mirror of https://github.com/commaai/tinygrad.git
103 lines
4.4 KiB
103 lines
4.4 KiB
import itertools
import numpy as np
from typing import DefaultDict, Dict, List, Set, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
from tinygrad.device import Buffer
from tinygrad.engine.realize import CustomOp, capturing, lower_schedule_item
from tinygrad.helpers import DEBUG, MULTIOUTPUT, colored, getenv
from tinygrad.engine.lazy import LazyBuffer
from tinygrad.engine.schedule import LBScheduleItem, _graph_schedule, ScheduleItem
from tinygrad.ops import MetaOps
from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor, _to_np_dtype
ctx_vars = { MULTIOUTPUT: (0, 1) }
def fuzz_schedule(outs:List[LazyBuffer]):
# find toposorts across all tunable params
unique_ts: Dict[Tuple[LBScheduleItem, ...], Dict[str, int]] = {}
for combination in itertools.product(*ctx_vars.values()):
for var, val in zip(ctx_vars, combination): var.value = val
ctx_var_values = dict(zip([v.key for v in ctx_vars], combination))
graph, in_degree, _ = _graph_schedule(outs)
for ts in find_all_toposorts(graph, in_degree): unique_ts[ts] = ctx_var_values
toposorts = list(unique_ts.items())
if DEBUG >= 1: print(colored(f"fuzzing {len(toposorts)} schedule permutations", "yellow"))
# setup ground truth
ground_truth: Dict[LazyBuffer, memoryview] = {}
assign_targets: Dict[LazyBuffer, LazyBuffer] = {}
# IMPORTANT: freeze prerealized bufs before ScheduleItem exec
prerealized: Dict[LazyBuffer, memoryview] = {}
seed = Tensor._seed
ts,_ = toposorts[0]
for lsi in ts:
for out in lsi.outputs:
# freeze assign state before exec
if out.op is MetaOps.ASSIGN:
prerealized[out] = out.buffer.as_buffer()
assign_targets[out.srcs[1]] = out
for x in lsi.inputs:
if x not in ground_truth and x.device != "NPY": prerealized[x] = x.buffer.as_buffer()
si = ScheduleItem(lsi.ast, tuple(x.buffer for x in lsi.outputs+lsi.inputs if x.size != 0), lsi.metadata)
_exec_si(si, seed)
for out in lsi.outputs:
ground_truth[out] = out.buffer.as_buffer()
del out.srcs # only schedule the LazyBuffer in this fuzz run
# exec and validate each permutation with new Buffers
for i, (ts, ctx) in enumerate(toposorts[1:]):
if DEBUG >= 1: print(colored(f"testing permutation {i} {ctx}", "yellow"))
rawbufs: Dict[LazyBuffer, Buffer] = {}
for lsi in ts:
for out in lsi.outputs:
base = rawbufs[lsi.inputs[0]].base if out.op is MetaOps.VIEW else None
rawbufs[out] = Buffer(out.buffer.device, out.buffer.size, out.buffer.dtype, base=base)
if out.op is MetaOps.ASSIGN: rawbufs[out].ensure_allocated().copyin(prerealized[out])
for x in lsi.inputs:
if x not in rawbufs:
# override the assign_target after ASSIGN
if x in assign_targets and assign_targets[x] in rawbufs: rawbufs[x] = rawbufs[assign_targets[x]]
elif x.device == "NPY": rawbufs[x] = x.buffer
# copy the pre realized input
else: rawbufs[x] = Buffer(x.buffer.device, x.buffer.size, x.buffer.dtype, initial_value=bytes(prerealized[x]))
si = ScheduleItem(lsi.ast, tuple(rawbufs[x] for x in lsi.bufs if x.size != 0), lsi.metadata)
_exec_si(si, seed)
for out in lsi.outputs:
outbuf = np.frombuffer(rawbufs[out].as_buffer(), _to_np_dtype(out.dtype))
try: np.testing.assert_allclose(outbuf, np.frombuffer(ground_truth[out], _to_np_dtype(out.dtype)), atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2)
except Exception as e:
print(f"FAILED FOR {out}")
raise e
def _exec_si(si:ScheduleItem, seed:int):
ei = lower_schedule_item(si)
if len(capturing): capturing[0].add(ei)
if isinstance(ei.prg, CustomOp): Tensor._seed = seed
T = TypeVar("T")
def find_all_toposorts(graph:DefaultDict[T, List[T]], in_degree:Union[DefaultDict[T, int], Dict[T, int]]) -> List[Tuple[T, ...]]:
visited: Set[T] = set()
ret: List[Tuple[T, ...]] = []
path: List[T] = []
def recurse_paths(path:List[T]):
for v, d in in_degree.items():
if d != 0 or v in visited: continue
for u in graph[v]: in_degree[u] -= 1
if len(ret) >= FUZZ_SCHEDULE_MAX_PATHS: return
# backtrack
for u in graph[v]: in_degree[u] += 1
if len(path) == len(in_degree): ret.append(tuple(path))
if len(ret) == 0: raise RuntimeError("detected cycle in the graph")
# verify all paths are unique
assert len(ret) == len(set(ret))
return ret