HKG: Interface refactor (#1292)
* refactor experimentalLongiudinalAvailable * refactor enableBsm * refactor Panda safety config * section headers * radarUnavailable to common long section * dashcam cars to car specific section
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,19 +17,15 @@ class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
def _get_params(ret: structs.CarParams, candidate, fingerprint, car_fw, experimental_long, docs) -> structs.CarParams:
ret.carName = "hyundai"
ret.radarUnavailable = RADAR_START_ADDR not in fingerprint[1] or DBC[ret.carFingerprint]["radar"] is None
# These cars have been put into dashcam only due to both a lack of users and test coverage.
# These cars likely still work fine. Once a user confirms each car works and a test route is
# added to opendbc/car/tests/, we can remove it from this list.
# FIXME: the Optima Hybrid 2017 uses a different SCC12 checksum
ret.dashcamOnly = candidate in {CAR.KIA_OPTIMA_H, }
hda2 = Ecu.adas in [fw.ecu for fw in car_fw]
CAN = CanBus(None, hda2, fingerprint)
if candidate in CANFD_CAR:
# detect if car is hybrid
# Shared configuration for CAN-FD cars
ret.experimentalLongitudinalAvailable = candidate not in (CANFD_UNSUPPORTED_LONGITUDINAL_CAR | CANFD_RADAR_SCC_CAR)
ret.enableBsm = 0x1e5 in fingerprint[CAN.ECAN]
if 0x105 in fingerprint[CAN.ECAN]:
ret.flags |= HyundaiFlags.HYBRID.value
@ -50,44 +46,7 @@ class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
ret.flags |= HyundaiFlags.CANFD_ALT_GEARS.value
if candidate not in CANFD_RADAR_SCC_CAR:
ret.flags |= HyundaiFlags.CANFD_CAMERA_SCC.value
# Send LFA message on cars with HDA
if 0x485 in fingerprint[2]:
ret.flags |= HyundaiFlags.SEND_LFA.value
# These cars use the FCA11 message for the AEB and FCW signals, all others use SCC12
if 0x38d in fingerprint[0] or 0x38d in fingerprint[2]:
ret.flags |= HyundaiFlags.USE_FCA.value
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.1 # Default delay
ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.4
CarInterfaceBase.configure_torque_tune(candidate, ret.lateralTuning)
if candidate == CAR.KIA_OPTIMA_G4_FL:
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.2
# *** longitudinal control ***
if candidate in CANFD_CAR:
ret.experimentalLongitudinalAvailable = candidate not in (CANFD_UNSUPPORTED_LONGITUDINAL_CAR | CANFD_RADAR_SCC_CAR)
ret.experimentalLongitudinalAvailable = candidate not in (UNSUPPORTED_LONGITUDINAL_CAR | CAMERA_SCC_CAR)
ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = experimental_long and ret.experimentalLongitudinalAvailable
ret.pcmCruise = not ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl
ret.stoppingControl = True
ret.startingState = True
ret.vEgoStarting = 0.1
ret.startAccel = 1.0
ret.longitudinalActuatorDelay = 0.5
# *** feature detection ***
if candidate in CANFD_CAR:
ret.enableBsm = 0x1e5 in fingerprint[CAN.ECAN]
ret.enableBsm = 0x58b in fingerprint[0]
# *** panda safety config ***
if candidate in CANFD_CAR:
cfgs = [get_safety_config(structs.CarParams.SafetyModel.hyundaiCanfd), ]
if CAN.ECAN >= 4:
cfgs.insert(0, get_safety_config(structs.CarParams.SafetyModel.noOutput))
@ -101,7 +60,20 @@ class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
ret.safetyConfigs[-1].safetyParam |= Panda.FLAG_HYUNDAI_CANFD_ALT_BUTTONS
if ret.flags & HyundaiFlags.CANFD_CAMERA_SCC:
ret.safetyConfigs[-1].safetyParam |= Panda.FLAG_HYUNDAI_CAMERA_SCC
# Shared configuration for non CAN-FD cars
ret.experimentalLongitudinalAvailable = candidate not in (UNSUPPORTED_LONGITUDINAL_CAR | CAMERA_SCC_CAR)
ret.enableBsm = 0x58b in fingerprint[0]
# Send LFA message on cars with HDA
if 0x485 in fingerprint[2]:
ret.flags |= HyundaiFlags.SEND_LFA.value
# These cars use the FCA11 message for the AEB and FCW signals, all others use SCC12
if 0x38d in fingerprint[0] or 0x38d in fingerprint[2]:
ret.flags |= HyundaiFlags.USE_FCA.value
if candidate in LEGACY_SAFETY_MODE_CAR:
# these cars require a special panda safety mode due to missing counters and checksums in the messages
ret.safetyConfigs = [get_safety_config(structs.CarParams.SafetyModel.hyundaiLegacy)]
@ -111,6 +83,24 @@ class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
if candidate in CAMERA_SCC_CAR:
ret.safetyConfigs[0].safetyParam |= Panda.FLAG_HYUNDAI_CAMERA_SCC
# Common lateral control setup
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.4
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.1
ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.4
CarInterfaceBase.configure_torque_tune(candidate, ret.lateralTuning)
# Common longitudinal control setup
ret.radarUnavailable = RADAR_START_ADDR not in fingerprint[1] or DBC[ret.carFingerprint]["radar"] is None
ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = experimental_long and ret.experimentalLongitudinalAvailable
ret.pcmCruise = not ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl
ret.stoppingControl = True
ret.startingState = True
ret.vEgoStarting = 0.1
ret.startAccel = 1.0
ret.longitudinalActuatorDelay = 0.5
if ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
ret.safetyConfigs[-1].safetyParam |= Panda.FLAG_HYUNDAI_LONG
if ret.flags & HyundaiFlags.HYBRID:
@ -118,11 +108,18 @@ class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
elif ret.flags & HyundaiFlags.EV:
ret.safetyConfigs[-1].safetyParam |= Panda.FLAG_HYUNDAI_EV_GAS
# Car specific configuration overrides
if candidate == CAR.KIA_OPTIMA_G4_FL:
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.2
ret.flags |= HyundaiFlags.ALT_LIMITS.value
ret.safetyConfigs[-1].safetyParam |= Panda.FLAG_HYUNDAI_ALT_LIMITS
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.4
# Dashcam cars are missing a test route, or otherwise need validation
# TODO: Optima Hybrid 2017 uses a different SCC12 checksum
ret.dashcamOnly = candidate in {CAR.KIA_OPTIMA_H, }
return ret
Reference in New Issue