* fix W391
* E262
* E703
* W293
* some E
* E231
* some more E
* E225
* more E
* E252
* no tabs
* more tabs
* E701
* uds.py
* almost all of them
* only e265 left
* not sure why this is triggering on commented out code
* ignore esptool
* Added uno
* Added usb switch support
* Added PWM and IR power functions
* Implemented bootkick
* Added uno as a new hw type
* Bumped version
* Added fan control and tach readout
* WIP: RTC support
* Working RTC
* Fixed python
* Misra compliance
* Added USB control messages for fan/IR power
* Added USB commands + tests for fan & IR control. Fixed bootstub and pedal compilation
* Added IR and fan to power saving mode
* Changed defaults
* Fix safety considering uno
* passing safety now
* Minor UNO tweaks
* Fixed version
* More minor temporary tweaks
* Removed usb load switch from uno
* Added power control for shutting down the fan completely
* Disable IR LEDs by default
* Fixed linter issue
* Linter fix#2