2023-08-02 00:35:48 +08:00
from typing import Tuple, Dict, List
from tinygrad.helpers import DType
from tinygrad.tensor import Device, Tensor
from tinygrad.jit import TinyJit
2023-08-22 22:36:24 +08:00
from tinygrad.nn.state import get_state_dict
2023-08-02 00:35:48 +08:00
import json
def compile_net(run:TinyJit, special_names:Dict[int,str]) -> Tuple[Dict[str,str],List[Tuple[str,List[str],List[int]]],Dict[str,Tuple[int,DType,int]],Dict[str,Tensor]]:
functions, bufs, bufs_to_save, statements, bufnum = {}, {}, {}, [], 0
2023-08-19 05:39:55 +08:00
for fxn,args,var_vals in run.jit_cache:
assert not var_vals, "symbolic shape is not supported"
2023-08-02 00:35:48 +08:00
functions[fxn.name] = fxn.prg # NOTE: this assumes all with the same name are the same
cargs = []
for i,arg in enumerate(args):
key = id(arg)
if key not in bufs:
if key in special_names:
bufs[key] = (special_names[key], arg._memsz, arg.dtype, key)
bufs[key] = (f"buf_{bufnum}", arg._memsz, arg.dtype, key)
bufnum += 1
if i > 0: bufs_to_save[bufs[key][0]] = arg # if first usage of a buffer is not an output, and it's not a special name
statements.append((fxn.name, cargs, fxn.global_size, fxn.local_size))
return functions, statements, {name:(size, dtype, key) for (name,size,dtype,key) in bufs.values()}, bufs_to_save
def jit_model(model, the_input:Tensor) -> Tuple[TinyJit,Dict[int,str]]:
assert hasattr(model, "forward") or callable(model), "model needs a forward function"
def run(x): return (model.forward(x) if hasattr(model, "forward") else model(x)).realize()
# twice to run the JIT
for _ in range(2): the_output = run(the_input)
# hack to put the inputs back
assert len(run.input_replace) == 1, f"didn't get one input to replace {run.input_replace}"
for (j,i),idx in run.input_replace.items():
run.jit_cache[j][1][i] = the_input.lazydata.realized
# TODO: fetch this from the jit in self.input_replace and self.ret (hint: use get_parameters on self.ret)
special_names = {id(the_input.lazydata.realized): "input", id(the_output.lazydata.realized): "outputs"}
return run, special_names
def export_model_clang(functions:Dict[str,str], statements:Dict[str,Tuple[str,int,int]], bufs:Dict[str,Tuple[str,int,int]], bufs_to_save:Dict[str,Tensor]) -> str:
from tinygrad.runtime.ops_clang import CLANG_PROGRAM_HEADER
for name,cl in bufs_to_save.items():
weight = ''.join(["\\x%02X"%x for x in bytes(cl._buf)])
cprog.append(f"unsigned char {name}_data[] = \"{weight}\";")
cprog += [f"float {name}[{len}];" if name not in bufs_to_save else f"float *{name} = (float *){name}_data;" for name,(len,dtype,_key) in bufs.items() if name not in ['input', 'outputs']]
cprog += list(functions.values())
cprog += ["void net(float* input, float* outputs) {"] + [f"{name}({', '.join(args)});" for (name, args, _global_size, _local_size) in statements] + ["}"]
return '\n'.join(cprog)
def export_model_webgpu(functions, statements, bufs, bufs_to_save, weight_names) -> Tuple[str,int,int]:
kernel_code = '\n\n'.join([f"const {key} = `{code.replace(key, 'main')}`;" for key, code in functions.items()])
kernel_names = ', '.join([name for (name, _args, _global_size, _local_size) in statements])
kernel_calls = '\n '.join([f"addComputePass(device, commandEncoder, piplines[{i}], [{', '.join(args)}], {global_size});" for i, (_name, args, global_size, _local_size) in enumerate(statements) ])
_bufs = '\n '.join([f"const {name} = " + (f"createEmptyBuf(device, {size});" if _key not in weight_names else f"createWeightBuf(device, {size}, getTensorBuffer(safetensor, metadata['{weight_names[_key]}']))") + ";" for name,(size,dtype,_key) in bufs.items()])
return f"""
const getTensorMetadata = (safetensorBuffer) => {{
const metadataLength = Number(new DataView(safetensorBuffer.buffer).getBigUint64(0, true));
const metadata = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder("utf8").decode(safetensorBuffer.subarray(8, 8 + metadataLength)));
return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(metadata).filter(([k, v]) => k !== "__metadata__").map(([k, v]) => [k, {{...v, data_offsets: v.data_offsets.map(x => 8 + metadataLength + x)}}]));
const getTensorBuffer = (safetensorBuffer, tensorMetadata) => {{
return safetensorBuffer.subarray(...tensorMetadata.data_offsets);
const createEmptyBuf = (device, size) => {{
return device.createBuffer({{size, usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST }});
const createWeightBuf = (device, size, data) => {{
const buf = device.createBuffer({{ mappedAtCreation: true, size, usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE }});
new Uint8Array(buf.getMappedRange()).set(data);
return buf;
const addComputePass = (device, commandEncoder, pipeline, bufs, workgroup) => {{
const bindGroup = device.createBindGroup({{layout: pipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0), entries: bufs.map((buffer, index) => ({{ binding: index, resource: {{ buffer }} }}))}});
const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginComputePass();
passEncoder.setBindGroup(0, bindGroup);
const setupNet = async (device, safetensor) => {{
const metadata = getTensorMetadata(safetensor);
const gpuWriteBuffer = device.createBuffer({{size:input.size, usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUBufferUsage.MAP_WRITE }});
const gpuReadBuffer = device.createBuffer({{ size: outputs.size, usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.MAP_READ }});
const kernels = [{kernel_names}];
const piplines = await Promise.all(kernels.map(name => device.createComputePipelineAsync({{layout: "auto", compute: {{ module: device.createShaderModule({{ code: name }}), entryPoint: "main" }}}})));
return async (data) => {{
await gpuWriteBuffer.mapAsync(GPUMapMode.WRITE);
new Float32Array(gpuWriteBuffer.getMappedRange()).set(data);
const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();
commandEncoder.copyBufferToBuffer(gpuWriteBuffer, 0, input, 0, gpuWriteBuffer.size);
commandEncoder.copyBufferToBuffer(outputs, 0, gpuReadBuffer, 0, outputs.size);
const gpuCommands = commandEncoder.finish();
await gpuReadBuffer.mapAsync(GPUMapMode.READ);
const resultBuffer = new Float32Array(gpuReadBuffer.size);
resultBuffer.set(new Float32Array(gpuReadBuffer.getMappedRange()));
return resultBuffer;
""" + f"\n\nconst loadNet = async (device) => {{ return await fetch('net.safetensors').then(x => x.arrayBuffer()).then(x => setupNet(device, new Uint8Array(x))); }}"
def export_model(model, input:Tensor, target:str):
assert Device.DEFAULT in ["WEBGPU", "CLANG", "CUDA", "GPU", "METAL"], "only WEBGPU, CLANG, CUDA, GPU, METAL are supported"
run,special_names = jit_model(model, input)
functions, statements, bufs, bufs_to_save = compile_net(run, special_names)
state = get_state_dict(model)
weight_names = {id(x.lazydata.realized): name for name, x in state.items()}
prg = ""
if target == "clang":
prg = export_model_clang(functions, statements, bufs, bufs_to_save)
elif target == "webgpu":
prg = export_model_webgpu(functions, statements, bufs, bufs_to_save, weight_names)
prg = json.dumps({
"backend": Device.DEFAULT,
"input": {
"size": bufs['input'][0],
"dtype": bufs['input'][1].name
"output": {
"size": bufs["outputs"][0],
"dtype": bufs["outputs"][1].name
"functions": functions,
"statements": [{
"kernel": kernel,
"args": args,
"global_size": global_size,
"local_size": local_size
} for (kernel, args, global_size, local_size) in statements],
"buffers": {
name: {
"size": size,
"dtype": dtype.name,
"id": weight_names[_key] if _key in weight_names else ""
} for name, (size,dtype,_key) in bufs.items() if name not in ["input", "outputs"]
return prg, bufs['input'][0], bufs['outputs'][0], state