mirror of https://github.com/commaai/tinygrad.git
135 lines
3.6 KiB
135 lines
3.6 KiB
from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor
import pickle
import numpy as np
from tinygrad.helpers import prod
def fetch(url):
if url.startswith("/"):
with open(url, "rb") as f:
dat = f.read()
return dat
import requests, os, hashlib, tempfile
fp = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), hashlib.md5(url.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())
if os.path.isfile(fp) and os.stat(fp).st_size > 0 and os.getenv("NOCACHE", None) is None:
with open(fp, "rb") as f:
dat = f.read()
print("fetching %s" % url)
r = requests.get(url)
assert r.status_code == 200
dat = r.content
with open(fp+".tmp", "wb") as f:
os.rename(fp+".tmp", fp)
return dat
from tinygrad.nn.optim import get_parameters
def my_unpickle(fb0):
key_prelookup = {}
class HackTensor:
def __new__(cls, *args):
ident, storage_type, obj_key, location, obj_size = args[0][0:5]
assert ident == 'storage'
assert prod(args[2]) == obj_size
ret = np.zeros(args[2], dtype=storage_type)
key_prelookup[obj_key] = (storage_type, obj_size, ret, args[2], args[3])
return ret
class HackParameter:
def __new__(cls, *args):
class Dummy:
class MyPickle(pickle.Unpickler):
def find_class(self, module, name):
#print(module, name)
if name == 'FloatStorage':
return np.float32
if name == 'LongStorage':
return np.int64
if name == 'HalfStorage':
return np.float16
if module == "torch._utils":
if name == "_rebuild_tensor_v2":
return HackTensor
elif name == "_rebuild_parameter":
return HackParameter
return pickle.Unpickler.find_class(self, module, name)
except Exception:
return Dummy
def persistent_load(self, pid):
return pid
return MyPickle(fb0).load(), key_prelookup
def fake_torch_load_zipped(fb0, load_weights=True):
import zipfile
with zipfile.ZipFile(fb0, 'r') as myzip:
with myzip.open('archive/data.pkl') as myfile:
ret = my_unpickle(myfile)
if load_weights:
for k,v in ret[1].items():
with myzip.open(f'archive/data/{k}') as myfile:
if v[2].dtype == "object":
print(f"issue assigning object on {k}")
np.copyto(v[2], np.frombuffer(myfile.read(), v[2].dtype).reshape(v[3]))
return ret[0]
def fake_torch_load(b0):
import io
import struct
# convert it to a file
fb0 = io.BytesIO(b0)
if b0[0:2] == b"\x50\x4b":
return fake_torch_load_zipped(fb0)
# skip three junk pickles
ret, key_prelookup = my_unpickle(fb0)
# create key_lookup
key_lookup = pickle.load(fb0)
key_real = [None] * len(key_lookup)
for k,v in key_prelookup.items():
key_real[key_lookup.index(k)] = v
# read in the actual data
for storage_type, obj_size, np_array, np_shape, np_strides in key_real:
ll = struct.unpack("Q", fb0.read(8))[0]
assert ll == obj_size
bytes_size = {np.float32: 4, np.int64: 8}[storage_type]
mydat = fb0.read(ll * bytes_size)
np.copyto(np_array, np.frombuffer(mydat, storage_type).reshape(np_shape))
# numpy stores its strides in bytes
real_strides = tuple([x*bytes_size for x in np_strides])
np_array.strides = real_strides
return ret
def get_child(parent, key):
obj = parent
for k in key.split('.'):
if k.isnumeric():
obj = obj[int(k)]
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
obj = obj[k]
obj = getattr(obj, k)
return obj