
452 lines
24 KiB

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Any, List
import unittest, math
import numpy as np
from tinygrad.shape.shapetracker import ShapeTracker
from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor, _to_np_dtype
from tinygrad.helpers import CI, DEBUG, getenv, Context
from tinygrad.dtype import dtypes, DType
from tinygrad.device import Buffer, Device
from tinygrad.ops import UOps, UOp, UPat, UnaryOps, BinaryOps, TernaryOps, ReduceOps, KernelInfo, exec_alu, spec # noqa F401
from tinygrad.renderer import Program
from tinygrad.engine.schedule import create_schedule, enumerate_bufs
from tinygrad.engine.realize import CompiledRunner, lower_schedule_item, get_kernel
from tinygrad.codegen.linearize import linearize_uop
from tinygrad.codegen.uopgraph import full_graph_rewrite, sym
from test.helpers import is_dtype_supported, assert_equiv_uops
def to_uops_list(u:List[UOp], opts=None, skip_check=False) -> List[UOp]: return linearize_uop(full_graph_rewrite(UOp.sink(*u), opts), skip_check)
def _uops_to_prg(uops_list):
uops = linearize_uop(full_graph_rewrite(UOp.sink(*uops_list), opts=Device[Device.DEFAULT].renderer))
src = Device[Device.DEFAULT].renderer.render("test", uops)
has_local = Device[Device.DEFAULT].renderer.has_local
return CompiledRunner(Program("test", src, Device.DEFAULT, uops=uops,
global_size=[1,1,1] if has_local else None, local_size=[1,1,1] if has_local else None))
def uop(uops:List[UOp], uop:UOps, dtype:Optional[DType], src:Tuple[UOp, ...], arg:Any=None) -> UOp:
uops.append(UOp(uop, dtype, tuple(src), arg))
return uops[-1]
def _test_single_value(vals, op, dts):
uops = []
output_dtype = dtypes.bool if op in (BinaryOps.CMPLT, BinaryOps.CMPNE) else dts[-1]
buf_store = uop(uops, UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, output_dtype.ptr(), (), 0)
buf_loads = [uop(uops, UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, dtype.ptr(), (), i+1) for i,dtype in enumerate(dts)]
loads = (uop(uops, UOps.LOAD, dtype, [buf_loads[i], uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtypes.int32, (), 0)]) for i,dtype in enumerate(dts))
alu = uop(uops, UOps.ALU, output_dtype, loads, op)
out = uop(uops, UOps.STORE, dtypes.void, (buf_store, uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtypes.int32, (), 0), alu))
buf = Buffer(Device.DEFAULT, 1, output_dtype).allocate()
buf2 = [Buffer(Device.DEFAULT, 1, dtype).allocate().copyin(np.array([a], dtype=_to_np_dtype(dtype)).data) for a,dtype in zip(vals, dts)]
prg = _uops_to_prg([out])
ret = np.empty(1, _to_np_dtype(output_dtype))
return ret[0]
def _test_single_value_const(vals, op, dts):
uops = []
output_dtype = dtypes.bool if op in (BinaryOps.CMPLT, BinaryOps.CMPNE) else dts[-1]
buf_store = uop(uops, UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, output_dtype.ptr(), (), 0)
loads = (uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtype, [], a) for a,dtype in zip(vals, dts))
alu = uop(uops, UOps.ALU, output_dtype, loads, op)
out = uop(uops, UOps.STORE, dtypes.void, (buf_store, uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtypes.int32, (), 0), alu))
buf = Buffer(Device.DEFAULT, 1, output_dtype).allocate()
prg = _uops_to_prg([out])
ret = np.empty(1, _to_np_dtype(output_dtype))
return ret[0]
def _test_uops_result(output_dtype, uops, res):
# uops = []
buf_store = uop(uops, UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, output_dtype.ptr(), (), 0)
# res = output_fn(uops)
out = uop(uops, UOps.STORE, dtypes.void, (buf_store, uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtypes.int32, (), 0), res))
buf = Buffer(Device.DEFAULT, 1, output_dtype).allocate()
prg = _uops_to_prg([out])
ret = np.empty(1, _to_np_dtype(output_dtype))
return ret[0]
class TestUOps(unittest.TestCase):
def _equal(self, v1, v2):
assert isinstance(v2, (float, int, bool))
if isinstance(v2, float):
np.testing.assert_allclose(v1, v2, rtol=2e-7)
np.testing.assert_equal(v1, v2)
def _test_uop_fxn(self, op, fxn, dts=(dtypes.float32, )):
for f in [_test_single_value, _test_single_value_const]:
for a in [-2.0, 0.0, 1.0]:
a = dtypes.as_const(a, dts[0])
self._equal(f([a], op, dts), fxn(a))
def _test_bop_fxn(self, op, fxn, dts=(dtypes.float32, )*2, no_b_zero=False, no_b_neg=False):
for f in [_test_single_value, _test_single_value_const]:
for a in [-2.0, 0.0, 1.0]:
for b in [-3.0, 1.0] + ([] if no_b_zero else [0.0]):
a = dtypes.as_const(a, dts[0])
b = dtypes.as_const(abs(b) if no_b_neg else b, dts[1])
self._equal(f([a,b], op, dts), fxn(a,b))
def _test_top_fxn(self, op, fxn, dts=(dtypes.float32, )*3):
for f in [_test_single_value, _test_single_value_const]:
for a in [-2.0, 0, 1]:
for b in [-3.0, 3.0]:
for c in [-4.0, 4.0]:
a = dtypes.as_const(a, dts[0])
b = dtypes.as_const(b, dts[1])
c = dtypes.as_const(c, dts[2])
self._equal(f([a,b,c], op, dts), fxn(a,b,c))
class TestFloatUOps(TestUOps):
@unittest.skipIf(Device.DEFAULT == "CLANG", 'not supported as uop')
def test_exp2(self): self._test_uop_fxn(UnaryOps.EXP2, lambda a: np.exp2(a))
@unittest.skipIf(Device.DEFAULT == "CLANG", 'not supported as uop')
def test_log2(self): self._test_uop_fxn(UnaryOps.LOG2, lambda a: math.log2(a) if a > 0 else float('-inf' if a==0 else 'nan'))
@unittest.skipIf(Device.DEFAULT == "CLANG", 'not supported as uop')
def test_sin(self): self._test_uop_fxn(UnaryOps.SIN, lambda a: math.sin(a))
def test_recip(self): self._test_uop_fxn(UnaryOps.RECIP, lambda a: 1/a if a != 0 else float('inf'))
def test_sqrt(self): self._test_uop_fxn(UnaryOps.SQRT, lambda a: math.sqrt(a) if a >= 0 else float('nan'))
def test_add(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.ADD, lambda a,b: a+b)
def test_mul(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.MUL, lambda a,b: a*b)
def test_max(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.MAX, lambda a,b: max(a,b))
def test_cmplt(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.CMPLT, lambda a,b: a<b)
def test_cmpne(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.CMPNE, lambda a,b: a!=b)
# MOD isn't tested on floats
def test_where(self):
self._test_top_fxn(TernaryOps.WHERE, lambda a,b,c: b if a!=0 else c, (dtypes.bool, dtypes.float, dtypes.float))
@unittest.skipUnless(getenv("PYTHON"), "only python supports MULACC")
def test_mulacc(self):
self._test_top_fxn(TernaryOps.MULACC, lambda a,b,c: a*b+c, (dtypes.float, dtypes.float, dtypes.float))
class TestNonFloatUOps(TestUOps):
def test_add_int32(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.ADD, lambda a,b: int(a)+int(b), (dtypes.int32, dtypes.int32))
def test_mul_int32(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.MUL, lambda a,b: int(a)*int(b), (dtypes.int32, dtypes.int32))
@unittest.skipUnless(getenv("PTX"), "only ptx uses bitshifts")
def test_shr_int32(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.SHR, lambda a,b: int(a)>>int(b), (dtypes.int32, dtypes.int32), no_b_neg=True)
@unittest.skipUnless(getenv("PTX"), "only ptx uses bitshifts")
def test_shl_int32(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.SHL, lambda a,b: int(a)<<int(b), (dtypes.int32, dtypes.int32), no_b_neg=True)
def test_div_int32(self):
self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.IDIV, lambda a,b: int(a/b), (dtypes.int32, dtypes.int32), no_b_zero=True)
def test_and_int32(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.AND, lambda a,b: int(a)&int(b), (dtypes.int32, dtypes.int32))
def test_or_int32(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.OR, lambda a,b: int(a)|int(b), (dtypes.int32, dtypes.int32))
def test_mod_int32(self):
lambda a,b: abs(int(a))%abs(int(b))*(1,-1)[a<0], (dtypes.int32, dtypes.int32), no_b_zero=True)
def test_cmplt_int32(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.CMPLT, lambda a,b: int(a)<int(b), (dtypes.int32, dtypes.int32))
def test_cmpne_int32(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.CMPNE, lambda a,b: int(a)!=int(b), (dtypes.int32, dtypes.int32))
@unittest.skipUnless(is_dtype_supported(dtypes.bool), "dtype not supported")
def test_mul_bool(self): self._test_bop_fxn(BinaryOps.MUL, lambda a,b: bool(a) and bool(b), (dtypes.bool, dtypes.bool))
@unittest.skipUnless(is_dtype_supported(dtypes.float16), "dtype not supported")
def test_where_float16(self):
self._test_top_fxn(TernaryOps.WHERE, lambda a,b,c: b if a!=0 else c, (dtypes.bool, dtypes.float16, dtypes.float16))
class TestBoolUOps(TestUOps):
def _test_uop_bool_fxn(self, op, fxn):
for f in [_test_single_value, _test_single_value_const]:
for a in [False, True]:
self._equal(f([a], op, (dtypes.bool, )*1), fxn(a))
def _test_bop_bool_fxn(self, op, fxn):
for f in [_test_single_value, _test_single_value_const]:
for a in [False, True]:
for b in [False, True]:
self._equal(f([a,b], op, (dtypes.bool, )*2), fxn(a,b))
def _test_top_bool_fxn(self, op, fxn):
for f in [_test_single_value, _test_single_value_const]:
for a in [False, True]:
for b in [False, True]:
for c in [False, True]:
self._equal(f([a,b,c], op, (dtypes.bool, )*3), fxn(a,b,c))
def test_add_bool(self): self._test_bop_bool_fxn(BinaryOps.ADD, lambda a,b: a or b)
def test_mul_bool(self): self._test_bop_bool_fxn(BinaryOps.MUL, lambda a,b: a and b)
def test_xor_bool(self): self._test_bop_bool_fxn(BinaryOps.XOR, lambda a,b: a != b)
def test_and_bool(self): self._test_bop_bool_fxn(BinaryOps.AND, lambda a,b: a & b)
def test_or_bool(self): self._test_bop_bool_fxn(BinaryOps.OR, lambda a,b: a | b)
def test_cmpne_bool(self): self._test_bop_bool_fxn(BinaryOps.CMPNE, lambda a,b: a != b)
def test_cmplt_bool(self): self._test_bop_bool_fxn(BinaryOps.CMPLT, lambda a,b: a < b)
def test_where_bool(self): self._test_top_bool_fxn(TernaryOps.WHERE, lambda a,b,c: b if a else c)
class TestExecALU(TestUOps):
def test_sqrt(self):
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(UnaryOps.SQRT, dtypes.float, (0.0,)), 0.0)
def test_div(self):
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.IDIV, dtypes.int8, (8, 2)), 4)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.IDIV, dtypes.int8, (7, 3)), 2)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.IDIV, dtypes.int8, (7, -3)), -2)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.IDIV, dtypes.int8, (-50, 6)), -8)
np.testing.assert_allclose(exec_alu(BinaryOps.MUL, dtypes.float32, (7.0, exec_alu(UnaryOps.RECIP, dtypes.float32, (3.0,)))), 2+(1.0/3.0))
np.testing.assert_allclose(exec_alu(BinaryOps.MUL, dtypes.float32, (7.0, exec_alu(UnaryOps.RECIP, dtypes.float32, (-3.0,)))), -2-(1.0/3.0))
def test_recip(self):
np.testing.assert_allclose(exec_alu(UnaryOps.RECIP, dtypes.float32, (8,)), 1/8)
np.testing.assert_allclose(exec_alu(UnaryOps.RECIP, dtypes.float32, (7,)), 1/7)
np.testing.assert_allclose(exec_alu(UnaryOps.RECIP, dtypes.float32, (-3,)), 1/-3)
np.testing.assert_allclose(exec_alu(UnaryOps.RECIP, dtypes.float32, (-50,)), 1/-50)
np.testing.assert_allclose(exec_alu(UnaryOps.RECIP, dtypes.float32, ((32+521+3),)), 1/(32+521+3))
np.testing.assert_allclose(exec_alu(UnaryOps.RECIP, dtypes.float32, ((34**2),)), 1/(34**2))
np.testing.assert_allclose(exec_alu(UnaryOps.RECIP, dtypes.float32, (10,)), 1/10)
def test_bool_cmplt(self):
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.CMPLT, dtypes.bool, (False, False)), False)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.CMPLT, dtypes.bool, (False, True)), True)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.CMPLT, dtypes.bool, (True, False)), False)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.CMPLT, dtypes.bool, (True, True)), False)
def test_bool_cmpne(self):
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.CMPNE, dtypes.bool, (False, False)), False)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.CMPNE, dtypes.bool, (False, True)), True)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.CMPNE, dtypes.bool, (True, False)), True)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.CMPNE, dtypes.bool, (True, True)), False)
def test_bool_where(self):
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(TernaryOps.WHERE, dtypes.bool, (False, False, False)), False)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(TernaryOps.WHERE, dtypes.int, (False, 2, 4)), 4)
np.testing.assert_allclose(exec_alu(TernaryOps.WHERE, dtypes.float, (False, 2.2, 4.5)), 4.5)
def test_overflow(self):
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.ADD, dtypes.uint8, (250, 250)), 244)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.ADD, dtypes.uint8, (256, 0)), 0)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.ADD, dtypes.uint8, (0, -1)), 255)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.ADD, dtypes.uint8, (0, -1000)), 24)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.ADD, dtypes.int8, (127, 0)), 127)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.ADD, dtypes.int8, (-128, 0)), -128)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.ADD, dtypes.int8, (-100, -100)), 56)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.ADD, dtypes.int8, (-1000, -0)), 24)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.ADD, dtypes.int8, (-130, -0)), 126)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.ADD, dtypes.int8, (1, 1)), 2)
self.assertEqual(exec_alu(BinaryOps.ADD, dtypes.int8, (-128, 0)), -128)
class TestConstantFolding(unittest.TestCase):
def test_cast_const(self):
t = Tensor(1, dtype=dtypes.float).cast(dtypes.int)
si = create_schedule([t.lazydata])
assert len(si) == 0
def test_bitcast_const(self):
t = Tensor(1, dtype=dtypes.float).bitcast(dtypes.int)
si = create_schedule([t.lazydata])
assert len(si) == 1
ji = lower_schedule_item(si[-1])
assert any(uop.op is UOps.BITCAST for uop in ji.prg.p.uops), f"{[uop.op for uop in ji.prg.p.uops]} does not contain bitcast"
class TestGatedStoreRewrite(unittest.TestCase):
def test_tiny_gate_store(self):
gmem = UOp(UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, dtypes.float.ptr(), (), 0)
gidx0 = UOp(UOps.SPECIAL, dtypes.int, (), ('gidx0', 4))
idx = gidx0 * UOp.const(dtypes.int, 2)
val = UOp.const(dtypes.float, 42.0)
gate = gidx0.lt(UOp.const(dtypes.int, 1))
store = UOp(UOps.STORE, dtypes.void, (gmem, idx, val, gate))
uops = to_uops_list([store])
if DEBUG >= 4: print(Device[Device.DEFAULT].renderer.render("test", uops))
if_uop = next(u for u in uops if u.op is UOps.IF)
endif = next(u for u in uops if u.op is UOps.ENDIF)
assert endif.src[0] is if_uop
gated_uops = tuple(uops.uops[uops.uops.index(if_uop)+1:uops.uops.index(endif)])
self.assertEqual(len(gated_uops), 1)
self.assertIs(gated_uops[-1].op, UOps.STORE)
def test_gate_some_stores(self):
gmem0 = UOp(UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, dtypes.float.ptr(), (), 0)
gmem1 = UOp(UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, dtypes.float.ptr(), (), 1)
gidx0 = UOp(UOps.SPECIAL, dtypes.int, (), ('gidx0', 4))
idx = gidx0*UOp.const(dtypes.int, 2)
val = UOp.const(dtypes.float, 42.0)
gate = gidx0.lt(UOp.const(dtypes.int, 1))
stores = [UOp.store(gmem0, idx, val, gate), UOp.store(gmem1, idx, val)]
uops = linearize_uop(stores)
if DEBUG >= 4: print(Device[Device.DEFAULT].renderer.render("test", uops))
if_uop = next(u for u in uops if u.op is UOps.IF)
endif = next(u for u in uops if u.op is UOps.ENDIF)
assert endif.src[0] is if_uop
gated_uops = tuple(uops.uops[uops.uops.index(if_uop)+1:uops.uops.index(endif)])
self.assertEqual(len(gated_uops), 1)
self.assertIs(gated_uops[-1].op, UOps.STORE)
# scaled down version of TestLinearizerDumb.test_unmerged_ifs
def test_merge_ifs_alt(self):
gmem0 = UOp(UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, dtypes.float.ptr(), (), 0)
gmem1 = UOp(UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, dtypes.float.ptr(), (), 1)
gidx0 = UOp(UOps.SPECIAL, dtypes.int, (), ('gidx0', 4))
idx = gidx0*UOp.const(dtypes.int, 2)
val = UOp.const(dtypes.float, 42.0)
gate = gidx0.lt(UOp.const(dtypes.int, 1))
stores = [UOp.store(gmem0, idx, val, gate), UOp.store(gmem1, idx, val, gate)]
uops = linearize_uop(stores)
if DEBUG >= 4: print(Device[Device.DEFAULT].renderer.render("test", uops))
ifs = [u for u in uops if u.op is UOps.IF]
endifs = [u for u in uops if u.op is UOps.ENDIF]
self.assertEqual(len(ifs), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(endifs), 1)
gated_uops = tuple(uops.uops[uops.uops.index(ifs[0])+1:uops.uops.index(endifs[0])])
self.assertEqual(len(gated_uops), 2)
for x in gated_uops: self.assertIs(x.op, UOps.STORE)
class TestLocalAccess(unittest.TestCase):
# NOTE: this is failing on METAL CI, no idea why. Works locally.
@unittest.skipIf(Device.DEFAULT == "METAL" and CI, "failing only in CI")
@unittest.skipUnless(Device[Device.DEFAULT].renderer.has_shared, "test requires shared memory")
def test_local_basic(self):
uops = []
smem = uop(uops, UOps.DEFINE_LOCAL, dtypes.float32.ptr(local=True), (), ('smem', 16))
st = uop(uops, UOps.STORE, dtypes.void, (smem, uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtypes.int32, (), 0), uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtypes.float32, (), 42.0)))
barr = uop(uops, UOps.BARRIER, dtypes.void, (st,))
sres = uop(uops, UOps.LOAD, dtypes.float32, (smem, uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtypes.int32, (), 0), barr))
self.assertEqual(_test_uops_result(dtypes.float32, uops, sres), 42)
@unittest.skipUnless(Device[Device.DEFAULT].renderer.has_shared, "test requires shared memory")
def test_local_indirect(self):
uops = []
smem = uop(uops, UOps.DEFINE_LOCAL, dtypes.int32.ptr(local=True), (), ('smem', 16))
st1 = uop(uops, UOps.STORE, dtypes.void, (smem, uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtypes.int32, (), 1), uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtypes.int32, (), 2)))
st2 = uop(uops, UOps.STORE, dtypes.void, (smem, uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtypes.int32, (), 2), uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtypes.int32, (), 42)))
barr = uop(uops, UOps.BARRIER, dtypes.void, (st1,st2))
ofs = uop(uops, UOps.LOAD, dtypes.int32, (smem, uop(uops, UOps.CONST, dtypes.int32, (), 1), barr))
sres = uop(uops, UOps.LOAD, dtypes.int32, (smem, ofs))
self.assertEqual(_test_uops_result(dtypes.int32, uops, sres), 42)
@unittest.skipUnless(getenv("PTX"), "This only tests assembly backends")
class TestAssembly(unittest.TestCase):
def test_bitshift_left(self):
g1 = UOp(UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, dtypes.int32.ptr(), (), 0)
c1 = UOp(UOps.CONST, dtypes.int, (), 2)
c2 = UOp(UOps.CONST, dtypes.int, (), 3)
l1 = UOp(UOps.LOAD, dtypes.int, (g1, c1))
a1 = UOp(UOps.ALU, dtypes.int, (l1, c1), BinaryOps.MUL)
a2 = UOp(UOps.ALU, dtypes.int, (l1, c2), BinaryOps.MUL)
uops = to_uops_list([a1,a2], opts=Device[Device.DEFAULT].renderer)
Device[Device.DEFAULT].renderer.render("test", uops)
self.assertEqual(uops[-1].arg, BinaryOps.SHL)
self.assertEqual(uops[-2].arg, BinaryOps.MUL)
def test_bitshift_right(self):
g1 = UOp(UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, dtypes.int32.ptr(), (), 0)
c1 = UOp(UOps.CONST, dtypes.int, (), 2)
c2 = UOp(UOps.CONST, dtypes.int, (), 3)
l1 = UOp(UOps.LOAD, dtypes.int, (g1, c1))
a1 = UOp(UOps.ALU, dtypes.int, (l1, c1), BinaryOps.IDIV)
a2 = UOp(UOps.ALU, dtypes.int, (l1, c2), BinaryOps.IDIV)
uops = to_uops_list([a1,a2], opts=Device[Device.DEFAULT].renderer)
Device[Device.DEFAULT].renderer.render("test", uops)
self.assertEqual(uops[-1].arg, BinaryOps.SHR)
self.assertEqual(uops[-2].arg, BinaryOps.IDIV)
class TestUOpMethod(unittest.TestCase):
@unittest.skip("uops lt no longer ordered")
def test_compare_alu_same_src_different_arg(self):
a = UOp(UOps.CONST, dtypes.float, (), 2.0)
b = UOp(UOps.CONST, dtypes.float, (), 3.0)
add = UOp(UOps.ALU, dtypes.float, (a, b), BinaryOps.ADD)
mul = UOp(UOps.ALU, dtypes.float, (a, b), BinaryOps.MUL)
assert (add < mul) or (mul < add), "add and mul with same src should have an order"
def test_uop_variables(self):
a = UOp.variable("a", 1, 10)
uop_var = UOp.const(dtypes.int, a)
st_var = UOp(UOps.LOAD, dtypes.float, (UOp(UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, dtypes.float.ptr(), (), 0),
ShapeTracker.from_shape((2, a)).to_uop()))
ast_vars = (st_var+uop_var).variables()
self.assertEqual(len(ast_vars), 1)
self.assertEqual(ast_vars[0], a)
def test_const_factor(self):
gidx0 = UOp(UOps.SPECIAL, dtypes.int, (), ('gidx0', 8))
self.assertEqual(UOp(UOps.CONST, dtypes.int, (), 17).const_factor(), 17)
self.assertEqual(gidx0.const_factor(), 1)
self.assertEqual((gidx0*3).const_factor(), 3)
self.assertEqual((gidx0*3+6).const_factor(), 3)
self.assertEqual((gidx0*3+1).const_factor(), 1)
def test_replace(self):
x = UOp(UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, dtypes.int.ptr(), (), 0)
self.assertIs(x.replace(arg=None).arg, None)
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): x.replace(field="a")
class TestUOpStr(unittest.TestCase):
def test_uop_str(self):
a = UOp(UOps.CONST, dtypes.float, (), 2.0) + UOp(UOps.CONST, dtypes.float, (), 3.0)
for _ in range(20): a = a + a
assert len(str(a)) < 10_000, "exponential string growth"
assert str(eval(str(a))) == str(a)
t = Tensor.arange(10)
t = t + t * Tensor.rand(10)
# nice big complicated uop
with Context(NOOPT=1):
sink = UOp(UOps.SINK, dtypes.void, (get_kernel(Device[Device.DEFAULT].renderer, t.schedule()[-1].ast).linearize().uops[-1],))
assert_equiv_uops(sink, eval(str(sink)))
def test_vectorized_str(self):
vec = UOp(UOps.VECTORIZE, dtypes.int.vec(4), tuple(UOp.const(dtypes.int, x) for x in range(4)))
assert str(eval(str(vec))) == str(vec)
@unittest.skip("uop no longer has order like this")
class TestIndexingOrdering(unittest.TestCase):
# NOTE: these tests skip type_verify since they add dtype to STORE
def test_simple_order(self):
buf = UOp(UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, dtypes.float.ptr(), (), 0)
st0 = UOp(UOps.STORE, dtypes.float.vec(4), (buf, UOp.const(dtypes.int, 0), UOp.const(dtypes.float.vec(4), 42)))
st1 = UOp(UOps.STORE, dtypes.float, (buf, UOp.const(dtypes.int, 4), UOp.const(dtypes.float, 10)))
uops = to_uops_list([st1, st0], skip_check=True)
stores = [st for st in uops if st.op is UOps.STORE]
assert stores[0].src[1] < stores[1].src[1], f"stored at idx {stores[1].src[1].arg} AFTER {stores[0].src[1].arg}"
def test_ordering_multi_output(self):
buf0 = UOp(UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, dtypes.float.ptr(), (), 0)
buf1 = UOp(UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, dtypes.float.ptr(), (), 1)
st0_0 = UOp(UOps.STORE, dtypes.float.vec(4), (buf0, UOp.const(dtypes.int, 0), UOp.const(dtypes.float.vec(4), 42)))
st1_0 = UOp(UOps.STORE, dtypes.float, (buf0, UOp.const(dtypes.int, 4), UOp.const(dtypes.float, 10)))
st0_1 = UOp(UOps.STORE, dtypes.float.vec(4), (buf1, UOp.const(dtypes.int, 0), UOp.const(dtypes.float.vec(4), 42)))
st1_1 = UOp(UOps.STORE, dtypes.float, (buf1, UOp.const(dtypes.int, 4), UOp.const(dtypes.float, 10)))
uops = to_uops_list([st0_0, st1_0, st0_1, st1_1], skip_check=True)
stores = [st for st in uops if st.op is UOps.STORE]
print("\n".join(map(str, stores)))
# buf0 stores come first
self.assertEqual(stores[0].src[0].arg, stores[1].src[0].arg)
# buf1 stores come next
self.assertEqual(stores[2].src[0].arg, stores[3].src[0].arg)
# both stores are aligned based on idx
assert stores[0].src[1] < stores[1].src[1], f"stored at idx {stores[1].src[1].arg} AFTER {stores[0].src[1].arg}"
assert stores[2].src[1] < stores[3].src[1], f"stored at idx {stores[1].src[1].arg} AFTER {stores[0].src[1].arg}"
def test_simple_order_with_special(self):
buf = UOp(UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL, dtypes.float.ptr(), (), 0)
gidx0 = UOp(UOps.SPECIAL, dtypes.int, (), ('gidx0', 4))
st0 = UOp(UOps.STORE, dtypes.float.vec(4), (buf, gidx0+UOp.const(dtypes.int, 0), UOp.const(dtypes.float.vec(4), 42)))
st1 = UOp(UOps.STORE, dtypes.float, (buf, UOp.const(dtypes.int, 4), UOp.const(dtypes.float, 10)))
uops = linearize_uop(UOp.sink(st1, st0), skip_check=True)
stores = [st for st in uops if st.op is UOps.STORE]
assert stores[0].src[1] < stores[1].src[1], f"stored at idx {stores[1].src[1].arg} AFTER {stores[0].src[1].arg}"
class TestUPatHelpers(unittest.TestCase):
def test_location(self):
self.assertEqual(sym.patterns[-1][0].location[0].split("/")[-1], "uopgraph.py")
self.assertEqual(enumerate_bufs.patterns[0][0].location[0].split("/")[-1], "schedule.py")
self.assertEqual(spec.patterns[0][0].location[0].split("/")[-1], "ops.py")
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): # TODO: location UPat files created in test/*?
test_upat = UPat(UOps.CONST, dtypes.bool)
self.assertEqual(test_upat.location[0].split("/")[-1], __file__.split("/")[-1])
if __name__ == '__main__':