mirror of https://github.com/commaai/tinygrad.git
revert isolated dags scheduling (#5724)
This commit is contained in:
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class TestSchedule(unittest.TestCase):
def test_fold_conv_batchnorm_optim(self):
# this is too high
for optim, cnt in [(nn.optim.Adam, 18), (nn.optim.SGD, 16)]:
for optim, cnt in [(nn.optim.Adam, 19), (nn.optim.SGD, 17)]:
with self.subTest(optim=optim.__name__):
with Tensor.train():
img = Tensor.ones(1,3,4,4)
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ class TestSchedule(unittest.TestCase):
fw = bn(x).contiguous_backward().relu().contiguous()
# TODO: this is too many
check_schedule([x.grad, bn.weight.grad, bn.bias.grad, fw], 9)
check_schedule([x.grad, bn.weight.grad, bn.bias.grad, fw], 10)
def test_fold_conv_relu(self):
c1 = nn.Conv2d(3,16,3)
@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ class TestSchedule(unittest.TestCase):
out0 = a.sum() + b.sum() + 2
out1 = a.sum() + b.sum() + 4
# run_schedule(check_schedule([out0, out1], 1))
run_schedule(check_schedule([out0, out1], 2))
run_schedule(check_schedule([out0, out1], 4))
np.testing.assert_allclose(out0.numpy(), a.numpy().sum()+b.numpy().sum()+2, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
np.testing.assert_allclose(out1.numpy(), a.numpy().sum()+b.numpy().sum()+4, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ class TestSchedule(unittest.TestCase):
out1 = b.max() + out0*2
out2 = a.sum() + out1
# run_schedule(check_schedule([out0, out1, out2], 1))
run_schedule(check_schedule([out0, out1, out2], 3))
run_schedule(check_schedule([out0, out1, out2], 4))
np.testing.assert_allclose(out0.numpy(), out0_np:=a.numpy().sum()+4, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-6)
np.testing.assert_allclose(out1.numpy(), out1_np:=b.numpy().max() + out0_np*2, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-6)
np.testing.assert_allclose(out2.numpy(), a.numpy().sum() + out1_np, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-6)
@ -1096,7 +1096,7 @@ class TestSchedule(unittest.TestCase):
c = a.sum() + 2
d = (a.sum() - b.sum()) * 4
# run_schedule(check_schedule([c, d], 1))
run_schedule(check_schedule([c, d], 2))
run_schedule(check_schedule([c, d], 3))
np.testing.assert_allclose(c.numpy(), a.numpy().sum()+2, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
np.testing.assert_allclose(d.numpy(), (a.numpy().sum() - b.numpy().sum()) * 4, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
@ -186,47 +186,35 @@ def _is_padding_okay(buf:LazyBuffer, realizes:Dict[LazyBuffer, None]) -> bool:
return all(_is_padding_okay(x.base, realizes) for x in buf.srcs)
def _recursive_group(tr:LazyBuffer, st:ShapeTracker, r:LazyBuffer, children:DefaultDict[LazyBuffer, Dict[LazyBuffer, None]],
realizes:Dict[LazyBuffer, None], reduce_for_op:Dict[LazyBuffer, LazyBuffer], group:Dict[LazyBuffer, bool], cache:Set):
realizes:Dict[LazyBuffer, None], reduce_for_op:Dict[LazyBuffer, LazyBuffer], group:Dict[LazyBuffer, None], cache:Set):
"""recursively search the LazyBuffer for groupable children, realize the LazyBuffer if a child can't group"""
if (tr, st) in cache: return
cache.add((tr, st))
if tr in realizes and tr is not r:
# can only fuse contiguous
# max one reduceop per kernel
group[tr] = st.contiguous and st.size == r.st.size and tr not in reduce_for_op
if not st.contiguous or st.size != r.st.size or tr in reduce_for_op: group.setdefault(r)
return group.setdefault(tr)
for tr_next in children[tr]:
# max one reduceop per kernel
if tr_next.op in ReduceOps: return group.setdefault(r)
# can only fuse contiguous
if tr_next.op in ReduceOps or len(st_childs:=dedup(s for s in tr_next.srcs if s.base == tr)) > 1:
group[tr_next] = False
if len(st_childs:=dedup(s for s in tr_next.srcs if s.base == tr)) > 1: return group.setdefault(r)
_recursive_group(tr_next, st+st_childs[0].st, r, children, realizes, reduce_for_op, group, cache)
def _get_inputs(buf:LazyBuffer, r:LazyBuffer, realizes:Dict[LazyBuffer, None], cache:Dict, first=True) -> Set[LazyBuffer]:
if buf.realized is not None or buf.op is MetaOps.CONST or buf in cache: return cache.get(buf, set())
if not first and (buf in realizes or buf is r): cache.setdefault(buf, set((buf,)))
return cache.setdefault(buf, set.union(set(), *iter(_get_inputs(x.base, r, realizes, cache, False) for x in buf.srcs)))
def _get_isolated_children(r:LazyBuffer, reduce_for_op:Dict[LazyBuffer, LazyBuffer], children:DefaultDict[LazyBuffer, Dict[LazyBuffer, None]],\
realizes:Dict[LazyBuffer, None], group:Dict[LazyBuffer, None], realize_reduceop:bool) -> Dict[LazyBuffer, None]:
rc_parents, cache, is_complete = deque(group), set(), not realize_reduceop and len(group) > 1
while rc_parents and is_complete:
realizes:Dict[LazyBuffer, None], group:Dict[LazyBuffer, None]) -> Dict[LazyBuffer, None]:
rc_parents, cache = deque(group), set()
while rc_parents:
if (p:=rc_parents.pop()) in cache: continue
# max one reduceop per kernel
if p.op in ReduceOps: is_complete = False
if p.op in ReduceOps: return {}
rc_parents.extend(x.base for x in p.srcs if x.base.realized is None and x.base is not r)
if not is_complete:
group = {tr:None for tr in group if tr is not r and len(_get_inputs(tr, r, realizes, {})) == 1}
# if only some children can group, we have to realize the reduceop
if group: realizes[r] = None
return group
# search descendants of the reduceop that can cleanly group
descendants: Dict[LazyBuffer, bool] = {}
descendants: Dict[LazyBuffer, None] = {}
for tr in group: _recursive_group(tr, tr.st, tr, children, realizes, reduce_for_op, descendants, cache=set())
descendants_to_group = {tr:None for tr,can_group in descendants.items() if can_group}
return merge_dicts([group, descendants_to_group if len(descendants_to_group) == len(descendants) else {}])
return merge_dicts([group, {} if any(tr in group for tr in descendants) else descendants])
def _graph_schedule(outs:List[LazyBuffer], seen:Set[LazyBuffer]):
"""create a graph for realizing the outputs"""
@ -249,23 +237,23 @@ def _graph_schedule(outs:List[LazyBuffer], seen:Set[LazyBuffer]):
for r in allbufs:
if r.op not in ReduceOps or r in realizes: continue
reduceop_children: Dict[LazyBuffer, bool] = {}
_recursive_group(r, r.st, r, children, realizes, reduce_for_op, reduceop_children, cache=set())
group: Dict[LazyBuffer, None] = {}
_recursive_group(r, r.st, r, children, realizes, reduce_for_op, group, cache=set())
# max one reduceop per kernel
can_chase = all(tr not in reduce_for_op for tr in reduceop_children)
realize_reduceop = any(not can_group for can_group in reduceop_children.values())
group = {tr:None for tr,can_group in reduceop_children.items() if can_group}
if len(group) > 1 or realize_reduceop:
group = _get_isolated_children(r, reduce_for_op, children, realizes, group, realize_reduceop)
can_chase = all(tr not in reduce_for_op for tr in group)
# TODO: forced_realize exists because the scheduler is incapable of checking for self-contained DAGs
forced_realize = r in group
if not forced_realize and len(group) > 1:
group = _get_isolated_children(r, reduce_for_op, children, realizes, group)
# can only fuse assign if no other assign_target is used in the kernel
if any(x.op is MetaOps.ASSIGN for x in group):
if not forced_realize and any(x.op is MetaOps.ASSIGN for x in group):
parents = deque((r, *group))
while parents and group:
while parents and not forced_realize:
if (p:=parents.pop().base).realized or p in realizes:
if p in assign_targets and assign_targets[p] not in group: group, can_chase = {}, False
if p in assign_targets and assign_targets[p] not in group: forced_realize, can_chase = True, False
if not group:
if forced_realize or not group:
tr = r
if can_chase:
# can chase this down to contiguous children
@ -278,14 +266,12 @@ def _graph_schedule(outs:List[LazyBuffer], seen:Set[LazyBuffer]):
st = st + st_childs[0].st
if not st.contiguous or tr_next.op in ReduceOps: break
tr = tr_next
# don't cast to higher size before store
# don't cast to higher size before store (tr cannot be realized if forced_realize)
if tr.op is UnaryOps.CAST and tr.arg.itemsize > tr.srcs[0].dtype.itemsize:
tr = tr.srcs[0].base
reduce_for_op[tr] = r
if not FUSE_AS_ONE_KERNEL: realizes[tr] = None
if realize_reduceop: realizes[r] = None
reduce_for_op.update((tr, r) for tr in group)
else: reduce_for_op.update((tr, r) for tr in group)
# fuse double reduces with no other child
Reference in New Issue