
249 lines
9.0 KiB

import sys
import random
import json
import numpy
from pathlib import Path
from PIL import Image
from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor
from tinygrad.nn.optim import SGD
from examples.vgg7_helpers.kinne import KinneDir
from examples.vgg7_helpers.waifu2x import image_load, image_save, Vgg7
# amount of context erased by model
def get_sample_count(samples_dir):
samples_dir_count_file = open(samples_dir + "/sample_count.txt", "r")
v = samples_dir_count_file.readline()
return int(v)
return 0
def set_sample_count(samples_dir, sc):
with open(samples_dir + "/sample_count.txt", "w") as file:
file.write(str(sc) + "\n")
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("python3 -m examples.vgg7 import MODELJSON MODELDIR")
print(" imports a waifu2x JSON vgg_7 model, i.e. waifu2x/models/vgg_7/art/scale2.0x_model.json")
print(" into a directory of float binaries along with a meta.txt file containing tensor sizes")
print(" weight tensors are ordered in tinygrad/ncnn form, as so: (outC,inC,H,W)")
print(" *this format is used by all other commands in this program*")
print("python3 -m examples.vgg7 execute MODELDIR IMG_IN IMG_OUT")
print(" given an already-nearest-neighbour-scaled image, runs vgg7 on it")
print(" output image has 7 pixels removed on all edges")
print(" do not run on large images, will have *hilarious* RAM use")
print("python3 -m examples.vgg7 execute_full MODELDIR IMG_IN IMG_OUT")
print(" does the 'whole thing' (padding, tiling)")
print(" safe for large images, etc.")
print("python3 -m examples.vgg7 new MODELDIR")
print(" creates a new model (experimental)")
print("python3 -m examples.vgg7 train MODELDIR SAMPLES_DIR ROUNDS ROUNDS_SAVE")
print(" trains a model (experimental)")
print(" (how experimental? well, every time I tried it, it flooded w/ NaNs)")
print(" note: ROUNDS < 0 means 'forever'. ROUNDS_SAVE <= 0 is not a good idea.")
print(" expects roughly execute's input as SAMPLES_DIR/IDXa.png")
print(" expects roughly execute's output as SAMPLES_DIR/IDXb.png")
print(" (i.e. my_samples/0a.png is the first pre-nearest-scaled image,")
print(" my_samples/0b.png is the first original image)")
print(" in addition, SAMPLES_DIR/samples_count.txt indicates sample count")
print(" won't pad or tile, so keep image sizes sane")
print("python3 -m examples.vgg7 samplify IMG_A IMG_B SAMPLES_DIR SIZE")
print(" creates overlapping micropatches (SIZExSIZE w/ 7-pixel border) for training")
print(" maintains/creates samples_count.txt automatically")
print(" unlike training, IMG_A must be exactly half the size of IMG_B")
cmd = sys.argv[1]
vgg7 = Vgg7()
def nansbane(p):
if numpy.isnan(numpy.min(p.numpy())):
raise Exception("A NaN in the model has been detected. This model will not be interacted with to prevent further damage.")
def load_and_save(path, save):
if save:
for v in vgg7.get_parameters():
kn = KinneDir(model, save)
if not save:
for v in vgg7.get_parameters():
if cmd == "import":
src = sys.argv[2]
model = sys.argv[3]
vgg7.load_waifu2x_json(json.load(open(src, "rb")))
load_and_save(model, True)
elif cmd == "execute":
model = sys.argv[2]
in_file = sys.argv[3]
out_file = sys.argv[4]
load_and_save(model, False)
image_save(out_file, vgg7.forward(Tensor(image_load(in_file))).numpy())
elif cmd == "execute_full":
model = sys.argv[2]
in_file = sys.argv[3]
out_file = sys.argv[4]
load_and_save(model, False)
image_save(out_file, vgg7.forward_tiled(image_load(in_file), 156))
elif cmd == "new":
model = sys.argv[2]
load_and_save(model, True)
elif cmd == "train":
model = sys.argv[2]
samples_base = sys.argv[3]
samples_count = get_sample_count(samples_base)
rounds = int(sys.argv[4])
rounds_per_save = int(sys.argv[5])
load_and_save(model, False)
# Initialize sample probabilities.
# This is used to try and get the network to focus on "interesting" samples,
# which works nicely with the microsample system.
sample_probs = None
sample_probs_path = model + "/sample_probs.bin"
# try to read...
sample_probs = numpy.fromfile(sample_probs_path, "<f8")
if sample_probs.shape[0] != samples_count:
print("sample probs size != sample count - initializing")
sample_probs = None
# it's fine
print("sample probs could not be loaded - initializing")
if sample_probs is None:
# This stupidly high amount is used to force an initial pass over all samples
sample_probs = numpy.ones(samples_count) * 1000
# Adam has a tendency to destroy the state of the network when restarted
# Plus it's slower
optim = SGD(vgg7.get_parameters())
rnum = 0
while True:
# The way the -1 option works is that rnum is never -1.
if rnum == rounds:
sample_idx = 0
sample_idx = numpy.random.choice(samples_count, p = sample_probs / sample_probs.sum())
print("exception occurred (PROBABLY value-probabilities-dont-sum-to-1)")
sample_idx = random.randint(0, samples_count - 1)
x_img = image_load(samples_base + "/" + str(sample_idx) + "a.png")
y_img = image_load(samples_base + "/" + str(sample_idx) + "b.png")
sample_x = Tensor(x_img, requires_grad = False)
sample_y = Tensor(y_img, requires_grad = False)
# magic code roughly from readme example
# An explanation, in case anyone else has to go down this path:
# This runs the actual network normally
out = vgg7.forward(sample_x)
# Subtraction determines error here (as this is an image, not classification).
# *Abs is the important bit* - at least for me, anyway.
# The training process seeks to minimize this 'loss' value.
# Minimization of loss *tends towards negative infinity*, so without the abs,
# or without an implicit abs (the mul in the README),
# loss will always go haywire in one direction or another.
# Mean determines how errors are treated.
# Do not use Sum. I tried that. It worked while I was using 1x1 patches...
# Then it went exponential.
# Also, Mean goes *after* abs. I realize this should have been obvious to me.
loss = sample_y.sub(out).abs().mean()
# This is the bit where tinygrad works backward from the loss
# And this updates the parameters
# warning: used by sample probability adjuster
loss_indicator = loss.max().numpy()[0]
print("Round " + str(rnum) + " : " + str(loss_indicator))
if (rnum % rounds_per_save) == 0:
load_and_save(model, True)
sample_probs.astype("<f8", "C").tofile(sample_probs_path)
# Update round state
# Number
rnum = rnum + 1
# Probability management
# there must always be a probability, no matter how slim, even if loss goes to 0
sample_probs[sample_idx] = max(loss_indicator, 1.e-10)
# if we were told to save every round, we already saved
if rounds_per_save != 1:
print("Done with all rounds, saving")
load_and_save(model, True)
sample_probs.astype("<f8", "C").tofile(sample_probs_path)
elif cmd == "samplify":
a_img = sys.argv[2]
b_img = sys.argv[3]
samples_base = sys.argv[4]
sample_size = int(sys.argv[5])
samples_count = get_sample_count(samples_base)
# This bit is interesting because it actually does some work.
# Not much, but some work.
a_img = image_load(a_img)
b_img = image_load(b_img)
# as with the main library body,
# Y X order is used here
# assertion before pre-upscaling is performed
assert a_img.shape[2] == (b_img.shape[2] // 2)
assert a_img.shape[3] == (b_img.shape[3] // 2)
# pre-upscaling - this matches the sizes (and coordinates)
a_img = a_img.repeat(2, 2).repeat(2, 3)
samples_added = 0
# actual patch extraction
for posy in range(CONTEXT, b_img.shape[2] - (CONTEXT + sample_size - 1), sample_size):
for posx in range(CONTEXT, b_img.shape[3] - (CONTEXT + sample_size - 1), sample_size):
# this is a viable patch location, add it
# note the ranges here:
# + there are always CONTEXT pixels *before* the point
# + with no subtraction at the end, there'd already be a pixel *at* the point,
# as ranges are exclusive
# + additionally, there are sample_size - 1 additional sample pixels
# + additionally, there are CONTEXT additional pixels
# + therefore there are CONTEXT + sample_size pixels *at & after* the point
patch_x = a_img[:, :, posy - CONTEXT : posy + CONTEXT + sample_size, posx - CONTEXT : posx + CONTEXT + sample_size]
patch_y = b_img[:, :, posy : posy + sample_size, posx : posx + sample_size]
image_save(f"{samples_base}/{str(samples_count)}a.png", patch_x)
image_save(f"{samples_base}/{str(samples_count)}b.png", patch_y)
samples_count += 1
samples_added += 1
print(f"Added {str(samples_added)} samples")
set_sample_count(samples_base, samples_count)
print("unknown command")