
203 lines
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import os
import time
import pytest
import random
import threading
from flaky import flaky
from collections import defaultdict
from panda import Panda
from panda.tests.hitl.conftest import PandaGroup
from panda.tests.hitl.helpers import time_many_sends, get_random_can_messages, clear_can_buffers
@flaky(max_runs=3, min_passes=1)
def test_send_recv(p, panda_jungle):
def test(p_send, p_recv):
for bus in (0, 1, 2):
for speed in (10, 20, 50, 100, 125, 250, 500, 1000):
clear_can_buffers(p_send, speed)
clear_can_buffers(p_recv, speed)
comp_kbps = time_many_sends(p_send, bus, p_recv, two_pandas=True)
saturation_pct = (comp_kbps / speed) * 100.0
assert 80 < saturation_pct < 100
print("two pandas bus {}, 100 messages at speed {:4d}, comp speed is {:7.2f}, {:6.2f}%".format(bus, speed, comp_kbps, saturation_pct))
# Run tests in both directions
test(p, panda_jungle)
test(panda_jungle, p)
@flaky(max_runs=6, min_passes=1)
def test_latency(p, panda_jungle):
def test(p_send, p_recv):
for bus in (0, 1, 2):
for speed in (10, 20, 50, 100, 125, 250, 500, 1000):
clear_can_buffers(p_send, speed)
clear_can_buffers(p_recv, speed)
latencies = []
comp_kbps_list = []
saturation_pcts = []
num_messages = 100
for _ in range(num_messages):
st = time.monotonic()
p_send.can_send(0x1ab, b"message", bus)
r = []
while len(r) < 1 and (time.monotonic() - st) < 5:
r = p_recv.can_recv()
et = time.monotonic()
r_echo = []
while len(r_echo) < 1 and (time.monotonic() - st) < 10:
r_echo = p_send.can_recv()
if len(r) == 0 or len(r_echo) == 0:
print("r: {}, r_echo: {}".format(r, r_echo))
assert len(r) == 1
assert len(r_echo) == 1
et = (et - st) * 1000.0
comp_kbps = (1 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 8 * 8 + 15 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7) / et
latency = et - ((1 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 8 * 8 + 15 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7) / speed)
assert latency < 5.0
saturation_pct = (comp_kbps / speed) * 100.0
average_latency = sum(latencies) / num_messages
assert average_latency < 1.0
average_comp_kbps = sum(comp_kbps_list) / num_messages
average_saturation_pct = sum(saturation_pcts) / num_messages
print("two pandas bus {}, {} message average at speed {:4d}, latency is {:5.3f}ms, comp speed is {:7.2f}, percent {:6.2f}"
.format(bus, num_messages, speed, average_latency, average_comp_kbps, average_saturation_pct))
# Run tests in both directions
test(p, panda_jungle)
test(panda_jungle, p)
def test_gen2_loopback(p, panda_jungle):
def test(p_send, p_recv, address=None):
for bus in range(4):
obd = False
if bus == 3:
obd = True
bus = 1
# Clear buses
# Send a random string
addr = address if address else random.randint(1, 2000)
string = b"test" + os.urandom(4)
p_send.can_send(addr, string, bus)
content = p_recv.can_recv()
# Check amount of messages
assert len(content) == 1
# Check content
assert content[0][0] == addr and content[0][2] == string
# Check bus
assert content[0][3] == bus
print("Bus:", bus, "address:", addr, "OBD:", obd, "OK")
# Run tests in both directions
test(p, panda_jungle)
test(panda_jungle, p)
# Test extended frame address with ELM327 mode
test(p, panda_jungle, 0x18DB33F1)
test(panda_jungle, p, 0x18DB33F1)
# TODO: why it's not being reset by fixtures reinit?
def test_bulk_write(p, panda_jungle):
# The TX buffers on pandas is 0x100 in length.
def flood_tx(panda):
msg = b"\xaa" * 8
packet = []
# start with many messages on a single bus (higher contention for single TX ring buffer)
packet += [[0xaa, None, msg, 0]] * NUM_MESSAGES_PER_BUS
# end with many messages on multiple buses
packet += [[0xaa, None, msg, 0], [0xaa, None, msg, 1], [0xaa, None, msg, 2]] * NUM_MESSAGES_PER_BUS
# Disable timeout
panda.can_send_many(packet, timeout=0)
print(f"Done sending {4 * NUM_MESSAGES_PER_BUS} messages!", time.monotonic())
# Start transmisson
threading.Thread(target=flood_tx, args=(p,)).start()
# Receive as much as we can in a few second time period
rx = []
old_len = 0
start_time = time.monotonic()
while time.monotonic() - start_time < 5 or len(rx) > old_len:
old_len = len(rx)
print(f"Received {len(rx)} messages", time.monotonic())
# All messages should have been received
if len(rx) != 4 * NUM_MESSAGES_PER_BUS:
raise Exception("Did not receive all messages!")
def test_message_integrity(p):
for i in range(250):
sent_msgs = defaultdict(set)
for _ in range(random.randrange(10)):
to_send = get_random_can_messages(random.randrange(100))
for m in to_send:
sent_msgs[m[3]].add((m[0], m[2]))
p.can_send_many(to_send, timeout=0)
start_time = time.monotonic()
while time.monotonic() - start_time < 2 and any(len(sent_msgs[bus]) for bus in range(3)):
recvd = p.can_recv()
for msg in recvd:
if msg[3] >= 128:
k = (msg[0], bytes(msg[2]))
bus = msg[3]-128
assert k in sent_msgs[bus], f"message {k} was never sent on bus {bus}"
# if a set isn't empty, messages got dropped
for bus in range(3):
assert not len(sent_msgs[bus]), f"loop {i}: bus {bus} missing {len(sent_msgs[bus])} messages"
print("Got all messages intact")