mirror of https://github.com/commaai/tinygrad.git
180 lines
8.1 KiB
180 lines
8.1 KiB
import unittest, contextlib
import numpy as np
from tinygrad import Tensor, GlobalCounters, dtypes, nn
from tinygrad.helpers import CI, Context, getenv
from tinygrad.engine.realize import run_schedule
from tinygrad.codegen.kernel import Opt, OptOps, Kernel, KernelOptError
from tinygrad.engine.realize import CompiledRunner, ExecItem
from tinygrad.engine.search import get_kernel_actions
class TestArange(unittest.TestCase):
def _get_flops(self, N, opts=None):
tt = Tensor.arange(N)
sched = tt.schedule()
self.assertEqual(len(sched), 1)
k = Kernel(sched[-1].ast)
if opts is not None:
for o in opts: k.apply_opt(o)
p = k.to_program()
ExecItem(CompiledRunner(p), [tt.lazydata.buffer]).run()
np.testing.assert_equal(tt.numpy(), np.arange(N))
return p.op_estimate
def test_complexity(self, opts=None, limit=None):
# add 1 to avoid divide by 0. arange is 0 flops now!
f1 = self._get_flops(256, opts) + 1
f2 = self._get_flops(2560, opts) + 1
print(f"{f1=}, {f2=}")
assert (f1 < 5000 and f2 < 5000) or (f2 / f1 < 15), f"bad complexity, flops {f2/f1:.1f}X while inputs 10X"
if limit is not None and not getenv("PTX"):
# PTX counts index ALU in flops
assert f1 <= limit, f"{f1=}, {limit=}"
def test_complexity_w_upcast(self): return self.test_complexity([Opt(OptOps.UPCAST, 0, 4)], limit=1)
def test_complexity_w_unroll2(self): return self.test_complexity([Opt(OptOps.UNROLL, 0, 2)], limit=1)
def test_complexity_w_unroll4(self): return self.test_complexity([Opt(OptOps.UNROLL, 0, 4)], limit=1)
def test_complexity_w_unroll8(self): return self.test_complexity([Opt(OptOps.UNROLL, 0, 8)], limit=1)
def test_complexity_w_upcast_and_unroll(self): return self.test_complexity([Opt(OptOps.UPCAST, 0, 4), Opt(OptOps.UNROLL, 0, 4)], limit=1)
@unittest.skip("doesn't work yet")
def test_complexity_w_local_and_padto(self): return self.test_complexity([Opt(OptOps.LOCAL, 0, 16), Opt(op=OptOps.PADTO, axis=1, amt=32)])
def test_all_opts(self, opts=None, exclude=None):
k = Kernel(Tensor.arange(256).schedule()[-1].ast)
if opts is not None:
for o in opts: k.apply_opt(o)
all_opts_256 = [kk.applied_opts for kk in get_kernel_actions(k, include_0=False).values()]
k = Kernel(Tensor.arange(2560).schedule()[-1].ast)
if opts is not None:
for o in opts: k.apply_opt(o)
all_opts_2560 = [kk.applied_opts for kk in get_kernel_actions(k, include_0=False).values()]
all_opts = [x for x in all_opts_256 if x in all_opts_2560]
for opts in all_opts:
if exclude is not None and opts[-1] in exclude: continue
def test_all_opts_w_local(self):
with contextlib.suppress(KernelOptError):
return self.test_all_opts([Opt(OptOps.LOCAL, 0, 16)], [Opt(op=OptOps.PADTO, axis=1, amt=32)])
def test_all_opts_w_upcast(self): return self.test_all_opts([Opt(OptOps.UPCAST, 0, 4)])
def test_all_opts_w_unroll(self): return self.test_all_opts([Opt(OptOps.UNROLL, 0, 4)], [Opt(op=OptOps.GROUP, axis=0, amt=0)])
def test_all_opts_w_upcast_and_unroll(self):
return self.test_all_opts([Opt(OptOps.UPCAST, 0, 4), Opt(OptOps.UNROLL, 0, 4)], [Opt(op=OptOps.GROUP, axis=0, amt=0)])
class TestIndexing(unittest.TestCase):
def test_arange_2_reduce(self):
needle = Tensor.zeros(16384, dtype=dtypes.int).contiguous()
needle[1337] = 1
with Context(NOOPT=1, FUSE_ARANGE=1):
# TODO: it should work without these reshapes
out = ((Tensor.arange(1,16385).reshape(16384,1)-1)*needle.reshape(16384,1)).sum()
sched = out.schedule()
assert len(sched) == 1
assert out.item() == 1337, f"expected 1337, got {out.item()}"
@unittest.skipIf(getenv("PTX"), "broken on ptx for some reason")
def test_manual_index(self):
dataset = Tensor.rand(16384, 256).realize()
idxs = Tensor([0,3,5,6]).realize()
real_index = dataset.numpy()[idxs.numpy()]
print("*** indexing ***")
with Context(NOOPT=1, FUSE_ARANGE=1):
rng = Tensor.ones(4, 256, 16384, dtype=dtypes.int)._cumsum(axis=-1, _first_zero=True).reshape(4, 256, 16384, 1)
idxs = idxs.reshape(4,1,1,1).expand(4, 256, 16384, 1)
reshape_dataset = dataset.T.reshape(1, 256, 16384, 1).expand(4, 256, 16384, 1)
full = (rng==idxs).where(reshape_dataset, Tensor.zeros(4, 256, 16384, 1))
X = full.sum(axis=(2,3))
sched = X.schedule()
assert len(sched) == 1
assert GlobalCounters.global_ops < 4*16384, f"too many ops {GlobalCounters.global_ops}"
np.testing.assert_allclose(real_index, X.numpy())
def test_index(self):
dataset = Tensor.rand(16384, 256).realize()
idxs = Tensor([0,3,5,6]).realize()
real_index = dataset.numpy()[idxs.numpy()]
print("*** indexing ***")
with Context(NOOPT=1):
X = dataset[idxs]
assert X.shape == (4,256)
sched = X.schedule()
# TODO: enable these asserts when the scheduler can handle this
#assert len(sched) == 1, f"{len(sched)} != 1"
#assert GlobalCounters.global_ops < 4*16384, f"too many ops {GlobalCounters.global_ops}"
np.testing.assert_allclose(real_index, X.numpy())
def test_index_fused(self, noopt=1):
dataset = Tensor.rand(16384, 256).realize()
idxs = Tensor([0,3,5,6]).realize()
real_index = dataset.numpy()[idxs.numpy()]
print("*** indexing ***")
with Context(NOOPT=noopt, FUSE_ARANGE=1):
X = dataset[idxs]
assert X.shape == (4,256)
sched = X.schedule()
assert len(sched) == 2
assert GlobalCounters.global_ops < 4*16384, f"too many ops {GlobalCounters.global_ops} != {4*16384}"
np.testing.assert_allclose(real_index, X.numpy())
@unittest.skip("not ready")
def test_index_fused_opt(self): self.test_index_fused(0)
def test_index_fused_out_of_bounds(self):
dataset = Tensor.rand(256, 256).realize()
idxs = Tensor([-19238, -257, 256, 495, 10982377]).realize()
with Context(NOOPT=1, FUSE_ARANGE=1):
X = dataset[idxs]
np.testing.assert_equal(X.numpy(), 0)
@unittest.skipIf(getenv("PTX"), "broken on ptx for some reason")
def test_index_mnist(self, noopt=1, op_limit=512*784*5):
from tinygrad.nn.datasets import mnist
X_train, Y_train, _, _ = mnist()
with Context(NOOPT=noopt, FUSE_ARANGE=1, SPLIT_REDUCEOP=0):
samples = Tensor.randint(getenv("BS", 512), high=X_train.shape[0]).realize()
x = X_train[samples].numpy()
y = Y_train[samples].numpy()
assert GlobalCounters.global_ops < op_limit, f"too many ops {GlobalCounters.global_ops} != {op_limit}"
np.testing.assert_allclose(X_train.numpy()[samples.numpy()], x)
np.testing.assert_allclose(Y_train.numpy()[samples.numpy()], y)
@unittest.skip("not ready")
def test_index_mnist_opt(self): self.test_index_mnist(0)
@unittest.skipIf(getenv("PTX"), "broken on ptx for some reason")
def test_llama_embedding(self, noopt=1, op_limit=65536):
# llama3 is 128256
vocab_size, embed_size = (10, 3) if CI else (32000, 4096)
emb = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embed_size)
emb_w = emb.weight.numpy()
x = Tensor([1,2,3,4])
with Context(NOOPT=noopt, FUSE_ARANGE=1):
z = emb(x).realize()
self.assertLessEqual(GlobalCounters.global_ops, op_limit)
self.assertEqual(GlobalCounters.kernel_count, 2)
if getenv("CHECK", 1):
import torch
with torch.no_grad():
torch_emb = torch.nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embed_size).eval()
torch_emb.weight[:] = torch.tensor(emb_w, dtype=torch.float32)
torch_z = torch_emb(torch.tensor(x.numpy()))
# TODO: reshape to match torch, should we do this in nn?
np.testing.assert_allclose(z.numpy().reshape(4, embed_size), torch_z.detach().numpy(), atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-8)
# at least the arange is being fused
def test_llama_embedding_opt(self): self.test_llama_embedding(0, 1_736_704_000 if CI else 5_898_240_000)
if __name__ == "__main__":