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Adding a new accelerator to tinygrad

It's pretty easy to add a new accelerator to tinygrad. All you need to do is implement a total of 20 (optionally 21) low level ops. Then tinygrad takes care of the rest, handling derivatives and syntactic sugar.


These are the ops that you must implement for your accelerator of choice.

Buffer                                                       # class of memory on this device
unary_op   (NOOP, CAST, EXP2, LOG2, SIN, SQRT)               # A -> A
reduce_op  (SUM, MAX)                                        # A -> B (smaller size, B has 1 in shape)
binary_op  (ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, CMPEQ, CMPLT, MAX)           # A + A -> A (all the same size)
load_op    (EMPTY, CONST, FROM, CONTIGUOUS, CUSTOM)          # -> A   (initialize data on device)
ternary_op (WHERE)                                           # A, A, A -> A


These are the mid level ops that handle the derivatives.

Relu, Log, Exp, Sin                            # unary ops
Sum, Max                                       # reduce ops (with axis argument)
Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Eq                         # binary ops (no broadcasting, use expand)
Expand, Reshape, Permute, Pad, Shrink, Flip    # movement ops
Where                                          # ternary ops

These are implemented in function.py.


These are the syntax sugar. They are built on top of the mlops and support most of the things that you could expect from a tensor library.

These are implemented in tensor.py.