-------------------------------------------------------------------- ![Unit Tests](https://github.com/geohot/tinygrad/workflows/Unit%20Tests/badge.svg) [![tinygrad discord](https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/1068976834382925865/widget.png?style=banner2)](https://discord.gg/ZjZadyC7PK) For something in between a [pytorch](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch) and a [karpathy/micrograd](https://github.com/karpathy/micrograd) This may not be the best deep learning framework, but it is a deep learning framework. The sub 1000 line core of it is in `tinygrad/` Due to its extreme simplicity, it aims to be the easiest framework to add new accelerators to, with support for both inference and training. Support the simple basic ops, and you get SOTA [vision](https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.11946) `models/efficientnet.py` and [language](https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762) `models/transformer.py` models. We are working on support for the Apple Neural Engine and the Google TPU in the `accel/` folder. Eventually, [we will build custom hardware](https://geohot.github.io/blog/jekyll/update/2021/06/13/a-breakdown-of-ai-chip-companies.html) for tinygrad, and it will be blindingly fast. Now, it is slow. This project is maintained by [tiny corp](https://tinygrad.org/). ### Installation ```bash git clone https://github.com/geohot/tinygrad.git cd tinygrad python3 -m pip install -e . ``` ### Contributing There's a lot of interest in tinygrad lately. Here's some guidelines for contributing: * Bugfixes are the best and always welcome! Like [this one](https://github.com/geohot/tinygrad/pull/421/files). * If you don't understand the code you are changing, don't change it! * All code golf PRs will be closed, but [conceptual cleanups](https://github.com/geohot/tinygrad/pull/372/files) are great. * Features are welcome. Though if you are adding a feature, you need to include tests. * Improving test coverage is great, with reliable non brittle tests. ### Example ```python from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor x = Tensor.eye(3, requires_grad=True) y = Tensor([[2.0,0,-2.0]], requires_grad=True) z = y.matmul(x).sum() z.backward() print(x.grad.numpy()) # dz/dx print(y.grad.numpy()) # dz/dy ``` ### Same example in torch ```python import torch x = torch.eye(3, requires_grad=True) y = torch.tensor([[2.0,0,-2.0]], requires_grad=True) z = y.matmul(x).sum() z.backward() print(x.grad) # dz/dx print(y.grad) # dz/dy ``` ## Is tinygrad fast? Try a matmul. See how, despite the style, it is fused into one kernel with the power of laziness. ```python DEBUG=3 OPTLOCAL=1 python3 -c "from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor; N = 1024; a, b = Tensor.randn(N, N), Tensor.randn(N, N); c = (a.reshape(N, 1, N) * b.permute(1,0).reshape(1, N, N)).sum(axis=2); print((c.numpy() - (a.numpy() @ b.numpy())).mean())" ``` Change to `DEBUG=4` to see the generated code. ## Neural networks? It turns out, a decent autograd tensor library is 90% of what you need for neural networks. Add an optimizer (SGD, Adam, AdamW implemented) from tinygrad.nn.optim, write some boilerplate minibatching code, and you have all you need. ### Neural network example (from test/models/test_mnist.py) ```python from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor import tinygrad.nn.optim as optim class TinyBobNet: def __init__(self): self.l1 = Tensor.uniform(784, 128) self.l2 = Tensor.uniform(128, 10) def forward(self, x): return x.dot(self.l1).relu().dot(self.l2).log_softmax() model = TinyBobNet() optim = optim.SGD([model.l1, model.l2], lr=0.001) # ... and complete like pytorch, with (x,y) data out = model.forward(x) loss = out.mul(y).mean() optim.zero_grad() loss.backward() optim.step() ``` ## GPU and Accelerator Support tinygrad supports GPUs through PyOpenCL. ```python from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor (Tensor.ones(4,4).gpu() + Tensor.ones(4,4).gpu()).cpu() ``` ### hlops (in tensor.py) hlops are syntactic sugar around mlops. They support most things torch does. ### mlops mlops are mid level ops. They understand derivatives. They are very simple. ``` Relu, Log, Exp, Sin # unary ops Sum, Max # reduce ops (with axis argument) Maximum, Add, Sub, Mul, Pow, Div, Equal # binary ops (no broadcasting, use expand) Expand, Reshape, Permute, Pad, Shrink, Flip # movement ops ``` You no longer need to write mlops for a new accelerator ### Adding an accelerator (llops) The autodiff stuff is all in mlops now so you can focus on the raw operations ``` Buffer # class of memory on this device unary_op (NOOP, EXP, LOG, CAST, SIN) # A -> A reduce_op (SUM, MAX) # A -> B (smaller size, B has 1 in shape) binary_op (ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, POW, CMPEQ, MAX) # A + A -> A (all the same size) movement_op (EXPAND, RESHAPE, PERMUTE, PAD, SHRINK, STRIDE) # A -> B (different size) fused_op [[optional]] (MULACC) # A * A -> B ``` ## ImageNet inference Despite being tiny, tinygrad supports the full EfficientNet. Pass in a picture to discover what it is. ```bash python3 examples/efficientnet.py https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/hen-picture-id831791190 ``` Or, if you have a webcam and cv2 installed ```bash python3 examples/efficientnet.py webcam ``` PROTIP: Set "DEBUG=2" environment variable if you want to see why it's slow. ### tinygrad supports Stable Diffusion! You might need to download the [weight](https://huggingface.co/CompVis/stable-diffusion-v-1-4-original/resolve/main/sd-v1-4.ckpt) of Stable Diffusion and put it into weights/ Run `python3 examples/stable_diffusion.py`
"a horse sized cat eating a bagel"
### tinygrad supports LLaMA After putting the weights in weights/LLaMA, you can have a chat with Stacy. She lives inside tinygrad. ```bash python3 examples/llama.py ``` ### tinygrad supports GANs See `examples/mnist_gan.py`### tinygrad supports yolo See `examples/yolov3.py`
### Drawing Execution Graph ```bash GRAPH=1 python3 test/models/test_mnist.py TestMNIST.test_sgd_onestep # requires dot, outputs /tmp/net.svg ``` ### Running tests For more examples on how to run the full test suite please refer to the [CI workflow](.github/workflows/test.yml). ```bash python3 -m pip install -e '.[testing]' python3 -m pytest python3 -m pytest -v -k TestTrain python3 ./test/models/test_train.py TestTrain.test_efficientnet ```