2024-04-17 01:53:18 +08:00
import functools
import time
import unittest
2024-04-26 00:40:49 +08:00
from tinygrad import Tensor, TinyJit, GlobalCounters, Device
2024-04-20 08:07:46 +08:00
from tinygrad.helpers import getenv, Context
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from tinygrad.nn.optim import SGD
from tinygrad.nn.state import get_parameters
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from tinygrad.engine.realize import run_schedule
2024-04-17 01:53:18 +08:00
from extra.models import resnet
from examples.mlperf.initializers import Conv2dHeNormal, Linear
from examples.hlb_cifar10 import UnsyncedBatchNorm
# benchmark memory or kernel count: DEFAULT_FLOAT=HALF python test/external/external_benchmark_resnet.py
# benchmark speed: BEAM=2 JITCNT=10 DEFAULT_FLOAT=HALF python test/external/external_benchmark_resnet.py
# benchmark only one layer: BEAM=2 DEFAULT_FLOAT=HALF python test/external/external_benchmark_resnet.py BenchmarkResnetTrain.test_layer1_2
# inspect: DEBUG=2 BEAM=2 DEFAULT_FLOAT=HALF python test/external/external_benchmark_resnet.py
2024-04-26 00:40:49 +08:00
# inspect 1x1 convs: DEBUG=2 BEAM=2 CONV=2 DEFAULT_FLOAT=HALF python test/external/external_benchmark_resnet.py
# inspect 3x3 convs: DEBUG=2 BEAM=2 CONV=2 DEFAULT_FLOAT=HALF python test/external/external_benchmark_resnet.py
# inspect 3x3 convs with batchnorm: DEBUG=2 BEAM=2 CONV=2 BN=1 DEFAULT_FLOAT=HALF python test/external/external_benchmark_resnet.py
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# etc
2024-04-20 08:07:46 +08:00
# use ASSIGN=0 to disable batchnorm/optimizer assigns
2024-04-17 01:53:18 +08:00
# memory will be slightly high with JITCNT > 1
bs = getenv("BS", 64)
class BenchmarkResnetTrain(unittest.TestCase):
def _get_layer(self, layer_i, slice_i):
# isolate to conv, with or without BN
conv = getenv("CONV", 0)
bn = getenv("BN", 0)
if not hasattr(self, 'model'):
resnet.Conv2d = Conv2dHeNormal
resnet.Linear = Linear
if not getenv("SYNCBN"): resnet.BatchNorm = functools.partial(UnsyncedBatchNorm, num_devices=1)
self.model = resnet.ResNet50()
self.layers = [self.model.layer1, self.model.layer2, self.model.layer3, self.model.layer4]
layer = self.layers[layer_i][slice_i]
xy = 112 >> layer_i
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xy >>= (1 if slice_i > 0 or layer_i == 0 else 0) # layer 1 is preceded by maxpool2d
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name = f"layer{layer_i+1} slice{slice_i+1}"
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# get specific conv
2024-04-17 01:53:18 +08:00
if conv:
2024-04-26 00:40:49 +08:00
convs = [layer.conv1, layer.conv2, layer.conv3] + ([layer.downsample[0]] if layer.downsample else [])
bns = [layer.bn1, layer.bn2, layer.bn3] + ([layer.downsample[1]] if layer.downsample else [])
f = [convs[conv-1]]
if bn: f.append(bns[conv-1])
cin = f[0].in_channels
if conv == 3: xy //= convs[1].stride
return f"{name} conv{conv} x{str((bs, cin, xy, xy)):20s} k{str(f[0].weight.shape):20s}" + (" bn" if bn else ""), f, cin, xy
2024-04-17 01:53:18 +08:00
cin = layer.conv1.in_channels
return f"{name} x{(bs, cin, xy, xy)}", [layer], cin, xy
def _test_layer(self, name, layer, cin, xy):
optim = SGD(get_parameters(layer), bs / 128 * 1.0) # need sgd for some params but not consequential for benchmarking
2024-10-16 12:13:20 +08:00
with Context(TRACK_MATCH_STATS=0): Tensor.realize(*[t.assign(t.detach().contiguous()) for t in get_parameters(optim)])
2024-04-17 01:53:18 +08:00
JITCNT = getenv("JITCNT", 1)
Tensor.training = True
def step(x):
2024-04-26 00:40:49 +08:00
x.grad = None
y = x.sequential(layer).contiguous().contiguous_backward()
if getenv("ASSIGN", 1): sched, _ = Tensor.schedule_with_vars(y, x.grad, *optim.schedule_step())
else: sched, _ = Tensor.schedule_with_vars(y, x.grad, *[t.grad for t in optim.params])
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2024-04-26 00:40:49 +08:00
for _ in range(JITCNT):
2024-06-27 19:45:29 +08:00
2024-04-17 01:53:18 +08:00
CNT = getenv("CNT", 5)
best_tm = None
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flops, mem_used, mem, kernels = None, None, None, None
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for i in range(CNT):
2024-10-16 12:13:20 +08:00
with Context(TRACK_MATCH_STATS=0): x = Tensor.randn(bs, cin, xy, xy, requires_grad=True).realize()
2024-04-17 01:53:18 +08:00
st = time.perf_counter()
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2024-04-17 01:53:18 +08:00
et = time.perf_counter()
2024-04-26 00:40:49 +08:00
flops = GlobalCounters.global_ops / JITCNT
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mem_used = GlobalCounters.mem_used # a little high with JITCNT > 1 fsr
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mem = GlobalCounters.global_mem / JITCNT
if kernels is None: kernels = GlobalCounters.kernel_count // JITCNT
2024-04-17 01:53:18 +08:00
tm = (et-st) / JITCNT
2024-04-17 02:43:00 +08:00
if best_tm is None or tm < best_tm: best_tm = tm
2024-04-27 08:07:17 +08:00
print(f"\r{name:38s}: {best_tm * 1000:>9.2f} ms, {flops / 10**12 / best_tm:>6.2f} tflops, {mem / 10**9 / best_tm:>5.0f} GB/s, "
f"{mem_used / 10**9: 6.2f} GB used, {kernels:>5d} kernels")
2024-04-26 00:40:49 +08:00
return best_tm, flops, mem, kernels
def test_layer1_1(self): self._est(*self._test_layer(*self._get_layer(0, 0)), 1)
def test_layer1_2(self): self._est(*self._test_layer(*self._get_layer(0, 1)), 2)
def test_layer2_1(self): self._est(*self._test_layer(*self._get_layer(1, 0)), 1)
def test_layer2_2(self): self._est(*self._test_layer(*self._get_layer(1, 1)), 3)
def test_layer3_1(self): self._est(*self._test_layer(*self._get_layer(2, 0)), 1)
def test_layer3_2(self): self._est(*self._test_layer(*self._get_layer(2, 1)), 5)
def test_layer4_1(self): self._est(*self._test_layer(*self._get_layer(3, 0)), 1)
def test_layer4_2(self): self._est(*self._test_layer(*self._get_layer(3, 1)), 2)
est_tm, est_flops, est_mem, est_kernels = 0, 0, 0, 0
def _est(cls, tm, flops, mem, kernels, mult):
cls.est_tm += tm * mult
cls.est_flops += flops * mult
cls.est_mem += mem * mult
cls.est_kernels += kernels * mult
def tearDownClass(cls):
print(f"\restimated step tm: {cls.est_tm * 1000.0:.2f} ms, {cls.est_flops / 10 ** 12 / cls.est_tm:.3f} tflops, "
f"{cls.est_mem / 10 ** 9 / cls.est_tm:.2f} GB/s, {cls.est_kernels} kernels")
2024-04-17 01:53:18 +08:00
if __name__ == '__main__':