # bert-style
wq, wk, wv = weights[:,:hidden_size], weights[:,hidden_size:hidden_size+v_hidden_size], weights[:,hidden_size+v_hidden_size:]
bq, bk, bv = (bias[:hidden_size], bias[hidden_size:hidden_size+v_hidden_size], bias[hidden_size+v_hidden_size]) if bias is not None else None
xq, xk, xv = [x.linear(w, b) for w, b in zip((wq, wk, wv), (bq, bk, bv))]
xq, xk, xv = [x.reshape(x.shape[0], x.shape[1], num_heads, -1).transpose(1, 2) for x in (xq, xk, xv)]
if past is not None:
xk, xv = Tensor.cat(past[0], xk, dim=-2), Tensor.cat(past[1], xv, dim=-2)
present = Tensor.cat(xk.unsqueeze(0), xv.unsqueeze(0))
def attn(query, key, value, attn_mask):
query_length, key_length = query.shape[-2], key.shape[-2]
cdim = max(query_length, key_length) + 1
attn_weights = query @ key.transpose(-1, -2) / math.sqrt(value.shape[-1])
# This is where Tensor.scaled_dot_product_attention differs:
causal_mask = Tensor.ones((cdim, cdim), requires_grad=False, dtype=dtypes.bool).tril(0)[key_length - query_length : key_length, :key_length]
return (Tensor.where(causal_mask, attn_weights, -float("inf")) + attn_mask).softmax(-1) @ value
bsz, _, seq_len, _ = xq.shape
out = attn(xq, xk, xv, mask_index).transpose(1, 2).reshape(bsz, seq_len, -1)
return out, present
# **************** ai.onnx.preview.training Ops ****************
# TODO not entirely sure these optimizers are correct
def Adagrad(R, T, *inputs, decay_factor=0.0, epsilon=0.0, norm_coefficient=0.0):
groups = len(inputs) // 3
grouped_inputs = [inputs[i::groups] for i in range(groups)]
T, R = safe_numpy(T), safe_numpy(R)
r = R / (1 + T * decay_factor)
ret = []
for X, G, H in grouped_inputs:
X.grad = norm_coefficient * X + G
X.grad.requires_grad, H.requires_grad = False, False # TODO manually turning off requires_grad, see TODO under (domain == "ai.onnx.preview.training") in onnx.py
H.assign(H.detach() + X.grad * X.grad).realize()
H_adaptive = H.sqrt() + epsilon
X.assign(X.detach() - r * X.grad / H_adaptive)
ret.extend([X, H])
ret = ret[::2] + ret[1::2]
return tuple(ret)
def Momentum(R, T, *inputs, alpha, beta, mode, norm_coefficient):
groups = len(inputs) // 3
grouped_inputs = [inputs[i::groups] for i in range(groups)]
T, R = safe_numpy(T), safe_numpy(R)
beta_adjusted = beta if T > 0 else 1
ret = []
for X, G, V in grouped_inputs:
X.grad = (norm_coefficient * X + G).realize()
X.grad.requires_grad, V.requires_grad = False, False
V.assign(alpha * V + beta_adjusted * X.grad).realize()
if mode == "standard": X.assign(X.detach() - R * V).realize()
elif mode == "nesterov": X.assign(X.detach() - R * (X.grad + alpha + V)).realize()
ret.extend([X, V])
ret = ret[::2] + ret[1::2]
return tuple(ret)
# copied from tinygrad/nn/optim.py: LAMB with some edits
def Adam(R, T, *inputs, alpha=0.9, beta=0.999, epsilon=0.0, norm_coefficient=0.0, norm_coefficient_post=0.0):
groups = len(inputs) // 4
grouped_inputs = [inputs[i::groups] for i in range(groups)]
T, R = safe_numpy(T), safe_numpy(R)
ret = []
for X, G, V, H in grouped_inputs:
X.grad = (norm_coefficient * X + G).realize()
V.requires_grad, H.requires_grad, X.grad.requires_grad = False, False, False
V.assign(alpha * V + (1.0 - alpha) * X.grad).realize()
H.assign(beta * H + (1.0 - beta) * (X.grad * X.grad)).realize()
up = (V / (1.0 - alpha**T)) / ((H / (1.0 - beta**T)).sqrt() + epsilon) if T > 0 else V / (H.sqrt() + epsilon)
X.assign(X.detach() - R * up).realize()
X = (1 - norm_coefficient_post) * X
ret.extend([X, V, H])
ret = ret[::3] + ret[1::3] + ret[2::3]
return tuple(ret)