mirror of https://github.com/commaai/tinygrad.git
fix casting behavior for interpreted buffers (#1525)
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import math
import numpy as np
import unittest
from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor
from tinygrad.helpers import getenv, IMAGE, DEBUG, CI, dtypes
from tinygrad.helpers import getenv, IMAGE, DEBUG, CI
from tinygrad.lazy import Device
if CI:
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ FORWARD_ONLY = getenv("FORWARD_ONLY", 0)
def helper_test_op(shps, torch_fxn, tinygrad_fxn=None, atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-3, grad_atol=1e-4, grad_rtol=1e-3, forward_only=False, vals=None, a=-0.5, b=3):
if tinygrad_fxn is None: tinygrad_fxn = torch_fxn
ts, tst = prepare_test_op(a, b, shps, vals)
ts, tst = prepare_test_op(a, b, shps, vals, forward_only)
st = time.monotonic()
out = torch_fxn(*ts)
@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ def helper_test_op(shps, torch_fxn, tinygrad_fxn=None, atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-3, gra
if not CI: print("\ntesting %40r torch/tinygrad fp: %.2f / %.2f ms bp: %.2f / %.2f ms " % (shps, torch_fp*1000, tinygrad_fp*1000, torch_fbp*1000, tinygrad_fbp*1000), end="")
def prepare_test_op(a, b, shps, vals):
def prepare_test_op(a, b, shps, vals, forward_only=False):
if shps is None: ts = [torch.tensor(x, requires_grad=True) for x in vals]
else: ts = [torch.tensor((np.random.random(size=x) + a) * b, requires_grad=True, dtype=torch.float32) for x in shps]
tst = [Tensor(x.detach().numpy(), requires_grad=not FORWARD_ONLY) for x in ts]
if shps is None: ts = [torch.tensor(x, requires_grad=(not forward_only)) for x in vals]
else: ts = [torch.tensor((np.random.random(size=x) + a) * b, requires_grad=(not forward_only), dtype=torch.float32) for x in shps]
tst = [Tensor(x.detach().numpy(), requires_grad=(not forward_only and not FORWARD_ONLY)) for x in ts]
return ts, tst
class TestOps(unittest.TestCase):
@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ class TestOps(unittest.TestCase):
def test_div(self):
helper_test_op([(45,65), (45,65)], lambda x,y: x/y, Tensor.div)
helper_test_op([(), ()], lambda x,y: x/y, Tensor.div)
helper_test_op(None, lambda x,y: x/y, Tensor.div, forward_only=True, vals=[[5],[1]])
def test_div_const(self):
helper_test_op([(45,65)], lambda x: x/255, lambda x: x/255)
helper_test_op([(45,65)], lambda x: x/1, lambda x: x/1)
@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ class dtypes:
half = float16
float32: Final[DType] = DType(4, 4, "float", np.float32)
float = float32
float64: Final[DType] = DType(0, 8, "double", np.float64)
double = float64
int8: Final[DType] = DType(0, 1, "char", np.int8)
int16: Final[DType] = DType(1, 2, "short", np.int16)
int32: Final[DType] = DType(2, 4, "int", np.int32)
@ -81,11 +81,8 @@ class LazyOp:
class Interpreted:
def __init__(self, buffer, fxn_for_op: Dict[Op, Callable], from_lazybuffer=lambda x: x.realized, to_underlying=lambda x: x._buf, from_underlying=None):
self.buffer = buffer
self.fxn_for_op = fxn_for_op
self.from_lazybuffer = from_lazybuffer
self.buffer, self.fxn_for_op, self.from_lazybuffer, self.to_underlying = buffer, fxn_for_op, from_lazybuffer, to_underlying
self.from_underlying = buffer if from_underlying is None else from_underlying
self.to_underlying = to_underlying
self.synchronize = lambda: None
self.codegen = None
@ -98,6 +95,7 @@ class Interpreted:
srcs = [self.exec_ast(cast(LazyOp, x), context=context, **kwargs) if x.__class__ is LazyOp else self.from_lazybuffer(x) for x in ast.src]
if DEBUG >= 3: st = time.perf_counter()
ret = self.from_underlying(self.fxn_for_op[ast.op](*([self.to_underlying(x) for x in srcs] + ([ast.arg] if ast.arg is not None else []))))
if output is not None and ret.dtype != output.dtype and UnaryOps.CAST in self.fxn_for_op: ret = self.from_underlying(self.fxn_for_op[UnaryOps.CAST](self.to_underlying(ret), (output.dtype, False))) # Do manual casting of ret if it does not match the required output dtype.
if DEBUG >= 3: print(f"*** {'exec' if created_context else ' '} {GlobalCounters.mem_used/1e9:5.2f} GB {(time.perf_counter()-st)*1e3:7.2f} ms op: {ast.op:20s} out({ret.dtype.name}): {str(ret._buf.shape) if hasattr(ret._buf, 'shape') else str(len(ret._buf)):30s} in({len(srcs)}):", list(set(x._buf.shape if hasattr(x._buf, 'shape') else len(x._buf) for x in srcs)), ast.arg if ast.arg is not None else "")
if not created_context: context[ast] = ret
if output is not None and output.output_buffer is not None:
Reference in New Issue