mirror of https://github.com/commaai/tinygrad.git
good changes from openpilot_compile2 (#2000)
* good changed from openpilot_compile2 * float32 image type was wrong * cleaner way to write that + a test
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ def safe_numpy(t) -> np.ndarray:
if not isinstance(t, Tensor): return t
global numpy_cache
if t not in numpy_cache:
if DEBUG >= 1:
print("numpy cache miss", t)
if DEBUG >= 3: print("numpy cache miss", t)
tmp = t.numpy()
numpy_cache[t] = tmp if len(tmp.shape) else tmp.reshape(1)
assert len(numpy_cache[t].shape) > 0
@ -95,9 +94,6 @@ def get_run_onnx(onnx_model: ModelProto):
print(inp.name, inp.dims, inp.data_type, len(inp.raw_data))
raise Exception("no data")
if DEBUG >= 1:
print("realize", inp.name)
# preparse the attributes
attribute_dict = {}
@ -130,13 +126,6 @@ def get_run_onnx(onnx_model: ModelProto):
if shape: # if only input_tensor is not variable type
input_shape = input_tensors[inp.name].shape if isinstance(input_tensors[inp.name], Tensor) else (1, *[i.shape for i in input_tensors[inp.name]])
assert input_shape == shape, f"wrong shape for input {inp.name}, {input_shape} isn't {shape}"
for _,v in input_tensors.items():
if isinstance(v, Tensor):
elif isinstance(v, list):
for v_ in v: v_.realize()
raise Exception(f"unknown input type: {type(v)}")
raise Exception(f"no data for {inp.name} with shape {shape}")
@ -322,5 +322,10 @@ class TestSchedule(unittest.TestCase):
out = x.permute(0,2,3,1).contiguous()
check_schedule(out, 2, filter_loadops=False)
def test_double_from(self):
x = Tensor([1,2,3,4])
out = x.to('cpu')
check_schedule(out, 0, filter_loadops=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -86,6 +86,25 @@ class TestSafetensors(unittest.TestCase):
for k in f.keys():
np.testing.assert_array_equal(f.get_tensor(k).numpy(), state_dict[k].numpy())
def test_huggingface_enet_safetensors(self):
# test a real file
fn = fetch_as_file("https://huggingface.co/timm/mobilenetv3_small_075.lamb_in1k/resolve/main/model.safetensors")
state_dict = safe_load(fn)
assert len(state_dict.keys()) == 244
assert 'blocks.2.2.se.conv_reduce.weight' in state_dict
assert state_dict['blocks.0.0.bn1.num_batches_tracked'].numpy() == 276570
assert state_dict['blocks.2.0.bn2.num_batches_tracked'].numpy() == 276570
def test_metadata(self):
metadata = {"hello": "world"}
safe_save({}, temp('metadata.safetensors'), metadata)
import struct
with open(temp('metadata.safetensors'), 'rb') as f:
dat = f.read()
sz = struct.unpack(">Q", dat[0:8])[0]
import json
assert json.loads(dat[8:8+sz])['__metadata__']['hello'] == 'world'
class TestDiskTensor(unittest.TestCase):
def test_empty(self):
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ import itertools, math, os
from tinygrad.helpers import DEBUG, prod, getenv, ImageDType, dtypes
from tinygrad.ops import ReduceOps, BinaryOps, UnaryOps, LazyOp, BufferOps
from tinygrad.codegen.kernel import Kernel, LocalBuffer, LinearizerOptions
from tinygrad.shape.shapetracker import ShapeTracker
from tinygrad.shape.view import View
from tinygrad.shape.shapetracker import ShapeTracker, get_contraction
from tinygrad.shape.view import View, strides_for_shape
class OptimizedKernel(Kernel):
def __init__(self, ast:LazyOp, opts:Optional[LinearizerOptions]=None, var_vals=None):
@ -62,6 +62,19 @@ class OptimizedKernel(Kernel):
if self.shape_len == 0: return
shapes, strides = [x.shape for x in self.sts], [x.real_strides() for x in self.sts]
# if it's an image, insert fake strides such that this fusion doesn't happen across image axes
if self.bufs[0].dtype.name.startswith('image'):
base_shape = self.bufs[0].dtype.shape
if shape_idx_groups := get_contraction(self.output_shape, base_shape):
special_strides: Tuple[int, ...] = tuple()
for i,g in enumerate(shape_idx_groups):
shape_piece = tuple(self.output_shape[x] for x in g)
assert prod(shape_piece) == base_shape[i], "get_contraction was wrong?"
special_strides += strides_for_shape(shape_piece)
# adding the fake image shape
# merge dimensions if we can, multi get_shape_strides
# TODO: does this always preserve the reduce dimension, NO
# TODO: move this into shapetracker, with tests!
@ -78,7 +91,7 @@ class OptimizedKernel(Kernel):
else: rets[j].append((shapes[j][i], strides[j][i]))
# do the reshapes
for i,x in enumerate(rets): self.sts[i] = self.sts[i].reshape(tuple([y[0] for y in x]))
for i,x in enumerate(rets[:len(self.sts)]): self.sts[i] = self.sts[i].reshape(tuple([y[0] for y in x]))
# ******************** GPU simplifiers ********************
def _limit_size(self, x: Tuple[int], max_size: List) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
@ -354,14 +367,6 @@ class OptimizedKernel(Kernel):
# simplify (sets first_reduce)
# use more opencl indexing if the output buffer is an image and we have room
if self.bufs[0].dtype.name.startswith('image') and self.first_reduce+len(self.group_for_reduce) < 3:
base_shape = self.bufs[0].dtype.shape
if (base_shape[0]*base_shape[1]) % self.sts[0].shape[0] == 0 and self.sts[0].shape[0]//base_shape[0] != 0:
if DEBUG >= 4: print("split opencl", base_shape, self.sts[0].shape)
self.reshape_and_permute(lambda x: [base_shape[0], x[0]//base_shape[0]]+list(x[1:]), None)
# no more opt if we are grouping
if self.group_for_reduce: return
@ -129,6 +129,12 @@ class dtypes:
_float4: Final[DType] = DType(4, 4*4, "float4", None, 4)
_arg_int32: Final[DType] = DType(2, 4, "_arg_int32", None)
# NOTE: these are image dtypes
def imageh(shp): return ImageDType(100, 2, "imageh", np.float16, shp)
def imagef(shp): return ImageDType(100, 4, "imagef", np.float32, shp)
# HACK: staticmethods are not callable in 3.8 so we have to compare the class
DTYPES_DICT = {k: v for k, v in dtypes.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('__') and not callable(v) and not v.__class__ == staticmethod}
@ -191,8 +191,13 @@ class LazyBuffer:
# NOTE: dtypes.from_np(self.dtype.np) to deal with image types
return self.loadop(LoadOps.CONST, tuple(), dtypes.from_np(self.dtype.np), self.device, arg=val).reshape((1,)*len(self.shape)).expand(self.shape)
def copy_to_device(self, device:str) -> LazyBuffer:
# back off a FROM if it's a double FROM
if not self.realized and self.op.op == LoadOps.FROM and cast(LazyBuffer, self.op.src[0]).device == device: return cast(LazyBuffer, self.op.src[0])
return LazyBuffer.loadop(LoadOps.FROM, self.shape, self.dtype, device, src=self.contiguous())
def contiguous(self:LazyBuffer) -> LazyBuffer:
if not self.realized and self.op.op == LoadOps.CONTIGUOUS: return self # two CONTIGUOUS in a row is one
if not self.realized and self.op.op in LoadOps and self.op.op != LoadOps.CONST: return self # all LoadOps are already contiguous (except CONST)
if self.st.contiguous and self.st.size() == self.base.st.size() and not self.is_unrealized_const():
# this will turn into nothing, it's based and a copy
# TODO: based lazybuffers shouldn't take dtype or var_vals, same issue in movementops
@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
import numpy as np
from tinygrad.helpers import prod, IMAGE, ImageDType, getenv, dtypes
from tinygrad.helpers import prod, IMAGE, getenv, dtypes
from tinygrad.lazy import get_single_root
FLOAT16 = getenv("FLOAT16", 0)
base_image_type = (100, 2, "imageh", np.float16) if FLOAT16 else (100, 4, "imagef", np.float32)
def image_dot(self, w):
# NOTE: we use a 1x1 conv2d to do the matmul. mxk @ kxn = (1,k,m,1).conv2d(n,k,1,1)
n1, n2 = len(self.shape), len(w.shape)
@ -27,6 +23,8 @@ def image_dot(self, w):
return cx.conv2d(cw, groups=groups).reshape(shape=out_shape_t).permute(order=order)
def image_conv2d(self, weight, bias=None, groups=1, stride=1, dilation=1, padding=0):
base_image_type = dtypes.imageh if getenv("FLOAT16", 0) else dtypes.imagef
(bs,_,iy,ix), (cout,cin,H,W) = self.shape, weight.shape
rcout = cout//groups
x, w = self, weight.reshape(groups, rcout, cin, H, W)
@ -56,7 +54,7 @@ def image_conv2d(self, weight, bias=None, groups=1, stride=1, dilation=1, paddin
else: w = w.reshape(cout//4,4,cin//4,4,H,W).permute(0,4,2,5,3,1).reshape(cout//4, H*cin//4*W*4, 4)
# contiguous creates the image, and early realize static weights (TODO: test for the static weight)
if IMAGE >= 2: x,w = x.cast(ImageDType(*base_image_type, shape=x.shape)), w.cast(ImageDType(*base_image_type, shape=w.shape))
if IMAGE >= 2: x,w = x.cast(base_image_type(x.shape)), w.cast(base_image_type(w.shape))
x, w = x.contiguous(), w.contiguous()
if get_single_root(w.lazydata).realized: w.realize()
@ -86,7 +84,7 @@ def image_conv2d(self, weight, bias=None, groups=1, stride=1, dilation=1, paddin
# reshape to image and cast back to image
ret = ret.reshape(bs*oy, ox*cout//4, 4)
if IMAGE >= 2: ret = ret.cast(ImageDType(*base_image_type, shape=ret.shape))
if IMAGE >= 2: ret = ret.cast(base_image_type(ret.shape))
if IMAGE >= 3: ret = ret.contiguous()
# undo hack for non multiples of 4 on C.rcout
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import os, json, pathlib, zipfile, pickle
from tqdm import tqdm
from typing import Dict, Union, List
from typing import Dict, Union, List, Optional, Any
from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor
from tinygrad.helpers import dtypes, prod, argsort, DEBUG, Timing, GlobalCounters, CI
from tinygrad.shape.view import strides_for_shape
@ -12,15 +12,16 @@ inverse_safe_dtypes = {v:k for k,v in safe_dtypes.items()}
def safe_load(fn:Union[Tensor,str]) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
t = fn if isinstance(fn, Tensor) else Tensor.empty(os.stat(fn).st_size, dtype=dtypes.uint8, device=f"disk:{fn}")
json_len = t[0:1].cast(dtypes.int64).numpy()[0]
metadata = json.loads(t[8:8+json_len].numpy().tobytes())
return {k:t[8+json_len+v['data_offsets'][0]:].cast(safe_dtypes[v['dtype']])[:prod(v['shape'])].reshape(v['shape']) for k,v in metadata.items() if k != "__metadata__"}
headers = json.loads(t[8:8+json_len].numpy().tobytes())
return {k:t[8+json_len+v['data_offsets'][0]:].cast(safe_dtypes[v['dtype']])[:prod(v['shape'])].reshape(v['shape']) for k,v in headers.items() if k != "__metadata__"}
def safe_save(tensors:Dict[str, Tensor], fn:str):
metadata, offset = {}, 0
def safe_save(tensors:Dict[str, Tensor], fn:str, metadata:Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None):
headers, offset = {}, 0
if metadata: headers['__metadata__'] = metadata
for k,v in tensors.items():
metadata[k] = {'dtype': inverse_safe_dtypes[v.dtype], 'shape': list(v.shape), 'data_offsets':[offset, offset+v.nbytes()]}
headers[k] = {'dtype': inverse_safe_dtypes[v.dtype], 'shape': list(v.shape), 'data_offsets':[offset, offset+v.nbytes()]}
offset += v.nbytes()
j = json.dumps(metadata, separators=(',', ':'))
j = json.dumps(headers, separators=(',', ':'))
j += "\x20"*((8-len(j)%8)%8)
t = Tensor.empty(8+len(j)+offset, dtype=dtypes.uint8, device=f"disk:{fn}")
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ def run_schedule(schedule:List[Tuple[LazyOp, LazyBuffer, Tuple[LazyBuffer, ...]]
while len(schedule):
op,out,buffers = schedule.pop(0)
log_schedule_item(op, out, buffers)
assert all(x.realized for x in buffers), "can't run schedule, some buffers aren't realized"
if DEBUG >= 3:
from extra.utils import print_tree # type: ignore
@ -68,10 +69,12 @@ def run_schedule(schedule:List[Tuple[LazyOp, LazyBuffer, Tuple[LazyBuffer, ...]]
def _realize_empty(buffer: LazyBuffer) -> None:
assert all_int(buffer.shape), "does not support symbolic shape"
if DEBUG >= 2: print(f"*** empty {buffer.device} shape {str(buffer.shape):23s} dtype {buffer.dtype}")
buffer.realized = Device[buffer.device].buffer(prod(buffer.shape), buffer.dtype, **buffer._device_extra_args())
def _realize_rand(buffer: LazyBuffer) -> None:
assert all_int(buffer.shape), "does not support symbolic shape"
if DEBUG >= 2: print(f"*** rand {buffer.device} shape {str(buffer.shape):23s} dtype {buffer.dtype}")
rng = np.random.default_rng(buffer.op.arg)
buffer.realized = Device[buffer.device].buffer.fromCPU(rng.random(size=prod(buffer.shape), dtype=np.float32).astype(dtype=buffer.dtype.np, copy=False), **buffer._device_extra_args())
@ -80,7 +83,7 @@ def _realize_rand(buffer: LazyBuffer) -> None:
def _realize_from(buffer: LazyBuffer, src: LazyBuffer) -> None:
assert src.realized.size == buffer.st.size(), f"size mismatch on FROM {src.realized.size} != {buffer.st.size()}"
assert src.st.contiguous and buffer.st.contiguous, "all must be contiguous for from"
if DEBUG >= 3: print(f"*** copy {buffer.device} <- {src.device} size {src.realized.size} dtype {src.realized.dtype}")
if DEBUG >= 2: print(f"*** copy {buffer.device} <- {src.device} size {src.realized.size:16d} shape {str(buffer.shape):23s} dtype {src.realized.dtype}")
# TODO: make this generic
if isinstance(src.realized, RawDiskBuffer) and issubclass(Device[buffer.device].buffer, RawBufferMapped):
assert all_int(buffer.shape), "does not support symbolic shape"
@ -95,6 +98,7 @@ def _realize_from(buffer: LazyBuffer, src: LazyBuffer) -> None:
# *** n op LoadOps ***
def _realize_custom(buffer: LazyBuffer, *inputs: LazyBuffer) -> None:
if DEBUG >= 2: print(f"*** custom {buffer.device} shape {str(buffer.shape):23s} dtype {buffer.dtype}")
buffer.realized = buffer.op.arg(buffer, *inputs)
LOAD_OPS_DISPATCHER: Dict[LoadOps, Callable] = {
@ -61,17 +61,20 @@ class Tensor:
self._ctx: Optional[Function] = None
if isinstance(data, LazyBuffer): assert dtype is None or dtype == data.dtype, "dtype doesn't match, and casting isn't supported"
elif isinstance(data, (int, float)):
self.lazydata = LazyBuffer.loadop(LoadOps.CONST, tuple(), dtype or Tensor.default_type, device, data)
data = LazyBuffer.loadop(LoadOps.CONST, tuple(), dtype or Tensor.default_type, device, data)
elif data.__class__ is list:
assert dtype is None or dtype.np is not None, f"{dtype} doesn't have a numpy dtype"
data = LazyBuffer.fromCPU(np.array(data, dtype=(dtype or Tensor.default_type).np))
elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
assert dtype is None or dtype.np is not None, f"{dtype} doesn't have a numpy dtype"
data = LazyBuffer.fromCPU(data.astype(dtype.np) if dtype is not None and dtype.np is not None else data)
if data.shape == ():
data = LazyBuffer.loadop(LoadOps.CONST, tuple(), dtype or dtypes.from_np(data.dtype), device, data.item())
data = LazyBuffer.fromCPU(data.astype(dtype.np) if dtype is not None and dtype.np is not None else data)
else: raise RuntimeError(f"can't create Tensor from {data}")
self.lazydata = data if data.device == device else LazyBuffer.loadop(LoadOps.FROM, data.shape, data.dtype, device, src=data.contiguous())
# data is a LazyBuffer, but it might be on the wrong device
self.lazydata = data if data.device == device else data.copy_to_device(device)
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Tensor {self.lazydata!r} on {self.device} with grad {(self.grad.lazydata if self.grad else None)!r}>"
Reference in New Issue