mirror of https://github.com/commaai/tinygrad.git
Accelerate with CL (#325)
* accelerated opencl * it's running, it's just wrong * bugfix * model is correct in opencl * lazy image convert * add padding support to convolution * that stuff was all upstreamed * remove HEAD * oops * test_simple_conv2d_4 passes, add dilation support * put logic in ops_opencl * fix crash * hmm, stride seems okay * padding for batched inputs * just an issue now with cout%4 * op model still passes * fix startPackedInputChannel * pre and post processing ops for graph * don't break other llops * shapetrackering * reshapes are free * lazy movement ops
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
#define NUM_OUTPUTS 4
__kernel void conv(
read_only image2d_t input,
read_only image2d_t weights,
write_only image2d_t output,
short numPackedInputChannelsForGroup,
short totalNumPackedInputChannels,
short numPackedOutputChannelsForGroup,
short totalNumPackedOutputChannels,
short numOutputColumns,
short numOutputRows, short numInputRows,
short filterSizeX, short filterSizeY,
short paddingX, short paddingY,
short strideX, short strideY,
short dilationX, short dilationY) {
float4 outputValues[NUM_OUTPUTS];
for (short i = 0; i < NUM_OUTPUTS; ++i) {
outputValues[i] = (float4)(0, 0, 0, 0);
short packedOutputChannel = get_global_id(0);
int2 weightLocation;
weightLocation.x = 0;
weightLocation.y = packedOutputChannel;
short groupNum = (packedOutputChannel / numPackedOutputChannelsForGroup);
short startPackedInputChannel = mul24(groupNum, numPackedInputChannelsForGroup);
short startOutputColumn = mul24((short)get_global_id(1), NUM_OUTPUTS);
short startX = mad24(mad24(startOutputColumn, strideX, -paddingX), totalNumPackedInputChannels, startPackedInputChannel);
short strideWithChannels = mul24(strideX, totalNumPackedInputChannels);
short outputRow = get_global_id(2);
int2 inputLocation;
#ifdef BATCH
// TODO: this doesn't work with y padding
inputLocation.y = mad24(outputRow % numOutputRows, strideY, -paddingY);
short batchOffset = (outputRow / numOutputRows) * numInputRows;
inputLocation.y += batchOffset;
inputLocation.y = mad24(outputRow, strideY, -paddingY);
for (short rfRow = 0; rfRow < filterSizeY; ++rfRow) {
// numPackedInputChannelsForGroup is 1 in depthwise
for (short packedInputChannel = 0; packedInputChannel < numPackedInputChannelsForGroup; ++packedInputChannel) {
short startXForChannel = startX + packedInputChannel;
for (short rfColumn = 0; rfColumn < filterSizeX; ++rfColumn) {
short dilatedStepX = mul24(totalNumPackedInputChannels, dilationX);
inputLocation.x = mad24(rfColumn, dilatedStepX, startXForChannel);
float4 inputValues[NUM_OUTPUTS];
for (short i = 0; i < NUM_OUTPUTS; ++i) {
inputValues[i] = read_imagef(input, smp, inputLocation);
inputLocation.x += strideWithChannels;
float4 weightValues = read_imagef(weights, smp, weightLocation);
for (short i = 0; i < NUM_OUTPUTS; ++i) {
outputValues[i] += inputValues[i] * weightValues;
float4 weightValues[4];
for (short outChIdx = 0; outChIdx < 4; ++outChIdx) {
weightValues[outChIdx] = read_imagef(weights, smp, weightLocation);
for (short i = 0; i < NUM_OUTPUTS; ++i) {
float4 curOutputValues = outputValues[i];
curOutputValues.x += dot(inputValues[i], weightValues[0]);
curOutputValues.y += dot(inputValues[i], weightValues[1]);
curOutputValues.z += dot(inputValues[i], weightValues[2]);
curOutputValues.w += dot(inputValues[i], weightValues[3]);
outputValues[i] = curOutputValues;
inputLocation.y += dilationY;
// insert unary and binary ops here
// output to memory
int2 outputLocation;
short outputColumn = startOutputColumn;
outputLocation.y = outputRow;
for (short i = 0; i < NUM_OUTPUTS; ++i) {
outputLocation.x = mad24(outputColumn, totalNumPackedOutputChannels, packedOutputChannel);
if (outputColumn < numOutputColumns) {
write_imagef(output, outputLocation, outputValues[i]);
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
# this is focused on speed
# it may not run everything
import pathlib
import numpy as np
from tinygrad.ops import MovementOps, ProcessingOps
from tinygrad.llops.ops_gpu import require_init_gpu, clbuild, sync, get_cl_queue, get_cl_ctx
from tinygrad.llops.ops_gpu import contiguous
from tinygrad.llops.ops_gpu import unary_op as unary_op_gpu, binary_op as binary_op_gpu, reduce_op as reduce_op_gpu
from tinygrad.helpers import prod
from tinygrad.shapetracker import ShapeTracker
import pyopencl as cl
from copy import deepcopy
def roundup(x, n=4): return (x+(n-1))//n * n
def flip(x): return (x[1], x[0])
class OpenCLBuffer:
def __init__(self, shape, hostbuf=None, _buf=None, _image=None):
self.shapetracker = deepcopy(shape) if isinstance(shape, ShapeTracker) else ShapeTracker(*shape)
self._buf = _buf
self._image = _image
self.dtype = np.float32
if hostbuf is not None:
# TODO: lazy?
self._buf = cl.Buffer(get_cl_ctx(), cl.mem_flags.READ_WRITE, 4*roundup(prod(shape)))
cl.enqueue_copy(get_cl_queue(), self._buf, hostbuf.astype(np.float32).ravel())
def clone(self):
return OpenCLBuffer(self.shapetracker, _buf=self._buf, _image=self._image)
def shape(self): return self.shapetracker.shape
def fromCPU(x):
return OpenCLBuffer(x.shape, x)
def toCPU(self):
data = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=np.float32)
if self.shapetracker.contiguous == False:
tmp = OpenCLBuffer(self.shapetracker.shape)
contiguous(None, self, self.shapetracker, tmp)
tmp = self
cl.enqueue_copy(get_cl_queue(), data, tmp.cl, is_blocking=True)
return data
def cl(self):
if self._buf is None:
self._buf = cl.Buffer(get_cl_ctx(), cl.mem_flags.READ_WRITE, 4*roundup(prod(self.shape)))
if self._image is not None:
assert prod(self.shape) == prod(self._image.shape)*4
print(f"converting {self.shape} back to buffer, image shape is {self._image.shape}")
clbuild("from_image", """
__kernel void from_image(
read_only image2d_t in,
__global float4 *out) {
int2 l;
l.y = get_global_id(1);
l.x = get_global_id(0);
int W = get_image_width(in);
out[l.y*W + l.x] = read_imagef(in, smp, l);
""")(self._image.shape, None, self._image, self._buf)
self._image = None
return self._buf
def image(self):
if self._image is None:
assert self.shape[2] == 4 and len(self.shape) == 3
fmt = cl.ImageFormat(cl.channel_order.RGBA, cl.channel_type.FLOAT)
self._image = cl.Image(get_cl_ctx(), cl.mem_flags.READ_WRITE, fmt, shape=flip(self.shape))
if self._buf is not None:
assert prod(self.shape) == prod(self._image.shape)*4
print(f"converting {self.shape} to image with shape {self._image.shape}")
clbuild("to_image", """
__kernel void to_image(
__global const float4 *in,
write_only image2d_t out) {
int2 l;
l.y = get_global_id(1);
l.x = get_global_id(0);
int W = get_image_width(out);
write_imagef(out, l, in[l.y*W + l.x]);
""")(self._image.shape, None, self._buf, self._image)
self._buf = None
return self._image
def unary_op(ctx, op, x):
# TODO: this doesn't actually have to be contiguous
x = contiguous(ctx, x, x.shapetracker) if not x.shapetracker.contiguous else x
return unary_op_gpu(ctx, op, x)
def binary_op(ctx, op, x, y):
x = contiguous(ctx, x, x.shapetracker) if not x.shapetracker.contiguous else x
y = contiguous(ctx, y, y.shapetracker) if not y.shapetracker.contiguous else y
return binary_op_gpu(ctx, op, x, y)
def reduce_op(ctx, op, x, new_shape):
x = contiguous(ctx, x, x.shapetracker) if not x.shapetracker.contiguous else x
return reduce_op_gpu(ctx, op, x, new_shape)
def movement_op(ctx, op, x, arg=None):
xc = x.clone()
# convert from image if the buffer can change shape
if op in [MovementOps.EXPAND, MovementOps.SLICE]: xc.cl
xc.shapetracker.movement_op(op, arg)
return xc
def load(x):
with open(x) as f:
ret = f.read()
return ret
def conv(x,w,ret,C):
print(x.shapetracker.expr(), w.shapetracker.expr())
print(x.shape, w.shape, ret.shape)
options = []
if C.cin == 1: options.append("-DDEPTHWISE")
if C.bs > 1:
assert C.py == 0, "batched conv doesn't work with y-padding"
conv_prg = clbuild("conv", load(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / 'accel/opencl/conv.cl'), tuple(options))
assert C.cout%4 == 0
kernel_args = [C.cout//4, (C.ox+3)//4, C.bs*C.oy]
conv_args = [max(1, C.cin//4), C.groups*C.cin//4, max(1, C.rcout//4), C.cout//4, C.ox, C.oy, C.iy, C.W, C.H, C.px, C.py, C.xs, C.ys, C.dx, C.dy]
print(conv_args, kernel_args)
conv_prg(kernel_args, None, x.image, w.image, ret.image, *[np.int16(x) for x in conv_args])
def processing_op(ctx,op,x,w,out_shape,C):
assert op == ProcessingOps.CONV, f"{op} isn't supported"
ret = ctx.buffer((C.bs*C.oy, C.ox*C.cout//4, 4))
conv(x, w, ret, C)
return ret
# input format is N, H x W, C//4 x 4
# dweight format is oc//4 x ch, cw x 4(oc)
# weight format is oc//4 x ch, ic//4, cw, 4(oc) x 4(ic)
def preprocessing_op(ctx,op,x,w,out_shape,C):
assert op == ProcessingOps.CONV, f"{op} isn't supported"
x = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.RESHAPE, x, (C.bs, C.groups, C.cin, C.iy, C.ix))
w = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.RESHAPE, w, (C.groups, C.rcout, C.cin, C.H, C.W))
print(x.shape, w.shape)
if C.bs > 1 and C.py > 0:
# explictly add y-padding for batched inputs
# N C H W
xs = [(0, s) for s in x.shape]
xs[3] = (-C.py, x.shape[3]+C.py)
x = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.SLICE, x, xs)
C = C._replace(iy=C.iy + C.py*2, py=0)
# hack for non multiples of 4 on C.cin
if C.cin % 4 != 0 and not (C.cin == 1 and C.groups%4 == 0):
to_add = 4 - (C.cin % 4)
ws = [(0, s) for s in w.shape]
ws[2] = (0, w.shape[2]+to_add)
w = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.SLICE, w, ws)
xs = [(0, s) for s in x.shape]
xs[2] = (0, x.shape[2]+to_add)
x = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.SLICE, x, xs)
C = C._replace(cin = C.cin + to_add)
# hack for non multiples of 4 on C.rcout
if C.rcout % 4 != 0 and not (C.rcout == 1 and C.groups%4 == 0):
added_output_channels = 4 - (C.rcout % 4)
ws = [(0, s) for s in w.shape]
ws[1] = (0, w.shape[1]+added_output_channels)
w = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.SLICE, w, ws)
C = C._replace(rcout = C.rcout + added_output_channels, cout = C.groups * (C.rcout + added_output_channels))
# packed
assert (C.groups*C.cin) % 4 == 0
x = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.PERMUTE, x, (0,3,4,1,2))
x = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.RESHAPE, x, (C.bs*C.iy, C.ix*C.groups*C.cin//4, 4))
assert C.cout % 4 == 0
if C.cin == 1:
# depthwise
w = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.RESHAPE, w, (C.cout//4,4,C.H*C.W))
w = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.PERMUTE, w, (0,2,1))
w = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.RESHAPE, w, (C.cout//4,4,C.cin//4,4,C.H,C.W))
w = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.PERMUTE, w, (0,4,2,5,1,3))
w = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.RESHAPE, w, (C.cout//4, C.H * C.cin//4 * C.W * 4, 4))
x = contiguous(ctx, x, x.shapetracker) if not x.shapetracker.contiguous else x
w = contiguous(ctx, w, w.shapetracker) if not w.shapetracker.contiguous else w
return x,w,C
def postprocessing_op(ctx, op, ret, out_shape, C):
added_output_channels = C.rcout - out_shape[1]//C.groups
# undo hack for non multiples of 4 on C.rcout
if added_output_channels != 0:
ret = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.RESHAPE, ret, (C.bs, C.oy, C.ox, C.groups, C.rcout))
xs = [(0, s) for s in ret.shape]
xs[4] = (0, ret.shape[4]-added_output_channels)
ret = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.SLICE, ret, xs)
C = C._replace(rcout = C.rcout - added_output_channels, cout = C.groups * (C.rcout - added_output_channels))
ret = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.RESHAPE, ret, (C.bs, C.oy, C.ox, C.cout))
ret = ctx.movement_op(MovementOps.PERMUTE, ret, (0,3,1,2))
return ret
def test_image():
hostbuf = np.random.randn(5,8,4).astype(np.float32)
x = OpenCLBuffer((5,8,4), hostbuf)
assert np.allclose(x.toCPU(), hostbuf)
assert np.allclose(x.toCPU(), hostbuf)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,15 +1,38 @@
import unittest
import numpy as np
from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor
class TestConv(unittest.TestCase):
def test_simple(self):
x = Tensor.ones(1,12,128,256)
w = Tensor.ones(32,12,3,3)
ret = x.conv2d(w, padding=(1,1)).numpy()
ret = x.conv2d(w, stride=(2,2), padding=(1,1)).numpy()
# it's not 108 around the padding
assert (ret[:, :, 1:-1, 1:-1] == 108).all()
assert ret[0,0,0,0] == 48
assert ret[0,0,0,1] == 72
def test_many_simple(self):
x = Tensor(np.arange(8*2*8).reshape(1,8,2,8).astype(np.float32))
#w = Tensor(np.arange(8*8*1*1).reshape(8,8,1,1).astype(np.float32))
w = Tensor.eye(8).reshape((8,8,1,1))
ret = x.conv2d(w, stride=(1,2), padding=(0,0)).numpy()
def test_first_three(self):
x = Tensor.ones(1,12,128,256)
w = Tensor.ones(32,12,3,3)
x = x.conv2d(w, stride=(2,2), padding=(1,1))
w = Tensor.ones(32,1,3,3)
x = x.conv2d(w, padding=(1,1), groups=32)
w = Tensor.ones(16,32,1,1)
x = x.conv2d(w)
x = x.numpy()
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -183,6 +183,11 @@ class TestOps(unittest.TestCase):
lambda x,w: torch.nn.functional.conv2d(x,w).relu(),
lambda x,w: Tensor.conv2d(x,w).relu(), atol=1e-4, grad_rtol=1e-5)
def test_simple_conv2d_batched(self):
helper_test_op([(2,4,9,9), (4,4,3,3)],
lambda x,w: torch.nn.functional.conv2d(x,w).relu(),
lambda x,w: Tensor.conv2d(x,w).relu(), atol=1e-4, grad_rtol=1e-5, forward_only=True)
def test_conv2d(self):
for bs in [1,8]:
for cin in [1,3]:
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ class GPUBuffer:
return data
def clbuild(name, prg):
clprg = cl.Program(cl_ctx, prg).build().__getattr__(name)
def clbuild(name, prg, options=tuple()):
clprg = cl.Program(cl_ctx, prg).build(options=options).__getattr__(name)
def run(*args): clprg(cl_queue, *args)
return run
@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ def reduce_op(ctx, op, inp, new_shape):
clbuild("reduce", prg)([prod(ret.shape)], None, inp.cl, ret.cl)
return ret
def contiguous(ctx, x, st):
ret = ctx.buffer(st.shape)
def contiguous(ctx, x, st, ret=None):
if ret is None: ret = ctx.buffer(st.shape)
clbuild("contiguous", """__kernel void contiguous(__global const float *x, __global float *ret) {
int gid = get_global_id(0); int valid = 1; int idx = gid; """+st.expr().replace('//', '/')+""";
ret[gid] = valid ? x[idx] : 0.0; // should never be out-of-bounds accesses
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -44,37 +44,39 @@ def log_op(op, ret, inp):
class Ops:
def unary_op(ctx, op:UnaryOps, x):
ret = ctx.op.unary_op(ctx, op, x)
log_op(op, ret, [x])
assert isinstance(ret, ctx.buffer)
assert ret.shape == x.shape
log_op(op, ret, [x])
return ret
def reduce_op(ctx, op:ReduceOps, x, new_shape):
ret = ctx.op.reduce_op(ctx, op, x, new_shape)
log_op(op, ret, [x])
assert isinstance(ret, ctx.buffer)
assert ret.shape == tuple(new_shape)
log_op(op, ret, [x])
return ret
def binary_op(ctx, op:BinaryOps, x, y):
assert x.shape == y.shape
ret = ctx.op.binary_op(ctx, op, x, y)
log_op(op, ret, [x, y])
assert isinstance(ret, ctx.buffer)
assert ret.shape == x.shape
log_op(op, ret, [x, y])
return ret
def movement_op(ctx, op:MovementOps, x, arg=None):
ret = ctx.op.movement_op(ctx, op, x, arg)
log_op(op, ret, [x])
assert isinstance(ret, ctx.buffer)
assert ret.shape == ShapeTracker(*x.shape).movement_op(op, arg).shape
log_op(op, ret, [x])
return ret
def processing_op(ctx, op:ProcessingOps, x, y, out_shape, C):
# TODO: can we do better than out_shape?
if getattr(ctx.op, "preprocessing_op", None) is not None: x,y,C = ctx.op.preprocessing_op(ctx, op, x, y, out_shape, C)
ret = ctx.op.processing_op(ctx, op, x, y, out_shape, C)
log_op(op, ret, [x, y])
if getattr(ctx.op, "postprocessing_op", None) is not None: ret = ctx.op.postprocessing_op(ctx, op, ret, out_shape, C)
assert isinstance(ret, ctx.buffer)
assert ret.shape == out_shape
log_op(op, ret, [x, y])
return ret
@ -54,8 +54,10 @@ def strides_for_shape(shape):
# TODO: support simplification across views
class ShapeTracker:
def __init__(self, *shape, strides=None):
assert all([isinstance(x, int) for x in shape])
if len(shape) == 0: shape = (1,)
self.views = [View(shape, strides_for_shape(shape) if strides == None else strides)]
self.contiguous = True
def shape(self): return tuple(self.views[-1].shape)
@ -74,18 +76,21 @@ class ShapeTracker:
self.views.append(View(new_shape, strides_for_shape(new_shape)))
def permute(self, *axis):
self.contiguous = False
assert all([isinstance(x, int) and x >= 0 and x < len(self.shape) for x in axis])
assert len(set(axis)) == len(axis)
assert len(set(axis)) == len(axis) and len(axis) == len(self.shape)
strides = strides_for_shape(self.shape)
self.views.append(View([self.shape[a] for a in axis], [strides[a] for a in axis]))
def slice(self, *arg):
self.contiguous = False
assert len(arg) == len(self.shape)
strides = strides_for_shape(self.shape)
offset = sum([strides[i]*x for i,(x,_) in enumerate(arg)])
self.views += [View([y-x for x,y in arg], strides, offset), ZeroView(self.shape, arg)]
def expand(self, *new_shape):
self.contiguous = False
assert all([isinstance(x, int) for x in new_shape])
assert all([x == y or x == 1 for x,y in zip(self.shape, new_shape)])
strides = [s if x == y else 0 for s,(x,y) in zip(strides_for_shape(self.shape), zip(self.shape, new_shape))]
@ -93,6 +98,7 @@ class ShapeTracker:
# TODO: combine with slice? this doesn't require a ZeroView, though slice shouldn't always either
def stride(self, *mul):
self.contiguous = False
assert all([isinstance(x, int) for x in mul])
old_strides = strides_for_shape(self.shape)
strides = [z*m for z,m in zip(old_strides, mul)]
@ -101,5 +107,6 @@ class ShapeTracker:
self.views.append(View(new_shape, strides, offset))
# TODO: this is a special case of slice with strides, remove it
# though it's nice that it can't change size
def flip(self, *axis):
self.stride(*[-1 if i in axis else 1 for i in range(len((self.shape)))])
Reference in New Issue