mirror of https://github.com/commaai/tinygrad.git
221 lines
8.2 KiB
221 lines
8.2 KiB
# type: ignore
import pickle
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import tempfile, platform
from pathlib import Path
from collections import defaultdict
from tinygrad.helpers import prod, getenv, DEBUG, dtypes
from tinygrad.ops import GlobalCounters
from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor
from tinygrad.ops import Device
from tinygrad.shape.view import strides_for_shape
OSX = platform.system() == "Darwin"
WINDOWS = platform.system() == "Windows"
def temp(x:str) -> str: return (Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / x).as_posix()
def fetch(url):
if url.startswith("/") or url.startswith("."):
with open(url, "rb") as f:
return f.read()
import hashlib
fp = temp(hashlib.md5(url.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())
download_file(url, fp, skip_if_exists=not getenv("NOCACHE"))
with open(fp, "rb") as f:
return f.read()
def fetch_as_file(url):
if url.startswith("/") or url.startswith("."):
with open(url, "rb") as f:
return f.read()
import hashlib
fp = temp(hashlib.md5(url.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())
download_file(url, fp, skip_if_exists=not getenv("NOCACHE"))
return fp
def download_file(url, fp, skip_if_exists=True):
import requests
if skip_if_exists and Path(fp).is_file() and Path(fp).stat().st_size > 0:
r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
assert r.status_code == 200
progress_bar = tqdm(total=int(r.headers.get('content-length', 0)), unit='B', unit_scale=True, desc=url)
(path := Path(fp).parent).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=path, delete=False) as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=16384):
def my_unpickle(fb0):
key_prelookup = defaultdict(list)
def _rebuild_tensor_v2(storage, storage_offset, size, stride, requires_grad, backward_hooks, metadata=None):
#print(storage, storage_offset, size, stride, requires_grad, backward_hooks, metadata)
ident, storage_type, obj_key, location, obj_size = storage[0:5]
assert ident == 'storage'
assert prod(size) <= (obj_size - storage_offset)
if storage_type not in [np.float16, np.float32]:
if DEBUG: print(f"unsupported type {storage_type} on {obj_key} with shape {size}")
ret = None
ret = Tensor.empty(*size, dtype=dtypes.from_np(storage_type))
key_prelookup[obj_key].append((storage_type, obj_size, ret, size, stride, storage_offset))
return ret
def _rebuild_parameter(*args):
class Dummy: pass
class MyPickle(pickle.Unpickler):
def find_class(self, module, name):
#print(module, name)
if name == 'FloatStorage': return np.float32
if name == 'LongStorage': return np.int64
if name == 'IntStorage': return np.int32
if name == 'HalfStorage': return np.float16
if module == "torch._utils":
if name == "_rebuild_tensor_v2": return _rebuild_tensor_v2
if name == "_rebuild_parameter": return _rebuild_parameter
if module.startswith('pytorch_lightning'): return Dummy
return super().find_class(module, name)
except Exception:
return Dummy
def persistent_load(self, pid):
return pid
return MyPickle(fb0).load(), key_prelookup
def load_single_weight(t:Tensor, myfile, shape, strides, dtype, storage_offset, mmap_allowed=False):
bytes_size = np.dtype(dtype).itemsize
if t is None:
myfile.seek(prod(shape) * bytes_size, 1)
bytes_offset = 0
if storage_offset is not None:
bytes_offset = storage_offset * bytes_size
assert t.shape == shape or shape == tuple(), f"shape mismatch {t.shape} != {shape}"
assert t.dtype.np == dtype and t.dtype.itemsize == bytes_size
if any(s != 1 and st1 != st2 for s, st1, st2 in zip(shape, strides_for_shape(shape), strides)):
# slow path
buffer_size = sum(strides[i]*t.dtype.itemsize * (shape[i] - 1) for i in range(len(shape)))
buffer_size += t.dtype.itemsize
np_array = np.frombuffer(myfile.read(buffer_size), t.dtype.np)
np_array = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(
np_array, shape=shape, strides=[i*t.dtype.itemsize for i in strides])
lna = t.lazydata.op.arg
lna.fxn = lambda _: np_array
# ["METAL", "CLANG", "LLVM"] support readinto for more speed
# ["GPU", "CUDA"] use _mmap since they have to copy in to the GPU anyway
# this needs real APIs
if t.device in ["METAL", "CLANG", "LLVM"]:
del t.lazydata.op
t.lazydata.realized = Device[t.lazydata.device].buffer(prod(t.shape), dtype=t.dtype)
def _mmap(lna):
assert myfile._compress_type == 0, "compressed data can't be mmaped"
return np.memmap(myfile._fileobj._file, dtype=lna.dtype, mode='r', offset=myfile._orig_compress_start + bytes_offset, shape=lna.shape)
def _read(lna):
ret = np.empty(lna.shape, dtype=lna.dtype)
return ret
if mmap_allowed and not OSX and t.device in ["GPU", "CUDA"]: t.lazydata.op.arg.fxn = _mmap
else: t.lazydata.op.arg.fxn = _read
def fake_torch_load_zipped(fb0, load_weights=True, multithreaded=True):
if Device.DEFAULT in ["TORCH", "GPU", "CUDA"]: multithreaded = False # multithreaded doesn't work with CUDA or TORCH. for GPU it's a wash with _mmap
import zipfile
with zipfile.ZipFile(fb0, 'r') as myzip:
base_name = myzip.namelist()[0].split('/', 1)[0]
with myzip.open(f'{base_name}/data.pkl') as myfile:
ret = my_unpickle(myfile)
if load_weights:
def load_weight(k, vv):
with myzip.open(f'{base_name}/data/{k}') as myfile:
for v in vv:
load_single_weight(v[2], myfile, v[3], v[4], v[0], v[5], mmap_allowed=True)
if multithreaded:
import concurrent.futures
# 2 seems fastest
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor:
futures = {executor.submit(load_weight, k, v):k for k,v in ret[1].items()}
for future in (t:=tqdm(concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures), total=len(futures))):
if future.exception() is not None: raise future.exception()
k = futures[future]
t.set_description(f"loading {k} ram used: {GlobalCounters.mem_used/1e9:5.2f} GB")
for k,v in (t := tqdm(ret[1].items())):
t.set_description(f"loading {k} ram used: {GlobalCounters.mem_used/1e9:5.2f} GB")
return ret[0]
def fake_torch_load(b0):
import io
import struct
# convert it to a file
fb0 = io.BytesIO(b0)
if b0[0:2] == b"\x50\x4b":
return fake_torch_load_zipped(fb0)
# skip three junk pickles
ret, key_prelookup = my_unpickle(fb0)
# create key_lookup
key_lookup = pickle.load(fb0)
key_real = [None] * len(key_lookup)
for k,v in key_prelookup.items():
assert len(v) == 1
key_real[key_lookup.index(k)] = v[0]
# read in the actual data
for storage_type, obj_size, tensor, np_shape, np_strides, storage_offset in key_real:
ll = struct.unpack("Q", fb0.read(8))[0]
assert ll == obj_size, f"size mismatch {ll} != {obj_size}"
assert storage_offset == 0, "not implemented"
load_single_weight(tensor, fb0, np_shape, np_strides, storage_type, None)
return ret
def get_child(parent, key):
obj = parent
for k in key.split('.'):
if k.isnumeric():
obj = obj[int(k)]
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
obj = obj[k]
obj = getattr(obj, k)
return obj
def _tree(lazydata, prefix=""):
if type(lazydata).__name__ == "LazyBuffer": return [f"━━ realized {lazydata.dtype.name} {lazydata.shape}"] if (lazydata.realized) else _tree(lazydata.op, "LB ")
if len(lazydata.src) == 0: return [f"━━ {prefix}{lazydata.op.name} {lazydata.arg if lazydata.arg else ''}"]
lines = [f"━┳ {prefix}{lazydata.op.name} {lazydata.arg if lazydata.arg else ''}"]
childs = [_tree(c) for c in lazydata.src[:]]
for c in childs[:-1]: lines += [f" ┣{c[0]}"] + [f" ┃{l}" for l in c[1:]]
return lines + [" ┗"+childs[-1][0]] + [" "+l for l in childs[-1][1:]]
def print_tree(tensor:Tensor):print("\n".join([f"{str(i).rjust(3)} {s}" for i,s in enumerate(_tree(tensor if not isinstance(tensor, Tensor) else tensor.lazydata))])) |